Chapter 568 Is He a Man?

The eighth elder brother only felt a splitting headache, and said: "Can't you explain the truth?"

Not everything can be messed up.

No one will pamper her again and again.

Ba Fujin stared, with red circles around his eyes, and said, "I'm just trying to explain the truth to you, why did you clean up the east yard and give it to my little wife?"

The eighth elder brother took a deep breath and said, "That's the Fujin that Khan Ama pointed to!"

Ba Fujin was so angry that he couldn't breathe, and said: "So what, I am your first wife, you want her to step on my head?"

The eighth elder brother wanted to say more, but the door was kicked open.

Looking at Mrs. Guo Luoluo, who was dressed in plain clothes and had a gloomy face, Fujin was startled, and immediately took two steps to hide behind Brother Ba.


The eighth elder brother was ashamed, and he didn't know how to apologize.

Although Ba Fujin didn't do anything, it was indeed related to Mo Erhui's death.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo glanced at Brother Ba, then looked at Fujin with a knife-like gaze, and said calmly: "Ci Fujin is a concubine. Born in a concubine, and the husband you married is not a concubine, you actually look down on the concubine in your bones, it's ridiculous, Prince An's mansion is your glory, and that one is not a concubine at all..."

Bafujin straightened his neck and said: "How can it be the same? My Mama Guo Luoma was still the first wife when she married Guo Luomafa. My Mama didn't have the name of a stepmother, but she also had a stepmother..."

"You are arrogant in your bones, you look down on the concubine, and you have never treated the two concubine brothers in the eye. I have never criticized you, but why do you even look down on Mo Erhui?"

Mrs. Guo Luoluo clenched her fists tightly, stared at Bafujin, and asked every word.

Ba Fujin looked away and said with a sneer: "Who told him that he doesn't know how to respect and loves to play with those two bastards..."

"No, you are jealous!"

Mrs. Guo Luoluo looked at Bafu Jin and said: "You have no father and no mother, you are a pitiful person who depends on others, and that's why you are jealous of my Mo Erhui's parents. You love him and bully him since you were a child!"

Bafujin immediately jumped up and said sharply: "He is just a worthless dude, I would be jealous of him?! In vain is the direct descendant of the Guo Luoluo family, great-grandfather and great-grandfather are the founding heroes of the country, uncle and uncle are also famous Titans, but you, who lost the lintel of Guo Luoluo's family, are the sinners of Guo Luoluo's family!"

Mrs. Guo Luoluo's face became paler, and she said: "Who lost the lintel of Guo Luoluo's house? It's your gambler Ama, your Enie who can't live without a man, and you This unvirtuous and unfilial prince Fujin who has been despised by the royal family!"

Bafujin was so angry that he said, "How dare you call me? What are you?"


The eighth elder brother hurriedly grabbed her and scolded in a low voice: "Don't say a few words, my aunt is feeling very uncomfortable."

But Bafujin pushed the eighth elder brother away, took two steps forward, pointed at Mrs. Guo Luoluo and said, "I might be implicated by you, Ama, if you didn't have evil intentions and tried to take other people's property, how come Will have contacts with gamblers, how can I, Ama, get involved with that?"

Mrs. Guo Luoluo looked a little dazed.

Is there really such a reason?
Not only my brother-in-law got into gambling, even my younger brother got into gambling back then...

Seeing that she didn't speak, Ba Fujin only thought she was guilty, and said louder and louder, "If you did something immoral, you shouldn't get retribution. This is how God has eyes! Mo Erhui was unlucky to be reborn in your belly Here, death is a blessing, and I don’t have to be burdened by you!”

"Shut up, shut up!"

Mrs. Guo Luoluo screamed and threw herself at the eighth Fujin.

Ba Fujin froze in fright, was thrown straight, lay down on the ground, and saw a silver light in front of her eyes.

Immediately she was in pain.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo rode on her, and with all her strength, she pointed at Bafujin's mouth and poked her hands hard.


Ba Fujin's voice was sharp, and his mouth was already full of blood.

The eighth elder brother also came to his senses, and went to ask Mrs. Guo Luoluo: "Auntie, calm down, calm down!"

There was so much commotion in the room that Yaqibu and his wife also got the commotion, and rushed forward to pull Mrs. Guo Luoluo.

Although Mrs. Guo Luoluo was still sitting on Bafujin's body, she was exhausted, her eyes dimmed, and her hands slammed down with all her strength.


Bafujin's voice was extremely shrill.

Following Mrs. Guo Luoluo's movements, there was a two-inch-long gash from the corner of her mouth to the ear, and the flesh and blood rolled, which was very frightening.

The Yazibs paused for a moment when they pulled people's hands.

The eighth elder brother turned pale in shock, and looked at Mrs. Guo Luoluo, but he was not as polite as before.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo wailed, "My Mo Erhui..."

As she spoke, she fell down.

Nanny Yun hugged her, but her arms loosened as if she couldn't bear the load.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo fell heavily to the ground.

Coincidentally, it fell on Fujin Ba.

Bafujin was crying loudly, so he pushed hard when he saw this.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo rolled over, her forehead hit the desk leg heavily, and her head was bleeding immediately.

"Ma'am, ma'am..."

The two girls who followed her started crying immediately.

The house was getting more and more chaotic.

Seeing this, Yaqibu hurriedly said: "My lord, I have to call a doctor, it's not good for Mrs. Guo Luoluo to have an accident in the house..."

"Go to the doctor quickly!"

Eighth elder brother said.

Bafujin, who was howling, raised his head and said, "I don't want a doctor, I want a doctor, call the doctor quickly, my face, my face..."

Brother Ba could see clearly that apart from the gash at the corner of her mouth, there were three or four wounds on her mouth, the big one was half an inch long, and the small one was bleeding.

The silver hairpin on the ground was stained with blood.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo did not spare any energy.

He was a little dazed and didn't reply to Fujin's words.

Yazib trotted out.

Nanny Yun walked up to the eighth elder brother, and said cautiously: "elder brother, let's avoid it first, Mrs. Guo Luoluo is fascinated, if this falls on elder brother's face..."

The eighth elder brother was also afraid for a while when he thought of the scar on the fifth elder brother's face.

Seeing them talking to themselves, Bafujin almost went crazy, and said sharply: "Go and call the imperial doctor, go quickly..."

The eighth elder brother drooped his head and didn't move.

The imperial physicians of the Imperial Hospital have to record the pulse when they go out to see a doctor.

At that time, Ba Fujin will not be able to hide the injury on his face.

If it spreads outside, what will others say?
Talking immorally, creating oral karma, and driving Mrs. Guo Luoluo mad and hurting others?

The eighth elder brother had a splitting headache and wished that he was the one who fainted.

Yaqibu hurried to the gate, his face lost the eagerness just now, but a sneer.

Beating up the respected relatives...

Even the prince Fujin is too out of line.

Even if Ba Fujin, the direct Fujin, continues to be in front, it will become a display.

That's perfect.

Just as he was about to give orders slowly, he saw someone coming out of the Sibei Le Mansion next door. He immediately changed his face and urged: "Go and ask the doctor, don't delay, the sooner the better, run!"

The concierge boy didn't dare to delay, and ran away in a hurry.

Then, Yaqibu looked at the person and respectfully said, "Sibeiler..."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "What's the matter again? With such a big commotion, elder brother and Fujin started fighting?"

It just so happened that he had handed over the previous errands from the household department, and he didn't have any new errands, so Xiu Mu was at home today.

There's too much movement here.

In addition, Mrs. Guo Luoluo came here with anger and fell into everyone's eyes, so someone went to sue the fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother didn't want to get involved at first, and hesitated at first, but the voice behind was too scary, so he still couldn't help coming over.

Yaqibu bowed, hesitated, and said, "Our master didn't do anything, it was Fujin and Mrs. Guo Luoluo..."

The fourth elder brother frowned.

He didn't know that Mrs. Guo Luoluo had lost her son, so he just thought that she came to the door for a lawsuit, so he couldn't help feeling unhappy.

Now the lawsuit between Guo Luoluo's family and this side has not gone through the court, but it is almost the same as being talked about.

The fourth elder brother also knew that these hidden properties were embezzled by Neiduo, Ming Deng and his son, and he was not happy.

Even if the clan has been expelled, it is the descendants of the ancestors, the blood of Aixinjueluo, and no one can be bullied.

Now that he dares to come to make trouble at home, it is because he doesn't take Prince Elder Brother and Prince Fujin seriously at all.

Old Eight is too soft-tempered.

The fourth elder brother slandered in his heart.

Before entering the gate, I heard Bafujin's howling.

The fourth elder brother's face became more and more ugly.

It's so embarrassing, it's embarrassing.

But when he entered the study and saw the current situation of the study, he also followed Ma Zhuo.

Eighth brother, however, seemed to have seen a savior, stepped forward two steps, and said, "Fourth brother..."

The fourth elder brother looked at Mrs. Guo Luoluo who didn't know her life and death, and was still thinking about why she was dressed like this.

Didn't the elders of Guo Luoluo's family and the General's Mansion all pass away?

"Emperor physician, imperial physician..."

Bafujin felt grievances in fear, with snot and tears on his face.

The fourth elder brother didn't like to look at his sister-in-law, he didn't know she was hurt, so he said in a low voice: "Shut up!"

At this moment, the nanny got the news, seeing that Mrs. Guo Luoluo was coming, and there was a commotion in front of her, she was worried about Fujin, and rushed over from the backyard.

In the end, she saw Ba Fujin's face covered with blood, her eyes were black, she hurried forward, and wailed: "Fujin, Fujin, your face..."

Bafujin became more and more wronged, and the pain also made her lose her mind. Looking at Mrs. Guo Luoluo who was still lying on the ground, she grabbed the pen holder on the desk and threw it at Mrs. Guo Luoluo.

The fourth elder brother was looking down at Mrs. Guo Luoluo. Seeing this, he leaned over and pulled Mrs. Guo Luoluo away.

Hetian Moyu's Bijia Mountain brushed past his shoulder, fell to the ground, and fell to pieces.

The fourth elder brother looked at where the Bijia Mountain fell. If he hadn't pulled Mrs. Guo Luoluo, he would have hit Mrs. Guo Luoluo on the head.

"Poisonous woman, poisonous woman!"

The fourth elder brother looked at Ba Fujin, gritted his teeth and said.

Ba Fujin missed a blow, turned around and went to grab the inkstone again, but Ba Ge grabbed his arm: "Put it down, what are you messing around with?"

Eighth Fujin glared at Eighth Elder Brother, and said: "Other people come to the house to yell and kill, if you don't stop me, I'm injured, and I can't take revenge? If you stop me, are you still a man? What kind of prince?"

(End of this chapter)

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