My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 567 The culprit

Chapter 567 The Culprit

Shu Shu and Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten together.

Elder Brother Ten calmed down and said, "Mo Erhui fell off his horse and died!"

Brother Jiu had question marks on his face: "Who is this? Why is it related to Guo Luoluo's lawsuit, witness?"

Shu Shu was at the side, but his expression changed, and he said, "It's Ming Deng's only son, Ba Fujin's cousin!"

After all, he was still her little cousin.

When I was young, I often came to the Dutong Mansion with Mrs. Guo Luoluo, and played behind Shu Shu's buttocks. In my impression, I was a cute and shy kid.

Because the Eight Banners discuss relatives, they only list family and age, not seniority, so when Shu Shu started to grow her hair, she didn't see her much.

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded when he understood his identity.

What shocked him was the word "independence".

Ming Deng and his wife are also in their fifties. If the only seedling dies, isn't that the bloodline has been severed?

"Is this doing too many immoral things? Is there really retribution?"

Brother Jiu thought of those Buddhist allusions, and was a little afraid, said.

Shu Shu handed Brother Ten a cup of tea.

Elder Brother Shi drank "gudu gudu" and continued: "Whether it is the descendants of the founding fathers Yang Shu and Darhan, or the blood of the great ancestor, Khan Ama will be lenient..."

Yang Shu is Emperor Taizu's sister-in-law, Darhan is Taizu's nephew and son-in-law, and the father and son are also Ming Deng's great-grandfather and grandfather.

The current direct branches of Guo Luoluo's family are all descendants of Darhan and Princess Nenzhe, the daughter of Taizu.

Ming Deng is the grandson of the princess and Kangxi's cousin.

Shu Shu said: "Why did you fall off the horse?"

This time is not the season for horse racing.

Where is a young man who has not filled his vacancies running?
Elder Brother Ten said: "The news was reported to the clan's residence, but I didn't hear it clearly. It seemed that it was related to the two concubine brothers of Bafu Jin. There was a quarrel, or something, and they went outside the city..."

Shu Shu couldn't gloat whether it was someone she had known since childhood or a human life.

She just said: "Even if the lawsuit is over, Guo Luoluo's family will be disbanded."

There are only two bastards left in the direct branch.

These two are Ming Deng's nephews in name, but they are also adopted sons in fact. The three cousins ​​of the younger generation were raised together, so they should be almost like brothers.

But if Mo Erhui really died because of the two of them, even if Ming Deng could forgive him, Mrs. Guo Luoluo would not.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "It's a second-rate family..."

Elder Brother Ten was thoughtful, and said: "So the rise and fall of this family is not afraid of criticism from outsiders, but chaos inside."

Guo Luoluo's family is like this, so why not Dong E's family?

Being an orphaned mother can be scary.

She will be fearless.

Guo Luoluo's house, Mrs. Guo Luoluo hugged her son's cold body, looking at Haibao and Wushihaqi who were kneeling next to her, her eyes were about to spit out poison.

"What did you say to my Morhui?"

These two people are the concubine sons of He Shuo's consort Ming Shang and the adopted sons of Ming Deng and his wife.

When Ming Shang was executed, the two were two years old and one year old, and they were raised by Ming Deng and his wife.

Haibao hurriedly said: "Amu, it was the third younger brother who came to ask us if we could withdraw the lawsuit. He said that he would persuade you to take out the property so that we would not take our brother's share. The kindness of nurturing is greater than the kindness of giving birth. How dare my nephew be so confused? Thinking, this case has nothing to do with my nephews."

Wu Shihazi's eyes were red, and he choked up and said: "It was the woman who threatened the third brother that she would eat his Yue's family's extinct family in the future, and the marriage must be withdrawn there. No one has been sent yet because the lawsuit has not been resolved." It's settled, because everyone is staring at Guo Luoluo's house..."

The two nephews were raised by Mrs. Guo Luoluo herself, so she knows their temperaments.

Especially Wu Shihaqi, before Mo Erhui landed, was raised by Mrs. Guo Luoluo as an heir, and he was also filial and dependent on her.

The two will not lie, the culprit is Bafujin!
Mrs. Guo Luoluo tightly hugged the corpse in her arms, her eyes became more and more red...


Jue Luo and Qi Xi looked at each other.

It was too much of a coincidence.

"Who did it?"

Jue Luoshi murmured.

That's my cousin's lifeblood, I'm guessing she's going crazy.

When she mentioned this little cousin before, she only hated her so much at the time and had dark thoughts.

But thinking of her own children, she still restrained herself.

Qi Xi felt a toothache and said: "I was thinking of adding fuel to the fire, but now I'd better avoid it, don't burn us..."

Jue Luo twirled the beads in his hand and said, "I don't know if my cousin will regret it."

It's hard to say whether Mrs. Guo Luoluo regrets it or not, but Ba Fujin does.

"Mo Erhui is dead..."

She pursed her lips, feeling a little uneasy.

The two are uncles, sisters and brothers, they should be very close, but one is raised in the palace, the other is raised in Guo Luoluo's house, and there are quite a few small contacts.

Even if Bafujin occasionally went back to Guo Luoluo's house, he still couldn't understand Mo Erhui, disliked him for his lack of self-respect, and mixed up with the two concubines.

Mo Erhui has a closer relationship with the two cousins, but he also dislikes Fujin's airs and disrespects the two elder brothers.

The siblings hate each other.

That's why when Mo Erhui found Babeile Mansion, Bafujin spoke more and became more mean.

"Mommy, I'm afraid..."

Ba Fujin pulled the nanny, his face turned pale: "Auntie, she will hate me to death..."

The nanny hurriedly comforted: "What's the matter with Guan Fujin? If he committed a crime, it would be the Elder Master and Eldest Wife who committed the crime themselves, and only then will the retribution go to the Third Master."

Ba Fujin raised his head and said, "Are you really not doing my business?"

The nanny shook her head and said, "Don't do it, don't do it, you just told the truth, you didn't quarrel with the third master, and you didn't force him to go horse racing outside the city..."

Just as Fujin was about to nod, he heard someone at the door saying, "What did you say?"

It's the eighth elder brother who is back.

He was often in the clan mansion these few days, so he naturally knew about Mo Erhui's fall and death at the first time.

Ba Fujin looked at Ba elder brother, with a stubborn face, and said: "Ba Ye is here to ask a crime?"

The nurse was beside her, and hurriedly said: "Master Baylor, don't listen to Hu Qin, I really don't want to do anything about Fujin!"

Brother Ba didn't even look at her, he only looked at Fujin Ba.

In February, he was ordered to send the eight blessings back to Beijing, and handed them over to the Prince An and his wife to "control".

On May [-]th, the day he came back, King An sent someone to invite him over and asked him to pick up the eighth Fujin.

King An made it clear: "If you marry and follow your husband, if you have anything to do in the future, please ask Baylor to discipline you."

Bafujin sued Guo Luoluo and his wife, which completely angered Prince An.

How would that make other people think?
It seems that their palace is unreasonable, and they are thinking about the property of their in-laws through the eight blessings.

Coupled with Kangxi's previous oral instructions, King An did not want to continue to bear the "responsibility of education".

What can Eighth Brother do?

That was his first wife, Fujin, so he had no choice but to take it back.

Originally thinking of withdrawing the case, he brought Bafujin back to Guo Luoluo's house to plead guilty.

As a result, he didn't do anything yet, and the lawsuit came to the imperial court.

He got the oral order, but he wanted to respond on behalf of his wife.

Brother Ba doesn't need to go out, he can know how the noble people of the Eight Banners pay attention to themselves.

It cannot be said that he is the culprit of the lawsuit.

For this reason, he was also annoyed by Fujin, the couple hadn't seen each other at all in the past few days.

Hearing that Mo Erhui had died, Brother Ba knew something was wrong, and the first thing he did was to come back to find Ba Fujin and ask about the relationship between the three brothers over there.

If it was really because of the two concubine brothers of Bafu Jin that they died, then they have to show their position and cannot protect them.

The result was not expected to be worse.

"What did you say?"

Seeing Ba Fujin's guilty conscience, Ba Ge lost his patience, and urged him with irritability.

Ba Fujin looked away, rubbed the handkerchief and said, "It's just telling the truth, it really has nothing to do with me!"

The nanny also said: "It is appointed that those two bastards played tricks, which made the third master angry. The little woman raised her, and her heart is poisonous..."

The eighth elder brother gave the nanny a cold look, turned around and went out.

When he got to the front yard, he called Yaqibu and said, "Don't rush to prepare the ceremony..."

Before, he thought about going to Fucha's house in person, and with all the courtesy, he also chose auspicious occasions to welcome Fucha Gege into the mansion.

As a result, Mo Erhui is dead now, even if there is a lawsuit between the two families, but that is his brother-in-law, it is not good to hold a wedding at this time, or it will appear too cold.

Yaqibu looked in the direction of the main courtyard, and said, "The Fucha family is also a wealthy family, and Fucha Gege's dowry should not be small. Is the courtyard too small?"

Baylor House also has three courtyards, the middle road, the east road and the west road.

Behind the east road is a courtyard with two entrances, which was originally intended to be the heir's residence in the future.

There is also a courtyard with two entrances on West Road, and it is planned to take Wei Concubine out of the palace to take care of her in the future.

Previously, the eighth elder brother chose the small courtyard in front of the second courtyard on the West Road for Fucha Gege.

Eighth Brother was silent for a while, and said: "Then clean up the yard behind the East Road!"

Yaqib bowed in response.

He didn't want to look for trouble, but who told Bafujin that he didn't know what to do.

Obviously came back disheveled, should be more honest, but in the end he found fault with their husband and wife, damaged their precious daughter with inside and outside words, and even blatantly proposed to marry her milk brother.

He is now looking forward to Fucha Gege's entry into the mansion, when the two Fujins face each other, it will be their chance as husband and wife.

After all, the eighth Fujin is the direct Fujin, and there are quite a few people who want to curry favor in private.

As soon as the yard on the East Road was cleaned up, Fujin got the news.

Her face turned red, she was about to explode with rage, she went directly to the study in the front yard, and asked Eighth Brother, "What do you mean? That's Big Brother's yard, Fucha slut deserves it too?"

Brother Eight frowned, and said: "Fu Jin, please be careful with your words!"

Bafujin said angrily: "Which word did I say wrong? What do you want to do, spoil your concubine and kill your wife? You gave the yard left for elder brother to live in with my little wife, why don't you tell me that you treat me as dead?"

Eighth Prince's eyes fell on her red clothes, with a bit of helplessness, he said: "You are not dead, but someone died, you are a cousin, don't you want to change clothes?"

How could Ba Fujin listen to these things, he just thought he was changing the subject, and said: "Say it, tell it, don't talk about other things, it's useless, if you want me to wear sackcloth and filial piety, he deserves it? There are such vicious Ama and Ernie, they should have died a long time ago!"

In the yard, Mrs. Guo Luoluo was supporting the girl, listening to the roar, her face turned ashen...

(End of this chapter)

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