Chapter 581 What's the matter with Grandpa
When Brother Jiu came in through the curtain, this was the scene in his eyes.

Shu Shu half leaned on the pillow, holding a needle and thread in her hand.

In the back is the black girl rubbing her shoulders, and in the front is Xiaochun sitting on the edge of the kang, also threading needles.

Hearing the movement at the door, the three masters and servants all looked over.

Xiaochun and Xiaosong immediately got up and stood beside them respectfully.

Shu Shu also put down her needle and thread, looked outside, and said, "Time flies so fast..."

Brother Jiu didn't speak, but also sat by the kang, looking straight at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, she turned her head and said, "Master, are you looking at my hair?"

Only then did Brother Jiu's eyes fall on Shu Shu's head. Unlike at noon, he changed into a new hairstyle.

A circle of braids the size of a little finger was tied directly at the top of the head, and the braids were rebraided and put down.

Look at male and female indisputable.

Because it was Shu Shu who asked someone to restore Baoyu's braided head.

There is no other jewelry on it, but four small clusters of pearls are used, and they are arranged on the braid at the back.

This set of jewelry is one of her dowry. In the middle is a thumb-sized pearl, surrounded by a circle of small beads, and the bottom is not gold, but silver.

It looks plain and clean, it can be used on weekdays, and it can also be worn when plain clothes are required.

When practicing Ba Duan Jin in the afternoon, her hair was a little loose, so Shu Shu washed her hair directly.

When her hair was dry, she remembered this hairstyle, which made Xiaochun recover.

Thinking of this, she looked at Brother Jiu and glanced at his bald forehead, feeling a little regretful.

If it wasn't for this deadly hairstyle, she would have pulled Brother Jiu to change her hairstyle together.

The two masters looked at each other, Xiaochun gave Xiaosong a wink, and the two retreated silently.

Brother Jiu looked back at the empty doorway, his face drooped, and he hummed softly, "Is there something you're hiding from me?"

Puzzled on Shu Shu's face, he said, "No, why did you say that?"

The biggest one is hiding the truth, and the youngest one is also hiding a lot of things, but when living at home on weekdays, they are more honest.

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand and pinched her face, and said, "Huh! You still pretend to be with me, and I wonder what you think of Zhang's mother for no reason, and my thirteenth brother lives next to me, and I haven't seen you ask me about it." one time……"

Concubine Zhang is an elder and lives in the inner court. Apart from a few meetings on the northern tour last year, she has no other friendships.

Shu Shu blinked her eyes, realized that the voice was wrong, and said, "What's wrong with Mrs. Zhang?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Don't you understand it in your heart? Why are you pretending to be confused with me? I am not someone else. If there is anything you can't tell me directly, you have to go around in circles!"

Shu Shu's face became more and more puzzled, and said: "Why am I pretending to be confused? What on earth is the lord going to say?"

Brother Nine couldn't hold it any longer, looked at Shu Shu again, and said, "You really don't know?"

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him and said, "What did you say?"

Brother Jiu couldn't figure it out, and said: "Then how can you be sure? You just said yesterday that you thought of Zhang's mother-in-law, and you were worried that the concubine was ill today?"

Shu Shu was taken aback.

Are you sick now?
She said worriedly: "Is it... a serious illness? How does the master know this?"

Hearing her question, Brother Jiu also realized that something was wrong.

Concubine Zhang lived in the back hall of the Changchun Palace, so why did Yanxi Palace invite the imperial physician? !

Concubine Zhang is not a nobleman or a concubine, so she has to report to whom before she can invite the imperial physician.

Brother Nine expressed his doubts.Said: "At first I heard that the Yanxi Palace invited the imperial physician, and they invited two waves in a row. In addition to those on duty in the palace, the imperial physician from the imperial hospital was also invited. I thought I would see my concubine in the morning. Feeling refreshed, I was worried that it was Mrs. Dai Jia, so I sent He Yuzhu over to inquire, and it turned out that it was Concubine Zhang..."

At that time, he was surprised at how his wife "speaks well", but he didn't think of what was wrong.

He rubbed his chin and guessed: "Isn't it because of the concubine Duan's mischief that the Changchun Palace is not allowed to invite the imperial doctor? The concubine Zhang has no choice, and our concubine's side is inconvenient, so I went to the Yanxi Palace to ask for help?"

He hit right and wrong, but he guessed it pretty well.

Shu Shu thought about Concubine Zhang's illness, and said: "Since the imperial doctor has seen it, how about the concubine's mother?"

This is Zhang Pin's life and death.

Although after more than 20 years, "mother is more precious than her son", she will be posthumously named imperial concubine and buried in the emperor's mausoleum, but it would be pitiful to wither in her thirties.

Brother Jiu said: "Mother Hui said there is no serious problem, so don't worry about it, she will send someone to Changchun Garden to report the matter."

After hearing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Hope this is a real turnaround.

Even though nobleman Wang and nobleman Guerjia came from behind in the past half a year, the most beautiful, Zhang Concubine, the former favorite concubine, feels that her favor is fading away, but with Kangxi's nostalgia, knowing that Zhang Concubine is ill, people will still make people watch carefully of.

After all, in his eyes, in addition to doting, there are two types of harem women, one is those who have given birth to princes and daughters, and the other is those who have not given birth or have given birth but have not kept them.

Seeing Shu Shu's expression, he really knew about it.

Brother Jiu also breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Master, I feel uncomfortable all day long. I thought you knew the inside story, so instead of telling me directly, you're going around in circles with me!"

Shu Shu grabbed his waist, gritted his teeth and said, "Next time, if you ask me so nonsensically, I will get angry!"

Brother Jiu grabbed her hand and said, "Isn't it because you are too smart, will you dislike me for being stupid? If you care about me, you will be chaotic..."

Shu Shu frowned and fell silent.

Brother Jiu was a little nervous, and said, "Are you really angry? Master didn't say anything else, just because he was afraid that you wouldn't tell him directly if you had something to say."

Shu Shu thought of the physiques of himself and brother Jiu, Ke Xiaoshu and Ke Xiaojiu, and he had to take precautions, so he fell into deep thought.

Brother Nine became more and more uneasy, and said: "What are you thinking? But it's agreed, no pre-roll account!"

Shu Shu shook her head lightly, looked at Brother Jiu with a dignified expression, and said, "Did you find out, a lot of things happened this year?"

It was more turbulent than what she had experienced in the previous 16 years.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "It seems that I haven't been idle, the days go by so fast, and things are one after another!"

Shu Shu looked at him, deliberated, and said: "So, it's not that I discovered something. Is it possible that the master also has a friend? Why does the master like to provoke trouble? When I was at home before, it was quiet for more than ten years. , not as well-known as this year..."


Brother Jiu didn't expect to come to such a conclusion, pointed to himself, and said doubtfully: "Is it something that I recruited from my father?!"

Shu Shu didn't nod, but shook her head and said: "It's not right to say that, it's not fair to the master, some things are found by myself, such as last year when I married in, Liu Nanny..."

"Also, we followed the northern tour and found that the palace was wrong..."

"Brothers fought in groups, Sanbeile lost the county king...

"Further on, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother moved over, and the fourth one..."

"In the first lunar month, my master took me to Ning, and found out about my uncle..."

"Wait until the southern tour, the Taihu quarry revealed the matter of exploiting the place by the officials..."

This pile of piles, almost every month is not idle.

Brother Nine heard that she was like a treasure, and he thought it made a lot of sense.

It seems that it is true that things happen all the time, and then whoever matches up with him will be unlucky.

What does this mean?
Is it someone else?
No, no, you can't say that!

Is it because his luck is just right, so those who oppose him are unlucky? !

The legendary man of great luck? !

Immediately, he came to his senses, looked at Shu Shu, and said: "That's not right, we are always together, if the Fang people are also together, how come it is the business of the master alone?"

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, then said: "That's my side, anyway, the 16 years before I entered the palace, my life was pretty normal."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu felt a little blocked in his heart, hesitated for a while, and said, "You...have you regretted it?"

Shu Shu pulled out her hand, gave him a blank look, and said, "As long as the master is around, it will be lively, no matter how you live, it will be a day..."

Speaking of this, she pointed to the notes on the desk: "I wrote them all down, just because I was afraid that there would be any taboos in the palace, and I didn't mention anything involving the emperor and the palace's secrets."

Brother Jiu followed her fingers and looked over, and also remembered Shu Shu's love to write down the handbook.

He felt guilty: "It's the master who made you tired..."

This is the palace, but it is still different from the outside.

It looks like a family, but in fact, it is divided into many families according to the different matriarchal lines.

Judging from the son-in-law candidates selected by his father-in-law, he knew that Shu Shu loved to live a clean life.

But he made her worry a lot.

Shu Shu said: "Master, don't say such things. I don't want to listen to it. I don't regret marrying you. If I regret marrying me someday, hehe... I still remember clearly that when someone wanted Go to the imperial court to ask for an order to divorce?"

In the end, she had a bad look on her face.

Nine Brothers hurriedly begged for mercy: "Just now we agreed not to find any later debts, but in the first month, I made a fool of myself, so I turned over the chapters, turned over the chapters!"

Only then did Shu Shu hook his finger, and said with seriousness: "Then what happens in the future, sir, don't ask the teacher to blame you like today, I don't like to hear this in my heart, it seems that I am It's like a 'crow's mouth'... just now I said that my father likes to provoke troubles, but I don't like to listen to it. If we encounter anything in the future, we will recruit together..."

Seeing her like this, Brother Nine regretted it more and more, and hurriedly said: "I promise, there will be no next time. I just think it's a coincidence, so my heart is in a mess. I'm afraid you are usually separated by a floor..."

Seeing Brother Jiu like this, a smile appeared in Shu Shu's eyes.

Grief is born of love, fear is born of love.

Shu Shu has never had such strong feelings, but she is willing to be a relaxed woman. She is comfortable and the people around her will not be tired.

She said sincerely: "I told you before that if you ask me to discuss things with you, I will naturally do the same..."

"Just like this time, it was also because I had a fever last year, and I was a little scared. I was afraid that the people I knew would be the same, so I mentioned Zhang Concubine to the Lord..."

"I'm not a Bodhisattva, I want to save all living beings, and other aunts don't think about it..."

"There is also 'Huoxiang Zhengqi San', which doesn't sound like a panacea, but it is an ancient prescription after all, it would be better if it can treat the symptoms..."

"I still want to grow old together with my grandfather. Not only must my grandfather's body be cherished, but I also said earlier that since I suffered a serious illness in 33, I am most afraid of death..."

Brother Jiu felt distressed and regretful, and said: "It's too late for us to get married. If you are like fourth brother and mynah, getting engaged when you are ten or so, then you are not feeling well. I must have brought the imperial doctor to look for it. You, too, will try a foreigner's recipe..."

Shu Shu smiled, but didn't answer.

What are you picking up?

This doll is a little unlucky.

Among the three couples, none of the couples are white-headed...

Qingxi Bookstore.

Liang Jiugong lowered his head, looking at the gold bricks on the ground, not daring to look up.

Only half a day after she came out, Concubine Hui sent someone over.

Two came.

In addition to the chief eunuch of Yanxi Palace, there is also a young concubine, who belongs to Zhang Concubine.

Now both of them are waiting outside.

What the emperor held in his hand was Concubine Hui's autographed letter, followed by the letter, and a pulse case.

Is Zhang Bin bad?

Even if the emperor neglected Concubine Zhang in the past six months, who knows what will happen in the future?
The masters of the harem all these years have their own merits, but apart from Concubine Yi, the one who has been favored the longest is Concubine Zhang.

When Zhang's concubine was sealed as a concubine, she was only in her twenties.

Now there is one son and two daughters, and when the next time the harem is sealed, it may be possible to be promoted again.

In Concubine Hui's letter, it started with Concubine Zhang's request for help from the Yanxi Palace, the complaint of the master and servant, and the results of the consultations by the imperial physician and the in-law of the imperial hospital.

Concubine Zhang has two symptoms, besides liver depression, there are women's diseases, they are mixed together, menstrual blood is blocked, breast addiction is getting worse day by day, and she can't sleep at night.

Kangxi looked at it, feeling extremely annoyed.

It was only after years and years that the palace was sorted out, and those who were inappropriate by the elder brother and the princess were all removed.

The maids and eunuchs related to the Hesheli family and the Tong family were also removed.

Only the east and west six palaces, because he was always quiet and worry-free, and Concubine Hui and Concubine Yi were both reliable, that's why he didn't ask someone to plow it.

As a result, right under his nose, someone dared to bully the concubine.

Zhangpin's pulse case was also handed over to the imperial court before.

Seeing the "stagnation of the liver", he misunderstood it, thinking that it was because of jealousy and intolerance that he wanted to snub Zhang Concubine and make her more sensible.

"Breast addiction"...

When Kangxi thought of the passing Empress Xiaoyi, he couldn't tell what it was like.

He put down Concubine Hui's letter and went to see Concubine Zhang's pulse case.

On the front is three imperial physicians diagnosing the pulse, and on the back page is the doctor's wife's diagnosis and a description of the hand diagnosis.

There are seven or eight places where the phlegm is condensed in both breasts, one of which is the size of a pigeon egg, and it hurts when touched.

Although life, old age, sickness and death, non-manpower may stop it.

But such a "man-made disaster" was intolerable to Kangxi.

He closed the pulse case and did not summon Zhang's concubine.

Concubine Hui had written a lot in her letter, so it was meaningless for him to ask again.

He raised his head, looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Broadcast to Zhao Chang!"

Liang Jiugong bowed in response and retreated.

After a while, Zhao Chang followed Liang Jiugong in.

With a solemn face, Kangxi said: "Strictly investigate the Changchun Palace, everyone around Mr. Dong must also be investigated one by one. If there are stubborn people who are stubborn, torture them directly to see if Mrs. Dong is insane and inappropriate, bullying Mrs. Zhang!"

Zhao Chang was awe-inspiring, and hurriedly bowed in response.

Liang Jiugong was beside him, scratching his heart and lungs, extremely curious.

That concubine, what kind of monster is she?

How dare you bully people?

The emperor didn't even call him a title, but just called him by his surname.

And Zhang Cong, even if she fell out of favor in the past six months, wouldn't she still have the last ten years to make a comeback?
The emperor is even annoyed by Zhang Concubine.

Kangxi was really annoyed.

Three years, not three days, not three months.

Fifteen Gege moved the palace the year before last!

After being bullied for three years, I was about to die, so I thought about opening my mouth. Was that mouth just for display?

Especially in the first two years, the nobleman Guerjia had not yet entered the palace, and the most accompanied ones were Zhang Concubine and Wang Shi.

At that time, the Wang family hadn't been named a nobleman yet, so it was not at all the same weight as Zhang Concubine.

But Kangxi also understands that when Concubine Zhang was favored two years ago, Concubine Duan did not dare to be so blatant even if she tried to torture others.

The past six months have been rampant, and it is nothing more than the certainty that Concubine Zhang has fallen out of favor.

The most bullying people.

He was a little ashamed when he saw Zhangpin's relatives asking Madam Yanxi to teach her.

It seems that he, the emperor, is a womanizer, and he is speculated on by those who coat him.

It's not just Concubine Zhang, the Hesheli family chose Concubine Yi, and the Tong family chose Concubine De.

They are all climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix.

Will the rules of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' talent show be changed in the future?

In the current Ministry of Internal Affairs draft, all the palace ladies are selected, and there are actually distinctions.

Among them, those who are good-looking and well-born, either act as a harem as a promise, or they are meant to be a match for the prince and the nearby clan.

The ones with ordinary appearance and ordinary background are the court ladies, who are assigned to serve in various places in the palace.

According to the previous rules, if the harem concubine is selected from among the beautiful women in the House of Internal Affairs, then this kind of family who climbs the dragon and attaches the phoenix will never be cut off.

But choose Eight Banners Show Girls?
There are also many involved.

Don't talk about concubines, just talk about the princesses of the princes and brothers, so it's not easy to involve the Eight Banners.

Kangxi felt that he needed to think about this issue...

It’s 0.5 today, and the debt is reduced by 7 chapters, only [-], so good, do you give a monthly ticket, ^_^...

The next update will be at 11:28 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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