Chapter 578 Asking for Help
The nanny immediately knelt down, choked up and said: "Mother, it's different. A slave is a child without a mother. He has no thoughts outside and hasn't left the palace until he has reached his age. Don't talk about the side, just talk about the palace. The prince is the same as ten The princes are all motherless children. The prince was the eyeball of the emperor in the early years, but now? Suo Etu killed as soon as he said, and the nurse and nurse also killed as soon as he said so. It's more than ten years old, and it's still confined to Yuqing Palace, surrounded by the emperor's people..."

"There is also Shi Ye, the son of the noble concubine. What was the situation like when the noble master was there in the early years, like a bully, what is the situation now? After following behind Jiu Ye, when people mention it, they always talk about Jiu Ye... ..."

"Those two grandfathers' families are rich, and there are a lot of uncles and aunts. Who is our Thirteenth Lord?"

Concubine Zhang came from an official family in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. She could have begged Grace not to participate in the draft of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but she was just catching up with the four concubines in the palace. This made the Baoyi family want to climb the dragon and the phoenix, so disregarding her wishes, the family agreed, Send her Xiaoxuan into the palace.

In order to give her an identity, he adopted her under the name of her uncle who was also the leader of the leadership, and entered the palace as the leader's daughter.

Prosperity and wealth are not what Concubine Zhang wishes, and her relationship with her natal family has always been indifferent.

Even when she was favored a few years ago, she never promoted her natal family.

After a long time, Zhang's family stopped camping by her side.

Zhang Pin hesitated and said: "Brother is not mature, Gege and others are younger..."

According to the rules in the palace, as long as their biological mother is gone, the emperor will find a suitable adoptive mother for them.

Isn't Concubine Yi always looking forward to having both children?
One should be given to Yifei to be educated.

Concubine Yi has just given birth to her youngest son, and there is also a young adoptive son Shiqi Elder Brother, she will not have a child who is too young, that is Thirteen Gege who is already in her teens.

Where Elder Brother needs a fair and lenient adoptive mother, the emperor will most likely point to Concubine Hui.

The remaining fifteen grids are probably Concubine Rong, right?

Because Concubine Rong's children are all grown up, she has no adopted son or daughter under her name.

Zhang Pin sighed, and said: "Look, they are all high-ranking concubines, so they are not better than following my mother-in-law?"

The nanny choked up and said, "Your Majesty, you can't think like this. Just look at the fifteen elder brothers in the Yonghe Palace. You should understand that this adoptive mother is just a adoptive mother, not the same as your own mother. There are also two Ge Ge, according to the example of the previous princess. , Most of them want to caress Mongolia, but Mongolia is different from Mongolia, some are hundreds of miles away, and Prince Taiji is resident in the capital; some are thousands of miles away, and the married princess never returns to the court..."

Zhang Pin shook her body and said: "The rules in the palace, the green head card must be withdrawn at the age of 50, but there is another situation, that is, the severance of Tiangui..."

Speaking of this, she stroked her chest and said, "Not only is Tian Gui absolutely dead, but something has grown here, and I'm not going to live long..."

The mother shook her head and said: "No, the empress is just sick, and it's all because of her anger. The empress asked the emperor to move the palace. The Chuxiu Palace is empty. The empress of the Xianfu Palace is also a person with no bad intentions..."

Either of these two places is fine, just don't suffer in the Changchun Palace.

As soon as the master and servant spoke, there was movement outside.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is confidence. A chicken that can lay eggs laid several eggs with a cluck, and the one who supports the waist is here..."

In front of Zhang Pin's window, there was a strange person.

In the room, Mammy looked at the window with resentment on her face.

Zhang Bin walked straight over and looked out through the window screen.

It was the nanny next to Concubine Duan who was talking, but this nanny was still standing beside Concubine Duan.

Zhang Bin looked at this situation and thought of four words, "a dog is a dog".

Concubine Duan looked at Concubine Zhang angrily, and said, "Did you say bad things about me to Elder Brother Thirteen on purpose, or something? All right, why would you want to ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send you ice?" ?”

Concubine Zhang didn't bow her head as usual, but looked at Concubine Duan carefully.

Also from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the details of Concubine Duan are naturally well known.

The Dong family behind Concubine Duan used to be Baoyi Zuoling under the name of the late Empress Dowager.

Concubine Duan's uncle, who was a confidant of the Empress Dowager back then, had been a minister in the Shunzhi Dynasty, and was a first-rank official when he died.

so what?

Her uncle is dead, and even if her cousin takes the title, he is only a minor official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Zhang Bin smiled.

I was really stupid before, to be frightened by concubine Duan.

Concubine Duan is three years older than the emperor, she is 49 years old, and she will withdraw the green head card next year.

It doesn't matter whether she withdraws or not, since she moved into the back hall of Changchun Palace, the emperor has never seen the signboard of Duan concubine turned over.

Concubine Duan became more and more annoyed, and said: "There are still things that are not up to date with a smile on your face. You were a little spoiled earlier, and it's not in vain that your family took care of you like a scrawny horse. In the end, you didn't live up to your expectations. Seeing that you are spoiled by a Nanman The child was taken!"

Zhang Pin looked at Duan Pin with a straight face, and said, "Who is your empress, and who am I?"

It's because she was confused before, when she was young, she was coaxed by concubine Duan when she moved to Changchun Palace.

The difference between the two is 20 years younger, which is really similar to two generations.

Concubine Duan was full of warmth, talking about Kangxi's daughter who had died for ten years, if she were to be established, she would be only a few years younger than Concubine Zhang.

Then what?
If the emperor turns over the card, the concubine Duan wants to speak; if the emperor doesn't turn over the card, the concubine Duan wants to speak even more.

In the early years when Elder Brother and Gege were young, they lived with her in the Changchun Palace, and there were many people serving her around, but the concubine Duan was just eccentric and muttered something behind her back.

Since the 36th year of Kangxi, Zhangpin's youngest daughter, Shiwugege, also moved to the palace and moved to Gege's office in Ningshou Palace.

It's not that Concubine Zhang didn't want to resist, but Concubine Duan talked about her upbringing and mother before entering the palace.

That is also the maid from the palace to teach Yanxi, the concubine of the harem.

Concubine Duan thought she had a clue, and used this every time to talk about it, saying that the nanny was a procuress who came from a brothel, so she knew the prostitute's skill in serving men.

That nanny had died more than ten years ago, and there was no proof of her death. If she really wanted to yell out, it might affect several children.

Brother is okay, it's a boy.

Even though the two princesses are golden branches and jade leaves, the princess and princess in this palace are also divided.

In addition, Concubine Zhang has been favored for more than ten years, so she knows the emperor's temper and doesn't like disputes.

Especially the harem.

No one dares to be jealous because the emperor doesn't allow it.

Just like the first two of the seven concubines in the early years, they were sent directly to Huangzhuang in Daxing because they left them behind when they were not angry with the fourth concubine.

The previous palaces of the two were also cleared out, and the present concubines probably thought they were dead.

Concubine Zhang suddenly became enlightened, her face was no longer gloomy and lively, she looked at Concubine Duan proudly.

"Disrespectful! I am the lord of the first palace, what are you? You don't even have a certificate, but you are only conferred as a concubine, how dare you treat me disrespectfully?" Duan concubine said.

Before kneading the dough, she dared to stand up. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and glared at Concubine Zhang, her nostrils flickering.

Zhangpin's eyes fell on Duanpin's ear, and there was a black and gray mark the size of a thumb.

Her eyes fell on Duanbi's head again, it was abnormally black, and both sides of her forehead were bald.

This is dyed hair.

Zhang Pin couldn't help laughing, and muttered to herself: "It's really a demon..."

However, the bald old woman with no children and no favours, actually controlled her, and she was sulking for three years, killing herself half of her life.

She ignored Concubine Duan and went straight out of the apse, striding out of Changchun Palace.

The close nurse hurriedly chased after her.

Concubine Duan was stunned, and shouted: "What are you doing?"

But Zhang Bin acted as if she hadn't heard of it, and walked quickly, bypassing the front hall in a blink of an eye, and exiting the Changchun Gate.

By the time Concubine Duan came to her senses and chased her out to tell the eunuch to close the door, it was already too late.

She hurriedly chased to the corridor, watched Zhang Concubine heading towards Yikun Palace, and shouted: "Concubine Yi is in the puerperium, I'm afraid she doesn't have time to entertain guests..."

Zhangpin is drifting away.

Concubine Duan was full of anger, turned around and left.

So what if I tell Concubine Yi?
She wanted to see, how could Concubine Yi want to be stronger than herself? !

Doesn't she have a long mouth?
She didn't see that Zhang Bin didn't stop in front of Yikun's gate, she continued to go east, and went directly out of Guangsheng's right gate.

On weekdays, Concubine Yi is in charge of matters concerning the family members of the Sixth Palace of the West.

But Concubine Zhang also knew that the time was wrong, so it was not good to disturb Concubine Yi.

In this palace, there are still people who can call the shots.

The nanny was worried, and said: "Your Majesty, walk slowly, the servant will support you..."

Concubine Zhang let out a long breath, and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'll wait for my daughter-in-law to come in, and I'll continue to save dowry for Princesses..."

The two masters and servants walked north along the corridor, walked to the gate of the imperial garden, crossed the imperial garden, reached the corridor on the right, and headed south again.

The two walked to Yanxi Palace in one breath and stood in front of Yanxi Gate.

Concubine Zhang said to the eunuch on duty at the door: "Help me report, just say that Mrs. Zhang in Changchun Palace is begging to see your empress..."

The eunuch bowed and went.

After a short time, the palace servants around Concubine Hui hurried over, blessed him, and said: "Our master invites the concubine to go over..."

Concubine Zhang nodded slightly and entered Yanxi Palace.

Concubine Hui sat in the east room, very puzzled.

You must know that Concubine Hui is in charge of the living booklet of the respect room, and Concubine Zhang has reported women's diseases since the Chinese New Year, and the green head card has been withdrawn.

In the past six months, I don't seem to have much energy.

In the pulse case of Piansheng Tai Hospital, only stagnation of liver fire was found, and no other symptoms were mentioned.

This is not easy to persuade.

I can only cook slowly by myself.

Court favors never last long.

Presumably it was also because of this pulse case that the emperor disliked Concubine Zhang. In the past half a year, there was no reward, and no one was asked to ask about his illness.

When Concubine Zhang entered Yanxi Palace, she thought she could hold it back, but when she saw Concubine Hui's loving and tolerant eyes, she couldn't hold back her tears, her knees softened, and she was about to kneel down.

Concubine Hui jumped down, stepped forward to support her, and said: "If you have anything to say, please speak carefully, what's the use of this..."

Zhang Pin's heart became more and more sour, and she felt that this was the saddest time in her life.

When her family insisted on entering the palace regardless of her wishes, she was not as sad as this.

Concubine Hui thought it was because of nobleman Wang and nobleman Guerjia's favor, she sighed, and comforted her: "I'm going to go through this, I'll just figure it out soon, now the main seat in the palace, except Xianfu Concubine Gong or Concubine Tong, which one has never been favored? They both came here like this, with Elder Brother here, and in the future, I will rely on them, so I still want to open up..."

Concubine Zhang shook her head, looked at Concubine Hui, choked with sobs and said, "It's not for this, the servant is here to ask your mother for help..."

As she spoke, she couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

The sound was very shrill.

Concubine Hui's heart was so shocked...

I hope everyone is happy, don't be mentally PUA, and be a confident and self-reliant person.

The next update will be at 11:27 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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