My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 558 Ji'an Institute

Chapter 558 Ji’an Office (Third)

When He Yuzhu came back with a quilt in his arms, Brother Nine and Brother Ten were already waiting.

Wenchang seems to be made of wood, and it looks as if it is one piece, but if you look closely, there is a hidden cover on the base of the head.

It's just oiled on the lid.

If you don't pay attention, you should be desperate.

Brother Nine waved his hand and said to Brother Ten, "Stand at the door, don't stand in front of you. Master is thinking about how to open it..."

Before he finished speaking, Brother Ten had already stepped forward, picked up the Wenchang statue and threw it heavily on the ground.

The wooden statue of Wenchang immediately fell apart, revealing the cotton wool in the middle, and a black plaque the size of a palm.

No wonder I couldn't hear the movement inside when I was holding the wooden statue, because the cotton wool filled the gap to the brim.

The color of the sign looks like iron but not iron, gold and not gold, but it is a strange colorful color. It is shaped like a big circle with a small circle on top of it, and it does have the meaning of a sitting boy.

Elder Brother Shi saw the thing clearly, pulled off the quilt immediately, covered the iron plate, and said: "Okay, just confirm that it is indeed this thing, and the rest will wait for the Holy Tribunal."

Brother Nine had no idea, so he pulled Brother Ten out, and said, "Don't lean forward, who knows what's weird, I'll go to Qianqing Palace to see Ama Khan."

Elder Brother Ten was also a little apprehensive, so he nodded in agreement.

Everyone is afraid of death, and teenagers are no exception.

Brother Jiu came to Qianqing Palace for the third time.

"It looks quite different. It looks black at first glance, but it also has gold and other colors. No wonder the elders of Dong E's family regarded it as a treasure at that time..."

Brother Nine described: "It's probably because my son's slap is so big. Fortunately, it is so. If it is really a small brand and I carry it with me, I don't know what will happen."

Kangxi couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

He felt a little regretful in his heart, he didn't think carefully, he shouldn't let the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother investigate this.

Before, I thought it would take a lot of effort to find clues, but after I got the news, I arranged for people to track it down.

As a result, the things were not lost at all, and they were taken back at Dong E's house.

Both of these are silly and bold, and I really watched them.

In the end it was because of his mistake, Kangxi said: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I will send others to watch."

As he said that, he instructed Liang Jiugong: "Ask someone to go to the Guangchu Division to get a set of boxes, and give it to Ma Wu to go to the clan mansion to install the meteor plate. After getting it back, put it directly in Jingshan Ji'an Office..."

Liang Jiugong went down in response.

Brother Nine was so curious that he said, "Khan Ama, are you going to try it in Ji'an, how should you try it? Chicken or duck?"

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "Don't worry about it, just do your job well!"

Brother Nine reluctantly nodded, and then remembered a news heard by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and said: "Ama Khan, I heard that Director Ha is going to be promoted to the censor of Zuodu?"

Kangxi nodded, and said: "The Ministry of Internal Affairs has sorted out almost everything. He was the censor of the left deputy capital, and his qualifications are enough."

Ninth elder brother was a little bit reluctant.

How easy it is for such a rigorous person to be placed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As for the coaters whose eyes were higher than the top, they were also cleaned up honestly.

Ma Qi saw that he was a bachelor, and he would be busy in the future.

He Yi was born as a bodyguard. Compared with those two, there is no way to compare them. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is just making up the numbers.

Brother Nine said: "Then this is not a vacancy for a manager? If there is someone who can do it, you can point out someone else, and my son will free up his hands to do some big things..."

Kangxi said: "Don't think about being lazy, Har Yatu will continue to serve as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

As for the big things that brother Jiu said, Kangxi felt that they were all small ways, so there was no need to waste too much energy.

Just like he used to grind tens of thousands of taels of silver from Yuqian to buy bloodstones.

Brother Nine frowned, and said, "Khan Ama, don't you arrange a special head of the House of Internal Affairs? Lord Ma is concurrently the minister, and Lord Ha also serves as the censor of Zuodu. Even Lord He is also the minister of scattered and lost affairs. Sitting in the hall and stamping..."

Kangxi glanced at Brother Jiu, and said: "Okay, everything is complete, what are you doing? There are quite a few four, and there were mostly three in the early years. If you are short of people, don't you still have Zhang Baozhu and that Gao Yanzhong under your command?" ?”

This time Gao Yanzhong was working with Ma Qi and met him twice. Kangxi had a good impression of him.

Seeing that Kangxi had made up his mind, Brother Jiu left without any fuss.

It was already the beginning of You, when the yamen was down, but he didn't go back to the second office directly, but went to the clan mansion.

Ma Wu is here, with a kit.

The so-called set box is a five-layer box of gold, silver, copper, iron and tin.

It seems to be made of eight heavy treasures, and it is also used to hold things.

The size of the brand is here, even the gold and silver boxes can't fit it, so it's packed three layers.

When Ma Wu left, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother also came out from the clan mansion.

"Khan Ama said that it will be placed in the Ji'an Office in Jingshan..."

Brother Nine said to Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's better to be far away from the palace, but it's okay if you don't know, there may be something strange about it, I feel weird."

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said, "However, it is different from the black and white meteorites I have seen before. This brand is colorful, and it looks a bit extraordinary. Tsk tsk, if it is really a good thing, sir, three times a day." It's all right to worship, I'm afraid it won't be my turn when the time comes, Yuqing Palace is also looking forward to a son-in-law, who can compare with them..."

The tenth elder brother persuaded: "The theory of ghosts and gods is too unpredictable. Ninth brother, you should not believe this. If you take care of your body, you will not worry about anything."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Well, that's what I said."

At the entrance of the second school, brother Jiu was about to open his mouth to save food, but a small head poked out at the door of the third school.

"Master Ten..."

Shi Fujin was a little excited, and greeted him like a bird, took Brother Shi's arm, and said, "I asked the dining room to make egg dumplings. Nine sister-in-law said you like them!"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and nodded, "Well, this one is delicious too. I was thinking of asking you to try it sometime."

Men love to eat meat, and he is no exception.

He also loves eggs.

Last year, the second dining room always had egg dishes.

Among them, there is a dish of "eggs with minced meat" and a dish of "egg dumplings", both of which Brother Shi still wants to eat after eating them.

Seeing that the two of them were sticky, brother Jiu also felt anxious.

There must be delicious food in the own dining room.

He waved at Elder Brother Ten in disgust, and entered the yard.

Elder Brother Shi smiled, lowered his head and said to Fujin Shi: "I'm late, so you should make a cushion in the afternoon..."

As for having dinner separately, he didn't say anything.

He doesn't want to eat alone.

Shi Fujin nodded and said: "I ate it. In the afternoon, I ate half a plate of steamed buns and a few pieces of fried noodles. It was given by Mrs. Jiu, and Mrs. Jiu asked someone to give it to me. Lotus root starch, almond tea, fried noodles, and fried rice With fried noodles..."

Elder Brother Shi felt relieved and said, "Then you should eat well and don't lose weight."

Ten Fujin turned his head sideways, looked at Elder Brother Ten and smiled.

Elder Brother Shi saw that her eyes were like small fans, flickering, as if they were scratching on the heart of a person, and he felt itchy in his heart, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Ten Fujin raised his toes, leaned close to Elder Brother Ten's ear, and whispered, "Do you think my one is too small? Don't worry, as long as you have enough food, it will rise again, and it won't delay our raising it." child!"

Elder Brother Ten's face became hot, and he wanted to block her moist mouth.

"eat first……"

He coughed and said.

Shi Fujin nodded in response, and took Brother Shi's arm into the third institute.

Two upper houses.

Brother Nine simply washed up, changed into clean clothes, and sat in front of the dressing table to look in the mirror.

It was late, Xiaotang had already brought someone to set the dining table in the next room.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu hadn't come out yet, Shu Shu got up and went in for a while, and said, "What are you looking at, you have pimples?"

Brother Jiu put down the mirror and looked back at Shu Shu with a sad look in his eyes.

This poor little look...

Shu Shu reflected for a while, but she didn't think of any negligence.

She pulled Brother Jiu to stand up and said, "Eat first, I'm so hungry to wait for Master to come back."

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Then how can I do it? What did you say before, that you need to regularly and quantitatively, which is the way to preserve your health. Otherwise, if you are hungry and full, your stomach will be ruined. Why do you still knowingly commit crimes?" ?”

Shu Shu looked at him and said, "Master is not here, I don't want to eat alone..."

Brother Nine said: "If today is too long, there are not so many things going on in the yamen. In the future, the grandfather will come back to eat at noon!"

Shu Shu hesitated and said: "This, is it convenient? Aren't the grown-ups around here having lunch at the Yamen?"

Brother Jiu said: "Don't worry about others, they don't live in the palace."

Shu Shu didn't say anything else, and said: "It's okay now, when I fall into the ambush, I will still deliver food. It's hot at noon, and it's always a big sun to go back and forth."

Hearing what she said, Brother Jiu thought of Changchun Garden, and said: "If Shengjia is going to the Queen Mother to escape the summer heat, we don't know if we can follow, but this time there are more old ten Fujin, old ten can't squeeze with twelve No, Hechi No. [-] can't live there anymore."

He began to worry about the problem of residence, and made his idea to several courtyards in the West Garden that started construction in the next year.

"Master Huihui discusses with Old Ten to see if he can take over first..."

Brother Jiu said, ready to move.

Shu Shu had no choice but to remind him, "Didn't Master say there are only five yards?"

From the eldest elder brother to the seventh elder brother, even the eighth elder brother has no share, let alone him and the tenth elder brother.

How to preempt?

Isn't it offending people?

Brother Nine just thought of this quantity issue, and also found it tricky, frowned and said: "My lord, I found out that it's not convenient to rob the brothers if they are too popular, otherwise, they would directly rob the third and fourth brothers , or the third and seventh brother's, now it's only the third who has a yard to grab..."

This is not enough to grab it.

The five courtyards over there are side by side like the elder brother's side, but the scale is smaller, which is the second courtyard.

Each courtyard has sixteen rooms.

If he and the old ten squeezed into the same courtyard, he might as well continue to live in Hechi No. [-].

Brother Nine said annoyedly: "You are so stupid, if you begged Han Ama to directly build two rows of yards, wouldn't it be solved?"

Note: Wang Shen, the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was unified and changed to Hayaltu. It was Ha at the beginning, and several chapters were written as Wang.

The next update will be at 11:20 noon on November 12th, welcome to Qidian APP to read
(End of this chapter)

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