Chapter 565 Don't Hurt Others or Self

The lawsuit against Dong E's family was temporarily shelved because of Peng Chun's funeral.

The lawsuit of Guo Luoluo's family cannot be delayed any longer.

Prince Jane has just been promoted to the imperial order, so he has to deal with this matter.

He somewhat understands why King Xinjun is "mediocre". If he is capable, he will probably offend others...

But King Xinjun was willing to dawdle, but he was not.

Originally, their branch was far from the royal blood, if they couldn't do more, there would be no place for them in the clan in the future.

From Emperor Taizu to Emperor Taizong and Emperor Shizu to the present, they are all "employers crony".

He didn't concentrate on himself, and went to the Qianqing Palace to ask for instructions.

Kangxi couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said, "What's going on?"

Prince Jane was on a southern tour before, and he only arrived in Beijing in the past few days.

The information in hand was all investigated and sorted out by Beizi Sunu.

He didn't hide Sunu's credit, and said: "Su Nu Beizi has already found out clearly that the eight Fujin complaints are not made out of nothing, and Guo Luoluo's family does have a lot of properties that are not right."

Baqi has the habit of separating families when their sons become adults, but that is an ordinary family.

The honorable family, it is still late.

Especially at that time, the situation of Guo Luoluo's family was still a little different.

The head of the family at that time was Duo Luo's father-in-law Neiduo.

He died in a hurry, at that time Ming Shang had just grown up and was not yet married.

The eldest son, Ming Deng, was born of Neiduo and his wife, the county lord, but the county lord died young.

Then Neiduo's concubine gave birth to Mingshang.

Ming Deng is the first wife's legitimate son, and the grandson of Raoyu County King Abatai. He is a well-deserved heir to the title.

But Ming Shang is not an ordinary concubine, he is equivalent to a son-in-law, and he is also engaged to the daughter of Prince An, Yue Le, the future son-in-law of Heshuo.

Ming Deng didn't divide the family, and waited until his brother was born and his younger brother got married, then the apparent ancestral property was divided equally.

"I don't know how Bafujin came up with this idea. I asked someone to check the properties of Ming Deng's family, and found that many of them were owned by Mrs. Ming Deng over the past [-] years... Mrs. Ming Deng is the owner of Zhen Guo. The only daughter of Gongguogai, although there was a noble and clan daughter, but the situation of that branch was not good at that time, the dowry was not rich, there were many inconsistencies here and there... Ba Fujin sued Ming Deng for transferring property ..."

When it comes to this, Prince Jane is hard to say.

These extra industries all come from Xianglan Banner.

He is the direct son of Amin Baylor, who lives in the room of Aiduli.

That is also the relative of Prince Jane's mansion.

Prince Jane did not hide this relationship, and said: "I really didn't expect that there are still people who dare to bully the ancestors and descendants. It is not bullying by others, but in-laws..."

Neiduo's family is also married to Amin's branch, his eldest sister-in-law is Amin's second daughter, and his eldest daughter-in-law is also engaged to Amin's granddaughter.

Although this branch is far away and is not a descendant of Taizu, Kangxi really has an impression of this branch.

Isn't that the ancestral home of Jiufu Jin?
It's also the home of Fusong, the master of ceremonies in the Ninth Prince's Mansion...

Because the clan has been exiled, it is impossible to make up for the gaps in the flag and the clan.

For this reason, he also planned to call attention to the situation of the exiled clan, but the southern tour was delayed later.

"I've verified it clearly. It's indeed the property of the Aldori branch?"

Kangxi frowned and asked.

Prince Jane nodded and said: "Indeed, there are two Haidian Zhuangzi, two Daxing Zhuangzi, one Baoding Dazhuang, two Dongsi Pailou rent-collecting shopfronts, and one Sanjin Mansion in Chongwenmen..."

When Prince Jane spoke, he felt distressed.

Their relatives haven't intervened yet, but let the in-laws who turned a corner find the property.

Because Haidian Zhuangzi and Daxing Zhuangzi are in the suburbs, the land prices have not been low in recent years, especially in Haidian, because the emperor built the imperial garden, and the nobles of the clan followed suit, and the land price doubled.

Although Kangxi didn't like the Eight Fortunes, he couldn't stand the fact that Guo Luoluo's family conspired to usurp the lost clan's property.

"Deal with the law!"

Kangxi made the final decision.

Prince Jian hesitated for a moment, and said: "Your Majesty, if the law is followed, even if the property is redistributed, it will only be distributed to Ming Shang's two sons..."

If he can't get into the hands of this married woman, Fujin, I'm afraid that Fujin won't let it go.

Kangxi frowned even more, and said: "Bafu Jin is a female family member, and it is not easy to handle official affairs. You can ask Babeile to sue on behalf of his wife!"

After hearing this, Prince Jian immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The servant complies with the order."

It was not early that day, so the matter was left behind.

The next day, Prince Jane sent someone to invite Eighth Brother to the clan mansion...

You know, the old and young people of the Eight Banners are also idle, how many people are waiting to watch the fun.

One belongs to Dong E's family in Zhenghong Banner, and the other belongs to Guo Luoluo's family in Zhenglan Banner.

The first one is plausible and a bit out of line.

The latter one is true.

With Sheng Jia returning to Luan, everyone is waiting to see the results of the two lawsuits.

Then Peng Chun passed away.

The lawsuit of Dong E's family is silent again.

Everyone is disappointed, here the lawsuit of Guo Luoluo's family has started.

Not to mention other people, even Shu Shu and Brother Jiu are quite concerned.

Brother Jiu said: "What the hell is Bafujin thinking? Could it be that she is still sticking to the set of the prostitute and concubine, thinking that she can fight?"

If you are a Virgo, you can still fight for a share, and you are all married, so what is there to fight for?

It's really going to be a fight, and when the time comes, what is reasonable will become unreasonable, and outsiders will think that she is using the identity of the prince Fujin to embezzle her natal family's property.

Shu Shu didn't think so.

Maybe Bafujin had this idea at the beginning, but later King An would explain the property distribution to her clearly.

If the Ming Deng couple moved the dowry of the princess, then the eight blessings would be able to come back; if it was the ancestral property, it really had nothing to do with her.

More like venting anger indiscriminately.

Is this resentment that uncle and aunt did not make decisions for her?Or thin when adding makeup?
Shu Shu felt that she couldn't figure out Fujin's brain circuit.

Every time the tenth elder brother came back from the clan mansion, he would come over to report the progress to the ninth elder brother and his wife.

"The clan's mansion is asking the people from the household department to evaluate the property one by one. They are all good properties that can't be bought in line now. It's a pity that it has been so many years..."

Elder Brother Shi also knew that these properties originally belonged to Jiufujin's family.

But there is no way now.

It has been nearly thirty years since Nei Duo disappeared, and property transfer was also a normal procedure at that time.

When the lawsuit is settled, even if Ming Deng spits out these properties, they will only be distributed to the two concubine brothers of Ba Fujin.

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "It's really unreasonable. Wouldn't it be given to Neiduo's children and grandchildren, making him cheaper? It is said that it is a serious business, but is there any other proof? So much money, how to get it, how to trade it, Zhongren Who is it, there will be no trace..."

When he said this, Elder Brother Jiang Shi was stunned, and said: "Is it the silver deposit at home? Neiduo is the son of the princess, or the grandson of the princess, the dowry of two generations of princesses, Neiduo's wife is also the grandson of the county... ..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "After entering the customs, the princess's dowry has been generous. In the early days, there were many of them, and all the lists can be found out. Most of them are daily necessities or gold, silver and jewelry, unlike the extravagant marriages now. ..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Shu Shu and remembered that when he checked the House of Internal Affairs a few years ago, there was a "unknown source of property".

Neiduo has been dead for more than [-] years, but the Minden and his wife are still there.

The Minden couple are also over half a hundred people. These properties are held in the hands of the couple. It is nonsense to say that they don't know about it.

Brother Jiu couldn't sit still, and said: "No, I have to go and tell Khan Ama, this can't be judged like this, the court banned gambling for a day or two, if these industries involve gambling and the source is unknown, then it is not suitable to inherit , It’s okay to take it back to the national treasury!”

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly stopped, and said: "Brother Ninth, don't meddle in it, don't give everyone more talking points!"

Shu Shu also said: "Yes, melon fields and plums, we should also avoid suspicion. If these properties do not belong to my natal family, I used to say that it is public interest. Since it has something to do with me, I should just stay out of it."

Brother Jiu said displeasedly: "You are Master's Fujin, so Master can't favor you anymore? There are several saints in this world, don't they all have selfish motives?"

Shu Shu said: "But this is 'harming others and benefiting oneself', and it will make the emperor dislike it. If it makes the emperor think that my prince, Fujin, is troublesome and adds trouble to the lord, then we will suffer a big loss?"

Brother Jiu calmed down.

Thinking of the emperor's father's temper, he had to say that what his wife said was not bad, indeed.

He himself felt weird, so he didn't say anything in front of Brother Ten.

When only the husband and wife were left in the evening, he said, "Isn't the master very narrow-minded? Anyway, the matter related to the Babeile Mansion, the master wants to make trouble!"

But it is okay to "injure others and not benefit yourself", but it is fine to "injure others and harm yourself".

Shu Shu said: "Master should be holding his breath, and he will feel uncomfortable if he didn't let it out. Just find a chance to let it out later."

Brother Nine stroked his chin and said, "Big Brother is an older brother, so it's not easy for me to repay it to him. Why should I keep that Yaqibu? I'm really confused... That's not a good thing. It's not a good thing. We have to live here, and we have to prevent him from doing bad things, why not clean him up before we move out..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt that it made sense.

Fu Song is at this age, and he is concerned about internal affairs, but he can't compare with Yaqibu's old fritters.

But "beating a dog depends on the owner"...

The Eight Banners have distinct levels.

Ninth elder brother is a true prince, but he has no reason to go overboard to discipline eighth elder brother's slaves.

When the time came, he would not take it for granted.

Even if Yaqibu treats him disrespectfully, he should still find the eighth elder brother and let the eighth elder brother teach him a lesson.

The last time Brother Nine beat people in the past, and when it got out, it was still said that Brother Nine was more stingy.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Didn't the Lord just mention the 'unknown source of property'? Or ask someone to investigate it in private, and find the evidence and hand it over to Bafujin..."

With Ba Fujin's temper, he will not let go of that opportunity.

She has experience in litigation again, and knows that she can open her eyes through the clan's mansion, which will not be cheap for the Yaqibu couple.

At that time, the eighth elder brother is not good to protect him in the open, otherwise he will be weak and stupid, and he will be ruled by a slave.

Brother Jiu wanted to understand the key point, immediately smiled, and said, "Well, Ba Fujin is so noisy, once or twice, it seems to be taking advantage, in fact, Khan Ama doesn't like women to show their faces, so he will definitely hate her even more... ..."

In this way, it is not only "killing people with a borrowed knife", but also "killing two birds with one stone".

He looked at Shu Shu and said: "I've listened to you talking about reasoning, good and evil all day long, and I forgot when you were unreasonable. No wonder Gui Dan and I were not your size last year. You really Will dig a hole..."

Shu Shu lowered her eyes and said: "Of course I hope that everyone in the world is kind, and I am willing to be a good person, but when others are not kind, I don't want to suffer..."

Brother Nine held her hand, gritted his teeth and said, "No wonder you and I became husband and wife, it's really a match made in heaven, I think so too..."

Everyone, don't forget the morning one, it was the third update yesterday. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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