Chapter 582 Unkind

Yikun Palace.

This side is next to Changchun Palace, but it is really not separated by a wall.

There is a corridor between the two palaces, which are two high walls.

Coupled with the fact that Concubine Duan has various temperaments, Concubine Yi really has no friendship with her.

For the sake of the master, the palace people from the two palaces have no contact with each other.

But in the morning, when the master and servant of Zhang Concubine hurried out of the West Sixth Palace, they passed through the Yikun Gate.

Some eunuchs here also saw it and reported it to Pei Lan.

When there was no news of Concubine Zhang's return in the afternoon, and seeing that half an hour later, it would be the time when the gates of the palaces would be locked, Pei Lan informed Concubine Yi.

After hearing this, Concubine Yi said thoughtfully, "Didn't you stay at our gate? Just left Guangsheng's right gate?"

Pei Lan nodded, and said: "The eunuch at the door saw it, and went straight there, saying that he was in a hurry, and the concubine at the back chased her out..."

Concubine Yi couldn't help frowning when she heard this.

In this way, it is a big deal.

Are you afraid that you will be angry?
Is this going to Yanxi Palace?
Concubine Yi was wondering when someone came in from outside and told, "Master, the Empress of Yanxi Palace is here."

Concubine Yi hurriedly instructed Peilan, "Hurry up and welcome me in!"

Perrin was busy.

Concubine Hui's shoulder chariot has already gone directly outside the apse.

Pei Lan hurriedly stepped forward to bless her, and said, "Your Majesty, our master sent servants to welcome you in."

Concubine Hui nodded, helped Pei Lan's hand to get off the chariot, and asked: "How is your master these days? How are you eating well, sleeping peacefully, and the lochia getting rid of it?"

Pei Lan respectfully said: "Master is a bit tired, now I have to take half a nap during the day, and go to bed early at night; I eat well, Jiufu Jin asked someone to send over a lot of recipes, all of which my mother can eat now, the dining room takes turns I did it; the lochia is still not clear, and grandma said it will take a few more days..."

The "grandmother" she refers to is the midwife in the palace. In addition to being responsible for delivering babies, she also takes care of the concubine's postpartum care, also known as "grandma".

Concubine Hui nodded and said nothing more.

When Concubine Hui entered, Concubine Yi was already looking forward to it.

"Even my sister was alarmed, so it can be seen that something big happened in Changchun Palace..."

Concubine Yi was smart, she immediately sighed.

Concubine Hui sat on the edge of the kang, but she was also helpless.

Regardless of Concubine Duan's temper, everyone has been acquaintances for decades.

To put it a bit more selfishly, one of the four concubines counts as one, and they are more willing to have old people like Duan concubine, Xi concubine, and Xianfu concubine take the lead.

No children and no pets, they live in peace.

As I get older, I live more and more comfortably and don't like changes.

However, the concubine Duan was restless.

Zhao Chang has been ordered to go back to the palace, and seeing that he is about to ask people from Changchun Palace to interrogate, Concubine Hui is afraid that Concubine Yi is going crazy, so she comes here in person.

She said: "The words are in the head, you can just listen to it, but don't be angry, the matter has almost been resolved, the emperor also sent Zhao Changlai."

Concubine Yi glanced in the direction of Changchun Palace, and said in surprise: "What did that one do, Zhao Chang has been sent back?"

Zhao Chang was the imperial eunuch, Haha Zhuzi, although he was not a close servant, but when it comes to the emperor's trust in him, it is no less than Liang Jiugong.

The Punishment Department in this palace is in the hands of Zhao Chang.

Concubine Hui nodded and glanced at Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi is due to give birth in the past six months, she rarely pays attention to outside affairs.

Concubine Hui has relatively more news.

She also knew that the big cable in the palace was blown up in Qianxi four institutes one year after another.

There must be something unknown in this.

Brother Fourteen...

Brother Eleven...

Concubine Hui also sighed.

Some things cannot be studied in detail, but should be cherished in front of you.

Concubine Yi didn't notice the difference, she only thought Concubine Hui was a sighing concubine.

Concubine Hui simply said that Concubine Duan bullied Concubine Zhang.

Concubine Yi gritted her teeth after listening.

Concubine Zhang was assigned to the Longevity Palace after she entered the palace, and she lived there for several years before moving away. At that time, Concubine Wen Xi was still alive, and Concubine Yi often went to the Palace of Longevity, so she looked up at Concubine Zhang.

"Why are you so useless? I thought she had a sharp personality before!"

Concubine Yi likes Zhang Concubine's good looks, and during the northern tour last year, she got along well, but she didn't expect that she would become dough in Changchun Palace.

Concubine Hui said: "I was young when I moved over, and my concubine Duan's qualifications are old. She is twenty years behind, so she was under control!"

Concubine Yi said angrily: "It's also because I was too negligent in the past six months, and I became blind and deaf, and I didn't know about it."

Concubine Hui's heart trembled, but she didn't show it on her face, she said: "It's not just you, I am also like this, after all, it's not as good as it was a few years ago."

This is about the crown princess's power in the palace.

In the early years, the palace was governed by four concubines. When the crown princess entered the palace and was formally conferred, Kangxi let her take over the palace power.

However, due to the lack of seniority, the Crown Princess doesn't want to intervene in the affairs of the East and West and the Six Palaces, so now it seems that the palaces are autonomous.

Concubine Yi muttered: "What on earth is the emperor thinking? Back then we were in charge of the palace affairs with trepidation, 'the name is not right and the word is not right', for fear of mistakes; now we have changed to a name that is right and right, but it is inconvenient both times !"

Concubine Hui thought for a while, then whispered: "It turns out that the emperor just wanted to make Yuqing Palace more powerful, and it was justifiable to let go of our power. I didn't expect it to be so inconvenient..."

If it was replaced by an ordinary family, the eldest daughter-in-law would be the head of the family.

There is a difference between honor and inferiority.

As for the concubine mothers-in-law, if they eat and drink well, they are considered generous if their daily supplies are not lacking.

But in this palace, this kind of inferiority is not discussed in this way.

Even if the crown princess is the eldest daughter-in-law, the future mother of the country, she still has to be judged by her seniority before her concubine.

Concubine Yi curled her lips and said: "It seems that someone cares about palace power, if it weren't for more filial piety, who cares about it?"

Now that she has the filial piety of her son and daughter-in-law, she has ample money, so she doesn't care about the three melons and two dates of the boss.

Concubine Hui hesitated and said: "I really can't think of what the palace will be like in the future. Those of us who have older princes are also at the end of their concubines, and no matter how high or low they are, troubles will arise. We can't bring out the younger ones to stand shoulder to shoulder with us. ? If it wasn't for something wrong with Tong's family, Concubine Tong should have come up."

Concubine Yi let out a "puchi", laughed out loud, and said, "Fortunately, I didn't go up, otherwise I would be annoyed by it, she is the daughter of Fengchao, unmarried in her 20s, she is not here for the ordinary concubine position ..."

Concubine Hui showed disapproval on her face, and said, "What are you making fun of her for? It may not be her own pleasure..."

Concubine Yi said disapprovingly: "Whether you like it or not, once you enter the palace, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with us. What's not to like?"

"As a result, every time Ningshou Palace greets her, look at her awkwardness, she looks like a concubine who has wronged her, wishing to sit on the head of my sister..."

"We have served the emperor for half our lives and have children. Do we deserve to be overwhelmed by her?"

"She thought that she would be like Concubine Wen Xi, enter the palace as a concubine, and then become a concubine. As a result, it has been ten years this year, and she hasn't raised a step..."

"My sister is in the top of my list, and I am convinced, but what is she, just based on a surname?"

Concubine Hui frowned and said, "Shut up, you dare to say anything?!"

Concubine Yi caressed her chest, and said: "When I say this, my heart will open up, otherwise she will be blocked every time."

Concubine Hui glared at her, and said, "Isn't this my anger for nothing? That surname is not precious, why is it so precious?"

It was from the emperor's mother's family, and the emperor was willing to praise her, so it was naturally not comparable to ordinary relatives.

Concubine Yi said softly: "As long as I look better, I won't feel so uncomfortable. I just have a flat head and a straight face. It is already a kindness to be conferred as a concubine. Do you really want to hold the seal of the phoenix?"

Concubine Hui patted her and said: "The faults of half a lifetime, in your eyes, as long as you look good, there is nothing bad!"

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Personality is born from the heart! This heart is crooked, and the appearance is not much better..."

Having said that, she pointed in the direction of the Changchun Palace and said, "Like that one, she was also a delicate and beautiful woman in her early years, but since the concubine left her in 20 years, she began to droop her face. What have you become these years? You're out of face!"

Concubine Hui hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, people who are irrelevant, please don't be mean..."

Just as he was talking, he heard noises in the yard from a distance.

Concubine Hui couldn't help frowning.

What's going on here?
Concubine Yi's childbirth is just the time to rest quietly.

Yi Fei also looked at the window, and glanced at Pei Lan.

Pei Lan went out in a hurry, and saw a few palace guards and eunuchs blocking people on the corridor next to the east wall of the front hall, and they were confronting the uninvited guest Concubine Duan.

"Get lost, I want to see Empress Yifei..."

Concubine Duan shouted loudly, scolding the people in front of her.

Those few people stopped moving.

The gate of Yikun Palace is open during the day, but there are only a handful of people who can directly enter the hall without a notification, and Concubine Duan is not among them.

Seeing Pei Lan coming out, the eunuch who blocked people hastily bowed and said, "Auntie, Duan Concubine insists on breaking in directly..."

Peilan looked at Concubine Duan and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Our mother is giving birth, and it is time for her to give birth and recuperate. I don't know what is urgent for the concubine, and I can't wait for the report?"

The concubine Duan stopped clamoring, but she still said angrily: "I came to ask my mother to make the decision, Zhao Chang was rude, and for no reason, he actually wanted to mention the people around me..."

Pei Lan was surprised and said: "Director Zhao is a person in front of the emperor, shouldn't he be following the order of the emperor?"

Concubine Duan got stuck, and then said: "Concubine Zhang, I don't know what to think, I went to Yanxi Palace to file a complaint, and then made trouble in front of the imperial court, I will die of injustice!"

Pei Lan said: "Please wait for the concubine, the slave will report to the master."

Concubine Duan didn't dare to go further in, she nodded reluctantly, and urged: "Then girl, hurry up, I'm still in a hurry here!"

Before the words finished, someone said: "If you need to talk to Concubine Yi, just tell me!"

Concubine Hui came out.

Concubine Duan looked at her, annoyed, and asked: "Miss Hui, what's the matter with you? The quarrel between us sisters, we can't talk about it in private first, why do we want to make trouble in front of the emperor?"

"A verbal dispute?"

Concubine Hui looked at her indifferently, and said, "Is it a quarrel? I don't know, I only know that Concubine Zhang has 'stagnation of the liver' and 'imbalance between Chong and Ren'. People are going to die!"

The concubine said with disdain on her face: "It's just putting on a show. You are big and thick, and you are pretending to be a 'sick beauty'. Ugly people often play tricks, and you think you can compete for favor with this? Where are the bones, even if you are thin She's out of shape, and she can't pretend to be a beauty in the south of the Yangtze River..."

This means that Zhang Pin is tall and tall, and he thinks that Zhang Pin's weight loss in the past six months is due to eating less on purpose.

Wang Guiren is a typical Jiangnan beauty, very delicate.

The new favorite of the harem, Guerjia, is also slender because of his youth.

Seeing Concubine Duan's face, Concubine Hui felt disgusted.

When Concubine Zhang was favored before, Concubine Duan was not like this. It was hard to tell the queen, but she was very intimate in front of others. She said "sister" and shut "sister".

Now that Concubine Zhang has "fallen out of favor", no one else has done anything about it, so she has no scruples, wishing she could step Concubine Zhang into the mud...

(End of this chapter)

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