Chapter 575 Cloud Mountain Fog
"At the beginning, I thought it was poison. Wu Zuo also checked the blood stains and pieces of meat that were vomited out. They were all rotten, but they were not poisonous..."

When Brother Nine said that, his throat felt nauseous.

"It's really strange. Khan Ama called his father-in-law and Chun Tai over here. The imperial doctor and Wu Zuo also checked it. Xizhu is indeed not injured, has not been tortured, and has no signs of poisoning. I also remember the previous pulse case." It's clear, I just caught a cold, I drank the dregs of the medicine before and checked, and there is nothing unusual..."

I've been working on this all morning.

Brother Nine passed away as soon as Xizhu fell ill in the morning because Brother Ten sent Wang Pingan to deliver the letter, so he had witnessed the whole process.

Ninth elder brother is unhappy, no matter when, death is awe-inspiring.

Even looking at Chuntai, he didn't care about feeling sour.

That was the owner of Zhenghong Banner, who was summoned into the palace to bear witness to this matter.

Shu Shu couldn't tell what it was like in her heart.

Xizhu is different from Mo Erhui.

Mo Erhui is a distant relative, and he has only been in contact with each other.

Tin pillars are different.

In the few years when Shu Shu first remembered, it happened that Jue Luo's family gave birth one after another, and Madam Uncle took over.

In one year, half a year lived in Bofu.

Although he and Xizhu are not as close as she is with Fusong, they still see each other every day.

It just disappeared like this.

"The matter of the Meteor brand should be made public, right?"

Shushu said.

Otherwise, Xizhu's death would not be clear and would cause more speculation.

It is impossible to say that some people would suspect that the clan was the one who manipulated the replacement of the noble family's title.

After all, this time point is too sensitive.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Khan Ama has asked the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Procuratorate to jointly review the case..."

This means that the Clan House will not interfere, and it will also avoid suspicion.

Shu Shu was silent.

People are selfish. When she heard this, she was relieved.

This is better.

If the investigation is clear, there will be less criticism from Dong E's family in the future.

Even if there was, it wouldn't fall on Qi Xi, it would only reveal the past of Uncle.

Xizhu's life experience is probably going to be widely announced.

When Kangxi told about the Meteorite, he had to trace the source, starting with Xing Quan's father who picked up the Meteorite card.

Brother Jiu was a little frightened and had no appetite.

Here, Shu Shu feels a little uncomfortable and has no appetite.

When the dining table was served, the refreshing mung bean jelly with sesame sauce, two cold dishes, and two braised pork dishes, neither of them had a few mouthfuls.

"Hey! It's really boring. Isn't it good for everyone to be so mediocre?"

When the dining table was removed, Brother Nine dragged Shushu to lie down, and said, "Do you think Mo Erhui and Xizhu have a grievance? The one in front, if it wasn't because of the lawsuit, and felt depressed, wouldn't it?" As for running horses outside the city; Xi Zhu at the back, if you want to say that he is a big evil, it’s not enough to raise a sick seedling, but this cold will bring out others... Su Nubeizi also has numb claws, and the front He has thoroughly investigated the cases of the two families, and seeing that the dust is about to settle, he is somewhat credited, but since one person died, it would be good not to ask the crime."

Xizhu himself is insignificant, but he is the son of a noble family, and it is time for the family title to change.

Shu Shu couldn't care about Su Nu Beizi's future, and thought of the elders in her family.

Although Xi Zhu's temper was unpleasant, it was probably not pleasant either.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

After all, it is watching the grown-up children.

"How does Amma look?"

Shu Shu asked.

"Father-in-law wanted to see the Meteor brand, but Khan Ama refused..."

Brother Jiu said.

That brand has been in Jingshan for more than ten days, even if you want to try it, it is estimated that you will soon come to a conclusion.

Next, it should be taken by the Ministry of Punishment and then tested.

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand, and said: "Master, if Shengjia goes to the garden and is not in the palace, can the master take me to Guining once..."

It's not that she's meddling, but that she's worried about Mrs. Uncle An.

On the Dutong Mansion side, Ama has Ernie, and the couple comfort each other.

On the side of the uncle's mansion, Mrs. uncle will be criticized by the outside if she keeps aloof.

The dead are great.

You don't need to think about it to understand, everyone will give her a hard-hearted hat.

Brother Nine said: "It's up to you to say, when Khan Ama is not in the palace, we will be the biggest, if you want to go out, you can go out..."

Bofu, the main house in the inner courtyard.

After hearing Xizhu's funeral letter, Mrs. Uncle's expression suddenly dawned on her.

"sister in law……"

Feeling that Luo Shi was by his side, he was a little worried.

Mrs. Uncle shook her head and said, "Don't worry about me, I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. Was it really that thing that caused it?"

Jue Luo said: "People from the Ministry of Punishment went to Fangshanzhuang to look for people from back then. Xing Quan will also ask about it."

Not only the living, Xing Quan's father may also open a grave for an autopsy.

"It seems to say that meteorites fall from the sky, and they are all made of dumplings. They seldom jump alone. I am afraid that the really harmful things are left outside. I guess we have to check the Zhuangzi and Lindi over there..."

Jue Luo said.

Mrs. Uncle seemed to think of something, and said, "Do you still remember the illness before your mother-in-law passed away?"

Jue Luo thought about it carefully, and said: "It seems that at the time it was said that the lungs were not good, they thought it was from worry."

Sadness hurts the lungs, thinking hurts the spleen.

At the beginning, the uncle lived and married Mrs. Uncle, but there was no letter of pregnancy for several years.

"At that time, the imperial doctor checked and told my mother-in-law in private that it was because of my uncle's weakness. My mother-in-law begged me to keep it a secret, and only said that I was cold..."

As Mrs. Uncle said, there was neither sadness nor joy on her face.

For this reason, she took all the medicines to regulate her body on the surface.

On the uncle's side, there are all kinds of "health-preserving medicinal diet".

It's just that their mother-in-law has lived for 20 years since someone else presented the sign.

This brand was hidden by Mrs. Zhao for sixteen or seven years, and now he is still alive and kicking.

The Xizhu had been placed in the house for about half a year, why did it disappear?
"Anyway, it's kind of weird. Since the Ministry of Punishment took over, let them investigate..."

Jue Luo said.

Mrs. Uncle nodded, and said: "I'm afraid that the private affairs of Dong E's family must be known to everyone, and it may affect the marriage of the nephews. Even Shu Shu's place will be chewed by others."

Jue Luo said disapprovingly: "Which family is not being talked about? The older ones are almost settled, and the younger ones are still young, and no one else will remember them in a few years..."

She is very calm.

You must know that because of the matter of tying the horse to the post, the couple thought of the late grandfather's integrity, and they really suspected that Xing Quan's lineage was also a descendant of Dong E's family.

The result was a false alarm.

As for Uncle, this matter is nothing in the noble family.

Not to mention others, Peng Chun's two illegitimate sons and one illegitimate daughter are also on display...

Sanbeile Mansion, main house.

Sanfujin was leaning on the couch.

A few days ago, attending the funeral at her mother's house was exhausting, physically and mentally exhausting.

Now it can be regarded as on the right track, without their husband and wife guarding over there.

Just wait until the time of "burning seven" and the funeral.

The two little elder brothers are in front of them. The older one is four years old and has already started to chat with adults.

The little one, who is nine months old, has also started to learn to crawl, wearing a blue bellyband, showing a bird, and is arching and arching on the mat.

The older one sat obediently next to Sanfujin, so dependent that he wished his eyes were glued to Sanfujin.

Seeing Sanfujin looking at the younger one, the older one said in a childish voice, "Ernie, my brother is ashamed..."

San Fujin said: "Brother Ni is still young, when he is your age, he will wear clothes properly..."

Although the nanny and the nanny brought the child to the ground, she was also pregnant and gave birth in October.

Especially the eldest son is still different.

This time we separated for half a year, the younger one was still a baby and had no memory, but the older one was crying miserably.

Now he clings to her like a puppy, afraid that she will disappear again.

The third elder brother came in in a hurry, and saw such a comfortable scene of the mother and the others.

He felt it was an eyesore, frowned and said: "The elder brother is already four years old, it's time to get enlightened, I will choose a teacher later..."

In the past, the couple followed the southern tour, and the children were sent to the government.

Although it was sent back there once, before the southern tour, they sent it back again, and the side lady over there took it with them.

Sanfujin sat up and said distressedly: "Hongqing's birthday is young, she was born in November, said to be four years old, but in fact it is only two and a half years old, why are you so anxious? Why is the New Year too old?"

The third elder brother shook his head and said: "'A loving mother often loses her son', he doesn't look very clever, and in the future, uncles and brothers will never be ranked at the bottom. Don't you understand the principle of 'stupid birds fly first'?"

Sanfujin didn't like to hear this, said: "Why is he not very clever, whose child has such a long memory and people remember it so vividly, but our Hongqing remembers it just right."

The third elder brother said disapprovingly: "What kind of advantage is this? You are a pro-Ene, if he doesn't recognize him, then there is no need for this son!"

A four-year-old child also knows that good words are bad words.

There were tears in Hong Qing's eyes.

The third elder brother couldn't see it more and more, and scolded: "Hold back!"

Hong Qing was so frightened that she shrank into San Fujin's arms.

Sanfujin was also annoyed, suppressed his anger, and ordered the nurse next to him to take the two young ones down.

Then, she drooped her face and said: "Where did the master eat the evil fire, and want to spread it with our mother and son?"

Only then did the third elder brother think about the business, and said: "Xizhu is dead, and the case of Dong E's family has been handed over to the Tribunal for Trial!"

Sanfujin covered her mouth all of a sudden, and after a while, said: "Second brother and third brother did it, do they have the guts?"

He didn't see any promise when he was young, but he was able to slander Qi Xi for the sake of the title, so it can be seen that he is a courageous person without much brains.

"Want to die without telling?"

San Fujin said: "Isn't that right after checking?"

This killed a person, but it was different from before.

Before, it was flow at most.

This involves murder, and it will pay for itself.

People are really dead again, even if they want to kill or hang the prison.

The third elder brother was a bystander, and said: "They still can't reach into the clan's mansion, if they poison such a small way, they won't alarm the Sanfa division..."

He happened to go to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, listened to it, and then went to the clan mansion, but he only heard the well-known news.

It was the death of Seok Joo.

As for the Meteor, only Qi Xi, Chun Tai and the chief officials of the Sanfa Division knew about it. The news had not been spread, and he didn't know about it. That's why he felt that it was clouded...

The next update will be at 11:26 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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