Chapter 564
Seeing Brother Jiu was really frightened.

Shu Shu said in a soft voice, "It depends on the person, each situation is different. I gave birth to Xiaoqi in Ernie, and it didn't take half an hour before and after. I heard that there are rural peasant women who were born directly in the fields."

Brother Jiu couldn't believe it, and said, "It's not a poop, why is it so fast?"

Shu Shu was disgusted when he heard that, so he pinched him hard and said, "What's the difference between me and that? Don't talk about it anymore!"

Besides, why do you keep mentioning such an unlucky thing?
Talking about coming and going makes people feel hairy.

Shu Shu also thought of Empress Yuan and Da Fujin who was injured in childbirth.

Brother Nine rubbed the flesh around his waist, being honest, he worried about Brother Seven again.

"Seventh brother probably seeks the imperial doctor, but those old guys in the imperial hospital would rather do less than do more, because they are afraid of taking responsibility..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Although I won't be fooled, I won't be too dedicated."

Shu Shu thought of Tongrentang, wondering if there was any formula for children.

The bezoar uterine medicine seems to treat encephalopathy and meningitis, but the medicine is poisonous, so it may not be suitable for children.

Brother Jiu also thought of Tongrentang, and said: "Bo-in-law's side, the diagnosis given by the Imperial Hospital at the beginning can be prepared, it only takes ten days and a half months, but after taking Lejia's prescription, it will be extended to two months, otherwise I Say something to Seventh Brother?"

It's about the child's health, it's a big deal, Shu Shu can only support her, she only told her: "If the child is like this, the adults must be worried. Since the master is kind, he said this softly."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Yes! Master knows."

Besides, Seventh Brother is not the third child, what is he doing to provoke him?
Well, I really don't dare to provoke them.

It's not that he didn't have a lot to say when he was a child, but he was punched by the seventh elder brother riding on him.

But he didn't take it seriously, and was taught a lesson by Concubine Yi later.

Afraid, afraid.

This time, the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother did not go to Di'anmen. When they left the road of the public house, the seventh elder brother and the fifth elder brother went south, and the fourth elder brother and his wife went north, and the rest of them Go to Dianmen.

Ninth elder brother remembered the matter of recommending a doctor to seventh elder brother, instead of going back to the second institute, he went directly to the Qianqing Palace through the inner court.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi looked at his son kneeling on the ground with a gloomy expression.

He has a lot of work to do every day, so he doesn't have the time to check whether the daughter-in-law's delivery is going well or not.

He didn't know about this until the seventh elder brother saw and pleaded.

It happened to be the old seven family.

Another symptom.

Procrastinate to boil adults, also boil children.

He looked at Seventh Elder Brother, sighed and said: "The fate between a daughter and her parents here has its advantages and disadvantages, so don't force it."

Seventh elder brother knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said: "Since she was reincarnated as the daughter of the minister, the son wants this father-daughter relationship to last forever."

Kangxi frowned and said, "But have you ever thought about it, just in case..."

What should I do if I grow up to be a fool?
At that time, their team will definitely be ridiculed.

Seventh elder brother raised his head, looked at Kangxi and said, "Even if the child was not good, it was born by Erchen. If Erchen, who is an Ama, doesn't care about her, who else in the world will care about her?!"

At the end, her voice was sharp, but her eye circles were red.

Kangxi felt that his heart was blocked.

What does it mean?
Is this resentment?

But this time and that time also.

In the nineteenth year of Kangxi, it was the critical moment of the San Francisco Rebellion, and the harem gave birth to a heavenly disabled little prince, what should we do if we don't hide it?

Is it necessary to make people question the royal family, think that the royal family is immoral, and the killing is too heavy, so it is not tolerated by the world?

Kangxi had reprimanded the other prince elder brothers long ago, but he still sighed in his heart seeing the stubborn and cold appearance of the seventh elder brother, and said: "Go to the imperial hospital to find Wang He, pass on my oral instructions, and he will be in charge in the future." The pulse case of Er Gege in the Seven Baylor Mansion!"

Imperial Physician Wang Hewang is one of the masters of the imperial hospital. He is good at pediatrics and is in charge of the pulse cases of the little princes in the palace.

"Son, thank you Khan Ama for your grace!"

Seventh elder brother kowtowed in order to thank him.

Kangxi's heart stopped again, he waved his hands and said, "Kneel down!"

Seventh elder brother bowed his head and got up, and retreated.

Kangxi stroked his forehead, and complained to Liang Jiugong: "Who does Lao Qi look like? This is a grudge, what do I want?"

Now the title is also conferred, and the property of the Pure Palace is also reserved for him.

Compared with other princes, this is not a little bit of care.

If you're not satisfied, you'd be an idiot.

Liang Jiugong thought for a while, and said: "It should be better after a while, I'm afraid it's because of Little Gege that it made Master Qi sad."

Kangxi snorted softly, if he didn't know this, he would have allowed Seventh Brother to be unrestrained?
Just what happened to Nalashi?

It was considered good before, but it turned out that it was inappropriate to have a child? !
It's fine if there are other accidents, which cannot be controlled by humans, but Qi Fujin's fault is caused by eating, and it sounds too hateful.

Kangxi gritted his teeth.

He regretted it.

When choosing Prince Fujin back then, it should have been like Lao Jiu's time, and it would be better to inquire more.

In the next draft, he should be more careful, and stop pointing at the careless Prince Fujin...

Outside the Qianqing Palace, Seventh Brother came out of the palace gate with a stern face, and saw Ninth Brother standing outside the upper study.

He glanced at it, turned his gaze back, and continued walking along the corridor.

Seeing him, He Yuzhu hurriedly reminded Brother Nine, saying: "Master, Master Qi has come out."

Only then did Brother Nine turn his head, strode towards him, and said, "Brother Seven..."

The Seventh Prince stamped his feet, glanced at him, and said, "Are you coming to see your majesty too? Go, there is no one in front of the imperial court."

Brother Nine pulled his arm, walked to a secluded place, hesitated for a while, and said, "Brother Seven..."

After calling someone, he felt unable to speak directly.

If he said it directly, it seemed that he would have put Si Fujin in his pocket.

And here is my wife, who asked a few more questions out of concern, not just to show off.

He said: "Your brother sees that your complexion is not good. Are you here to seek the imperial doctor from Han Ama?"

Seventh elder brother looked at him steadfastly, without nodding or shaking his head.

Brother Jiu sneered and said: "Isn't this thinking that there are old and young on your side? Entering the palace at this time, there is nothing else but to seek the imperial physician..."

After saying that, he stopped delaying and said: "My younger brother just recommended someone to you, Le Fengming from the old Lejia shop outside the front door, there are a lot of prescriptions at home, first of all, my uncle and old man saw that there were not many of them. It's time, and I have used their family's prescription to delay it for several months, if it wasn't for being angry with Nizi later, it would be fine..."

I saw that it was noon, when the sun was at its greatest.

Brother Jiu has been basking in the sun for a long time, his head is sweating profusely, and his face is flushed.

The frost in Seventh Prince's eyes gradually melted, he nodded, and said, "I see."

Seeing the figure of the seventh elder brother gradually drifting away, and the footsteps were a little weird when walking, the ninth elder brother felt sore, and said to He Yuzhu: "There are so many elder brothers, why did the seventh elder brother stand up for this?"

It's like digging out old wounds and adding a handful of salt to them, which makes people's hearts ache.

He Yuzhu thought for a while, and said, "What did Qi Ye owe in his previous life? Didn't you say that children are all debts?"

Brother Jiu nodded, then shook his head and said: "You can't say that all the time, a child who is so filial and sensible as Master, is not here to collect debts, but to repay kindness."

Second, the upper room.

Xiao Chun had already come back one step ahead, and told Shu Shu about the situation in Qibei Le Mansion.

"The Qifu Jin is okay, but I heard that there was a lot of blood at that time, and my complexion was a little weak. I need to replenish it. I am happy to see Korean ginseng. It turns out that the imperial physician also suggested taking this to replenish Qi..."

"Little Gege is fat and white. The slave girl was sleeping when she passed by. She looked fatter than the little Seventh Master. Her arms were exposed, and her arms were like lotus root joints. They were snow-white, and the leather was like Qifujin... "

She didn't know that Xiao Gege was inappropriate, she only talked about boasting.

This "Little Seventh Master" refers to Shu Shu's younger brother.

Shu Shu said: "Seven Fujin, how do you feel?"

Xiaochun thought for a while, and said: "When the slave girl passed by, she was angry with the nanny. Qifu Jin was richer than before giving birth, and she wanted to lighten her body, but was stopped by the nanny, and let her take care of her body. Qi Fujin is not very happy to make up for the vitality and then think about committing suicide..."

This is not yet known that the child has a condition.

That's right, she herself is still in confinement, and she has trouble moving.

The confinement baby sleeps all day long, with wet nurses and nannies by her side.

"Qi Fujin asked the slave to tell you that Fujin wanted to give birth to a little elder brother before, and let Fujin hug her. It was also a sign of pregnancy, and she gave birth to a little princess, so she wouldn't let you hug her..."

Listening to Xiao Chun's description, Shu Shu could still think of Qi Fujin's fast-talking appearance.

When Brother Nine came back, he said to Shu Shu: "Brother Seven didn't look good when he came out of Qianqing Palace, so don't be rejected by Ama Khan again? Although the Lord recommended Le Fengming, little Gege and Father-in-Law It's different..."

Uncle was seriously ill at the time, and a dead horse was a living horse doctor.

Little Gege is weak and needs careful adjustment.

"Why don't you go and intercede with Khan Ama?"

Brother Nine was talking about it, and he lost his mind: "I don't seem to have that face either..."

If Khan Ama is jealous of the royal family, he might not agree to point out the imperial physician to Little Gege.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "The emperor is merciful, and will not refuse Qibeile's request, sir, please don't meddle."

"What if? You know that back then..."

Brother Nine hesitated.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not the same..."

Only then did Brother Nine nod his head and said, "Okay, I should also trust Khan Ama more..."

I don't know how other people's Ama is, but this Ama treats her sons with all her heart.

"I guess I loved my son in the early years, and now I don't have the energy to love my grandson. There are about a dozen grandsons. Except for the eldest brother's family and Yuqing Palace's, Khan Ama has never seen any other grandsons." ..."

Brother Jiu murmured to Shu Shu: "If our elder brother is treated like this in the future, then I will be annoyed..."

Shu Shu didn't take his words.

What's missing...

Besides, as Kangxi gets old, he will start to pay more attention to the emperor's grandsons.

In history, the dry little four put gold on his face, saying that he was in the foster palace, but in fact, before him, there were really a group of emperors and grandchildren who were raised by Kangxi's side...

(End of this chapter)

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