My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 573 Danger Danger

Chapter 573 Dangerous Dangerous

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu with a dangerous look in his eyes.

Shu Shu looked at him, didn't she agree with her point of view?
Logically speaking, if there is no owner in the harem, a noble concubine should be named in charge of the phoenix seal, but right now the most qualified one is Concubine Hui.

Concubine Hui is still the mother of the eldest son of the emperor. If her status is higher, the son is more expensive than the mother, and the elder brother will threaten the status of the prince even more.

Not only Concubine Hui, but also the other three concubines in the first echelon of the harem.

They all have senior princes and seniority.

Therefore, in history, Kangxi made the little Tong family who had no children and came from a high family a noble concubine, and put him on top of the four concubines.

Now that Tong Guowei is discussing the crime, as Tong Guowei's daughter, it is already a grace that Xiao Tong's family has not been degraded, let alone the imperial concubine.

"It's not just this..."

Brother Jiu whispered: "Is it true that the empress and concubines don't care about Khan Ama anymore after they have a son?"

Shu Shu: "..."

This angle is really surprising.

Brother Nine felt that he was talking, and said dissatisfiedly: "I've been talking about 'being a mother is strong' and 'being a mother is strong' all day long, why do you think this is also 'remove the father and keep the son'?"

He didn't want to follow in this footsteps, even if there was a cub in the family, he would have to be behind him.

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, but she also said objectively: "This is because girls want to get over it, what can they do if they can't, don't they still feel uncomfortable?"

Not to mention others, which of the four concubines has not been favored?
If you think about the position of the favorite concubine and place all your hopes on the emperor, how will life be easier?

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Khan Ama is diligent in politics, but he doesn't do much health care on weekdays."

The Qianqing Palace agreed on twenty days, and the harem's beloved pets have never been cut off.

Shu Shu pinched Brother Jiu's waist, and said: "Don't mention this in the future, if you mention it again, let's take care of our health."

Immediately, Brother Jiu was seized by his lifeline, hugged Shu Shu and said: "My lord is filial, so I am worried about Han Ama and your empress, that's all right, I will think about it in my heart in the future, and I won't mention it..."

The news that Concubine Yi gave birth to the little prince safely spread to all the palaces in the inner court during dinner.

Zhongcui Palace Small Buddha Hall.

Concubine Rong is copying the "Ksitigarbha Sutra". Since returning from the southern tour, her temper has become much softer.

Not as fond of rubbing fire as the previous two years.

Just haven't slept well.

I often couldn't close my eyes until the third watch, and woke up again at the beginning of the fourth watch.

Therefore, it still looks a little haggard.

In the past two days, there was nothing she could do. She began to copy the scriptures, and finally she was able to sleep soundly at night.

"Congratulations, Concubine Yi is blessed, follow the example when the fourteenth elder brother was born, prepare the ceremony."

Concubine Rong put down her pen and ordered the palace to speak.

The palace people went down in response.

Concubine Rong looked towards the corner of the Buddhist hall. There was a two-foot-diameter flower pot under the south window, and the roses planted in it were in full bloom.

She walked over, smelling the familiar smell, and remembered the changes in the harem years ago.

Since when did it get weird?

During the northern tour?
Because the eldest elder brother met Xiong and the fifth elder brother was injured, his third elder brother was involved, and the Ma family who was involved were all expelled from the imperial dining room?

Not at that time.

At that time, only the Ma family was dismissed, and the Wu Ya family and the Wei family were still working in the imperial dining room.

Is the thirteenth prince and the fourteenth prince divided into palaces? !
The thirteenth elder brother lived in Ganxi head house, and the fourteenth elder brother lived in Ganxi fourth house.

Later, it happened that someone pretended to be a ghost and threatened my brother...

Just playing tricks?
That is the place where elder brother eleven lived, and elder brother eleven died of illness for 35 years.

The fourteenth elder brother lived in Gandongtou again.

The four were vacant again.

Soetu is dead...

Father and son are dead...

Concubine Rong turned her head and looked in the direction of Yuqing Palace.

Prince is fine...

The three grandsons all stood still...

In Yonghe Palace.

Concubine De is also in the Buddhist hall.

It's just that she didn't copy scriptures, but picked Buddha beans.

Summer is long, always looking for something to kill time.

"It's Elder Brother? Concubine Yi will be disappointed now..."

Concubine De got the news and said calmly.

The palace man next to him flattered: "Isn't it true that having both sons and daughters is a great blessing, not everyone can have it?"

Concubine De's hand holding Douzi began to exert force.

What kind of luck is this?
She and Concubine Rong have both children, but if it is said that they are blessed, she herself does not believe it.

She gave birth to six and died three; Concubine Rong gave birth to six and died four.

Brother Fourteen is no longer the youngest son...

Concubine De looked down at her hands, they were still white and soft.

She and Concubine Yi are in the same age group!

Just a few months.

In the early years, the two had children, which were also interspersed.

But now the palace only knows that Concubine Yi is a favorite concubine, no one remembers the time when she also had the honor of a holy family.

Conferred as a concubine alone, she came from behind, ranking ahead of Concubine Rong.

Since when is petting rare?
It was Empress Xiaoyi who passed away.

At that time, the fourteenth elder brother was only a little over one birthday.

The emperor sent the fourth elder brother back to her.

She didn't want to educate the fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother made a baby marriage, and after three years of filial piety, Si Fujin married into the palace...

Concubine De looked down at her stomach again.

She didn't know if she regretted it or not.

It's just that the fate of parents and children in this world is not all good.

Maybe she and the fourth elder brother have a bad relationship, so they hate each other.

If she gave birth to the youngest son of the emperor...

Yanxi Palace.

After sitting for half a day, Concubine Hui was also tired, so she reclined on the couch after washing up.

The maid beside her fanned and said, "Brother Sun has another little uncle..."

Concubine Hui remembered Liang Jiugong's soothing words, smiled and shook her head and said, "Where is this? The emperor's age is at its peak, and the emperor's grandchildren are about a dozen, and they grow up against the wind. In the future, it may be the emperor's great-grandson, A Gedo." Uncles and grandpas..."

The draft is held every three years, and a crop of young concubines will also stand up.

Noble Guarja will not be the last.

The maid said: "It's true, the elder brother of Yuqing Palace is already in his teens, it's too soon to say."

Concubine Hui sighed, and said, "Isn't it? I still remember that the new Lantern Festival on Lantern Festival is delicious, and it will be June in a blink of an eye."

The maid said: "Your Majesty, all the palaces have said that the emperor is going to send the Empress Dowager to the Changchun Garden these days, so in our palace..."

In the first lunar month, I went for more than half a month, but in the cold winter months, the countryside is very windy, and the house is not as warm as the palace, so going there seems to be a crime.

Now should be the time when the scenery is the most beautiful, plus it is full of water, and it is also cool, suitable for escaping the heat.

Concubine Hui thought for a while, and said: "The emperor loves to be fair, so he took Concubine Rong and I on a tour of the south first, and I probably won't bring them in the garden anymore, Concubine Yi can't move anymore, Concubine De should follow over there to take care of it." The internal affairs of the palace family..."

The rest of the retinue must be Zhang Bin, Wang Guiren, and Guerjia's beloved pets.

By the next day, Wu Fujin entered the palace early.

After she went to Ningshou Palace to pay her respects, she came to the second school and was going to go to Yikun Palace with Shushu.

"Our master is confused. When he heard that the empress had activated it, he hurried into the palace to guard the news. He didn't know how to send someone to tell me..."

Wu Fujin was really annoyed, and couldn't help complaining to Shu Shu: "It turned out to be a good thing. I didn't know how long it took me to arrive at the mansion after my mother gave birth. It was already early..."

There is a certain time for the palace to be locked, and it is not good for Wu Fujin to enter the palace too late, otherwise it will be inconvenient.

Being a daughter-in-law is different from being a son.

Between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, it is better to be polite than rude.

Shu Shu had no choice but to pat Wu Fujin's hand sympathetically, which is not good to comfort, otherwise it would be like sarcastic remarks, and only said: "Your Majesty is really tired, and she specially asked me yesterday not to let me grow old, so as not to save her Follow me, just let me send people there every now and then..."

Both sister-in-law and sister-in-law know, just listen to these words.

If it's true, there's no telling when it won't be.

Even if Concubine Yi didn't have time to see people, as daughter-in-laws, they had to be courteous and show concern.

Wu Fujin said: "When passing through Shandong a few days ago, our master specially sent someone to buy some sea cucumbers and donkey-hide gelatin. Today, I brought some here, plus Korean ginseng, and I ordered Dianyi to find them in the capital in April. The blood swallows bought by people from Guangdong are all for nourishing blood..."

Shu Shuzan said: "Fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law are well-prepared. We didn't think of this at all before. There is nothing else except Korean ginseng. The rest are some materials purchased during this southern tour. Some are light and breathable. You can take them Go to the empress or reward people..."

The sisters-in-law are breathing with each other.

This gift of congratulations is not too different.

But Wu Fujin knew that Shu Shu was considerate, but every time he met him, he would avoid her.

It's the same in front of the queen mother, and it's the same in front of the empress.

She appreciated it in her heart, but she didn't want to be like this all the time, and said: "Don't think too much, my filial piety is mine, what's yours is yours, it's all about doing it with all your heart, am I being petty and picky?"

Shu Shu said: "Fifth sister-in-law, you're overthinking it. I'm following the rules. Whoever makes fifth sister-in-law the elder sister-in-law and I'm the youngest daughter-in-law and grandson's wife, we can save our worries and money..."

There is nothing to contend with at all, otherwise it would be a joke.

Even if you want to visit your mother-in-law, there is no reason to just go there.

Shu Shu then ordered Walnut to take Wufujin's girl to Yikun Palace, first ask Peilan if Concubine Yi is awake, and when is it convenient to visit her.

The reason why it was Shu Shu who made the decision was because Wu Fujin and the others were not counted as people in the palace since they opened the mansion last year, and even the attendants with them had withdrawn the booklets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they were not allowed to walk in the palace at will.

Walnut responded, and took people to Yikun Palace.

Only then did Wu Fujin ask about his uncle's situation: "How is little elder brother? Does he look fair and cute?"

Thinking of the little oily man, Shu Shu still felt a little disgusted in her heart, but she couldn't show it, and said: "I don't understand this, Concubine Hui said that the little elder brother is well-raised, with long arms and legs, and a strong body... ..."

Wu Fujin said: "Tomorrow's 'washing three', the meaning of the uncle is to ask the empress if it is necessary for the uncle and wife to enter the palace..."

The uncle she was talking about was Yi Fei's brother, Dao Bao, the master of ceremonies of Wubeile Mansion.

The uncle and wife are Daobao's wife Jin.

Several members of the Jin family "died" in the twelfth lunar month last year, but they did not escape the catastrophe when the emperor cleaned the House of Internal Affairs in the first month.

At that time, the Jin family had nowhere to ask for help, and wanted to enter the palace to seek concubine Yi, but was stopped by the Daobao.

"Is that uncle and wife turned around?"

Shushu said.

If Daobao can ask this question, it means that the uncle and wife should have been trained.

Otherwise, Dao Bao won't let her out if she still thinks about letting Concubine Yi drag her natal family.

Wu Fujin said indescribably, "Since we returned to Beijing on May [-]th, we have been in the mansion three or four times in less than half a month. It is completely different from the past, and we are much more respectful in front of my uncle..."

There is another starting point coin activity in the book circle, but there are not many. If you are interested, you can post a post and participate, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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