My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 570 Poor Empress

Chapter 570 Poor Empress

Mrs. Guo Luoluo is not only the elder of the clan, but also the elder of the Yue family.

If it is about seniority and inferiority, it is a mess.

The Eight Banners also have the old custom of respecting the elderly.

If the husband and wife directly presented the spectrum of the prince elder brother and prince Fujin, and did not recognize their relatives, it would be a joke.

The eighth elder brother thought about it and said: "If the son withdraws the case, he will also come to the door to plead guilty."

Kangxi looked at him without nodding or shaking his head, just said: "Kneel down!"

The eighth elder brother bowed down.

Kangxi thought for a while, looked at Liang Jiugong, and said, "If the prince is changed, how will we deal with this matter?"

As it was about the crown prince, Liang Jiugong didn't dare to answer casually. After thinking carefully for a while, he said: "If it is the crown prince, no one dares to offend."

The point is that the crown princess is not the temperament of Bafujin who makes trouble out of nothing.

If there is a conflict between relatives, and the trouble cannot be brought before the prince, the princess will resolve it.

"What about the eldest brother, the third elder brother, and the fourth elder brother?"

Kangxi continued to ask.

Liang Jiugong hesitated for a moment, and said, "Perhaps he is similar to the prince..."

Eldest brother is the eldest son of the emperor, and he has also been named the county king. Even the clan princes treat him very politely. Who dares to come to him and pretend to be the elder?

Not to mention the uncle and mother-in-law, even the own mother-in-law dare not point fingers.

The third elder brother seems to be kind, but he keeps a distance from everyone, and he will not be approached for no reason.

As for the fourth elder brother, he has a serious temper and is a man of good manners.

Not to mention outsiders, even among brothers, they mostly avoided him and would not take the initiative to provoke him.

The remaining five elder brothers and seventh elder brothers were also the princes who founded the mansion, Kangxi did not ask.

No one would dare to make trouble.

Only the eighth elder brother seemed to be the most kind and considerate to others, but he lost the respect of the prince, so others naturally became less afraid.

The eighth elder brother always put himself very low, otherwise, this time Mrs. Guo Luoluo made a noise in the Baylor Mansion and hurt the prince Fujin, Ming should have come to the door to plead guilty.

Now, it is upside down.

Kangxi didn't mean to ask Ba Age to correct it.

He looked down at the booklet in his hand, it was the list of Zhenglan Qi's assistant leaders.

There are a total of seventeen assistant leaders under the second ginseng leader, of which Guo Luoluo's family occupies five assistant leaders.

The four assistant leaders were set up at the beginning of the Kingdom, and they directly belonged to the Abatai Banner, the king of Raoyu County. The current three belong to the Anjun King Banner, and one is the assistant leader who has leather shellfish Yunduan.

There is also a Zuoling, which is the new Zuoling created by the 34-year population breeding.

The eighth elder brother lowered the flag, and the last two assistant leaders were directly assigned to the eighth elder brother.

Previously, I thought that with the presence of Bafu Jin and the two assistant leaders of Guo Luoluo's family, the eighth elder brother would easily gain a foothold in Zhenglan Banner, and would gradually take over the flag affairs in the future.

Now it seems that it is a luxury.

Brother Nine...

Kangxi hesitated for a moment, then closed the book again.

If the short break fails, it's called mourning;

Three months before birth is not a death, seven years old is a no clothes, eight to 11 years is a lower death, twelve to fifteen is a middle death, and sixteen to 19 years is an upper death.

Mo Erhui is 16 years old and is Shangshang.

Guo Luoluo's family also wanted to arrange funerals.

Just because it is a death, it should be simplified compared to normal funerals.

In addition, he died violently, so he could not attend the funeral at home, but could only stay in the temple.

Anyway, it only took a few days, and when Shu Shu heard the news of Guo Luoluo's family again, it was already a dispute over Mo Erhui's burial.

According to the rules, the deceased cannot enter the ancestral grave.

But Mo Erhui's age is not that of Youshang.

"Gege Gushan withdrew from the marriage of the Duke's mansion, and hired a girl who died of illness last year to give his son a ghost marriage, so it won't be a shame..."

Brother Jiu talked about the gossip outside, and sighed to Shu Shu: "It seems that the second elder brother of the Eight Fujin is forced to swear that the first son born in the future will be adopted under the name of Mo Erhui, and the incense of Mo Erhui will be enshrined... The old lady is really, her son is gone, and she still worries so far..."

But Shu Shu was deeply impressed by that cousin, she was a man of wealth, not an old lady who made trouble for no reason.

She thought for a while, and said, "It should be in the heart of Anna's two nephews to mention this condition..."

Although Mo Erhui's death was a coincidence, not man-made, but after all, it was in the middle, and there will be thorns in getting along with each other in the future.

This made the conditions come out, and it was also a step back, giving each other a step.

All the old and young of the Eight Banners were waiting to watch the fun, but they didn't expect it to end like this.

The lawsuit is over.

It seems to be "loud thunder and little rain".

But another life was lost, which is really not a small matter.

Some people stared at Dong E's house, thinking that they shouldn't learn from the other side. When the time comes, big things will become small and small things will be small, and it will be meaningless.

Presumably they were afraid too. Before Peng Chun's funeral, the Fuhan and Fuhai brothers went to the infantry capital's yamen to surrender and confessed to the false accusation.

It's just that the two brothers didn't accuse each other of being the mastermind this time, but unanimously insisted that Xizhu was the mastermind.

Xizhu first showed his wounds, saying that his mother-in-law and uncle were unkind, and then he said that he didn't ask for anything other than to keep the property under his name.

The Fuhan brothers were half out of chivalry and half out of greed, and only then did they accuse later.

When Xizhu was summoned, Xizhu denied the matter.

There is no evidence for both sides of the bias, and they can prove themselves.

Anyway, it's a mess.

The Forbidden City, two.

Shu Shu encountered a problem and was flipping through the favor book at home.

Wu Fujin's grandfather was promoted from the governor of Shaanxi to the right servant of the Ministry of War, and he is about to return to Beijing.

Although the governor is from the second rank, and the right servant of the Ministry of War is also from the second rank, it seems to be at the same level, but when the place is transferred to the capital, it can still be at the same level, even if it is promoted.

Those are the in-laws and elders, so they must send a congratulatory gift.

But this gift list is not easy to draft, there is no precedent.

When Brother Nine came back for lunch, Shu Shu told him about it, and said, "When you meet Si Bei Le and Qi Bei Le, ask them later, otherwise I don't know what to do..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "This also needs to be a preparatory gift? Didn't Zhang Bao make any preparations when he was promoted to doctor?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "How can it be the same?"

There is no separation in his family, the old man is the head of the family, and he was promoted to the capital, which is worthy of congratulations.

Brother Nine said: "Okay, I will meet Fourth Brother and Seventh Brother tomorrow and ask."

After grooming and washing, and the dining table was set, Brother Jiu talked about the Fuhan brothers.

"Counsel, dare to do it or not to be it..."

He was very contemptuous, and said: "Really, if you just pull a back, their brothers will be able to get rid of the crime? It's just a dream!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't make up his mind, and said: "Father-in-law is hindering Xi Zhu, isn't he also thinking about reconciliation?"

Before the lawsuit against Guo Luoluo's family was withdrawn, it was to submit a settlement file to close the case.

Brother Jiu is worried that his father-in-law is soft-hearted, and he will do the same because of Xizhu.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Ama won't."

Ama is soft-hearted, but she has to divide her time and people.

Is Seok Joo innocent?
If he is completely innocent, Ama will protect his shortcomings and will not be involved in him.

But Xizhu is not innocent, and Naamah will not "repay grievances with virtue".

Only then did Brother Jiu feel relieved, and said: "That's good, otherwise it will be like a farce. It is clearly a lawsuit before the imperial court, but it is anticlimactic. I'm afraid Khan Ama will not like it."

Shu Shu thought that it was the end of May and Concubine Yi's delivery date was approaching, and said, "Did you see the imperial physician on duty these few days, what did the imperial physician say?"

Nine Elder Brothers said: "It's been a few days since I said that my mother is well-raised..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Song came in anxiously and said, "Master, Fujin, Aunt Pei Lan sent someone, saying that it was the empress who started it..."

Brother Jiu was stunned.

Shu Shu didn't care about eating anymore, she got up to call Xiao Chun, and said: "Bring the outer clothes."

Before, she was wearing a light green shirt with a bright bottom gauze, and she looked cool, so it was not good to go out.

Xiaochun went to find a peacock blue cloak of the same texture and put it on for her. On her head was a swastika pattern, and she wore flat boat-soled flag shoes underneath.

The people who followed, Shu Shu didn't call her a girl, but brought along Nanny Qi and Zhou Song.

This is because they are afraid that childbirth will scare them and make them afraid of this in the future.

She came out of the second office in a hurry, and Brother Jiu followed beside her absent-mindedly.

Shu Shu glanced at him and said, "It's not easy for me to enter the inner court, what are you doing here?"

Even if it is a biological mother and child, in the forbidden palace, concubines have to avoid children, especially adult princes.

Unless it is an imperial edict, or it is like the "first meeting ceremony" after the prince's wedding.

Otherwise, Brother Jiu would be charged with entering the inner court without purpose.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "I can't sit still at the second institute, so I should stay closer to here..."

Speaking of this, he said: "My Lord is going to the Qianqing Palace. If I want to come, Khan Ama will also wait. I will go with Khan Ama..."

Seeing this, Shu Shu didn't stop her, she just reminded: "Remember to send someone to tell Fifth Brother!"


Brother Jiu nodded in response.

The couple hurriedly walked, and in less than a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the right gate of Guangsheng.

Shu Shu entered the West Sixth Palace, Brother Nine stood there for a long time before going to the Yuehua Gate leading to the square of Qianqing Palace.

When they got to the gate of Qianqing Palace and asked someone to pass it on, the eunuch hesitated a bit and said, "Jiuye, the emperor is eating..."


Brother Jiu's stomach growled in response to the occasion.

Just now, the husband and wife were gossiping, but they came out before they even moved their chopsticks.

"Isn't that just right, I can still eat a few bites..."

Brother Jiu said.

The eunuch didn't say anything, and went in to report.

Beside the dining table in the Xinuang Pavilion, there stood a young and beautiful woman in court attire, who was the nobleman Guerjia who was now in the midst of a royal family.

Hearing Brother Nine begging to see him, Kangxi frowned, waved his hand to noble Guerjia and said, "You go down first, and come back to accompany you in the afternoon!"

Behind the Qianqing Palace is the Immortal Tower, which is the pavilion in the palace.

There is the residence promised by the Qianqing Palace, and there is also a living and resting place for the concubines who came to accompany them.

The nobleman Guerjia was blessed, and came out of Xinuang Pavilion, and followed the palace people to the fairy tower behind.

Brother Jiu stood at the gate of Qianqing Palace and looked straight at it. What didn't he understand?
He drooped his head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Although I have known for a long time that Ama Khan has many concubines and has loved young concubines in recent years, but today is the empress giving birth.

When he entered the Xinuang Pavilion, he was also mournful, without any usual fuss.

Seeing this, Kangxi said, "Is this worried about your mother? There is no need to be like this, the imperial doctor said that the pregnancy is fine..."

Brother Jiu looked up at him, and didn't want to bring up unlucky topics, but he still couldn't help but slander in his heart. For Yuhan Ama, the empress is just one of the concubines, but for me, she is the only one. Amount of mother.

Kangxi glanced at him, saw that his eye circles were red, and said with disgust: "When things happen, you panic, are you still a child? Can't you calm down?"

Brother Nine pursed his lips, remembering the words "caring makes chaos".

Khan Ama can be so calm, it seems that Er Niang's love is really thin.

Poor lady, she is old and decrepit, she should be more filial in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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