Chapter 571 Eighteen
The "poor" Concubine Yi is feasting at the moment.

She was sitting on the edge of the Kang, unable to bend her waist anymore, so Pei Lan held the chopsticks and fed her.

On the Kang table next to it, there are four dishes and four bowls.

What Yifei ordered to eat was one of the shredded milk tofu.

"It takes a lot of effort to give birth to a child. Only when you are full can you give birth..."

Concubine Yi explained to Shu Shu, then continued to eat, sometimes frowning slightly due to labor pains.

Shu Shu sat on the flower bench next to her, she was completely in admiration.

Already in labor pains, it is really rare for a pregnant woman who is still so calm.

This is not the main hall of Yikun Palace, but the Xici Room in the back hall.

The delivery room is located in Dongshaojian.

The imperial physician and the midwife are all waiting.

There are also nurse candidates from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are also on standby in the imperial city.

The final wet nurse candidate will not be finalized until the little prince or little Gege lands here.

At that time, the wet nurse who gave birth to a daughter will feed the little prince, and the wet nurse who gave birth to a son will feed little Gege.

Seeing Shu Shu sitting firmly and looking reliable, Concubine Yi was still worried, and said: "Your child's family, how can you go through this, you should go back first..."

Speaking of this, she blamed Pei Lan again, saying: "Speak up!"

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "It's not bad for Aunt Peilan, Master Jiu was worried and made his daughter-in-law beg her aunt in private... My daughter-in-law's next few younger brothers have passed through when they were born, so don't be afraid..."

Concubine Yi listened with a smile, but she became worried in her heart.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

The emperor is very angry.

She looked down at her stomach, even if she had this little one, she didn't want to wrong the one above, so as not to turn around and nag Laojiu again.

She said to Pei Lan: "Go and invite the Empress of Yanxi Palace to come, and say that I invite her to sit here."

In this way, if there is an eventuality, there will be someone who can call the shots.

The emperor could not easily vent his anger on Concubine Hui.

Perrin responded.

In fact, there are no high-ranking concubines in the West Sixth Palace, even if there is a concubine from the Xianfu Palace, they have never given birth.

Besides, without friendship, Concubine Yi wouldn't trust her either.

Seeing that Concubine Yi struggled to hold the chopsticks by herself, Shu Shu stood up, took the place where Pei Lan had just been, and served Yi Concubine with vegetables.

Apart from the candied milk tofu, Yi Fei stared at the plates of meat and vegetables, and Shu Shu sandwiched a mouthful of small rapeseed.

Concubine Yi frowned, and said in disgust: "This is fishy..."

Shu Shu didn't force her, and changed to other things, she just said: "My daughter-in-law is thinking about some non-smelly vegetable recipes, and my mother should eat more vegetables, or I will suffer..."

Concubine Yi has been in confinement for three times, so she naturally knows what she is talking about, she can't help but smile, and said: "It's all what I should tell you, this is still upside down."

After all, she felt a little regretful in her heart, and looked up at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu picked up a piece of braised chicken thigh and said, "This is our blessing. We will learn how to take care of our younger brothers and sisters first, and when we have elder brothers and Ge Ge, we won't be in a hurry."

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "It's really a child's talk, it's like playing a house!"

Shu Shu recalled Brother Nine's sudden whim before, and said: "At the beginning of the year, our master remembered the matter of the princess raising Brother Fifteen, and mentioned that the empress has added a younger one, I'm afraid it will be ten years old. The seventh brother can't take care of it, and wants to take over the second school..."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi couldn't help being moved, and said: "Not to mention anything else, the idea of ​​'introduction' has existed since ancient times. At the beginning, the fifteenth elder brother was sent to Yuqing Palace, and then the crown princess was also upper body..."

It's a pity that it's the grandson Gege, not the grandson elder brother.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "That's the concubine, the daughter-in-law is just an ordinary prince, Fujin, who dares to hug the prince to 'introduce'. After two years, Master Jiu's body will be strong, and it will be the same when we bring our nephew here."

Concubine Yi has always been cautious, thinking about it is also the reason.

But the seventeenth elder brother is inconvenient, but the little one born by himself is very convenient.

I am no longer young, and when this little one comes out of Zhaoxiang House at the full age of one, he will move back to Yikun Palace.

When the time comes, I will ask my brother and sister-in-law to take me with me for a year and a half under the excuse of lack of energy, and no one else will be able to pick anything out.

When the dining table was removed, Concubine Hui also arrived on a shoulder chariot.

On both sides of the entrance of the apse of Yikun Palace, there are midwifery stones and a sword to ward off evil.

In the southeast corner of the apse is the auspicious seat, and a happy pit has also been dug.

Now chopsticks, red silk, gold and silver eight treasures are placed in the Xikeng, and after the delivery is over, the placenta will be buried here.

Two female shamans who are worshiped by Kunning Palace on weekdays are singing happy songs around the happy pit.

Chen Guiren originally took Elder Brother Seventeen down to appease him, but now he also came to accompany him.

Seeing Concubine Yi who was brushing her teeth and rinsing her mouth, Concubine Hui joked, "You're not a little daughter-in-law again, why are you still afraid?"

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "It's been more than ten years, aren't they all unfamiliar? With my sister in charge, I feel more at ease."

Concubine Hui glanced at Shu Shu, and sighed: "The days go by so fast, I still remember the appearance of Lao Jiu when he just landed, and it has been 20 years younger in a blink of an eye."

She skipped elder brother eleven.

Concubine Yi showed disgust, and said: "At that time, she was so red, she was covered in fetal fat, her eyes were still swollen, and there was only a slit in her eyes, which was so ugly that she was about to cry... "

Concubine Hui didn't like to hear it anymore, and said: "Then who is to blame? You didn't eat it. I remember that you liked to eat ducks at that time. You wanted one almost every day. It wasn't too fatty. The old nine who ate it would suffer along with it." , the vernix all over my body will take a hundred days to fade away..."

Concubine Yi hurriedly shook her head and said: "It's definitely not my taste, it's Lao Jiu's. Now I smell the smell of duck and I feel fishy."

Shu Shu listened to the gossip between the two with great interest.

Concubine Hui glanced at her, she was also worried like Concubine Yi, fearing that she would be frightened, and said: "You have never given birth, so you don't need to wait here, I really don't worry, I will go to Piandian to play with Elder Seventeen in a while. ..."

Shu Shu said: "Concubine, when I gave birth to a few brothers, I was waiting outside with Amu, don't be afraid..."

Concubine Hui didn't say anything, but exchanged glances with Concubine Yi.

That Duoluogege is not very reliable, this is the disadvantage of not having children.

If it really scares the child, there is no place to buy regret medicine.

But since Shu Shu has experienced accompanying childbirth, it doesn't matter.

Shu Shu still didn't forget to show his merits to elder brother Jiu, saying: "Our lord can't sit still when he hears that the empress is mobilized, and he can't wait in the second house. If it wasn't for his daughter-in-law's persuasion, he would have to wait outside the right door of Guangsheng Now, I’m going to the Qing Palace, and I’m going to send someone to tell Fifth Brother..."

Concubine Yi complained, "It's really a fuss, a child is a matter of course..."

However, the joy on her face was unstoppable.


As she spoke, her smile froze, and she said, "The amniotic fluid is broken, and I'm about to give birth..."

The midwife was already waiting in the delivery room, and came over when she got the news.

Peilan and the two nuns helped Yifei to the delivery room.

Shu Shu followed Concubine Hui and Chen Guiren to wait in Xici Room.

Rao Shu Shuda was a little silly and bold, and had also experienced the delivery of several younger brothers, so she was also more nervous at this moment.

Although Concubine Yi is several years younger than Jue Luo, there is a common problem among concubines, that is, they prefer to be quiet and not to move.

It may not be as smooth as Jue Luo's birth.

Concubine Hui saw it, and said: "Don't worry, it was really not easy for this woman to give birth for the first time, and it will be easier in the future."

Shu Shu also knows this truth, but when thinking of the matter of Qifu Jin, she still has lingering fears in her heart.

She thought for a while and asked, "Concubine, does our empress have a big belly or a small belly?"

She was afraid that the fetus would grow.

Concubine Yi was not thin in the first place, she had a curvaceous and plump figure, and she became even rounder after pregnancy.

There are small holes in the hands.

Concubine Hui said: "It's not big, it's not small, the imperial doctors are cheating, but if there is anything wrong, it has already been exposed."

In that case, there is no need to take responsibility.

Shu Shu felt relieved, nodded and said, "That's fine."

Actually she remembered something.

Although I have no personal experience, I have heard the basic common sense of childbirth.

One is forceps, which seems to have existed in the West in the sixteenth century.

Another one is the side cut.

They all deal with difficult births.

It's just not 100% insurance, and each has its own risks.

That's all for forceps, you can't make something out of nothing.

She cut that side, but she kept it in mind.

Just like when Qifujin gave birth, if the side cut was made, the child would not be suffocated to lack of oxygen.

She was thinking wildly, and Concubine Hui pushed over a plate of honeyed fruits that served with tea.

Shu Shu usually doesn't like to eat this, she thinks it's too sweet, but now because she didn't have lunch and because she was nervous, she was really hungry, so she ate half a plate with tea.

In the delivery room in the east room, there were no screams of childbirth that often appeared in film and television dramas, only two muffled groans occasionally.

Shu Shu looked up at the clock, it was not a quarter.

Then she found that the houses here are brand new, the wallpaper is freshly pasted, there is not much furniture, and there are no traces of use.

On the west side of the apse, it seems that Guo Guiren lived before.

Now there is no trace.

After Shu Shu ate half a cup of tea, he put down the teapot, first poured half a cup for Concubine Hui and Chen Guiren, and then poured it for himself.

Time passed extremely slowly.

In the middle, there were two people from Qianqing Palace, one time was Wei Zhu, and the second time was Liang Jiugong.

Liang Jiugong didn't leave when he came, and said: "The emperor is thinking about the empress, and the ninth master is also thinking about it, so the old slave will not bother."

Otherwise, with Brother Nine's anxious appearance, he would have to be ordered to inquire again.

Concubine Hui said: "Your majesty is gracious, elder brother is also filial..."

After speaking, she asked someone to move the stool and let Liang Jiugong sit on it.

Shu Shu smiled embarrassedly at Liang Jiugong, and said, "Our master is eager to cause trouble for Wenda."

Seeing her politeness, Liang Jiugong decided to sell it well, and reminded in a low voice: "It's nothing for the servants to run errands, but today the emperor uploaded that the noble Guerjia will accompany you..."

Shu Shu understood that this was a good opportunity to accompany the driver, and brother Jiu got mixed up.

She felt ashamed, and said: "I'm really sorry for your nobleman, and I'll make amends to your nobleman later."

Seeing that she was smart, Liang Jiugong was relieved.

It's not a big deal at all, but it's better to resolve an enemy than to end it.

Others don't know, but those around them can clearly see that the days of noble Guerjia being favored are still to come.

He looks good, comes from a good background, and has a pleasant temper.

Now I am waiting for the news of Yuxi, and then I will be a concubine.

Presumably, when they arrived at Shenchu, they heard a baby cry from Dongshao.

"Wow wow wow..."

Concubine Hui stood up with a smile, and said, "This voice is really loud..."

At this moment, Mammy has come out with a bright red swaddle in her arms, and her face is full of smiles, announcing the good news to everyone: "It's a brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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