Chapter 572 Why Don't Compete

Concubine Hui stood beside the nanny, looked at the baby in the swaddle, smiled, and said, "Little guy, looks the same as Lao Jiu when he was a child..."

Shu Shu was very curious and went to Concubine Hui.

When she poked her head and saw the baby in the swaddle clearly, she fell silent.

She has seen newborn babies.

Zhu Liang is only two years younger than her, and she doesn't remember when she was born, but she can remember the younger ones clearly.

It is red and wrinkled, looking like a little old man, and it takes about ten days to stretch it out.

When the full moon is over, it will be a white and fat doll.

The one in front of me is also rosy, but the scalp and face seem to have been smeared with cream, which is a little greasy.

Looking dirty.

Brother Jiu was like this when he was a child?

Concubine Hui has already looked at the little hands and feet of the little elder brother, and looked at the clock, and then said to Liang Jiugong: "Tell the emperor, the eighteenth elder brother was born at the moment of Shenchu, the mother and child, and the elder brother has a loud voice. , with long hands and long legs, well-raised."

Liang Jiugong also looked at it twice, and said: "The slave will go back and report the good news to the emperor and Master Jiu."

Liang Jiugong left.

Sitting in the east room, Shu Shu seemed to be able to smell the bloody smell coming from the west room.

In addition to the taste, there is also Yifei's forbearable groans.

After a while, the groaning stopped.

A nanny came out.

Mammy held a wooden basin in her hand, which was glowing red.

Shu Shu glanced at it, but didn't dare to look again.

But also guess what it is.

Sure enough, the nanny brought it outside and buried it in the wedding pit.

That's the placenta.

At this moment, Perrin also came out.

Shu Shu hurriedly asked, "How is your majesty?"

Peilan's face turned pale, and there were strands of sweat on his forehead, and he said, "Your Majesty said that I want to eat bird's nest..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu let go of her worries.

Seeing this, Concubine Hui said with a smile: "If you can think about eating, you are still energetic. Let's go and have a look."

Shu Shu said: "Jiu Ye is thinking about it, I will look more at your mother and talk to Jiu Ye later."

Concubine Hui nodded and said, "Very good, they are all filial and good children."

Chen Guiren also stood up.

While talking, several people arrived in the east room.

Shu Shu endured it so that her expression did not change.

The bloody smell that came out of the nostrils made people fall over.

Concubine Yi half sat on the mattress, her face was washed like water.

The hair that had been braided before was also soaked through.

Her face was a little pale, and she smiled weakly at Concubine Hui, and said: "It's always too late to be dissatisfied. When I gave birth to the fifth and ninth children, the pain was severe, but I didn't delay going to the ground. Now I'm weak, and my hands are soft." Soft feet..."

Concubine Hui said: "In front of me, what do you mean you are old? Before you were young and showing off your abilities, it was a matter of serious damage to your vitality, you have to take good care of it..."

Speaking of this, she said: "Although you gave birth to one, not a pair, but you yourself said that your body is weak, so you should sit in confinement for forty days and make up for it."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "Well, I won't be brave this time, I still want to live a long life and see my children and grandchildren..."

Concubine Hui hesitated for a moment, and said: "If you don't want to let go of the eighteenth, you can ask the emperor for a favor. From time to time, you don't have to hug Zhaoxiang."

According to the rules in the palace, the little prince and little princess who have just landed will be sent to the Zhaoxiang House after the full moon, and will return to their biological mother when they are one year old, or assign a suitable adoptive mother to live with them in the East and West Palaces.

When she was six years old, she moved out of the palace and went to the elder brother's house and the princess's house.

Concubine Yi is one of the four concubines, and she is not a concubine who is young and does not know how to raise a prince. With such qualifications, if she wants to raise her youngest son herself, she still has some face to ask for grace.

At the beginning, Zhaoxiang House was set up in the palace, because too many princes died at that time, and the concubines in the harem were too young.

Concubine Hui and Concubine Yi are now in the same group, not only are they seniors, they are also mothers-in-law.

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "It's better to follow the rules, with the emperor and sister here, there is nothing to worry about."

The head of the eunuch in Zhaoxiang's office was selected by Kangxi.

Concubine Hui is also in charge of other chores on weekdays.

Concubine Hui said nothing more.

Concubine Yi looked at Shu Shu again, and said: "I have nothing to do here, the next thing is to eat and sleep, you don't have to come here all the time, just send people here every now and then, if I have anything I want to eat, I will send it too The person went directly to the second office to pick it up, and told Lao Jiu, I'm fine, let him work hard."

Shu Shu listened carefully and agreed.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Besides Kangxi and Ninth Brother, Fifth Brother who got the news also entered the palace.

When he heard the good news from Liang Jiugong, Kangxi laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, I have eighteen elder brothers..."

Fifth elder brother also laughed.

In the royal family, the prince is more comfortable than the princess.

Brother Jiu is also grinning, but his heart is sour.

He has a secret that even his wife didn't tell him before, that is, when he went to worship Buddha in famous temples and ancient temples in the south of the Yangtze River, he also prayed in his heart.

That is to let elder brother eleven be reincarnated into the mother's womb, and he will be a good brother this time.

Now, all wishes come true!

He couldn't wait a bit, and said: "When can the sons go to see Xiao Shiba?"

He wanted to see if Xiao Shiba looked like Shi Shi.

Kangxi said: "Children are weak and can't see outsiders often, and are easily shocked. If you want to see it, you can go to Zhaoxiang Office after a hundred days..."

Brother Jiu calculated in his mind, today is May [-]th, and in a hundred days, the Double Ninth Festival will be around.

"The son went back to discuss with Fujin, and prepared a meeting gift for Xiao Shiba..."

The Fifth Brother heard this, hesitated for a moment, and said, "What are you preparing, do you want to prepare another copy?"

Kangxi also looked at Brother Jiu.

It was only at this moment that he remembered that Elder Eighteenth Brother was already the third son of Concubine Yi, and he had two older brothers.

Concubine Yi once had three sons...

Kangxi thought of Brother Eleven.

Brother Eleven was already 12 years old when he died, and he would be fifteen now if he was alive...

Brother Nine took it for granted: "Of course I have to prepare another one. This is the old lump, and it is the youngest son of Khan Ama. Of course it is different."

Speaking of presents, he remembered the gossip he had with his wife at noon, and said, "Fifth brother, your grandpa is promoted to the capital, what congratulations are you preparing? What shall we give? There is no such thing as an example. I, Fujin, am so embarrassed. I thought I kept asking Fourth Brother and Seventh Brother, but when I think about it carefully, they probably don’t have this case.”

The father-in-laws of several princes, needless to say the prince's side, died of illness before the prince's concubine entered the palace.

Eldest brother, the old man is a high-ranking official, and he was framed by someone as the jewel of the party as soon as he got the prince's son-in-law, and he was exempted from the minister.

On the third elder brother's side, the title of the father-in-law has not changed, but he has lost the Zhenghongqi Manchurian capital, and later re-established the Zhenghongqi Mongolian capital, which is not something to be happy about.

The fourth elder brother here, needless to say, was also pulled down by the old man long ago.

The fifth elder brother's father-in-law is Zhang Baozhu, and more than thirty people got a fifth-grade doctor under his care.

Seventh elder brother's father-in-law has not moved, and is still the deputy capital of Manchuria in Zhenghongqi.

The father-in-law of the eighth elder brother was buried for 20 years.

For the rest of Brother Jiu, the father-in-law has not moved for several years.

Where can I find He Yi's precedent?
The fifth elder brother thought for a while, and said, "Your fifth sister-in-law prepared two boxes of Korean ginseng and a pocket watch, and I prepared four pieces of silver here..."

Favors in the capital cost a lot.

Buyanu is a big official in the frontier outside, but in the capital, a servant has to walk in various official circles.

"We can't refer to this..."

Brother Jiu said.

The fifth elder brother and his wife are granddaughter and grandson-in-law, so they can send silver seals directly, but it seems contemptuous for outsiders to say this.

"Forget it, let me think about it..."

Brother Jiu said.

Kangxi glanced at him appreciatively, and said, "That's right, you already know the ways of the world..."

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't it all taught by Khan Ama..."

Kangxi felt that this son could not help boasting, bowed his head and thought for a while, and told Liang Jiugong, "I remember that there was mint ointment in Yunnan's annual tribute last year. Take two boxes out to enjoy Yikun Palace... It is hot in summer, and weaving in Hangzhou during the southern tour. The 'Qing Taiping' who came in took two horses to appreciate the Yikun Palace, and the Yushan Gong from Nanyang, and also picked one to appreciate the Yikun Palace, plus a handle of agarwood Ruyi..."

It is difficult to do confinement in summer, and ice cannot be used.

These are used or placed.

Liang Jiugong wrote it down carefully in his heart, and went to the warehouse of Qianqing Palace to find things.

The fifth elder brother laughed beside him.

There is no gold or silver here, nor are there any rare treasures, but this is the intention and compassion of Khan Ama.

Brother Jiu remembered the ten "Qing Taiping" horses he kept.

Keep it, must keep it.

There were twenty horses in total, and they got ten!

Nowadays, Khan Ama is very tight in giving out rewards, and they don't want to use this as a gift to others.

Instead, I can prepare two horses for the empress.

If the empress uses it well, she will be filial in private.

When he came out of Qianqing Palace, Brother Jiu couldn't wait to go back to the second school.

Shu Shu is crooked.

Previously in Yikun Palace to accompany the delivery, she sat dry for nearly two hours.

Although it is a soft stool, it is also painful to sit on.

Now she simply washed up, removed her outer clothes, and lay down on the couch.

Xiao Song sat behind her and rubbed her waist.

Brother Nine came in, showing concern, and said, "It's been hard work, are you exhausted?"

Shu Shu waved Xiao Song to go down, saying: "The palace people have already prepared well, I just sat and did nothing when I went over, even if my heart was tied up at that time, my spirit was tied tightly, and I sat straight away. I'm a little tired right now..."

As she spoke, she described in detail what she had seen and heard about Yikun Palace in the past.

There is also Yifei's calmness and optimism before giving birth, and her hardship and weakness after giving birth.

There is also the matter of Concubine Hui sitting in town.

Brother Jiu listened, and became worried again, and said: "Then what should I do? Can it be made up in forty days? If it doesn't work, just go to confinement?"

Shu Shu said: "Your Majesty knows it well."

Brother Jiu rubbed his chin, his train of thought wandered a little bit, he didn't know what to think of, and he glanced secretly at Shushu.

Shu Shu said: "What are you thinking about?"

Brother Jiu asked with doubts: "What's the matter with the empress and concubine Hui? Why are they so close, they look like sisters, shouldn't they fight over each other?"

One of the two is ranked first, and the other is ranked second.

Before, one was in charge of the East Sixth Palace, and the other was in charge of the West Sixth Palace.

"It's not just with Concubine Hui, think about it now, when Concubine Gui was around, she was also very good with Empress..."

Brother Jiu said: "It's the same man, don't you want to argue?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Maybe it's because they are all concubines? And the empress is really open-minded and treats people with sincerity..."

If there were differences between wives and concubines, it would definitely not be such a harmonious scene.

They are all concubines, they all have their own sons, and there are a steady stream of little concubines behind them. They have risen to the top, what else is there to fight for?

Ask for a monthly pass, ^_^!

The next update will be at 11 noon on November 25th, welcome to Qidian APP
(End of this chapter)

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