My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 566 Major Events

Chapter 566 Big Event (whispering for a monthly pass)

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

The mouth is strangely sweet.

The smile on Brother Jiu's face was even wider, and he praised Shu Shu: "That's right, if you live like a saint, I will feel ashamed..."

Shu Shu also smiled, and said: "Anyway, it's fine for the master to know that I am narrow-minded. If others bully us, I will take revenge; if the master bullies me, I won't bear it..."

Brother Jiu heard that the voice was wrong, and hurriedly said: "It's too late for the master to protect you, how could he bully you, this example is wrong, repeat it again..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "If the master loves me, I will designate him to love him even more..."

Brother Nine immediately came up, rubbed against each other, and his voice was sticky, he said, "What's the pain? Is it the same as before, to learn something new?"

Shu Shu: "..."

I can't think about anything other than this all day long.

Everyone doesn't like to watch these...

The lawsuit of Guo Luoluo's family was full of turmoil, and the details were also spread.

The former owner of the property involved in the case "a certain exiled clan" has been mentioned many times.

There are all kinds of rumors outside.

More sympathy for this one.

After all, no matter whether it is the clan or the nobles, ups and downs are commonplace.

The world is impermanent.

If this time comes, the property will be taken away, which is too pitiful.

Qi Xi was afraid that his wife's wild thoughts would be heard in his ears, so he privately told his wife the news from the northern tour last year.

Her aunt, who was raised in Prince Jane's mansion in the early years and Fu Meng married to Horqin, has revenged and retaliated against Guo Luoluo's family ruthlessly.

Guo Luoluo's family also made outstanding military achievements in the early years, not only because of the royal in-laws.

In particular, the great-grandfather and great-grandfather of Bafujin were both powerful soldiers with numerous military achievements, and their status was only under the "five ministers" at the beginning.

At that time, the family went from prosperity to decline, except for the elders withering one after another, that is, He Shuo's son-in-law Mingshang was executed.

Since then, the direct branch of Guo Luoluo's family has no real shortages, and there is only one lineage inheritance.

Even if there are relatives, but the direct branch can't be suppressed, there are only those who drift away, and the surnames are dignified, and they are reduced to second-class families.

Jue Luo's temper is very calm, his eyes are not red, he just said to her husband: "There is no inner ghost, so you can't attract outside thieves. To be honest, this inside ghost is more hateful than outside thieves, and the culprit has not been punished yet."

Qi Xi said: "They are almost dead, and God has eyes."

In terms of time, Mrs. Guo Luoluo's late Ama Zhen Guoduan Chungong Guogai was the chief culprit who attracted foreign ghosts and colluded with Bafu Jin's grandfather Neiduo to seize his nephew's property.

But Qi Xi didn't just talk about it.

Guo Gai's life was indeed not going well.

Guo Gai himself died of a short-term accident, living only in his early thirties, a few years earlier than his nephew who was tricked by him.

There are only five legitimate sons under his name, two of them are standing, and one of them is adopted by his younger brother as his heir, which is equivalent to only one seedling left in the government of Zhen Guo.

That is the younger brother of Mrs. Guo Luoluo, the general who attacked Fuguo.

This Fuguo General also died in his forties, and two of his four sons were Mrs. Guo Luoluo's two nephews.

They attacked again, each with a Fengguo general, completely reduced to the bottom clan, attached to Prince Jian's mansion, and had no right to speak in Xianglan Banner.

Because of being a neighbor, Jue Luo was often taken care of by his uncle Guo Gai when he was young.

"It's really knowing people, knowing their faces, but not their hearts..."

When Jue Luo mentioned it, he still hated it.

Qi Xi said: "When the Duke of Zhenguo passed away, both sons were less than ten years old, and it involved privacy. I'm afraid it was a waste of time, which made Guo Luoluo's family take advantage."

There may be other reasons for those properties to be listed under the name of Mrs. Guo Luoluo.

Some of them were calculated by Guo Luoluo's family, and some of them should have been taken away by Mrs. Guo Luoluo from her mother's house privately after the death of Ama, taking advantage of her brother's young age.

"My cousin also has a son..."

Jue Luo was thoughtful, with gloomy eyes, and said, "It's hard to raise a single seedling..."

My own aunt was raised in Prince Jian's mansion as a child, and she wanted to take revenge on Guo Luoluo's family, and avenge her younger brother who went bankrupt and died young; as a daughter, how could she listen to this past as a story?
Qi Xi hurriedly said: "Don't think about it, there are a lot of people who fall into trouble at this time, I will think of a way..."

Jueluo's expression became clear, he looked down at the swaddling baby on the rocking cart beside him, and said "Amitabha" in his heart.

Even a widow like Mrs. Uncle got the news.

She knew that Jue Luo's temper was violent, so she was worried about Jue Luo's, so she came to visit in person.

"If you lose your horse, you know it's not a blessing, and you have a good idea..."

At that time, the blood was close, and there were scruples in doing things. Even if the uncle tried to seize the nephew's property, he would turn a corner.

What now?
The bloodline is getting farther and farther away, and if she really wants to wait until this time to seize the childbirth, there may be more sinister schemes.

Jueluo sighed and said: "It's ridiculous, I remember it clearly, when I left the court, my cousin came back to put on makeup, we were close in words and we were not in seniority, but she always treated me kindly, like a elder sister, I didn't expect it to be so..."

Mrs. Uncle said: "I still can't do something wrong. This time, if she is found out, she will lose face and say nothing. I am afraid that even her son's future will be delayed."

Mrs. Guo Luoluo was slightly older than Mrs. Uncle, and it was difficult for her to have children in her early years. This was also the reason for the two concubines who had taken the initiative to raise her younger uncle Mingshang. At that time, she was thinking of adoptive heirs.

As a result, an only seedling was added later, who was two years younger than the eighth Fujin, and only matured this year.

I heard that the marriage has been planned before, and she is also the clan daughter of Zhenglan Banner, but she is not the clan daughter of Prince An's House, but a side branch of Prince Xin's House.

Jue Luo nodded and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm not the Eighth Fortune, so I won't get involved in this matter."

Among the Eight Banners, there are many prodigal families.

Is it a farce to find a reason to return all the sold properties?
Mrs. Uncle was relieved now, and said: "If there is no Prince Fujin from our family, if you want to meddle at this time, you can just meddle in it, but Shu Shu is the Prince Fujin, and the family has to be more cautious, so it can't be like this... "

Otherwise, it would appear that Dong E's family was rampant, and it would be unreasonable to have a prince, Fujin.

What is the use of money?
If it affects the child for money and makes it difficult for Shu Shu to be in the royal family, the loss outweighs the gain.

Jueluo thought for a while, and said: "The Guo Luoluo family has declined in recent years. It is well known that Bafujin has a tense relationship with the Anjun Palace. My brother is soft-hearted and his sister-in-law is greedy. I'm afraid he won't let it go."

At that time, I'm afraid that they will play Shushu's banner outside.

Mrs. Uncle immediately showed her coldness, and said: "If she dares to come looking for you, just call me, and I will tell her that if she dares to ruin Shu Shu's reputation, her daughter and son will be smashed in her hands." Bar!"

Jueluo said hurriedly: "Where is my sister-in-law to come forward? Don't I kiss Ernie?"

I really can't talk, the two sisters-in-law are talking about restraining Ama Fusong and stepmother, when a girl comes in and tells: "Ma'am, uncle and wife are here..."

It was Fusong's stepmother Ma Jiashi.

Originally because of Fusong's marriage, Ma Jia had selfish intentions and wanted to tell Fusong her disgraced niece, but Jue Luoshi taught her a lesson and forbade her to enter the Dutong Mansion again.

Later, when Fusong split up and formally took up an errand in the Ministry of Officials, Ma Jia's heart was moved, knowing that he could not leave this noble family.

With Jue Luo's birth, the festive days of "Xi San" and "full moon", she came uninvited.

The ban on visiting the door was overturned.

Jue Luo and Mrs. Uncle's sister-in-law looked at each other, and Jue Luo said, "Please come in!"

After a while, Ma Jiashi was ushered in, wearing a shining gold bracelet on his hand, and the clothes on his body were brand new, but it was out of season.

After all, the new clothes are fine, and those who are more particular about jewelry have changed to jade, and no longer wear gold and silver upper bodies.

"Sister, this time you have to decide for your brother. They are all our family's property. Counting down to ten places..."

As Ma Jia said, his eyes lit up: "These are the villages in Haidian and Daxing, both of which are large villages with over a thousand acres, and there are shops on Dongsi Street. There is nowhere to buy them for thousands of taels of silver..."

The whole room was filled with the sound of her counting property, her voice was higher than usual, and her waist was straighter than usual.

Jue Luo looked amused, and said, "Didn't Ama sell that before he was alive? Where do I go to decide? If I want to reconcile with Ama, it will take [-] to [-] years to talk about it underground..."

Ma Jia's neck got stuck, she looked at Jue Luo and saw that she really didn't intend to intervene, she couldn't help being anxious, and said: "You can't stand by and watch, our lord is the younger brother of your first-milk compatriot, on the other side of Bafujin , or the brothers across the belly, all show their faces!"

Jue Luo said: "So what are people saying about the Eight Fujin?"

Ma Jiashi: "..."

It's not very nice.

"Lack of heart" and "uneducated" are both light.

"White-eyed wolf" and "shrew" have become fixed words to refer to that person.

Ma Jia said awkwardly: "That's different, you are the elder sister, the elder sister is like a mother..."

Jue Luo waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about it, I don't lack sons, if you want to follow suit, you can do it yourself, you don't have to take me with you, and you are not allowed to use Fujin's banner, otherwise my elder sister will be gone Ama and Ernie are the masters, I will give you a letter of divorce directly, and let you climb high!"

Ma Jia couldn't sit still anymore, got up and hurriedly said: "How do you say that, eldest sister, I married in these years, had children, and served the master, there is no credit but hard work..."

Jue Luo looked at her and said, "Anyway, to tell you the truth, you know my temper these years. I used to indulge you again and again for the sake of the two children. Now Niuniu is fifteen and Fubo is thirteen. The child of Unable Nie..."


Ma Jia gritted her teeth and said: "Our master said that as long as the elder sister is willing to come forward to make decisions for us, no matter how much property we want to return, we will be half of the family. Isn't that okay? The nephews are getting older, and the extra property is in our hands. Li is also at ease, isn't he?"

She didn't say this before, so she was naturally selfish.

Jue Luo rolled his eyes and said, "If you love to dream, go do it, I won't daydream!"

Ma Jiashi has to say more, Jue Luoshi has already served tea to see off the guests.

Ma Jia looked at Mrs. Uncle disconsolately, and said, "Ma'am, tell me, this is clearly the fault of Guo Luoluo's family. It's rare that the lawsuit has reached the imperial court. Why are we pretending to be grandchildren?"

Mrs. Uncle said: "No one is stopping you. If you have evidence that your clan and Guo Luoluo's family cheated to buy property, just go to the Dutong Yamen and Dali Temple to submit a certificate..."

Ma Jia said with a bitter face: "It all happened forty or fifty years ago. Where else can I find evidence? It's not that it's the eighth elder brother who is responding to the lawsuit on the eight Fujin side, who has always been on good terms with the ninth elder brother." , if Brother Nine came forward to speak on behalf of our family, he might be able to negotiate and mediate in private, and he might not necessarily have to go to court..."

She arranged it beautifully, but the news lagged behind.

Maybe it's just not paying attention.

Even though she knew that Bafujin had a bad temper, was unruly and self-willed, and almost bullied her niece, she only thought about how much advantage she could take.

It's a pity that the Dong E family's sister-in-law was resolute, and the Ma Jia family came in a good mood, but came out in a bad mood.

When she got out of the gate of the Dutong Mansion, she refused to leave and waited in the carriage.

It was not until noon that the Lord came.

It was Fusong returning on horseback.

He is at the prince's mansion every day these days.

Even if the sky is long, the Dutong Mansion will also start three meals, and he will come back for lunch.

Seeing the familiar look of the parked carriage, Fu Song couldn't help frowning.

Thinking about the lawsuits that have been raging in recent days, he got off his horse and walked over.

Mrs. Ma Jia also picked up the car curtain, looked at him and said, "Brother, Guo Luoluo's family occupies all the ancestral property of our house. Although you go out separately, if you come back, you will also have a share." ..."

Her tone was bewitching.

Fu Song looked at her, and said lightly: "That's the property Bafujin wants, you are so courageous, with such a family background, you still want to snatch it from the prince..."

Ma Jiashi didn't expect him to say this, and said: "Ba Fujin is a married woman, what does it have to do with her? Even if it is the royal family, it has to be reasonable, right?"

Fu Song looked at her and said, "According to the logic, the Guo Luoluo family bought those properties, and they belonged to the Guo Luoluo family, and the dispute between the two houses has nothing to do with the original owner!"

Ma Jia frowned and said, "Then how can it be counted? Back then, your grandfather was just a child, and he was just a child, so what is it?"

Fu Song said: "You can think whatever you want, it's just that you have hurt your brother and sister by going into the muddy water at this time, so just don't regret it!"

Ma Jia didn't think so, and said: "That's your younger brother and younger sister, isn't your elder brother protecting you?"

Fu Song sneered and said, "Fu Bai is thirteen this year, and he will be a teenage boy in three years. When the time comes, I will give him a bright future, okay? Just get on the military register and send him to the Northwest!"

Ma Jia said angrily, "Are you threatening me? That's your own brother!"

Fu Song pointed to the gate of the Dutong Mansion and said, "Here is my younger brother..."

After all, he turned and left.

Ma Jiashi was trembling with anger, regretted it, but had to listen to what his stepson said...

The Forbidden City, two.

After a few days of recuperation, Shu Shu has relieved the fatigue of the journey.

The things brought back were also sorted into books and put back into storage.

Now we are waiting for Shengjia to move the garden.

She didn't care about the five courtyards outside the West Garden, she thought the four courtyards in Hechi would be good too.

When you get there, the access control is loosened, so you can go to Baiwang Mountain Villa to inquire about the nearby landlords to see if they can replace a few acres of land near the water, and formally include the garden repair in the plan.

It was too hot in the palace.

It's not the rainy season yet, so it's hot and dry.

But she is also waiting for Concubine Yi's delivery date.

Even if she and brother Jiu go to Haidian, it depends on whether Yifei gives birth smoothly.

If Concubine Yi didn't make a move, it would be bad for the couple to leave like this.

Now the outside world is concerned about the lawsuit of Guo Luoluo's family, but there are also some gossip about Dong E's family.

For Shu Shu, those gossips are good things.

It's the brothers Fu Han and Fu Hai in the government's mansion who have officially turned their backs.

The two sisters-in-law just quarreled and restrained themselves from doing anything; when they got to the two brothers, they did it.

"Fuhan was going to take Fuhai to the Dutong Mansion to 'plead guilty', so he discussed with Fuhai in private and asked him to take care of everything, but Fuhai quit, saying that he believed in the words of 'uncle and nephew successively', so he had a bad intention Yes, he was also bewitched, not the mastermind..."

Brother Jiu told Shu Shu about the news of the palace, and couldn't help laughing: "These two brothers are very interesting, there are quite a lot of scenes..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "The blisters on my feet are all gone by myself. If it wasn't for greed, I wouldn't have ended up like this."

Now that the national laws and family regulations are waiting, the two brothers did not run away.

Brother Jiu was touched.

There is no confidence in not having a son.

Even to win a title, you must first promise to make your nephew the heir.

My elder brother, is he born or not?
He felt embarrassed to death.

At this moment, I heard footsteps coming from outside: "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, big news..."

It's Elder Brother Ten.

He panted and said: "Something happened to Guo Luoluo's family, the lawsuit should change..."

One and a half chapters, a total of 7.5 chapters less.

The next update will be at 11:23 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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