My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 563 Something is wrong

Chapter 563 Something's Wrong

After a while, the eldest brother, the seventh elder brother and the eighth elder brother also arrived one after another.

This is already very respectable to the government.

Brother Zengshou also knew that most of it was because of the third elder brother's funeral, but he calmed down a lot of the resentment in his heart.

Peng Chun has passed away for three days, and the Ministry of Rites has also come, but they just attend the funeral as usual.

There is no posthumous posthumous title.

Because of Qi Xi, the clansmen also "stay away" from their brothers.

If the third elder brother hadn't presided over the funeral, they would have known what "people go to cool tea".

It's just that the elder brother was still busy, so he came over to express his condolences, said a few words to his brothers, and then left.

The seventh elder brother and the eighth elder brother followed the princes to their seats.

Seventh elder brother is still the same, unsmiling.

The eighth elder brother is still personable, and he is even more handsome in plain clothes.

Brother Nine took a look at Brother Eight, and it turned out that he came by himself.

What's the matter with Eight Fujin?
Seventh Fujin is in confinement, so it is normal not to show up, why is Eighth Fujin not moving?

Don't plan to come out to socialize in the future?
Brother Ba looked at him and said, "What's wrong?"

Brother Nine sneered twice, and said: "Just thinking about when the Starling's house will invite guests, and whether there will be a delay..."

Isn't there a side Fujin waiting to be carried into the mansion?

Now that Ma Qi is very popular, everyone can see that he will join the cabinet soon, but they don't know what the order is.

He thought to himself, when the time comes, there will be two Yue families on Brother Ba's side, one powerful and the other powerful.

It's just the daughter of the cabinet minister, not the two princesses before the eighth prince, which can be used as a decoration.

Ba Fujin wanted to display the spectrum of his master, Fujin, but he probably couldn't.

He had a strange desire to watch the excitement.

When he reacted, he couldn't help frowning, lowered his head quickly, and spat at himself in his heart.

It seems a bit immoral.

Isn't this harming others and benefiting oneself?
What does the bustle of Babeile Mansion have to do with him?

Elder Brother Ten sat under him, saw that his expression was wrong, and expressed concern, "What's wrong, Brother Ninth? Is it a headache from the quarrel?"

It's midsummer now, the windows are open all around, and the sound of chanting sutras in the yard is disturbing.

There is also smoky, which makes people feel hotter and hotter.

In one sentence, everyone looked at Brother Nine.

Brother Nine felt uncomfortable, rubbed his temples and said: "It's okay, maybe it's sunny today, and I'm a little confused."

The fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning.

It only took about two quarters of an hour to ride a horse from Shenwumen and get off the horse at the palace!
But seeing that his face was flushed, the fourth elder brother still told Su Peisheng: "Go and tell Fujin, things are complicated at home, it's time to go back, the two brothers and sisters don't want to stay outside the palace for too long."

Su Peisheng went in response.

The third elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, looked up and down, shook his head and said: "Old Jiu, you have a small body, you should take tonics or you should take them, don't shy away from medical treatment."

Ninth elder brother said unhappily: "Why can't it work, I'm just right, but what's wrong with you, third brother..."

Speaking of this, he stood up, looked at the third elder brother with surprise, and said, "Third brother, are you fat? I didn't gain a few pounds after eating five meals a day. How did you get so fat?"

He is really curious.

In fact, he also gained a few catties, but because he lost a lot of weight when he was on the road in early March, even if he grew up later, it would be about the same as during the Chinese New Year.

Brother San is not like that.

Although he is not as fat as the fifth elder brother, but he is not as elegant and handsome as before, his face is rounded, and he looks more kind when he looks at it.

The fourth elder brother didn't speak, he had already discovered it.

The third elder brother sucked his stomach, and said: "Hehe, I'm not fat, it's just that I haven't rested from the busy work these days, and I have some edema."


It was eaten one bite at a time.

In the past few months as a follower, his spirit has been tense, because he is afraid that he will not perform well and disappoint the emperor.

As a result, he was cautious again and again, but something went wrong in Suzhou, and he was fined another year's salary.

He didn't know what to do in front of the emperor.

He doesn't show it on the surface, but he is trembling in his heart, so he loves to eat.

If Shu Shu was here, he would tell him a word called "stress fat".

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Then you have to get rid of the edema. Your eyes are not big in the first place, if they get swollen, there will be a seam."

Third Elder Brother: "..."

I really want to give him a slap in the face, they were all born by the same Ama, their eyebrows and eyes have similarities, if I am small, this bastard will be big?
At this moment, Su Peisheng has already returned.

"Master, Fujin and several other Fujin are coming out soon."

The fourth elder brother nodded, stood up and looked at the seventh and eighth elder brothers, and said, "Why don't you sit down a little longer, let's take the female relatives back first..."

Seventh elder brother got up and said: "My brother has something to go to the palace."

The eighth elder brother also got up and said: "There are also many guests here, so let's not bother you."

Fifth elder brother and tenth elder brother also got up.

The third elder brother saw it in his eyes, and seeing how obedient they were to the fourth elder brother, he said bitterly to the fourth elder brother: "You are still very popular, the fourth elder brother, and all the younger brothers listen to you. I can't compare to you."

The fourth elder brother glanced at the third elder brother and didn't want to talk.

The eighth elder brother smoothed things over and said: "The elders and younger are orderly. The eldest brother is not here, and the third brother is busy with you. When we come out, naturally we have to follow the fourth brother."

Ninth elder brother couldn't bear it, looked at third elder brother, and said: "We are making a fuss today, not for your face but for whose face? Why did you say that you think we are disrespectful?"

The third elder brother hurriedly said: "I didn't mean that."

Brother Jiu snorted and said, "That's fine, you can have fun secretly. When Kerkun is gone, everyone is not so motivating. I don't ask you to read well, and don't pick on the bones!"

The third elder brother was embarrassed, and said with a wry smile: "What did I say, Lao Jiu, are you too angry?"

Ninth elder brother wanted to talk back, but fourth elder brother glared at him and held back.

He immediately urged: "Fourth brother, let's go, don't make sister-in-law, younger siblings, and Fujin wait in a hurry, it's so hot outside."

The fourth elder brother glared at him again, and then said to the third elder brother: "Third elder brother, let's go back first."

The third elder brother felt that it was boring and didn't want to keep customers anymore, so he said: "Well, please go for a walk today, I will accept this favor."

Brother Nine and Brother Ten were winking, and curled their lips when they heard this.

It seemed that he wasn't the one who was sour just now, and he knew it was a favor.

The eighth elder brother asked the seventh elder brother in a low voice: "Seventh elder brother, you are entering the palace, is there any official business in the guard camp?"

Didn't the officers, soldiers and guards accompanying the Southern Tour take a half-month long vacation?
It's only a few days.

Brother Seven shook his head, lowered his eyes, and said, "No."

But he cherishes words like gold, and refuses to say a word.

He was taciturn, and that was normal.

But the eighth elder brother still felt a little embarrassed.

He looked at Brother Nine and Brother Ten standing side by side, and clenched his fists tightly in his sleeves.

Since Brother Nine and Brother Ten arrived in Suzhou in mid-March, it's not that he didn't take the initiative to show his favor, but it didn't work.

Later, these two brought their own Fujin, and others couldn't get in.

He didn't want to be alone, so he wanted to take the initiative to show his favor to Brother Seven, but Brother Seven obviously didn't answer his words.

At the gate of the palace.

The third elder brother and his wife and the bereaved family members of the government came out to send them off respectfully.

All the princes and prince Fujin have left.

The sisters-in-law of Sanfujin have also come to understand these few days, knowing that in the future, the government will not have to rely on the power of the Baylor House, so they will all be by Sanfujin's side.

Seeing that her face was not very happy, the second grandma said: "Jiu Fujin is too hard-hearted. After all, she is a cousin. She got married last year and her father-in-law added a third courtyard. The cousins ​​here gave her a wedding. She just left as soon as she said, and she didn't say much condolences, condolences..."

Sanfujin glanced at her, and said with a sneer: "When you dreamed of going to court in the daytime, why didn't you think of being cousins? The false accusers sat back, and now the emperor didn't ask for someone. That's for Ama's face. If you don't keep the mourning honestly, you might not be able to do your filial piety in front of Ama later!"

After hearing this, Second Mistress couldn't help being anxious, and hurriedly said: "What's the matter with our Second Master? The one who submitted the certificate is the third child, not our Second Master?"

The third grandma next to her quit, and said: "Without the instigation of that bastard with a black heart, our third master has such a heart? Once in a while, use our third master as a gunman, and treat others as fools? To catch Let's catch it together, if the second child is missed, I'll beat the Dengwen drum!"

Because Dong E's family is married to the Zhenghongqi clan, both of them are clan daughters.

They are raised by everyone, but they don't know how to make jokes, but they are also like black-eyed chickens, and they don't have the usual intimacy with their sisters-in-law.

The other sisters-in-law didn't come forward either, and each watched the excitement.

The step-wife was beside her, closed her eyes, and sighed.

Brothers in this generation are not outstanding.

Now people are scattered again...

Shu Shu didn't get into Sifujin's carriage this time, but was pulled into his own carriage by Brother Jiu.

"Seventh Brother doesn't look right. Although he is usually taciturn, there is no one who hangs his face like today..."

Brother Jiu wentssiped a bit: "Isn't it because sister-in-law dislikes giving birth to a little princess? She is also looking forward to a son-in-law? Really, I can't think about it too much. What's so good about a brat? Look at Yuqing Palace Those two, they deserve a beating, how can the nieces of the elder brother's family look cute and sensible?"

But Shu Shu thought of Qifu Jinsheng's daughter.

Is it inappropriate to know the child?
She was afraid that elder brother Jiu was not serious, so she went to talk about it in front of elder brother seventh, so she whispered the news she had received from Si Fujin earlier.

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded when he heard that, and the hand that held Shu Shu trembled a little.

Seeing his face turn pale, Shu Shu said, "Master..."

Brother Jiu said: "This is ten months pregnant, so it's okay to survive until the birth?"

Is it so scary for a woman to give birth?
Hold back?
The one with the problem is Little Gege, what if the one with the problem is an adult?

One dead, two dead...

Shu Shu thought that he was worried about Concubine Yi, so she hurriedly comforted him: "Master, don't worry about your empress, your empress has given birth three times, it's not the first time, so there won't be such omissions..."

Hearing what she said, Brother Jiu held her hand even tighter.

Niangniang is not the first child, but if Shu Shu is really pregnant, she will be the first child...

The third update is going to be very late again, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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