Chapter 562

In Wufujin's carriage, Shifujin came to ask for advice to pay his respects to the concubine.

Concubine Duan Shun is her great-aunt. She doesn't know whether she should pay her respects alone in the palace, so she wants to refer to Wu Fujin.

After hearing this, Wu Fujin couldn't make up his mind, thought for a while, and said, "What do you say about the Ninth Brother and Sister?"

Ten Fujin said, "I haven't asked yet..."

She just heard that Wu Fujin not only followed them to greet the Queen Mother, but also sometimes greeted alone, so she wondered whether she should follow Wu Fujin's example.

It happened that Shu Shu seemed to have something to say with Si Fujin, so she got into Wu Fujin's carriage and asked this by the way.

Wu Fujin thought it over and said: "Don't make a rule for now, when you meet the concubine in private, it's better to ask the concubine what she means."

According to the law of etiquette, whether you marry into a royal family or an ordinary family, you must count your seniority and relationship from your in-law's family.

Just like Shu Shu and San Fujin, people call her "sister-in-law three" and "sister-in-law nine" instead of "cousin" and "cousin".

But etiquette is etiquette, and human feelings are human feelings.

The fact that the ten blessings can be accused of marrying as the prince Fujin has something to do with Princess Duan Shun.

Otherwise, among the more than [-] flags in Mongolia, which one doesn’t have Gege?
Concubine Duanshun is one of the only two remaining concubines. Xu Shi and Kangxi felt sorry for her loneliness in her later years, so they chose a prince Fujin from Abahai.

If Shifu Jin treats the concubine as a stranger, the emperor and the queen mother will not be happy.

But if it's too warm, it's not quite according to the rules to go past the queen mother.

Shi Fujin nodded and said, "Yes, yes, then I'll ask my aunt next time."

Wu Fujin patiently reminded: "It's good to call younger brothers and sisters privately with the concubine. In front of people, you should follow the elder brothers and call them "Taufei"..."

Shi Fujin continued to nod honestly and said, "I know this. It is a rule set by the Han people, which is called 'marry and obey your husband'."

Although she is ignorant, she is not as dignified and courteous as the ladies of the Eight Banners in the capital, but she is quite cute when she is educated like this.

Wu Fujin kindly reminded: "Filial piety is not just about the number of greetings, I also think about it more on weekdays, the prince's dining room can 'respect the dishes', and if you get fun and useful things outside, you can also be filial to the elders. Don't forget about Concubine Shuhui's share, even though the siblings are related to Concubine Duan Shun, but now that the two concubines are together, it's not good to treat one more favorably than the other."

Speaking of this, she said: "If you are undecided on weekdays, just ask Elder Brother, or your Ninth Sister-in-Law. It is not surprising that there are many polite people, especially when serving the elders, I would rather be more polite than rude..."

The ten Fujin were all memorized.

When they arrived at the government office, someone sent news inside.

Although Sanfujin is a sister-in-law and all the younger brothers and sisters came, but she is the head of the house, so she followed her stepmother and several sister-in-laws, younger brothers and sisters to welcome her to the door.

Hearing that several princes Fujin came, San Fujin also felt that his face was radiant.

But when she saw Shu Shu get off from the four Fujin carriage, and ten Fujin from the five Fujin carriage, she felt a little sour in her heart.

What does it mean?
One must know that there is still a lawsuit between the Duke's Mansion and the Dutong Mansion. Is this because the brothers and sisters are all in line?
Are they all about Shushu?
After meeting Li, she welcomed everyone to the Flower Hall to enjoy tea.

Today "received three", there were other female family members who came to express their condolences, so San Fujin asked her stepmother and others to entertain, and she entertained a few prince Fujin here.

When she entered the flower hall, she asked Si Fujin to sit at the first place in the east of the guest table.

Si Fujin did not take a seat, but took the first seat in the west.

The others followed Si Fujin and sat in the east and west.

Sanfujin licked her temples, and took the first seat in the east.

She said to Si Fujin: "This is an appointment to come together, the relationship between the fourth sibling and the ninth sibling is good?"

It's not easy for Sifujin to mention the matter of Qifujin, so he nodded with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm thinking about it, and I'm on the way, so I can talk on the way."

Sanfujin felt overwhelmed, and looked down at Wufujin, and saw Wufujin and Shu Shu having a lawsuit.

San Fujin looked at Xiang Shushu, suppressed his displeasure, and said: "The nine younger brothers and sisters are really virtuous, but they know how to 'marry and obey your husband'..."

Shu Shu took a look at Sanfujin, was she making a fuss?
She didn't expect the lawsuit to go up, she just thought she hated her for being late in condolences.

It's not really a fault, there is also Sanfujin's affection here.

At that time, Xindali's funeral report was over, and San Fujin immediately went over to comfort Shu Shu.

This time Shu Shu only thought about the oneness of husband and wife, but forgot the "reciprocity" with Sanfu Jin.

Although San Fujin was also in the southern tour team at the time, it was convenient for Sanfujin to get in the way, but now she is separated from the palace wall, but negligence is negligence.

Shu Shu got up and admitted her mistake: "I'm late, third sister-in-law, please forgive me!"

Sanfujin: "..."

Every time I was beaten back, so honest, it's amazing.

When Shi Fujin saw this, his face was a little confused.

She looked at Sanfujin, then at Shushu, followed Wufujin who was leading her, and said, "Sister-in-law Wu, didn't you say 'marry and obey your husband'? Sister-in-law Jiu should come here alone instead of waiting for brother Jiu?"

Wu Fujin was silent, and she didn't understand why San Fujin was so picky.

After all, they only moved out of the palace last year, and they all lived in the palace before, so they knew the trouble of Prince Fujin leaving the palace.

It's better to go out with the prince, and have an explanation to the elders; no one has ever gone out of the palace by himself.

It is true that the two families are cousins, but they are not uncles.

Sanfujin's face was a little red, looking at Shifujin, she thought she was doing it on purpose, and said with displeasure: "The tenth sibling and ninth sibling are really nice, they are well protected, and no one else can say a word!"

After hearing the previous sentence clearly, Shi Fujin nodded with a smile, and said, "Ninth sister-in-law is like an older sister, fourth sister-in-law and fifth sister-in-law are also like older sisters, and the second... Crown Princess is also like older sisters..."

Sanfujin felt that something was wrong, as if he and Qifujin had been left behind.

Seventh Fujin hadn't dealt with Ten Fujin because she was expecting to give birth, but she had gotten along with Shifujin for two months during the southern tour.

She looked at Shi Fujin and said with a half smile but not a smile: "It seems that I am not good enough, so I am the only one left behind by my siblings?"

Ten Fujin thought about it carefully, nodded and shook his head, "I don't know if it's good or not, the third sister-in-law is like a sister-in-law..."


Sanfujin pondered for a while, does this mean that he is majestic?
She asked, "How is this sister-in-law divided from my sister?"

Ten Fujin said seriously: "Sister-in-law is more powerful..."

Sister is closer.

It's not easy for Sanfujin to ask whether "powerful" and "majestic" are the same thing.

It's rare that all the siblings are well-behaved today, but she doesn't dare to provoke her anymore.

She glanced at Shu Shu, thinking of the two lawsuits, and thinking of going with the third elder brother.

I feel that the lawsuit is nonsense and there is no possibility of winning.

She said to Sifujin, Wufujin, and Shifujin: "Siblings, sit down for a while, I'll talk to Jiujimei."

After all, she got up and called Shu Shu to go out with her.

Shu Shu really didn't want to get up, hesitated for a while, but followed her out.

When he reached the empty place in the Kuayuan, San Fujin took Shu Shu's hand and said, "I can't write two Dong E's in one stroke, can you persuade Second Uncle not to care about my Second and Third Brothers, those two are different?" A sensible bastard, no one welcomes him at home on weekdays, he is a fool..."

Shu Shu withdrew her hand and said: "You are really generous. Uncle passed away. Although he was also due to a long illness, most of them were killed by the willful recklessness of the two rebellious sons. You don't hold grudges, but you still protect me. gone?"

"Why don't I hate it? I hate it so much that the roots of my teeth itch, but everyone outside is watching our family's jokes, so it's better to calm down this matter as soon as possible...

Sanfujin said helplessly.

Shu Shu said indifferently: "Then don't worry, the lawsuit has been handed over to the imperial court, and it won't take too long. No one is here to arrest Fuhan and Fuhai. It should be the emperor who honored the uncle and didn't want to disturb the deceased at this time. ..."

Sanfujin said anxiously: "Where is it that we are detaining people? That would not be a fight in our Dong E's nest, it would only make 'the loved ones hurt, the enemy quickened'..."

Shu Shu glanced at Sanfujin, and said: "It is clearly written in the "Law of the Qing Dynasty", 'false accusation against sitting on the ground', and the two falsely accuse the 'senior' of being 'lowly', and the crime will be aggravated!"

San Fujin said: "How can the second uncle be so cruel? My Ama's bones are still cold, so I want to deal with my nephew? The younger generation is ignorant, they should be beaten, they should be scolded, and there is no need for 'Ding is Ding, Mao is Mao 'of?"

Shu Shu didn't want to waste her time talking with her, so she turned around and left.

San Fujin hurriedly chased after him, and said: "Although our two houses are separated by the head of the house, we are still a family. Now that my ama and the new uncle have passed away, it is time to work together..."

Shu Shu quickened her pace.

I really don't know.

The Fuhan and Fuhai brothers are not guilty of petty crimes.

The dignitaries of the Eight Banners know that these two brothers are crazy, but there are many people who feel that "there is no wave without wind".

My Ama's good reputation has been ruined by now.

However, San Fujin kept silent about Ama's loss, and only thought that there should be no survivors in the palace, so as not to save the emperor from angering her other brothers, and the palace would be silent.

In fact, it is a good thing that the government is silent now.

Kangxi obviously didn't want to see this place before. He suppressed Peng Chun for more than ten years and didn't say anything. He didn't give a posthumous title or a Dharani quilt when he died. He just treated the funeral as usual.

For an old man who has made great contributions to the country, this is not normal at all.

At this time, it is time to be honest and stop being a human being.

Wait until the next emperor comes up.

At the male customer's place in front, the third elder brother also brought Zengshou brothers to welcome several elder brothers in.

He thought about the soft nails he encountered at Qi Xi's place yesterday, and he was a little pleasing to the eyes of elder brother Jiu.

With such a shrewd father-in-law and a tigress named Fujin, Brother Nine will have a hard time in the future.

Brother Jiu felt that his eyes were a little strange, and said, "What do you want to say?"

Although the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother both told him not to talk back to the third elder brother in front of others, but if the third elder brother owed him something and insisted on provoking him, then he couldn't control his violent temper.


The third elder brother shook his head and said: "It's nothing, just thinking that Mr. Qi will sit here at night for the past two days and leave only in the morning, or your son-in-law Weng just happened to run into each other."

This is the nemesis, don't recruit him.

The third elder brother was scared.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "That's really a coincidence..."

Book friends, you are about to fall out of the top [-] on the monthly ticket list, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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