My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 559 Intercession and Sacrifice

Chapter 559 Intercession and Sacrifice

After the husband and wife had dinner, the dining table was also removed, Brother Jiu remembered why he was angry just now.

He looked at Shu Shu angrily again and said: "The old ten Fujin was waiting for him to come back at the door just now..."

Only then did Shu Shu realize that it was because of this.

This is because I feel that other people's wives are better, and I start to dislike my own shortcomings.

She didn't speak, but looked at the sewing box beside the kang.

Inside is a piece of Songjiang cloth.

Already cut and half a suspender sewn.

This is a vest made for Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu followed her gaze, and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, saying, "Is this for the Lord?"

As he said that, he thought of something, took Shu Shu's hand, and looked at her fingers carefully.

Pulled again, no red dots.

But the ring she was wearing was a bit strange, light yellow, like gold but not gold, copper but not copper.

"This is a ring? It looks weird, like a finger wrench. Why are you still wearing gold at this time?"

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu looked at her hand with a bit of pride, and said, "This may be the only one in the Qing Dynasty, or the only one in the world!"

"Antique? Why does it look brand new?"

Brother Nine was so curious that he looked at it carefully.

It is half an inch wide, and there are small pits on it.

Xu Shushu spoke seriously, but he still saw a bit of uniqueness.

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

She opened the small drawer under the sewing box, and inside were a dozen similar rings, including silver ones, copper ones, and two gold ones, which looked about the same size as the ones in Shu Shu's hands.

"This is a thimble. It has been around for a long time. It was either copper or silver before. I asked people from Yinlou to make this. Seventy-five percent gold was mixed with twenty-five percent silver, and the texture was hard..."

As she spoke, she pointed to the two gold rings in the sewing box, and said, "These two are ninety-two percent gold and silver..."

"Thimble continued hemp?"

Brother Jiu thought of a word.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "That's an action, and the way I talked about it later, this is an object, there is still a difference..."

Brother Nine lost the joy he had before, but shook his head and said, "There's no need to think about this. From now on, except for the purse, other people will do the sewing, and your hands are rough."

The needle and thread are exposed outside, so he just needs to show off to outsiders.

The other clothes are inside, and they can't be pulled out for people to see.

Shu Shu pursed her lips and said, "This is worn close to the body, I don't want others to move it."

Brother Jiu felt as if he had eaten honey, and felt that he was being unreasonable.

They're all old couples, so don't use those falsehoods.

If Shu Shuzhen went to meet him in the front yard, he was afraid that she would be sunbathing.

His eyes fell on Shu Shu's plain clothes, and he remembered the two major events of today.

The death of Peng Chun and the matter of Meteor brand.

The deceased is the greatest, so he first talked about Peng Chun's death.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt complicated.

That's what makes sense.

Otherwise, he would not sit back and watch his son go after Qi Xi.

He himself is getting old, and even Mongolia has retired from illness, and the rest is to support the elderly.

Qi Xi is in his prime, and the Sacred Heart is still there, which can guarantee that Dong E's family will survive for twenty years.

It's a pity that he met the reckless third elder brother and passed away with hatred.

"You said the luck of the third child, if he delays for a day, even half an hour, Prince Jane will go first..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "It's what you deserve. It's none of his business to take you to Ning. If you get the news, you'll get thorns on your butt..."

Zhijun Prince's Mansion is adjacent to Sanbeile Mansion, located in the Zhenghongqi territory, just north of Dutong Mansion, and there is a street between the front and back.

Shu Shu and Ninth Elder Brother Gui Ning, even if they were easy to follow, there were still twenty guards following them, so they couldn't hide it from others.

As Shu Shu listened, four words came to mind.

The Butterfly Effect.

It's really a ring.

In Kangxi's heart, the third elder brother is afraid that his impression will be at the bottom.

You know, this person was listed by Kangxi as the main candidate for the new prince after the second abolished prince.

Shu Shu caressed his forehead, and said: "In the future, I should be more respectful to my grandpa. After all, there are elders and younger..."

I'm afraid that Brother San is going to hold a grudge in his heart.

A few times of bad luck are all related to Brother Nine.

Shu Shu felt that she could also keep a small account for the third elder brother, so as to be more prepared in the future.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "As for his stinking virtue, I'm afraid of him?! He's dead, you say he's stupid, but he can think of a way to cheat people, and plans to get me into the top of the tank; you say he's smart , just buried the pit face to face like this, if the face is low, he might hold him back with words, but the Lord will let him take advantage of that?"

Shu Shu is not happy anymore.

This tank is not only the resentment and indifference of the government, but also the gossip of the capital.

"It's wicked enough, wait for a chance to repay it..."

Shu Shu gritted her teeth.

Nine elder brothers are not satisfied with Shu Shu's defensive posture, nodded with a smile, and said: "I am thinking about it too, but I can't show it now. After a while, when my face is good, if I cheat him again, others will be ashamed." Can't think of us..."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

He was also a reckless person before.

Happiness and displeasure are all on the face.

This time I also started to learn Yin...

It is also evolving.

After hearing that the Meteor sign was found, Shu Shu sat up straight.

It was actually placed in Xizhu's study room!
"It's been half a year since I put it on years ago..."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu's eyes widened.

I never heard that wood and cotton can isolate radiation!

On the contrary, Kangxi asked someone to pack it in a copper, iron and tin box, which sounds very reliable.

"Is Xi Zhu going to die?" Brother Jiu also thought of this, looked at Shu Shu and said, "Why don't you find an imperial doctor tomorrow to show him?"

Shu Shu said: "The emperor told me to put this matter aside, so I don't want to interfere, it may not be the case."

Her heart tugged.

She now hopes that everything is just a coincidence.

Maybe she was thinking too much, there is no such thing as radiation or non-radiation.

Seeing that she was restless, Brother Jiu said: "What's wrong?"

Shu Shu couldn't help hugging Brother Jiu, and said in a hoarse voice: "If that brand is really bad, what about Ah Mou..."

Mrs. Uncle also used that when she was young.

Since it is for the sake of seeking a child, the days of waiting will not be short.

Brother Jiu quickly comforted him and said, "It's been thirty years. If something was wrong, it would have been a long time ago. I was thinking about it, maybe it was your two cousins ​​who had no chance to land, and my uncle and mother-in-law blocked the disaster... "

"Is that so?"

Shu Shu gave birth to hope.

Brother Nine said: "Of course, if uncle and mother-in-law look so healthy, it must be what grandpa said, otherwise it's just a false alarm. The Meteor brand is not so evil, it's just an ordinary piece of rain iron!"

It sounded inexplicably reasonable.

Shu Shu let go of most of his heart, and said, "I hope it was a false alarm!"

Brother Nine nodded, he also expected the same.

He reported this to the imperial court just in case, and he didn't mean to exchange credit for it.

Even if it is a fuss and a fuss, as long as everyone lives in peace, there is nothing to be disappointed.

Zhenghongqi, Dong'e Gongfu.

The coffin has been erected.

It's messy.

The dojo is incomplete.

There is only a group of foreign monks and a group of monks, and the Taoist priests have not yet been invited.

Zengshou is the eldest son of the original spouse, and the son succeeded him after his father died. He was supposed to be the new head of the family and preside over the funeral.

But because of Fu Han and Fu Hai's retaliation, the rest of the brothers didn't accept him very much.

The Duke felt that Luo Shi was the fourth stepwife, although he also asked for a royal order, but it was not a super-class Duke's wife's mandate, and he lacked confidence in front of his stepson.

Of the three wives who went before, except for the step-wife who is a clan daughter, the original wife Guerjia and the third step-wife Hesheli are also from the big family.

Now that Peng Chun is dead, the uncles of several in-laws also come to support their nephews.

There are also two illegitimate children outside, who also come to the door, and they have to wear sackcloth and mourning.

They are concubines and cannot enter the genealogy of Dong E's family, but they can divide the family property, but the share is halved compared to the brothers of Dong E's family.

They worry about not doing enough at this time, making people picky, and leaving them behind when the family is separated.

Now when you enter the door, you cry and cry, it looks like you are singing a big show.

The third elder brother lingered in the etiquette department for a long time, and came to Peng Chun's house in the evening, and what he saw was this messy situation.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but turn dark.

The task of managing the funeral is on him.

He was sitting in front of the town, and then sent someone back to the Baylor Mansion to call his staff and distribute them one by one. The funeral here is a bit decent.

He was so anti-client that the Dong E family brothers were all annoyed at first.

But the third elder brother pulled his face, and there was no fool who dared to break up with the third elder brother.

There is no separation in the government, and now there are nine brothers inside and outside.

In the future, except for the eldest son, all of them will become offshoots, and the Baylor Mansion will still be the high school they want to curry favor with.

The third elder brother saw him, and his heart became more and more contemptuous.

Seeing that Qi Xi was among the mourners and didn't come closer to others, the third elder brother thought of his embarrassment in front of the imperial court at noon, and looked at Qi Xi and felt a little angry.

If it wasn't for Qi Xi's slack in governing the family and letting that adulterous son and nephew jump around, brothers Fu Han and Fu Hai wouldn't be so whimsical.

He thought for a while, then sent someone to invite Qi Xi over, and said: "Only Lord Qi is the only brother on my father-in-law's side, why is Lord Qi still heretic, should he attend the funeral?"

Qi Xi glanced at the third elder brother, and said: "Although we are close relatives, there is a lawsuit and it is not easy to intervene. Sanbeile, you should do more work if you are able!"

Hearing him mention the lawsuit, the third elder brother was sullen again, and said: "Master Qi is an elder, why are you still angry with the younger? It's just a farce..."

Qi Xi looked at the third elder brother, and asked back: "San Baylor wants to mediate this matter?"

The third elder brother wanted to nod, but thinking of the words of the imperial court at noon, and the stinky mouth of the ninth elder brother, he shook his head and said: "This is Dong E's family affairs, I don't want to get involved, I just think about the rush of my father-in-law, I'm afraid It is also not happy to see the family fall apart."

Qi Xi cupped his fists in the direction of the Forbidden City, and said: "Since the lawsuit is handed over to the imperial court, the servants are all subject to the holy order!"

The third elder brother frowned and said: "Brothers Fu Han and Fu Hai are not only your nephews, but their biological mother is also the granddaughter of Prince Li Lie. Your lord should also think about love."

Qi Xi looked at the third elder brother, and said seriously: "San Beile, it's not that the slave is heartless, but this case cannot be opened. There are hundreds of meritorious families in the Eight Banners, and they are the mainstay of the Eight Banners. If this is the first, every time the title is passed on , it will be bloody, and the Eight Banners will be in chaos!"

Third Elder Brother: "..."

Qi Xi sighed and said: "For the stability of the court and the stability of the Eight Banners, even if others say that this servant is cruel, this servant will admit it..."

He is dead, and his elder brother is suffering. Two little bastards jumped out to disturb him. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, no one will dare to put his nose on his face in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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