Chapter 569 People are Divided into Groups
Before the eighth elder brother opened his mouth, the fourth elder brother couldn't see it anymore, and scolded: "Guo Luoluo, you are presumptuous!"

Bafujin looked over, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Who are you, if you meddle in other people's houses, you are Baylor, do you really think you are a king?"

Fourth elder brother: "..."

His expression remained the same, but his heart was also shaken.

I was frightened by the tragic appearance on Bafujin's face.

This is……

He glanced at Mrs. Guo Luoluo on the ground, his eyes fell on her body, he realized that something was wrong, he looked at the eighth elder brother and said: "Okay, why did you do it, why?"

The eighth elder brother had a bitter mouth, and said with a heavy face: "Mingdeng's only son, Mo Erhui, fell to his death..."

The fourth elder brother's expression turned solemn, and he said, "Call the imperial physician first..."

After finishing speaking, he leaned over to help Mrs. Guo Luoluo.

This is Amin Baylor's granddaughter, so to speak, they are still their patriarch.

Before, he still complained in his heart that she was relying on the old and disrespecting the royal family, but now he has no such thought.

The pain of losing a child...

And still an only child...

How crazy is not surprising.

The eighth elder brother nodded, and immediately told Yaqibu: "Go and ask the imperial physician..."

Yaqib responded and went out.

Ba Fujin felt extremely pained and hated, and said indignantly: "How can there be such a reason, the horse I rode, the horse I fell, is this to make me pay for my life?"

The fourth elder brother had already guessed that Mrs. Guo Luoluo would not be aimless, and he also got proof after hearing what Bafujin said.

He didn't ask why.

Before life and death, nothing major happens.

The fourth elder brother glanced at the eighth elder brother, and reminded: "Khan Ama should have got the news now..."

The eighth elder brother was ashamed and said: "My brother is too procrastinating. I will go to the clan mansion to withdraw the case in a while."

Ba Fujin looked at Ba Prince in disbelief, and said, "I won't allow it!"

The eighth prince's expression was also ugly, and he said: "Fu Jin!"

"I'm the plaintiff. You're just responding to the lawsuit on my behalf. What right do you have to withdraw the lawsuit!" Bafujin said angrily, "She hurt my face on purpose. She's a lunatic. She won't make others feel better even if her son dies." , why should I be bullied for nothing? If the lawsuit is to continue, they must be stripped of the face of their husband and wife!"


Eighth Prince's voice was also stern: "When is it, are you still talking about this?"

Ba Fujin sneered and said: "Why? I'm afraid I'll become a joke, haha, don't worry, with me, Fujin, I can't run away from you, Ba Ye. You are a big joke. You should be lucky to marry me, otherwise who would know you, Ba Fujin?" How old is brother..."

Speaking of this, she laughed "haha": "It's a pity that it's useless for you to love face. I am the emperor's wife, Fujin, and I will be tied to you for the rest of my life... Hahahaha..."

This laughter is worse than crying.

The eighth prince was trembling with anger.

Nanny held Bafujin in her arms, and looked at Bazi with fear.

The fourth elder brother was by the side, all feeling wronged for the eighth elder brother, but the eighth elder brother was in such a mess, he couldn't say anything more as an elder brother, so he just said to her nanny: "Your master is obsessed with phlegm, hurry up and help her." go down!"

The nanny hurriedly responded, and dragged and hugged Ba Fujin out.

The eighth elder brother's face was filled with pain, he closed his eyes, and said: "Fourth brother, younger brother is going crazy!"

The fourth elder brother also felt that this younger brother was unlucky to have such an unreasonable Fujin.

But this time is not the time to add fuel to the fire.

He too was silent.

It's just that the eight blessings are like this, Mrs. Guo Luoluo still needs a maid to take care of her.

He told Su Peisheng: "Go and ask Fujin to come over, and tell me that the aunt of Guo Luoluo's family is here and needs someone to take care of her."

Su Peisheng went in response.

The eighth elder brother's face became more and more ashamed, and said: "I still have to toss the fourth sister-in-law..."

The fourth elder brother waved his hands and said, "What are you talking about?"

After a while, Sifujin hurried over.

Although Su Peisheng had just heard that Mrs. Guo Luoluo had fainted, he was taken aback when he saw her makeup and the wound on her forehead.

At this moment, the doctor arrived first.

It is reliable.

"This rage hits my heart, and I hit my head hard. When I wake up, I will feel sick and vomit...don't move, you have to wait for two days..."

The old doctor examined it and said.

Hearing this, the fourth elder brother frowned even tighter.

If you can't move, you have to notify Guo Luoluo's family.

Otherwise, if there is a relationship, no one can bear it.

Sifujin was beside him, and asked Yunmama why in a low voice.

When she heard that Mrs. Guo Luoluo's only son had fallen to death, her heart throbbed and she couldn't breathe.

She is also a genie, and she really can't hear such news.

If something happened to her Honghui, she might go crazy too...

With the ten elder brothers around, Shu Shu and the ninth elder brothers heard the follow-up of Mo Erhui's death the next day.

The eighth elder brother has already withdrawn the case from the clan mansion, and went to the Qianqing Palace to plead guilty.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo was recuperating in Babeile Mansion due to the loss of her child.

Ba Fujin was accidentally injured by Mrs. Guo Luoluo.

The details of the dispute between the uncle and nephew have not been released, but it can be roughly guessed.

If Mrs. Guo Luoluo deliberately came to the house to commit murder, she must have gone directly to the Sona clan's residence.

If it's not a door-to-door murder, it's being provoked.

Shu Shu sighed and didn't want to say anything.

Death is always regrettable.

Especially the death of Mo Erhui is different from the death of Peng Chun and uncle.

The latter two are chronically ill and in their twilight years, while Mo Erhui is a young man who is about to grow up.

Brother Nine was also silent, and said: "This starling is also very unlucky. From the wedding in May last year to now it will be a year, how many sins have I asked for!"

That is to say, Khan Ama has always been generous to his sons, otherwise, the starling Baylor might not be able to keep him.

He had resentment towards Eighth Prince in his heart before, but now he can't help but sympathize.

No wonder there is a saying, "It is inevitable for a man to have an unvirtuous wife and an unfilial son." Eighth Prince is well-known for marrying a shrewd wife.

He looked at Shu Shu with joy.

Fortunately, when Yue Lexi was only seven years old, he was the most mischievous, otherwise, he might have become the son-in-law of Prince An's mansion.

Shu Shu noticed it, and looked at Brother Jiu, and said, "You can hurt people with bad words, June Han, it's okay to joke around on weekdays, but it's not good to really stab people in the heart."

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, is Master the one who doesn't know how to count? Why don't you owe me so much?"

Speaking of this, he had a look of disgust on his face, and said: "Guo Luoluo is not ungrateful, but has a dark heart. It is because his life is not good, and others who disturb him are also not happy."

Although it is disgusting that Guo Luoluo's family invaded the property, it is also uncomfortable to see that Bafujin has made no distinction between the enemy and the enemy.

"Like a lunatic, don't get involved in the future... What kind of fate is my starling, I'm afraid that even the eight banners can't pull out such a bastard..."

Brother Jiu muttered in his mouth, with lingering fears in his heart.

The tenth elder brother was by the side, and when he saw the ninth elder brother like this, he looked at him solemnly.

Brother Jiu was furious and said: "What are you doing with a straight face? It seems that the master has said something wrong. Could it be that the master wronged her?"

Elder Brother Ten shook his head, and said, "I'm not talking about the Eight Fortunes..."

Brother Jiu blinked and said, "Then who do you want to talk about?"

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while, and said: "The marriage between Myna and Bafujin was almost arranged by Prince Anhe before his death. It was 28 years ago, and it was already ten years ago. Then wait until 31 years. It's just a small ceremony..."

Brother Nine felt baffled, and said, "What are you talking about? You're not old yet, so of course you remember this. What's wrong with Khan Ama, one, two, three, all of them are child brides..."

The key is to leave him alone!
If he had set up Shu Shu early, then he would be his childhood sweetheart with Shu Shu, so what's the matter with Chun Tai?

Brother Jiu's thoughts were flying wildly.

If he were to go back to ten years ago, he would definitely go to Qianqing Palace to ask for Fujin, and he would roll all over the floor if he didn't get married.

Elder Brother Ten continued: "Let's not talk about her as the Crown Princess, but about Fourth Sister-in-law, who entered the palace in her teens, what kind of character is she now?"

Brother Jiu said without hesitation: "Does it need to be said? Of course it is the best. To be fair, the other sisters-in-law are really inferior."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Teaching children in front of others, teaching wives by bedside, it's not only because of Fourth Sister-in-law's good tutoring and good conduct, but also because of Fourth Brother's patience in teaching..."

Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten and frowned, and said, "Going around, what exactly are you trying to say? How come the more you listen, the more confused you become?"

Speaking of this, he was taken aback, and said: "You want to say that Guo Luoluo's fault for having a starling today, of course I know this, and I need you to remind..."

Elder Brother Ten couldn't help it, and said directly: "Brother Ninth, 'Things of a kind flock together, and people are divided into groups', or 'A man who is close to vermilion is red, and a man who is close to ink is black', the starling is surrounded by inappropriate people, he can be proper Where are you going? Don't turn around and say a few nice words to Brother Mynah, if you soften your heart, go and be a good brother!"

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "What are you talking about? Even if you were a fool at the beginning, if you don't want to be a sensible person now, you'd be underestimating people!"

Only then did Brother Ten reassure himself and said, "I'm not thinking of Brother Ninth's sympathy, but it is said that bystanders are the only ones, and you can also pay attention to Starling's actions, and you can be regarded as acquainted with others."

Brother Jiu snorted softly, "You only met a few people in the clan's mansion, and I have so many?"

Shu Shu was beside her, bowing her head and smiling slightly.

Eighty-eight ninety-nine, it has become a passing cloud.

Now there is a deep pit between the two.

If I and Elder Brother Ten work hard both internally and externally, the gap will only get deeper and deeper.

She didn't sympathize with Ba Fujin, but she couldn't help but look up in the direction of Qianqing Palace, curious about Kangxi's handling.

They all said it again and again, but never again.

This is the third time that Guo Luoluo has stabbed Lou Zi.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Looking at the eighth elder brother who was kneeling on the ground, Kangxi's face was full of clouds, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This is the third time, how do you think it will be punished?"

Who is willing to meddle in his son's family affairs?

The royal family unexpectedly produced such a prince, Fujin, who lost not only the face of the Anjun Prince's Mansion, but also the royal family.

The eighth elder brother looked up at Kangxi with a painful look on his face.

When he saw the impatience on Kangxi's face, his heart sank, he lowered his eyes, clenched his fists, weighed the words in his heart again and again, and then slowly said: "My son Fujin has lost his mind, he can't be filial to his elders, and he can't Dealing with internal affairs, it's not easy to go out to socialize, and I need to rest in the future..."

Kangxi's face was indifferent, and he said: "What about the Tongzhou Wharf? When the time comes, come and tell me that you don't know, that you are innocent?"

This is to say that Ba Fujin privately followed the Southern Patrol Fleet.

The eighth elder brother blushed and said: "My son won't, he will definitely make people look after her."

Kangxi's face was still dark, and he said: "Where is Gushan Gege?"

When Mrs. Guo Luoluo got married, her father was still a concubine, so she was granted the title of "Gushan Gege", and she was the daughter of the noble family.

How to deal with the affairs of Guo Luoluo's family is not only watched by Baqi Xungui, but also the clan relatives...

Roll around and ask for a monthly pass.

The next update will be at 11:24 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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