Chapter 583 Annoyed
Concubine Hui has a fair and gentle temperament, and it is the most unbelievable act of concubine Duan to favor the high and trample the low.

She scolded directly: "Concubine Duan, be careful with your words!"

Although just now she and Concubine Yi talked in private, and Concubine Yi also complained about Concubine Gong, but it was not in full view.

Concubine Duan was a little unhappy, and said: "I didn't say anything, but Concubine Hui, what did you do to meddle in the affairs of the Sixth West Palace? Even if Mrs. Zhang wanted to break up with me, wouldn't you still be Concubine Yi as the referee?"

Concubine Hui frowned and said: "This is the emperor's harem, and it is natural for the emperor to rule on any matter. Concubine Yi is giving birth, don't care about other matters, if you are in a hurry to reason, I will accompany you to Changchun Garden to see you!"

Concubine Duan: "..."

She stared straight at Concubine Hui, with the corners of her mouth drooping, as if she had countless grievances, and said: "What did I say? I just wanted not to cause trouble for the emperor. There is any misunderstanding between us sisters, let's talk about it." That's it..."

Speaking of this, she took a handkerchief and wiped her eyes, and said: "I am the most careless person. I was like this when I was young. When the empress dowager was around, she even mentioned me. Sister Zhang Bin doesn’t like to hear what I said, so I’ll pay her, isn’t it okay?!”

In the past, it was fierce and soft, but now it is singing, reciting and beating.

Concubine Hui waved her hand and said, "If you don't want to go to Changchun Garden, go back to Changchun Palace first. If you have anything to do, just go to Yanxi Palace to find me. I will take care of you. During Yifei's puerperium, this West Six Palace Heart, I fucked too!"

Concubine Duan was not reconciled, and seemed to have to say more.

Concubine Hui had already shut her mouth, just looking at her like this.

Concubine Duan didn't dare to look directly, she looked away, and said with a stiff face: "Then I'll go back first, the emperor's eyes are like torches, so I won't be fooled by others..."

Concubine Hui nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't wrong anyone..."

Concubine Duan: "..."

She left with a drooping face.

Only then did Concubine Hui turn around and go back to the house, she saw Concubine Yi had already got off the kang, lying on the south window of the next room looking outside.

"Go back quickly, watch the wind carefully..."

Concubine Hui saw it and hurriedly said.

The window was not opened for a while, but it was opened the next time.

Concubine Yi honestly went back for a while, thoughtfully, and said: "Such harsh words should be refrained from being said, it's too unpleasant to hear, it makes people feel uncomfortable."

Concubine Hui nodded and said: "That's how it should be, and even dirty your mouth, anyway, be honest, don't add little things, the more you live, the more you will go back, you really become a 'talking but not heart'..."

Among the four concubines, Concubine Yi has always shown others with her lively temperament.

She doesn't take the initiative to bully others, but when someone else recruits her, she can piss people off with a quick mouth, just like she used to piss off Concubine Rong.

But it was the first time Concubine Tong stood shoulder to shoulder with them for no reason.

Concubine Yi nodded sullenly, and said: "Maybe it's because of my lack of health these past few days, sometimes I'm irritable, and I like to rub fire when I think of something that doesn't go my way. If you show your whereabouts, you will become a wicked mother-in-law."

Concubine Hui comforted: "It's mostly the case when you are in the puerperium. I was bothered when I gave birth to my elder brother. It will be fine after two months."

Concubine Yi has also given birth several times. After hearing this, she thought about it carefully and said: "It really is such a thing! Then I can rest assured, otherwise I would feel uneasy."

Before giving birth, I said that I was not partial, but when the little one just landed, he wanted to find fault with the two daughters-in-law when he was free. This is not a good phenomenon.

She found that she was a little moody before, so she resolutely refused to let her two daughters-in-law come to pay her respects.

It's because I'm afraid that I won't be able to suppress my anger and say something unpleasant, which will affect the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Thinking about it now, it really is like this for a while after each production.

It should be like what Concubine Hui said, that confinement is too restrictive, and it's suffocating for life.

This confinement can only wither on the kang.

It's summer heat again.

She figured it out and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, she is not really going to become a wicked mother-in-law...

In the evening, before the gates of the inner court were locked, the Department of Punishment and Punishment dispatched and almost wiped out all the maids, eunuchs, and nuns on duty in Changchun Palace.

When they arrived at the Punishment Division, they interrogated them one by one.

It's not a secret at all, and if you investigate the case like this, what can't be found?
Who in this palace doesn't know where the Department of Punishment is?
After entering here, who dares to be stubborn?
In one night, Zhao Chang got 32 statements.

He was not in a hurry to return to Changchun Garden.

Early the next morning, Zhao Chang entered Changchun Palace again.

He didn't arrest anyone anymore, but went directly to the backyard to meet the concubine Wang Shu in the west side hall.

Although the concubine Wang Shu is unfavored and cannot compare with the nobles of the Yonghe Palace, she also has a princess under her name.
She entered the palace relatively late, and she was also young, but in her early twenties, she looked very reserved and honest.

Zhao Chang was also more polite, saying: "The slave is ordered to investigate the matter of the Changchun Palace, and I just ask the young master to answer truthfully..."

All the palace attendants from the Changchun Palace were taken away yesterday, and only the little palace maid who was assigned a year later remained on the side of Concubine Wang Shu.

She was also terrified and lost sleep all night.

After hearing this, she nodded immediately.

"My lord, have you ever heard Concubine Duan insult Concubine Zhang?"

Concubine Wang Shu trembled and didn't dare to raise her head, and she didn't move for a long time.

Zhao Chang didn't urge him, he just said: "Young master, you have to think about it in your heart, what I ask today, I will hand it to the imperial court in the next afternoon..."

Only then did Concubine Wang Shu nodded slowly, and said in an inaudible voice, "Well... I heard..."

In Ganxi No. [-], the couple sat opposite each other and had breakfast.

For today's breakfast, there is a steamed egg roll, which I remembered when Shu Shu sent someone to Yikun Palace to deliver the prescription two days ago.

Now there are two-color egg rolls on the plate, one with carrots and the other with spinach.

It is used to dip in the prepared hot and sour sauce, and it goes well with porridge.

Before the couple had run out, Zhou Song came in a hurry.

Ever since Sun Jin followed Brother Nine, Zhou Song was transferred to Shu Shu's subordinates and became the foreign manager of the second institute.

"Master, Fujin, Xiao Linzi, who was sweeping the imperial garden just now, came over and said something to the slaves. Yesterday, before the palace gate was locked, Director Zhao led people to arrest the maids and eunuchs of Changchun Palace, and brought them to Shen Go to the Criminal Division, just now Director Zhao took people to the inner court again..."

Zhou Song bowed to report.

He is an outsider, and he often travels outside. There are also many friends who are outside, and the news is relatively well-informed.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu looked at each other in blank dismay.

Brother Jiu guessed: "Could it be that Zhang's mother is not in good health, it's not a disease, but a poison?"

He himself has experienced the toss of the servants, and he feels that nothing is rare.

Shu Shu didn't speak anymore.

After all, in the history of later generations, there are only a few lines about Zhang Concubine, without details.

All I know is that she passed away this year and was posthumously named "Concubine Min", and after that, the third elder brother shaved her head within a hundred days.

Brother Jiu couldn't sit still anymore, and said: "It's not like someone is really acting so boldly, right? What about our mother?"

Shu Shu felt that they couldn't get along, but Concubine Yi had been in charge of the West Six Palaces for more than ten years.

Concubine Yi and Concubine Hui do not have the name of imperial concubine, but they have the reality of imperial concubine.

If you don't even understand the Yikun Palace where you are, how can you take care of the Sixth West Palace?
It's just that elder brother Jiu is his own son, and if he cares about it, he will be chaotic; as Shu Shu's own daughter-in-law, it's hard to be too rational, otherwise he will appear cold and worried.

Brother Jiu didn't care about eating, so he stood up, looked at Shu Shu, and said, "Master, go to the Punishment Department to ask what's going on, your mother is in the puerperium, if someone in the palace is doing something bad, then you have to catch her as soon as possible." come out!"

Shu Shu also stood up, thought for a while, and said: "If Director Zhao's answer is not clear, please don't be upset, he is from the imperial court, he must have received the order..."

Speaking of this, she paused, and said: "No matter what the Lord asks, you can go to the Changchun Garden to see what the emperor ordered. If there is something wrong with the palace maids and eunuchs, the House of Internal Affairs will also take care of it." , Lord, see if you want to apologize first..."

Although the Punishment Division is under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this inner court is the emperor's inner court.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is just a service organization, and there is no need to focus on customers.

If you dereliction of duty, you will be punished instead.

Brother Nine patted his forehead and said: "I forgot, this is still related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

He took He Yuzhu and Sun Jin and left in a hurry.

Shu Shu didn't want to eat either, so she ordered someone to remove the dining table, leaving Zhou Song behind and said: "Continue to inquire and see if there is any movement..."

Zhou Song responded.

Xiaochun was beside him, hesitated for a moment, pointed in the direction of his finger, and said: "It's about Master Thirteen, why didn't Fujin remind Master?"

If the ninth elder brother went to Changchun garden, wouldn't it be a good time to tell the thirteenth elder brother about it?
Also fall into favor.

If you don't remind me, looking at Brother Jiu's appearance, I'm afraid I won't remember it for a while.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "From now on, except for Brother Fifteen, let's ask, and we should also avoid suspicion in other places."

They are all uncles and sisters who are almost a few years old.

Before, there was a tenth elder brother who grew up next to ninth elder brother. Without her coming in, it would be alienated from other brothers.

So her sister-in-law did not avoid Elder Brother Ten.

The next few followed suit.

Now that the ten elder brothers are getting married, it is another way of getting along, and the younger ones will keep their distance.

As soon as she said this, Xiao Chun understood, and said, "Master Liu, they don't know if they are still in the West Garden this time? In winter, the water surface in the garden is ice, so it's still relatively safe. In summer, most of the place is a pond. Worrying..."

Shu Shu said: "The place over there is fixed, it should still be in the accompanying reading center in the West Garden, don't worry, Xiao Liu knows how to measure..."

The Empress Dowager's new garden has not been repaired yet, this time it is still in the West Garden.

To the west of the Companion Reading Institute is the Queen Mother's villa, and to the south is the Prince's Douyuan Bookstore, which are not places where they can play freely.

Even though the age is displayed here, it is lively and active, but before entering the palace, the family must have been warned.

It is said that good swimmers drown.

But for the boys of Dong E's family, Qi Xi still taught them how to swim in elementary school.

Not to make them naughty, but to make them less short...

(End of this chapter)

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