My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 580 Consultation

Chapter 580 Consultation
Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and couldn't help but praise: "Master is really amazing!"

It's only been less than a year since I joined the job, and I have already learned the tricks of being a subordinate.

Leaders are busy and cannot be idle.

Leaders can't be idle even if they are idle.

Regardless of whether there is work in hand or not, you must pretend to be responsible.

Just like the overtime work in later generations, it seems to be ineffective, but in fact it is effective.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows, with a bit of pride, and said: "What's the matter, you don't need to think about it carefully to understand, just look at the courtiers that Khan Ama likes, who is not like a donkey pulling a mill, who doesn't rest easily Time; the clan and princes are the same, if they are satisfied with their titles and salaries and don’t want to go on errands, Khan Ama also finds out a batch and cleans up a batch..."

Shu Shu squeezed his hand, and said: "It's good that you know what's in your heart, you don't need to say it, otherwise, it will be like trying to figure out the holy will, and it will be passed on to the emperor, and the emperor will not like it."

Brother Jiu listened to the persuasion honestly, and said: "Well, I know, I won't be stupid and bold in the future, it's not good to get used to it..."

Now when Khan Ama and him are father and son, he is tolerant towards him; but if one day Khan Ama doesn't like him, then it's time to find fault with him.

I didn’t eat two mouthfuls of jelly a few days ago, and today I changed to a new seasoning, not sesame sauce and vinegar, but wasabi and light soy sauce.

The side dish is shredded cucumber and blanched mung bean sprouts, which taste just right.

Brother Jiu immediately fell in love with it, and said: "This tastes good, refreshing and not bland..."

Shu Shu said: "If you don't feel full, you will be hungry quickly. When I leave in the afternoon, I will take a few mung bean cakes with me."

Brother Jiu nodded in agreement, and said: "Can this lady eat? Doesn't it mean that the lady's side is also hot?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "No, you can't eat cold food during confinement, there are many taboos, and you should eat and drink according to the rules."

Brother Nine sighed, "That's enough to suffer..."

After lunch, the couple talked for a while, then took a nap in the study.

It was not until the beginning of the year that Brother Jiu took He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This time what he was holding was not a porcelain jar, but a red copper one.

It is cold to start with, and there are crushed ice cubes inside, just to take this coolness.

It was also prepared by Shushu for him!
It was as if he had eaten honey in his heart, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch upwards.

As soon as he arrived at the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he saw Gao Bin waiting, his face a little dignified, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "Why is your face drooping?"

Gao Bin rubbed his hands in a hurry, bowed and said, "Jiuye ordered the servant to go to the imperial hospital on duty at noon before he left in the morning, and the servant went there, and then heard that the empress of Yanxi Palace passed on the imperial physician, and the servant did not act as an imperial physician." What happened, I even told Le Limu about the summer heat prescription, but... it seemed that something was wrong there, the imperial physician did not come back, and the eunuch in charge of the Palace of Yanxi Palace came over, and asked people to go out of the palace to the imperial hospital to teach the imperial physician... ..."

Shu Shu mentioned to Brother Jiu this morning about the summer heat prescription, saying that there is Huoxiang Zhengqi powder in Sun Simiao's "Qianjin Yifang", which is for curing and preventing heatstroke disease.

If you haven't fallen into ambush yet and are ready, you can prepare before you fall into ambush.

Brother Nine suffered from summer sickness last year, and survived from death. He had lingering fears, so he also took care of it. Before returning to the second institute in the morning, he sent Gao Bin to the Tai Hospital to be on duty.

As for the "Le Li Mu" mentioned by Gao Bin, it is Le Fengming, the owner of the old Lejia shop in Qianmen.

A few days ago, he was recommended by Brother Nine and officially joined Tai Hospital.

He is a studious person, often accompanying the imperial physician on duty, so he can be found in the palace on duty.

Brother Jiu's expression also became serious, and he murmured: "Is the Imperial Physician handed down in Yanxi Palace, Concubine Hui, do you not hesitate?"

Then he shook his head.

Today, Shengjia left the palace, and he also sent him off outside the Shenwu Gate. He saw Concubine Hui and didn't see anything unusual.

Palace of Yanxi Palace...

Brother Jiu thought of Mrs. Dai Jia.

Lady Dai Jia also lives in Yanxi Palace.

He was a little worried.

Brother Seven has gone to Changchun Garden and is not in Beijing.

Is there really a chance?
Brother Nine immediately ordered He Yuzhu: "Go to the Yanxi Palace, and the lord will greet the concubine and ask the concubine if there is anything to tell me, and... is the nobleman Dai Jia sick? Do you need it?" Send a letter to Changchun Garden..."

He Yuzhu didn't dare to delay, and immediately hurried to the direction of the East Sixth Palace.

In Yanxi Palace, the east side of the main hall.

The three imperial doctors who are good at gynecology in the imperial hospital are all there, and there are two other doctors, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the older one is sixty years old, and the younger one is about forty.

Look, hear and ask, the imperial physician can do it.

But if you want to check on the masters of the harem, you need a doctor to come forward.

Zhang Concubine's master and servant and two medical women went to Xici Room under the lead of the big palace maid next to Concubine Hui.

"If it hurts badly somewhere, the empress squeaks..."

One of the elderly medical women washed her hands and motioned to Zhang Concubine's mother-in-law to uncover her clothes. Then, with the pulp of her right index finger and middle finger, she directly touched Zhang Concubine's skin and pressed gently on Zhang Concubine's chest. .

Zhang Bin endured her embarrassment, and then she was surprised.

The doctor looked at her and said, "Is it the place where the servant touched the pain?"

Concubine Zhang nodded, and the doctor whispered something to the middle-aged doctor behind her, and the middle-aged doctor took a charcoal pencil and wrote it down.

Zhang Bin's face became more and more red, she looked at the booklet and said, "Do you want to remember these too?"

The old doctor saw her scruples, and said: "Your Majesty, you don't need to hide your illness from medical treatment, and no one else can see these pulse cases. Those two illnesses on a woman's body are indispensable, and they are nothing."

In the face of life and death, it seems that there is no shame.

Zhang Pin lowered her head, her voice trembling, and said, "Is there any precedent for a disease like mine in the Tai Hospital's pulse case?"

The doctor's wife still had a calm and steady tone, and said: "Your Majesty has entered the palace early, and she has to be outside. Perhaps she has known about it for a long time. This is not a rare disease, it is a common problem in women..."

Zhang Bin suddenly raised her head, looked at the doctor woman, stared at her straightly, and said, "Really?"

The doctor nodded and said: "This is breast addiction. After the age of 30, until the age of 50, I like to have this. It is due to liver depression, phlegm, and Qi blockage. It was originally a mild disease, but the empress is still a little rushed. Impairment of Ren is caused by turbid phlegm and coagulation in both breasts at the top, and reversed meridian at the bottom, and it becomes more serious. After soothing the liver, regulating Qi, softening and hardening, and then adjusting Chong Ren, it will gradually get better."

Zhang Bin covered her mouth and wept silently.

Even though she had developed fighting spirit before and talked about a long life, she was not afraid in her heart.

When He Yuzhu came over, Concubine Hui also got the conclusion of the doctor's consultation, and she was slightly relieved.

She was overjoyed.

Fortunately, Concubine Zhang was able to turn around and expose the matter today.

This breast addiction is still new.

If time drags on for a long time, the nodules will freeze to death, but they will not melt away.

Empress Xiaoyi died of breast addiction.

Even Concubine De, had some of the above symptoms a few years ago, but it was not known to everyone.

After hearing He Yuzhu's message, Concubine Hui knew that elder brother Jiu had heard about the transmission of the imperial physician and thought of Mrs. Dai Jia.

Dai Jia is not a high-ranking nobleman, and I have never heard that the ninth elder brother and the seventh elder brother have a personal relationship.

It's rare, and I sent someone to ask a question.

Concubine Hui's expression became much softer, and she said: "Let my elder brother worry, Mrs. Dai Jia is fine, it's Concubine Zhang who is a little uncomfortable, now the imperial doctor has checked her, and there is no serious problem, I will send someone to Changchun Garden to report to the emperor in a while , let elder brother not have to worry."

Zhang concubine's move to the palace for rest is one thing, and the other is Duan concubine's disposal.

That's also the concubine's master, you can't just listen to the words of Zhang concubine's master and servant.

But it is not difficult to check.

There were dozens of people in the Changchun Palace, and the rampant concubines did not last a day or two.

Also ask the emperor to personally appoint someone to send someone to verify.

He Yuzhu bowed down to remember, and sneaked a few glances at the three old doctors, all of whom were bearded and sat down, but there was no anxiety on their faces.

I think there is really no serious problem with Mrs. Zhang's concubine.

When he returned to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, He Yuzhu truthfully conveyed the truth.

It's not the nobleman Dai Jia, nor the other concubines of Yanxi Palace, but the concubine Zhang?
Brother Nine was astonished.

He endured it so that he didn't lose his composure.

Since Concubine Hui wanted to report to the imperial court, he really didn't need to think about it anymore.

All afternoon, he was in a trance.

When it was the beginning of You, Brother Jiu walked into the corridor, still silent.

He Yuzhu was beside him, and said: "Master, are you worried about the Thirteenth Master? If Mrs. Zhang Concubine is seriously ill, the Emperor will not hide it from the Thirteenth Master; if Mrs. Zhang Concubine is only mildly ill, then there is nothing to worry about."

Brother Jiu didn't nod or shake his head.

When he was about to arrive at elder brother's office, he said, "Tell me, is Fujin a very smart person?"

He also knew that his wife was smart before, and she was proud of it.

But did she really think of Concubine Zhang because of the sweltering heat in the back hall of Yikun Palace?

Or sharp eyes, see the other side?
Discovered something wrong with the Changchun Palace, leading myself to find out?

He Yuzhu nodded and said: "Of course, Fujin is the smartest person I have ever seen..."

Brother Jiu glanced over and asked, "What about Master, in your heart, how smart is Master?"

He Yuzhu looked away and looked at the handle of the umbrella in his hand. It was a polished piece of very smooth green bamboo, which looked cool and tough.

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, so in your opinion, Master is stupid?"

He Yuzhu hurriedly shook his head and said: "You are not stupid. You can read foreign books well, you can also read Sanskrit, and you can count things. They are all very good. Even if you are not the prince, you can go to the Lifan Academy with your abilities. It’s definitely not bad to be an interpreter or an accountant at the household department..."

Brother Nine listened, displeased, and said: "Why are you all small officials? You can't be more powerful, be a secretary of the Lifan Academy, supervise a household department or something?"

He Yuzhu smiled and stopped talking.

Speaking effort, also entered the second.

Brother Jiu gave He Yuzhu a disgusted look, and said: "Clumsy, clumsy, not clever, master wants to listen to good words, so what's the matter if you learn a few words?"

He Yuzhu bowed and said, "That servant can't be blind either!"

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "Leave me soon, you're so stupid..."

After all, he strode towards the main courtyard.

Sun Jin was beside him, and whispered: "Brother He, the master is not going to pick on Fujin, is he?"

Although they are not all men anymore, they also know that some men have such a problem, they are too smart not to love women.

He Yuzhu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Master is not that stingy..."

Shu Shu is still in the study.

It's just that she can't read all day, so she made a set of Baduanjin with Xiaosong, and then picked up needlework.

They are all cut by Xiaochun.

Two sets of small clothes, and two pairs of soft-soled baby shoes.

Prepare full moon gifts and hundred-day gifts for other people's children, you can directly give gold locks and gold bracelets, but it's not good to just give those to your younger brothers and uncles.

Shu Shu is very virtuous, ready to follow the current rules and prepare needles and threads for the two children.

This is not about her craftsmanship, but about her heart...

(End of this chapter)

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