My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 574 The end

Chapter 574 is over
It was Yifei's natal family, and they were elders, even if the two sisters-in-law didn't like her, they couldn't say anything.

Whether the Jin family is allowed to enter the palace depends on Concubine Yi's wishes.

According to the rules in the palace, before and after the concubine gives birth, her family can be arranged to accompany her in the palace.

This is for young concubines to wait for childbirth better, so as not to miss their loved ones or be taken care of by others.

But at Concubine Yi's age, both her biological mother and aunt had passed away, and only Jin's sister-in-law was considered a close relative of her natal family.

The younger generation is indifferent to relatives, but who knows what Concubine Yi thinks.

After a while, Walnut brought people back.

"Your Majesty woke up, and said that the fruits from the Second Institute have dried up. If there are any more here, when Fujin passes by, I will bring some..."

Shu Shu then ordered: "Go to the dining room and pack two boxes, not only the dried fruit, but also the dried carrot and the carrot..."

There is no shortage of fresh fruits in Yikun Palace.

It's just that Yifei is in the puerperium, so she should avoid raw or cold food, and can't eat it.

But now it's summer again, and it's not refreshing to eat meat all day long, so I think of asking about the dried fruit here.

Before the southern tour, Shu Shu asked someone to prepare a lot and sent it to Yikun Palace, so Concubine Yi will remember this.

After the dried fruit was packed, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law went to Yikun Palace.

The same apse is different from yesterday.

The smell of blood in the room was almost gone, only the smell of agarwood and mint dispelled the heat.

On the kang table under the south window, there is a one-and-a-half foot jade mountain, which is made of Nanyang jade, half mountain and half water, which makes it a bit cooler to look at.

Concubine Yi was sitting on the edge of the kang with a tulle veil wrapped around her forehead, looking down at the swaddling baby next to her, her face full of tenderness.

Two young women in their twenties stood next to them, also staring at the baby without blinking.

Seeing the sister-in-law and sister-in-law coming in, Concubine Yi waved her hand to beckon them to come forward, and said: "Come and see, I just fed the milk, and I'm going to sleep again..."

Wu Fujin and Shu Shu stepped forward.

After seeing the baby clearly, she also fell silent.

She should boast, but she didn't know where to start.

She glanced at the two little women and took care of them like this?

Don't you say give it a wipe?
Seeing that she hadn't moved, Concubine Yi raised her head and looked over, and when she saw Wu Fujin's expression clearly, she let out a "puchi" laugh and said, "Do you think it's a shame? I have no taboos, it's too greasy, just like Lao Jiu's It’s the same, I also hated it back then, but this time it’s weird, and I think it’s pretty good, having this is like multiple shells, and children don’t like to get sick, so it’s not a bad thing.”

Wu Fujin shyly said: "It's because the daughter-in-law is not knowledgeable enough. Just now, she wondered if the nanny didn't take good care of her, so she didn't wipe it clean."

The little baby, with its eyes open, seemed to be looking at people and the roof, and then yawned delicately.

Concubine Yi waved her hand to the woman next to her, and the woman carefully carried the little elder brother down.

"Like a pig, can fall asleep..."

Concubine Yi said to the two of them.

Both of them laughed.

Concubine Yi signaled Pei Lan to move the stool over, told the two to sit down, and said: "I'm fine, the nuns next to my little elder brother are also matched, and the women in charge under my name are also in charge of the palace in shifts. Don't worry, what to do, what to do..."

Speaking of this, she looked at Shu Shu and said: "I guess Shengjia should go to the garden, this palace is too hot, especially in the elder brother's house at the back, the house is dense, not as spacious as the East and West Six Palaces, You tell Lao Jiu, if you can go out with Sheng Jia, it is getting hotter every day, even if you come back to offer ice, there will be a lot, and you juniors are not easy to ask for more."

Shu Shu said: "Jiu Ye sits in the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs every day, and it is not convenient to go to Haidian."

Even if it is hot, it will not be less than ten days and a half months.

Concubine Yi said: "Anyway, don't worry about me, today is okay, I can barely see people, in a few days it will be dirty, I won't see people..."

The current custom is to not wash your hair or take a bath during confinement.

It's okay in winter, but it's really hard in summer.

Shu Shu also didn't want to be shrewd at this time.

Sometimes the palace is the most unruly, and sometimes it is the most disciplined.

After the imperial concubine gets her happiness from the imperial physician's pulse diagnosis, all the subsequent labor and puerperium processes are fixed.

Concubine Yi looked at Wu Fujin again and said: "You are outside the palace, so you don't have to bother so much, just follow the rules and pay the Queen Mother a visit, and come back when I am out of confinement."

Wu Fujin said: "Fifth Master is also thinking about it. He went back yesterday and ordered some wine. He said that he was worried about having a younger sister. In that case, even if he married Horqin, he would not bear it. Stay in the capital to open the mansion..."

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "This is too much to worry about..."

Shu Shu didn't answer, Brother Nine spent half the night in ink last night, and also said that he would be a good brother in the future.

As for how to be a good brother?

Then refer to the elder brothers above, for example, learn from the elder brother to hold high, learn from the fourth elder brother to stare at Bianhong, and learn from the seventh elder brother to teach Buku.

Shu Shu felt that elder brother Jiu had overcorrected, maybe he would become Xiao Shiba's least favorite elder brother!

It's just that she didn't remind her, so let's do it and see.

After a few gossips, Concubine Yi became hungry, and complained to the two of them: "In the beginning, one person ate and two people supplemented, and her appetite grew. Now, she still eats four or five meals a day, and she is still hungry. I guess she is going to gain weight again." ..."

Wu Fujin said: "Perhaps it's because of the loss of vitality, and I'm going to make up for it."

Shu Shu also said: "Your Majesty has snacks on hand, don't leave them empty."

Save yourself from eating more when you feel hungry.

Speaking of food, Shu Shu took a few small jars from Walnut and placed them beside Yifei Kang.

Pei Lan took a clean towel, scalded it with hot water, and wiped Yi Fei's hands.

Concubine Yi looked at the four small jars, her eyes sparkled, and said: "Why are there so many kinds of fruits?"

Shu Shu opened it with her own hands, and said, "Just one kind of dried apple, next to it is dried red dates, and there are two kinds of dried vegetables, which are also baked and can be eaten as snacks."

Dried apples are sprinkled with icing sugar, dried carrots and carrots are served with a little snowflake salt, and dried red dates are plain.

Yifei heard that it was dried vegetables, and immediately lost interest, but when she saw the thing, she found that the color was bright and beautiful, so she took a piece of pink dried radish and put it in her mouth.

"Not nagging at all, crunchy..."

She ate happily, and said: "There is no fishy smell, and it is a bit sweet..."

Seeing this, Shu Shu couldn't help reminding: "It should be in moderation, if you like to eat it, you can crush it and put it in porridge."

It's actually edible, as scientifically explained.

But at this time, people believe in all kinds of old sayings.

According to the rules handed down, during confinement, you can eat some hard things in moderation, which can strengthen your bones, but you can't eat too much, or your teeth will be hurt, and your teeth will become loose when you get old.

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "Well, let's taste it first, then put it in the porridge..."

When Concubine Yi "tasted" half a jar of everything, she felt sleepy and her eyelids became heavy.

She didn't hold back either, she rinsed her mouth, and said to the two of them: "Okay, I have to sleep, I'm so full that I'm numb..."

Wu Fujin hesitated for a moment, but did not mention Jin's desire to enter the palace.

Although she felt pitiful for the Jin family to be so cautious, she still remembered the situation when their family first arrived in the capital last year.

Now it's like this, it's not a bad thing to be timid.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin both got up, watched Yi Fei lie down, and then retreated.

Walking into the corridor, Shu Shu said: "I asked someone to make jelly in the morning, and my sister-in-law just happened to try it."

This is the leftover meal.

It's hot, and the couple don't like to eat very much.

It happened that there was mung bean powder in the dining room, so Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to cook mung bean jelly in the morning.

Wu Fujin waved his hand and said, "Earlier, the emperor's grandmother told me to eat in the past, and I'll try it next time."

Shu Shu said: "Then bring some over there and give the imperial grandmother a taste. It's very simple to make. When it's hot, it's appetizing to fool with it."

Here and Ningshou Palace often communicate with each other about food.

This jelly is something that has never been seen in the palace before.

Wu Fujin nodded and said: "The imperial grandmother must be happy. Greeting the imperial grandmother this morning is a little cleaner than when I came back from the southern tour."

While talking, the sister-in-law arrived at the second institute.

Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to pack a lot of jelly, and then filled the jelly with cucumber shreds and the prepared sesame sauce with balsamic vinegar.

She personally sent Wu Fujin to the gate of the imperial garden, and watched the master and servant drift away before returning to the second office.

Walnut said: "Aren't you going to follow me to the garden this time?"

She was staying at the No. [-] Institute that time in the first month, and she hadn't been to the West Garden yet, so she was also curious.

Shu Shu said: "It's not the time to go, I have to wait for the empress to give birth."

Also, Brother Jiu was worried that the princes in the palace would go to the garden with them, and they would not be able to stay at all.

In the first lunar month, the couple was fine, and they were still alone in the South Office.

Brother Fifteen is young and lives in the smallest yard, which is barely enough.

The tenth elder brother, the twelfth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother lived in a very cramped yard.

This time the husband and wife did not follow, which was considered to have made room for the ten princes and his wife.

It was still early, so she went to the study to flip through the books.

I also read the secretary's notes before, and it was all about keeping in good health, and paying little attention to those who gave birth.

Even if the information was developed in the previous life, and everyone was familiar with some childbirth knowledge, but in this life, there must be no groundless rumors.

This patch needs to be added.

After reading the book for half an hour and copying several pages of notes, it was early noon.

Shu Shu left the study, waiting for Brother Jiu to come back and have lunch together.

After returning from the southern tour this time, they began to eat three meals a day.

In the past, it was breakfast (from Maozheng to Chenchu), dinner (noon to Weizheng), and late (youchu to Xuchu).

Now it is breakfast (around the beginning of Chen), lunch (around noon), and dinner (around the beginning of You).

At two o'clock in the early afternoon, Brother Jiu came back from the House of Internal Affairs, with He Yuzhu holding an umbrella next to him.

The person who was still beaming when he went out in the morning, but now he is frowning, looking unhappy.

Shu Shu saw that something was wrong with him, and said, "What's wrong?"

Brother Jiu sighed and said, "Xi Zhu is gone..."

Shu Shu was stunned, and said for a while, "Okay, why did it disappear?"

Although Xizhu's health is not good, it's just not good.

Uncle was also weak before, but he also lived to the age of approaching his fiftieth birthday.

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Didn't you arrest me at the clan's mansion before? The prison over there is a bit shady, and I have some symptoms of catching a cold. I also called the doctor to see me at the clan's mansion, but I just caught a cold, and as a result, I vomited blood this morning." , Even the imperial doctor was called, and the needles were useless, all the lungs were spit out, and the person was gone..."

The couple looked at each other with seriousness on their faces.

That Wenchang statue, that meteor brand!
Shu Shu also inexplicably remembered something, that is, in the book review section of "Reborn in the Last Years of Kangxi", some readers commented on the author, saying that the author is poisonous, and the protagonist loves his brother to death...

(End of this chapter)

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