Chapter 576 Ice

"I heard that it was rumored that Chun Tai and Qi Xi entered the palace. Could it be that someone is eyeing Zhenghongqi Dutong and wants to frame Qi Xi?"

The third elder brother rubbed his chin, thinking a little more complicated.

A good person dies, it looks like a silence, but after careful consideration, it's more like framing.

By then, Qi Xi's reputation will be ruined.

One must know that the person in charge of the case in the Clan Mansion is none other than Qi Xi's in-laws and future in-law son Sunu.

Hearing this, Sanfujin couldn't help frowning and asked, "Could it be the Nala family?"

Although the two branches of Dong E's family were somewhat unhappy because of the previous lawsuit, San Fujin could still distinguish between close and distant relatives.

It is different from the fact that the Red Flag Manchuria is in the hands of Dong E's family, and it is not in the hands of Dong E's family.

The reason why Dong E's family has a detached position in Zhenghongqi is not only because of their family marriage with Prince Li Lie, but mainly because of their position as the capital of Zhenghongqi.

Starting from the great-grandfathers of San Fujin and Shu Shu, the Manchurian capital was in the hands of Dong E's lineage most of the time.

The Nala family she mentioned is also Zhenghongqi's surname, Qifujin's natal family, and has also been married to Prince Lilie for generations.

The third elder brother heard it and thought it made sense: "If this is the case, there will be a lot of excitement between Lao Qi and Lao Jiu in the future!"

San Fujin hurriedly said: "My lord, you can't stand by and watch. If the Nala family is really going to become powerful, it will not be easy for the Dong E family to take back Manchuria in the future."

Those in the Dutong Mansion are still young, and it will take 20 years to be able to take charge of it alone; my eldest brother Zengshou, this time he is so disgraced, he can't even handle housework, let alone put it outside.

If Dong E's family wants to stand upright, they still have to rely on Qi Xi's support.

The third elder brother also has an account in his heart.

Even though there is little relationship between the two parties separated by the color of the flag, it is not the same as having real power in the Yue family or not having real power.

Although there is an annoying old nine hanging over Qi Xi's side, it's really not the time to care about it now.

"Okay, I will keep an eye on it, and tomorrow I will ask Lao Jiu what's going on... With Lao Ten here, he should be more informed..."

With this incident, it is rare for the couple to talk quietly for a while...

Because of Peng Chun's death, Shu Shu originally dressed plainly, but now with the addition of tin pillars, she put away all the bright colors.

It's dry in midsummer, but it looks refreshing.

Today, the first day of June, the Ministry of Internal Affairs officially began supplying ice.

According to the current rules, the first ice cellar will be opened in Lixia, and the emperor will give the minister ice.

From the first day of May, the Qianqing Palace and Ningshou Palace began to supply ice.

For other palaces, the supply of ice will not begin until June.

The current ice cubes are stored in winter and stored in underground ice cellars scattered throughout the Forbidden City.

Shu Shu estimated the time and asked the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to fix the delivery time of ice cubes around Sizheng.

In this way, after more than half an hour, the room is just cool.

After Brother Nine came back for lunch, it was cool in the room, just in time for a lunch break.

Shu Shu was afraid of the heat, so the yard was watered three times a day according to last year's example.

The eunuchs in the water-carrying class began to get an extra monthly salary this month.

The water tanks in the yard are also full of water.

But just as Yifei said, the courtyard here where Elder Brother lives is not as spacious as the West Sixth Palace, and the house is not as high as the other side, so it's a bit windy.

It's comfortable in winter, but it's like a big steamer in summer.

Shu Shu washes and wipes every day, so that she feels more comfortable.

But because of the bitter summer, she also had no appetite, so she looked slumped.

Mother Qi felt distressed when she saw it, and she avoided people and whispered: "Can't you tell elder brother? I want more ice, and we can pay for it ourselves?"

Shu Shu said: "It's not good now, wait until you look back."

If Sheng Jia took the harem, the little princes, and princesses to the garden, there would be water there, cooler than the palace, and there would be an ice cellar there.

The ice in the palace will be richer.

Nanny Qi hesitated for a moment, then said: "Then what about the empress, the empress does not need ice for the delivery bed, can you move it?"

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "It's not appropriate, the ice used by the empress before giving birth is all the sympathy of the princess, and it is not in the empress's share. Now it is not used, at most it is used to make up for the front; even if you are rich, it is not easy to transfer it to the second wife So, Yikun Palace still has Seventeen Elder Brothers..."

Nourishing kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness.

Especially in the palace.

The concubines also have to treat their adopted sons equally.

Just like Concubine Hui, every time I prepare something for the elder brother, there will be a portion for the elder brother.

Brothers should also be more respectful and filial to their adoptive mothers, and they should be ranked ahead of their biological mothers.

This is the reason why the Eight Fortunes were in the palace before, and they greeted Yanxi Palace first.

Brother Seventeen is also the son of Concubine Yi.

From now on, when Elder Seventeen marries Fujin, he will follow Shu Shu and Wu Fujin to greet Concubine Yi.

It's not that Nanny Qi doesn't know this truth, but she prefers Shu Shu.

Shu Shu said: "It's okay, when Brother Shi and the others go to the garden with them, you can move the ice from the third institute first."

Elder Brother Ten is not an outsider, and only those who come and go get closer.

Just mentioning the tenth elder brother, Shu Shu thought of the thirteenth elder brother who lived in the head house.

Thirteen elder brothers...

Zhang Bing...

It's already June, and Shu Shu's heart skipped a beat.

She felt a little anxious, but she didn't want Nanny Qi to be worried, so she said, "I got up early in the morning, so I'll squint first..."

After hearing this, Nanny Qi got up and moved the mosquito coil over, and said: "Then Fujin sleeps for half an hour, don't rest for too long, he's sleepy after walking."

Shu Shu agreed, and Nanny Qi withdrew.

Shu Shu lay on the bed, squinting her eyes, feeling a little confused.

Half a month after returning from the southern tour, there was no news of Zhang Concubine's illness.

Emergency in summer...

She opened her eyes and looked at the large blue and white ceramic vat in the middle of the room.

There are ice cubes in it.

Braving the slightest cool air.

What is most likely to happen in summer is death from exhaustion after heat stroke.

Just like Brother Nine, last year was very dangerous.

Jiugege in history is such a disease.

Will Zhang Bin do the same?
If there are other problems on the body, the imperial doctor of Ping'an vein should have reported to the imperial court long ago.

Kangxi is a nostalgic, and will not be completely unresponsive.

Concubine Yi has also controlled the Sixth West Palace for many years, so it is unlikely that there will be no news at all.

When Brother Nine came back, Shu Shu still moved in the same way, looking at the ice thoughtfully.

Brother Jiu said: "You don't have to be so frugal with ice. Shengjia will send the queen mother to the garden tomorrow. When the time comes, we will move the ice for the old ten and his wife."

The couple wanted to go together.

Shu Shu pointed to the direction of her finger and said, "I thought of Elder Brother Thirteen..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Why did I leave him behind, and Twelve, I'll say hello, we can use it first when the time comes."

"It's not us, it's Zhang Concubine's side..."

Shu Shu thought about it, and said: "Didn't I go to Yikun Palace twice in the past few days? The empress's delivery room is located in the back hall, and the back hall is not as cool as the main hall. It's like our house here. I just thought of Mrs. Zhang, if the thirteenth elder brother followed to the garden, can I say hello to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and move the ice on the head to the back hall of Changchun Palace..."

In the back hall of Changchun Palace, Concubine Zhang lived.

The first concubine Zhang lived in the back hall of Yongshou Palace. She was a concubine of Yongshou Palace.

In the Changchun Palace, there is a master, who is a concubine who is older than the fourth concubine.

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "Why do you think of this, just worry about us, and worry about others!"

Shu Shu was helpless.

She didn't want to, but she couldn't bear to wait for Zhang Bin to die without doing anything.

Too many people have died recently, and she doesn't want to hear more funeral reports.

Besides, brother-in-law Thirteen is also close and respectful to them, it is too cold to sit and watch his young mother lose his mother.

Kangxi has a compassionate heart for the weak. According to normal development, the thirteenth prince will become one of the most favored princes after losing his mother. Whenever he goes on tour, he must follow him.

But "deep love, deep responsibility", his silence for more than ten years is also because of this favor, too close to the center of the vortex.

"Okay, okay, I have it in mind, it's just a matter of one sentence..."

Seeing Shu Shu's expression, Brother Jiu regretted that he said it too seriously, but he also reminded her: "In the future, you should worry more about Master, other people don't need to care too much..."

It was enough to manage a ten princes before.

Now the tenth elder brother is getting married and has become clingy with ten Fujin. At the beginning, the ninth elder brother was not used to it, but now he thinks it is quite good.

He doesn't want to worry about one more person.

Shu Shu smiled, and said: "I just thought of this, and I casually mentioned, Elder Brother Thirteen has the emperor and concubines above him, so why should others take care of it?"

Brother Jiu looked at her and said: "You are confused, you are not a nosy person, have you heard something?"

Shu Shu thought about the news about Zhang Concubine and Changchun Palace, nodded hesitantly and said, "I just heard some gossip..."

That concubine Duan was also eccentric, as stingy as Concubine Rong.

The palace servants under her name didn't seem to be rewarded either.

In her palace, besides Zhang Concubine, there is also a concubine Wang Shu, who is the biological mother of Shiliu Gege. Although she is only a concubine, the supply is according to the rules of the nobles.

There have been gossips before, saying that concubine Duan loves to order concubine Zhang and the palace servants of concubine Zhang and concubine Wang.

Concubine Duan is the head of the Changchun Palace, and in name she also has the right to control the palace servants.

But the old custom in the palace is not like this, even if they live in the same palace, they seldom discipline other maids and eunuchs.

Brother Jiu said with contempt: "It's simply sick, and the background is not low. How come this virtue is even lower than the daily supply of three melons and two dates..."

Concubine Rong is stingy and not greedy for others.

Concubine Duan's place is habitually taking advantage of her. She usually asks someone to cut two feet off a piece of cloth for ceremony.

"Could it be that the ice of the concubine's mother and concubine Wang was withheld?"

Brother Jiu was also a little worried.

The ice cellars in the Forbidden City, also known as "official cellars", are also under the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

(End of this chapter)

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