Chapter 579 Fishing

Zhang Pin's emotions were too agitated, and she couldn't speak normally at all.

Concubine Hui looked at the young nanny, she was the old palace maid next to Concubine Zhang, who often went out with Concubine Zhang, she was familiar with her.

The nanny knelt down and said, "Master Concubine, our master is about to be tortured to death by Master Duan..."

After all, she didn't delay, and talked about the situation of Concubine Zhang in Changchun Palace these years like beans poured into a bamboo tube.

She is an old man next to Concubine Zhang. She was assigned Concubine Zhang's name when she entered the palace. She started as a court lady when she was a child, and she also followed Concubine Zhang when she moved from Yongshou Palace to Changchun Palace and witnessed the whole process.

"In the early years, when the little masters were here, they were fine, but they only occasionally stabbed a sentence. When the elder brother and princesses all moved to the palace, it was difficult to speak, and they had to send people five times a day to pass our concubine over... "

This one is already out of order.

It is true that Concubine Duan is the head of the Changchun Palace, but Concubine Zhang is also a concubine, not a concubine attached to her. There is a difference in rank, but there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority.

The two concubines are in the same palace, so the Chu River and the Han border should not be violated by the river water.

"Since last winter, when Master Yi came back from the northern tour, Master Yi met a happy event, and the words from Master Duan's mouth became even more unpleasant. He also talked about Master Yi giving birth at an advanced age, talking about the sadness of childbirth. Our concubine has been taken care of by Master Yi a lot, I just said, 'This is a common thing outside, and women who are happy are not afraid', and Master Duan said that our concubine was mocking her, and it got worse..."

"When Sheng Jia toured the south, our concubine was not on the list, so Master Duan took people to the outside of the back hall every day, and made the nuns around him point and scold and chatter endlessly. The slave wanted to reason, but Master Duan was standing right in front of him... "

"Our concubine is angry, and my health is not good. Before that, I had some uterine bleeding. Since March, the uterine bleeding stopped, and I have never sent a monthly letter..."

"After the Ching Ming Festival, our master grew something on his chest, which was as hard as a stone, and the pain was unbearable. In May, the pain was so painful that we couldn't sleep. However, Master Duan's continuous insults twice a day made us The concubine gave birth to the will to die..."

By the end, the nun was in tears.

Although the master made it clear that she would go to Ganxitou Office to be a babysitter for elder brother in the future, but she didn't want to.

She entered the palace in her teens and followed her master for more than ten years. The reason why she didn't go out when she reached her age was because she wanted to serve him for a long time.

If the master really left, she didn't plan to live anymore.

Concubine Hui listened to the front with a deep expression on her face.

Who doesn't know who?
Concubine Duan prides herself on her seniority and has always been arrogant.

The words she said were not out of intention, they were just hoping that Concubine Yi's delivery would not go well, and that when the time came, little elder brother, little Gege and the like would be left to take over.

As for Concubine Duan's yin and yang words, they have also learned from them in the early years.

Because Concubine Duan's natal family belongs to the Empress Dowager, she is extremely proud.

When I first entered the palace, it was really beautiful. At that time, the ranks in the palace were queen, concubine, Fujin, big princess, little Fujin, and princess.

When the concubine Duan enters the palace, she is Da Gege, and after giving birth to the second daughter of the emperor, she is Fujin.

Later, when she was awarded the seventh concubine, even if she lost her daughter, she was still ranked third.

At that time Concubine Rong was the fourth, Concubine Yi was the fifth, Concubine Yi was the sixth, and Concubine De had already entered the palace, but she was just a court lady without a status.

Times have changed, Concubine Duan has not been going well these years, and she seldom speaks out in front of people.

I didn't expect to be so vicious in private.

Immediately she looked at Zhang Pin, hating iron but not steel, and said: "You are also smart on weekdays, why are you so useless? You have a son and a pet these years, what does she have? The reason is that she lives in the main hall of Changchun Palace, but It's just that little bit of seniority, the emperor will give her face with nostalgia, don't say that you suppressed her, you shouldn't be bullied by her!"

Zhang Bin howled for a while, and her emotions had calmed down a bit.

After hearing this, she smiled wryly and said: "At that time, the servant just arrived at the Changchun Palace, she was very warm and considerate, and she also said that when she saw the servant, she thought of Xiao Gege who had just died. Mother is like sister..."

It was during this conversation that he lost his care and mentioned the things he was taught by his mother in his uncle's house in the early years, which made Duanfei catch a loophole.

Right now, she has nothing to fear, so she talked about it.

"She thinks she has caught me, she talks about 'thin horse' and shuts up about 'prostitute', and the slave also wants to argue with her, but she is not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet, so she can do whatever she wants, but the slave is afraid of breaking the law twice." Such a reputation made them marry far away..."

At that time, she was also dead-brained.

It's scary.

After all, this world is harsh on women, especially when it comes to chastity, spitting stars can drown people.

Now think about it, what's so scary?

It's just a paper tiger.

If it really makes the emperor dislike her because of this, then she will live a clean life!
The left and right are also concubines, and they will not fall again without fault.

Concubine Hui is the most upright. Hearing this, she was so angry: "You can bear this, if you dare to play such dirty words in the palace, you should directly hit her on the mouth, the most bullying thing, Have you seen her bragging in front of Concubine Yi all these years?"

Zhang Pin was ashamed and said: "The slave is afraid of making a scene and provoking the emperor's dislike, so he will also be moved out of the palace..."

Concubine Hui shook her head and said: "No wonder you are so angry, you are so depressed all day long, even good people suffer..."

Speaking of this, she thought for a while, and said: "My place is clean, you can rest here for a few days, and then I will report to the emperor, and then I will see what the emperor means."

It is not easy to move the palace.

Although the Chuxiu Palace in the West Sixth Palace is currently idle, the House of Internal Affairs has already been cleared out and repaired.

But now that he has been promoted to a concubine but does not have a separate palace, apart from Zhang concubine, there is also Wei concubine.

Concubine Wei gave birth to an elder brother, who is still senior.

As for the East Sixth Palace, the Chengqian Palace is currently empty, but it is not a palace where ordinary concubines can live.

Concubine Zhang blushed and said, "I'm causing trouble for your empress."

Concubine Hui shook her head and said, "What's the point? You did the right thing today. You came directly to Yanxi Palace instead of Yikun Palace."

Although Concubine Yi had long agreed that the West Sixth Palace was in charge of the Sixth Palace, and Concubine Hui was only in charge of the East Sixth Palace, but Concubine Hui had no fear of doing things.

When I heard these things, I felt disgusting, and my heart became angry.

After hearing this, Concubine Yi must feel like she's going to be violent, and it's not suitable to worry about these things now...

How did Shu Shu know that sending ice became the fuse, and the butterfly's wings began to flicker again.

She just felt refreshed.

She and Brother Nine each had four pieces of ice per day.

The Queen Mother added another four yuan.

Shu Shu asked someone to send Brother Jiu's four pieces of ice directly to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to cool off.

She is here alone, enjoying eight pieces of ice.

A piece of ice is one foot and a half square, placed in an open environment, and it takes about half an hour to melt clean.

Calculated in this way, from the beginning of the year to nightfall, one piece of ice per hour is almost enough.

In order to make better use of the ice and make it melt more slowly, she directly asked someone to clean up the study.

Added indigo double curtains.

A layer of interlayer is also added to the door frame and window to make it more airtight when closed.

In this way, the study becomes like an air-conditioned room.

Although it is not as cool as an air-conditioned room, Shu Shu reckons that the temperature has dropped from her early thirties to 26 or [-], because she is sweating all over because she doesn't move so much.

Shu Shu asked Nanny Qi and the maids to stay in the room as well, so as to get some coolness.

Nanny Qi is getting old and afraid of the cold rather than the heat, she can't stand this cold room, and she is not very happy to let Shu Shu stay here.

Shu Shu showed her grievances and said, "Little Elder Brother and Little Gege haven't been seen yet, and Mammy is always thinking about these things, and put me in the back seat. I'm so hot that I can't eat or sleep well. How can I take care of my body... "

Nanny Qi has no choice but to stop talking.

Komatsu was the happiest.

She has a strong blood, and her body is like a stove in winter, as well as in summer.

Before she fell into ambush, she was sweating profusely all day long.

Shu Shu called over, she was overjoyed.

She wasn't idle either, she was just grinding ink while Shushu was reading.

Shu Shu tilted, she pressed her head and arms.

Xiaoyu has already left the palace, so Xiaochun brought longan to continue teaching.

Hazel follows Xiaotang.

Peanut is now carried by Nanny Qi, and began to make some personal items for Shu Shu's side.

The seven maids are orderly, easy and obedient, comfortable and content.

Although he came out from the southern tour, someone from the Ministry of Internal Affairs once came to ask for instructions on making up for the maid.

Here, Shu Shu can order eight court ladies, and one of the following women "leaves the palace due to illness", and if there is a vacancy, another person can be filled.

Candidates can be women in the palace who come in from Xiaoxuan, or women from the family, or directly maids.

Shu Shu refused directly at that time.

She doesn't plan to pick someone at this time.

Let's talk about it after leaving the palace and opening the mansion.

At that time, they will be assigned to coat the population, and the companions from the outside houses can also be selected to work.

She spent the whole morning reading, taking notes, and massaging.

When Brother Nine came back at noon, what he saw was not the drooping appearance of yesterday, but a cabbage that had been full of water, looking very fresh and tender.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Are you looking forward to Han Ama leaving the palace than Master? How about it, do you feel relieved?"

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him, beckoned him to follow into the study.

The curtains are open now, but because the windows are not open, it is not as bright as the next time.

As soon as Brother Jiu came in, he noticed the difference, took a comfortable breath,

He looked at the big blue and white vat, took a look twice, and said, "It's so cool with only a piece of ice in it?"

Shu Shu pointed to the window and the heavy curtain and said, "Cover it tightly, if the air-conditioning can't get out, it will be cool."

Brother Jiu praised: "Master's Fujin is really smart..."

Shu Shu said: "Is the yamen busy with errands now? Can we only go for half a day? If it's still like this all day, I don't want to go back and forth, I'd better ask someone to deliver food..."

The Forbidden City is nearly two miles from south to north.

Elder brother's place is almost at the northernmost point, and the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also almost at the southernmost point. The distance in a straight line is more than one and a half miles, and with the crossroads, it is almost two miles away.

Even with an umbrella, it's just a shade, but it can't resist the high heat.

Brother Nine whispered: "Actually, half a day is enough. I'm idle in the afternoon. I don't have any serious business..."

Shu Shu looked at him, what else were you going to do that afternoon?
Is it boring to stay in the second institute?
It's been less than a year since they got married, so they're going to hate each other? !
Brother Nine said: "Master learned the lesson at the clan's mansion, where it is even more leisurely, there is no serious business all day long, but Sunu and Lao Shi still go to the yamen every day, why? It is because Khan Ama has a lot of official duties and is too tired to see other people at leisure. The king of Xinjun doesn't like to go to the yamen to do business. It is because there is really no serious business, but Khan Ama doesn't like it. ..."

Shu Shujiong.

So he has gained experience?
Even if there is no official business, go to the yamen to fish and show it to the big leaders?
It's the end of the month, everyone click on the monthly pass!They are all close relatives...

(End of this chapter)

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