Chapter 557 Attacking the Mind
When the ninth elder brother came out of the Qianqing Palace again, he saw the tenth elder brother still standing under the Qianqing gate.

Seeing him coming out, Elder Brother Shi came up to meet him and said, "Is there something about the falling star with Khan Amati?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Well, Master Khan will check the whereabouts of the sign with you."

Elder Brother Ten took out his pocket watch, looked at it, and said, "It's time for dinner..."

Brother Jiu said: "Then go back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with me first, I guess your sister-in-law should send someone to bring a lunch box."

As soon as the two arrived at the gate of the House of Internal Affairs, they bumped into Zhou Song who came to deliver the meal box.

Brother Jiu asked He Yuzhu to take the lunch box, and said, "Tell Fujin that Mr. Peng passed away this morning..."

Zhou Song agreed.

The two brothers went to the yamen to set up a meal.

There are four dishes in the food box, walnut spinach, poached eggs with minced meat, cold cut lamb, soft fried tenderloin, a serving of boiled japonica rice, and a serving of Hanamaki.

The portion is full, and with ten princes, it is enough to eat.

In addition to Brother Nine's tableware, there is also a spare.

After eating, the two brothers went to the clan mansion.

Two here.

As soon as Shu Shu sent off the ten Fujin who stayed with him for dinner, he got the funeral news brought back by Zhou Song.

Although there was this speculation before, I didn't expect it to come so soon.

She told Xiaochun, "Find two plain clothes for preparation."

Because she was worried about the heat in the afternoon, she took advantage of the coolness to run to two places in the morning.

Yikun Palace and Yuqing Palace both went.

Here at Yikun Palace, they just sent the packed Korean ginseng and the makeup mirror over, and then talked about Guining yesterday.

Shu Shu took all the responsibility on herself, and said: "It's my daughter-in-law who is homesick, Master Jiu is sympathetic, so I took my daughter-in-law out of the palace."

Concubine Yi didn't believe it, she said: "Don't speak good words to him, he has such a hasty temper, he doesn't care about his head, he comes and goes in a hurry, you Ama and Er Nie are afraid that you will be shocked."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "No, everyone is happy."

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "This bastard is acting recklessly, even if it's over until today, you can still spend more time with you at your mother's house, Ama and Ernie..."

No matter what, it can be regarded as a supplementary report for Gui Ning yesterday.

She went to Yuqing Palace with Shi Fujin.

The princess is still as gentle as ever.

General Shu Shu talked about what he had seen and heard about Hangzhou, as well as Kangxi's praise of Hangzhou's garrison of the Eight Banners.

The Crown Princess once served with her father in Hangzhou, and she really listened to it with great interest.

When it came to Shifujin, they praised "Wanbao Pavilion" fiercely.

Then, she said to the princess: "At that time, I will also open a 'Wanbao Pavilion' in the capital, and the second sister-in-law will go around and know how interesting foreign goods are..."

Anyway, the sisters-in-law are talking about eating, drinking and having fun, and they are all happy.

It was because Yuqing Palace was looking for the Crown Princess for some internal affairs, so Shu Shu and Shi Fujin took their leave and came back.

After all, Shu Shu and Peng Chun, the cousin, are far away from each other, and the feeling is different from when they heard that the uncle passed away.

It's just sighing that a relative is gone, sadness can't be called, a little sad, it's more about weighing the pros and cons.

That Fu Hai escaped a catastrophe.

In Qi Xi's generation, there are not many brothers with his grandfather.

Before that, only Peng Chun, Bo Ye, and Qi Xi were left.

Now that his brother and cousin passed away one after another, Qi Xi was the only one left in his generation of uncles and brothers.

It's not easy to beat and kill Fu Hai.

Shu Shu sighed.

Everyone has selfishness.

If the title of Dong E's family is leveled and dropped one after another, Shu Shu naturally hopes that her family will be leveled.

She sat in front of the vanity mirror and went to the half tin, and also took off the jasper bracelet and jasper earrings.

Xiaochun also found two plain coats, helped change one, and hung up the other.

Xiaochun said, "When will Fujin go to mourn?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I don't know, it depends on the master's time..."

Zongrenfu Prison.

Usually, the people who are locked up here are either the royal relatives or the relatives of the state. It is the first time that Zhao's status is so low that he doesn't even have an imperial order.

Naturally, there is no preferential treatment.

It is an eight-foot-square compartment with Gong barrels in it.

It has been four and a half months since Mrs. Uncle delivered the certificate and the clan government arrested Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao has long lost her previous brilliance, her hair is gray and in locks, and she looks about the same as her actual age, already a fifty-year-old woman.

She knew Brother Nine, her lips trembled when she saw this, but she didn't know what to say.

Brother Jiu gave her a disgusted look, and said, "Where's the boy card that uncle gave you? Where did you hide it?"

Mrs. Zhao was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I didn't hide it. I lost that sign. It was lost when it was consecrated by Guanghua Temple!"

Brother Jiu said: "Who went to open the light, which monk received it, and how many taels of silver it cost, you should know it in your heart?"

Zhao's eyes panicked, she was silent for a while, then shook her head and said, "It's been too long, I don't remember!"

"Do you not remember, or is there no such thing at all?"

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "Didn't my master go to the temple? The consecration money is all recorded in the temple account, not to mention more than ten years, even the accounts of more than [-] or [-] years can be turned over." come out……"

Mrs. Zhao lowered her head and said, "That may be from other temples..."

Brother Jiu said: "It's really hard talking, this is to force the master to be cruel, He Yuzhu, send someone to arrest Xizhu, tsk tsk, there are such cruel mothers in this world!"

Mrs. Zhao hurriedly raised her head and said eagerly, "Master Jiu, I really lost it. If you want to punish you, just punish me. I don't want to do anything about Xizhu. I just ask you for Fujin's sake..."

"Shut up! What kind of dirty and smelly things are you pulling on me, Fujin?"

Brother Jiu's heart moved, his face became more fierce, and he said: "Xing Quan has already said that after he came back from Baoding that year, your husband and wife had been intimate, a slave who has been the young master of Dong E's family for more than ten years. , dare to act as the master's brother-in-law, don't you want to lose your head?"

Zhao's face turned pale, and she quickly shook her head and said, "Xing Quanhun said that he hates me, he said that on purpose, Xi Zhu is really uncle's flesh and blood, and they all have 'horse hitches'!"

Elder Brother Jiu gave her a funny look and said, "Just talking about it, you are several years older than uncle and Xing Quan, and you were seven or eight years old when Xing Quan's mother tied him the horse stakes. You can’t say that you have a bad memory and you forgot about it, right?”

Mrs. Zhao looked at Brother Jiu with a look of horror on her face.

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "Don't be naughty, I don't have the patience to grind your teeth with you. In my eyes, Xizhu is like an ant. If you speak honestly, I won't bother to talk to him. If you are shameless, you mother and son will be hanged together." When you are ready, it is time for you to settle the lawsuit."

Zhao slumped to the ground.

Brother Jiu didn't wait any longer, and while getting up, he told He Yuzhu: "Go and tell Sunu that Xi Zhu is suspected of killing his father, and arrest him for torture!"

He Yuzhu bowed and agreed.

"Ninth Master..."

Zhao's voice was shrill.

Brother Jiu turned his head and glanced at her.

Mrs. Zhao turned over and knelt down, and said: "Your servant said, my servant said, please leave Xizhu alone, the sign is in Xizhu's room..."

After asking clearly, Brother Nine looked at Mrs. Zhao and said, "Okay, if you're telling the truth, then I won't talk to Xi Zhu. If you dare to play tricks on me, hehe, then you're not waiting for a prisoner." !"

Mrs. Zhao kowtowed and said tremblingly, "Your maidservant speaks the truth, I dare not lie."

Brother Nine snorted coldly and strode out.

Elder Brother Ten watched the whole process from the sidelines, feeling a little tense on his face.

He endured it.

When he got out of the prison of the clan mansion, he said with a sullen smile: "Brother Nine, you looked scary just now, if she insists on not opening her mouth, are you really going to arrest Xizhu?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "I was ordered to do a job, so what else should I be afraid of? If it were someone else, I would still weigh it up. That Xizhu master is eager to teach that kid a lesson."

He felt that in addition to the word "love the house and the crow", he also learned what is "love the house and hate the crow"...

There should be no such word, it just means something similar.

Anyway, it was because Xi Zhu caused trouble to the Yue family, and Fujin didn't like him, so Brother Jiu also didn't like him.

Going to the uncle's mansion to pick up things, elder brother Jiu originally wanted to go there by himself, but thinking about the conversation at Qianqing palace at noon, the emperor didn't want them to get close to the Yue's family.

He held back and sent He Yuzhu: "According to what Mrs. Zhao just said, go and get the things..."

Speaking of this, he thought that this thing might not be very auspicious, so he said, "Don't just take it stupidly, ask for a wooden box or wrap it in a quilt."

He Yuzhu agreed, went out and called a carriage, and went to Zhenghongqi.

He just happened to come over, and happened to run into Mrs. Uncle who was going out to visit the funeral.

"take something?"

Mrs. Uncle was a little surprised when she heard He Yuzhu's intention: "Ms. Zhao said?"

He Yuzhu said: "It is said that it is in the belly of Wenchang statue in Master Xizhu's study."

Mrs. Uncle nodded and said, "I'll take you there."

When we got to the East Road, Xi Zhu was in the study with a copybook of some years in hand.

It was also a copybook written by the uncle himself when Xizhu was a child, bound into it, and enlightened Xizhu.

It's a pity that he is not clever, and he is not enlightened in his studies, which disappointed his uncle.

Xizhu planned very well before, get married and have a son, and then the son will be raised by the uncle.

On Mrs. Uncle's side, the son is not the real son, but the grandson can be the real grandson.

As a result, it's all gone...

His tears fell again.

With tears in his eyes, he saw someone coming in.

Xi Zhu hurriedly lowered his head to wipe away his tears, stood up and said respectfully, "Ma'am..."

Mrs. Uncle didn't even look at him, but looked at the one-and-a-half-foot-high statue of Wenchang Jun on the altar table by the north wall of the study.

It's carved out of wood.

Mrs. Uncle thought for a while, and told the girl behind her, "Go to the east room and get a clean quilt."

The girl went, and came in with a quilt in her arms after a while.

He Yuzhu followed Brother Nine and got another order. Knowing that this was not a good thing, he took a long breath and wrapped the Wenchang statue with a quilt.

Seeing this, Xizhu said anxiously, "Ma'am, this is left to me by my aunt..."

Mrs. Uncle looked up at Xizhu and said, "Your house was cleaned up before your wedding last year. Why don't I remember that it was there?"

Xi Zhu didn't dare to look directly at her, so he looked away, with a embarrassed look on his face, and said, "It started from the back."

Mrs. Uncle looked at Xizhu and said, "You know there is something inside, what did your aunt tell you?"

Xi Zhu bit his lip, with a look of pain on his face.

Madam Bo felt blocked in her heart, and said, "You don't want Guizhen's child, because you are sure that you can have other children, so you enshrine this Wenchang statue, thinking that there is a big treasure for begging for a child hidden in it?"

Xi Zhu's face became paler, he closed his eyes, and neither nodded nor shook his head.

"Stupid, you have also read books..."

After Mrs. Uncle said this, she didn't want to say any more, and turned to leave...

(End of this chapter)

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