My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 584 Suicide

Chapter 584 Suicide
Department of Punishment.

When Brother Jiu came over, Zhao Chang had already returned from Changchun Palace.

Shu Shu really guessed.

Zhao Chang's mouth is like a clam shell.

No matter how Brother Nine asked, he respectfully said: "It's hard to say, slave."

Brother Jiu was not annoyed, he just said: "Then when will you go back to Changchun Garden?"

Zhao Chang didn't say anything this time, and said honestly, "I still have to pay my respects to Mrs. Concubine Zhang. I guess it's about to be the first day."

Now it is Chenzheng, that is half an hour later.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Okay, then you will wait for Master at Shenwu Gate, and Master will go to Changchun Garden with you..."

Zhao Chang bowed and agreed.

Brother Jiu took He Yuzhu and Sun Jin and hurried to the House of Internal Affairs.

Today's official duties should be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise, if you forget the official duties for personal reasons, it will be unreasonable even before the imperial court.

Yanxi Palace, the East Side Hall in front.

Zhangpin lives here temporarily.

This is a house that was tidied up years ago. The wallpaper is freshly pasted, and the furniture is also replaced with new ones. It looks plain and elegant.

This was prepared for several members of Zhijun Wangfu.

When Concubine Hui took them to live in the palace for a short stay, it was convenient for them to accommodate them.

Therefore, the house here is often swept.

Zhang Bin lived here yesterday, which is more convenient.

Looking at Zhao Chang, Concubine Zhang was not as restrained as Concubine Wang Shufei.

She had woken up and realized that she had made a mistake before.

Seeing Concubine Hui's happy and contented days again, I was also deeply touched.

She was very calm, and said all the things that were difficult to say in front of Concubine Hui yesterday.

"In addition to saying that I am a 'skinny horse' and a 'prostitute', she also mentioned my affairs in the Longevity Palace, saying that I acted frivolously and cut off the favor of the imperial concubine, which made the imperial concubine unhappy, and my life was not long..."

"I also said that Elder Brother Ten is already grown up, and he has an account in his heart, and he will always settle with me. If he doesn't retaliate against me, he will also get revenge on Elder Brother and Princess..."

"You also asked me if I was going to serve the palace of the Qing Dynasty, did I go with the promises? It's all the tune in the flower house. Only a few people together will make the emperor still think about it for more than ten years..."

"It's also said that the daughter's college is with the mother, and I must have the same personality as me. I have a watery nature in my bones, and I can also cuddle people. I can coax Mongolian men to be happy..."

Which mother can tolerate others talking about her daughter like that?

At that time, Concubine Zhang wished she could just stab Concubine Duan with scissors, and then die herself.

But she dare not.

I am afraid that I will become a sinner and implicate my children.

Next to Zhao Chang was the eunuch who brought the records, and wrote quickly.

After Zhang Bin finished speaking, the record was also completed there.

Zhao Chang reached out to ask for the record booklet, handed it to Concubine Zhang with both hands, bowed and said: "This is to be presented to the imperial court, please check with your concubine if there are any omissions to be added, if not, please give me some ink."

Zhang Pin's face turned red, although when she said it just now, she knew that these words would reach the imperial court, but she was still flustered with embarrassment.

But she knew it was the lesser of two evils.

Maybe the emperor would get tired of her after these words came out, but she didn't regret it.

If Concubine Duan was not killed this time, I would be sorry for her illness.

She read it carefully, and every word was dictated by her, nothing was added or subtracted.

Without further ado, she took the pen and signed her name.

Zhao Chang had no intention of leaving, he took the booklet with both hands, and said, "I still have a few words to ask Mrs. Guo, and I ask my concubine to stay away for now."

Mrs. Guo, that is, Nanny Guo, the woman servant next to Zhang Pin, went to Yanxi Palace together yesterday.

Concubine Zhang nodded, glanced at Nanny Guo, and said in a low voice, "I didn't rest well last night, and my head hurts a little, come in and give me a rub as soon as you reply..."

Grandma Guo agreed softly.

Only then did Zhang Bin slowly walk into the north room.

Zhao Chang did not ask questions in the main room, but motioned for Nanny Guo to follow him to the south room.

In this way, there are two walls separated from the north house, and if you don't make a loud voice, you can't hear it there.

"Some people in the palace said that the concubine once hid the scissors under her pillow and wanted to kill herself?"

Zhao Chang said.

Guo Nanny's eyes were red, and she said: "As early as February, when the holy car left the palace, the concubine Duan either passed on my master every day, or came to the back hall to ask why there was no master on the list, and whether she was disgusted by the emperor. gone?"

"He came and went again and again, our master also listened to it, and there was no smile on his face..."

"It was after the Dragon Boat Festival. There was news from Yuqian that he had chosen fifteen gege companions, the eldest daughter of Jiang Ning weaving Cao Yin, who would go to Beijing with Shengjia..."

"Ms. Duan Concubine came to the back hall again and said that there is no need to wait for the future. Now that the life of elder brother and princesses is implicated by our master, it will be difficult..."

"The emperor is a 'loving house and black' character. If he doesn't like her, he must be tired of his brothers and princesses. Otherwise, he wouldn't choose a slave girl to be a princess companion. The princess companions next to her are all honorable daughters. , or Gege from the Zongnu Jueluo family..."

"Also there is an example of noble lady Dai Jia. Back then, the emperor hated her incomplete Seventh Elder Brother. He has never summoned her for more than [-] years. Now it seems that he is good to Qi Ye, and he is also showing to King Chunjing Fujin... "

"Our master's health is getting worse and worse, and he has a new disease, so he has bad thoughts, so I stopped him..."

Having said that, she gave birth to her right hand and spread her palm.

On the palm, there is a scar running horizontally.

It has been nearly a month, and the scar has just healed, with pink flesh growing, one can imagine that the wound is not shallow.

"I remember that there are rules in the palace. A concubine is not allowed to kill herself, otherwise it will be a serious crime. If you want to blame the mother clan, you will tell the master. The master also thought of this, and when he got jealous, he took the scissors away..."

"It's just that after that, the master became a little disheartened and didn't think about eating..."

"Ice was delivered from the icehouse yesterday morning. It was the case of Ganxitou. I heard that our elder brother begged Jiu Ye to paste the ice from the head to the back hall of Changchun Palace..."

"I took this opportunity to ask our master to move the palace. Due to his poor health, the master also believed the lies of the concubine Duan. I was afraid that I would really hurt my elder brother and Gege and be disliked by the emperor. It was still no business, but in the end, the concubine Duan brought someone over to ask the teacher about the crime, and our master held his breath and left the Changchun Palace..."

Zhao Chang knew all about what happened next.

The eunuch behind Zhao Chang quickly recorded.

Zhao Chang glanced at Nanny Guo.

Is a smart one.

There is not much to say, but it is not just a matter of the two concubines in Changchun Palace.

In what Concubine Duan said, there was suspicion of provoking the prince's elder brother, disrespect to the prince and princess, and talking about the emperor in vain.

However, Zhao Chang didn't say anything, a loyal servant deserves some respect at all times, and he just asked her to sign after the dictation.

Concubine Zhang was in the north room, already anxious.

She stood at the door of the north room with her ears stuck to the crack of the door, but she still couldn't hear the words of the south room.

She bit her lip.

Yesterday she heard from Concubine Hui that the palace servants and eunuchs of Changchun Palace were all detained in the Punishment Department.

Among them were eunuchs and court ladies under her name.

However, most of them are gathered and threatened by the concubine Duan.

There is only one Nanny Guo, who guards her from beginning to end.

She was afraid that Nanny Guo would also be taken away.

Separated by the palace wall, the love of flesh and blood is sparse.

The sons and daughters also have their own palaces, and mother and son, mother and daughter cannot easily see each other.

The only one who was with her was Mother Guo.

When she heard movement outside, Concubine Zhang couldn't wait to come out from the north room.

Seeing that Nanny Guo was completely intact, Concubine Zhang didn't dare to relax completely and looked at Zhao Chang.

Zhao Chang bowed and said: "The concubine is resting, and the servant has returned to the imperial court."

Zhang Pin didn't reply yet, she seemed a little weak, standing unsteadily.

Seeing this, Grandma Guo hurried forward to support her.

Zhang Pin leaned on Nanny Guo, then smiled weakly, and said to Zhao Chang: "Then I won't keep the manager, please ask the manager to plead guilty to the emperor on my behalf, I'm worthless, I can't stand on my own, and I already regret it." Now, it will never be like this again..."

Zhao Chang listened carefully, and read it twice in his mind without missing a single word, before he bowed and said, "I've made a note, my concubine, please take care, the future will last forever."

Others don't know, but these close servants know that in the emperor's heart, Concubine Zhang, who gave birth to one son and two daughters, still has some status.

Even if there is some punishment this time, it won't be too severe.

The thirteenth elder brother is 14 years old, both civil and military. Even if the emperor has a new favorite, he will still miss the old love, and will not completely neglect Zhang Concubine, so as not to hurt his son's face.

In the heart of the emperor, sons are more important than concubines.

Concubine Zhang nodded slightly, and said, "Thank you, Manager, for your relief."

Zhao Chang took people out.

Only then did Zhang Bin tightly grasp Nanny Guo's arm, and said, "I'm scared to death!"

Mother Guo's tears also came out, and she choked up and said: "The slave is also scared to death, the slave is not afraid of the Punishment Department, but I don't want to leave the master..."

They have depended on each other for more than ten years, and the master and servant love each other deeply.

At this moment, the master and servant are not afraid of others, but of life and death.

Zhang Pin's hand was still tightly grasping Nanny Guo's arm, and said: "Then don't leave, we will be fine from now on, Concubine Hui is kind, and has already mentioned the matter of moving the palace to the emperor. Xiugong, our days will be relaxed!"

Guo Nanny also brought out her expectation, and said: "That's great, Chuxiu Palace is close to elder brother, it will be inconvenient for the master, but the slave will not be in the way. In the year of your master's death, it is advisable for the master to give up every day. I have to send people to elder brother's office, but I haven't seen anyone say anything..."

Concubine Wen Xi died in the 33rd year of Kangxi, and it has only been five years since then, and Concubine Zhang also remembers this.

She fell into memories, and took a long time to let out a breath, and said: "I was too stupid before, my eyes were blurred, there are villains like Duanbi in the palace, but there are also empresses like Concubine Hui and Concubine Yi Generous man..."

The gate of Shenwumen.

Zhao Chang came here first, and after waiting for a quarter of an hour, he saw brother Jiu walking quickly.

"Is it too late, sir?" He asked out of breath.

To compress the morning's official duties into half an hour, Brother Jiu is also in a hurry.

Zhao Chang hurriedly said: "The bell hasn't rung yet, it's because the slaves came early."

Outside the Forbidden City, inside the Imperial City, there is the Bell and Drum Tower.

It is used to tell the time on weekdays. It is used to ring the bell during the day and to beat the drum at night. This is called "Morning Bell and Evening Drum", and it is also a scene of the imperial city.

When there is a national funeral, it is used to report the funeral.

Brother Jiu said: "Then let's go..."

Obviously, the father and son met yesterday morning, but Brother Jiu actually felt like "not seeing each other for a day is like three autumns".

He thought that the life in the palace was leisurely, and he could also be free without the rein.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen again.

Brother Jiu didn't ride a horse, but called a carriage.

Along the way, he did not speak.

He calmed down, knowing that if he cared about it, he would be confused.

If the empress was so cowardly and incompetent, she wouldn't have been a concubine for more than 20 years.

Khan Ama doesn't like stupid people, and Niangniang is not stupid either.

But Niangniang was not one of the four concubines at the beginning, she was also young and served as a nobleman and concubine.

Have you ever been bullied?

Brother Jiu drooped his head, and couldn't help but start to slander in his heart.

What are you doing with so many concubines?
What do you do with so many children?
Can't it be the most important thing?
The carriage didn't stop all the way, and when it was upright, it arrived at Changchun Garden.

With the status of Ninth Elder Brother, he can directly enter Changchun Garden, but cannot directly enter Qingxi Bookstore.

He was waiting outside the Qingxi Bookstore, and said: "Please tell Manager Zhao to report to Han Ama, and say that the Lord has something to ask His Majesty to see."

Zhao Chang was taciturn in his daily life, and he hardly had any dealings with these princes and elder brothers. Brother Jiu really didn't dare to be as presumptuous as he was in front of Liang Jiugong and Wei Zhu, and his attitude was somewhat polite.

Zhao Chang bowed and went into Qingxi Bookstore.

The sun is high in the sky.

At this time, if you are in the palace, you will start to use ice.

But because the garden is full of water, it is indeed much cooler than the palace.

Brother Jiu went into the duty room next to him and waited to be summoned.

Now is not the time to flip the sign, there is no one waiting to meet, only two eunuchs in charge of tea.

Greeted respectfully to Brother Nine and served tea.

Brother Jiu didn't drink.

He thought about his words.

It's not good to forget the public because of personal interests, so it's best to see the driver because of the work.

What is it?
The next update will be at 11:29 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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