Chapter 588 There's a Show
When Concubine Yi sat on the South Kang, she patted Shu Shu's hand and said, "Sit next to me."

Shu Shu leaned over and sat a foot away.

Concubine Yi ordered Pei Lan again, "Move a seat for Director Zhao."

Perrin hurriedly moved the stool.

Zhao Chang bowed and said, "Slave Zhao Chang greets Master Yi."

Concubine Yi raised her hand, and said: "An, it's safe, the steward sits down first, and then tell me, is it the emperor's order, or what?"

she asked straight to the point.

Zhao Chang sat down by the stool, and said respectfully: "The emperor ordered the servants to come and talk to you, Master Yi, so as not to disturb your rest due to the hustle and bustle of Changchun Palace in the past two days."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "Then tell me, I'll listen."

If it is not the emperor's oral order, there is no need to bow and kneel to listen.

This is the emperor's sympathy.

Concubine Yi knew it well, because the agitation in her heart caused by Concubine Duan's ouster was also calmed down.

Zhao Chang talked about Kangxi's treatment of Concubine Duan.

This is to be expected.

Concubine Yi was not surprised, she just said: "Is there anything else?"

Zhao Changdao: "The emperor said that the empress concubine of Zhang Zhang will be moved to Chuxiu Palace, and the Changchun Palace will be repaired after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the empress concubine of the guard will be moved to the Changchun Palace during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Concubine Yi showed gratitude on her face, and said: "Please thank the manager for my kindness, thank the emperor for his compassion, I can't thank you enough..."

The time for repairing the Changchun Palace is scheduled to be one and a half months later, when she is confinement, so as not to disturb her rest if there is any movement nearby.

After Zhao Chang left, the corners of Concubine Yi's mouth drooped.

She was silent.

The emperor's mind is really easy to guess.

Sure enough, Concubine Wei entered Changchun Palace, and Concubine Zhang entered Chuxiu Palace.

Still leaning towards Zhang Bin.

The location of Changchun Palace is better than that of Chuxiu Palace, but the emperor accused Concubine Duan of assaulting to death, so wouldn't Changchun Palace become a "haunted house"?
With the same beautiful appearance, what is the difference between Concubine Wei and Concubine Zhang?
Young age difference!

Concubine Wei is seven years older than Concubine Zhang!

But I am two years older than Concubine Wei!
Men always love young!
Concubine Yi pouted, looked at Shu Shu with a sad face, and said, "Look at me carefully, to see if I'm getting old?"

Shu Shu took a careful look, and said, "Where is it? Your Majesty looks like she's still in her prime!"

Concubine Yi twitched her lips, touched her face, and said, "Really? I'm already in my forties..."

Although I don't want to mention it, but the age here is also very helpless.

Shu Shu said very sincerely: "Of course, otherwise, how could the daughter-in-law look dumbfounded at the 'first meeting' last year? At that time, I thought that the empress is really tender, like the sister of Master Jiu, like the sister of Fifth Brother ..."

Concubine Yi "puchi" laughed, and said: "I also despise the fifth child, when he was skinny earlier, he was fine, but in the past two years, he has become solid, it's getting more and more unbearable!"

Shu Shu is not easy to laugh at.

My mother can complain about this, but others can't say it.

She said solemnly: "My daughter-in-law is still envious. It would be great if Fifth Brother and Master Jiu were evenly balanced. Before returning from the southern tour, my daughter-in-law would give Master Jiu two extra meals a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Bobo, I just wanted to grow meat, but I ate and drank, and in a month and a half, I only grew three and a half catties, and my daughter-in-law grew seven catties with me. There is really no reason Go, fortunately, it fell again in Kuxia a while ago!"

This is not a lie.

Shushuda has a small amount of activity, and the appetite is also here.

When I came back from the southern tour, I was on the ship, and I didn't have the opportunity to exercise.

There is only one Baduanjin, the more you practice, the better your appetite.

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "Five meals a day, catch up with me, you are too used to it."

Shu Shu smiled: "Master Jiu treats his daughter-in-law well, but it's just my duty to serve Master Jiu."

Yi Fei stopped talking.

Not interfering in the affairs between her son and his daughter-in-law was a rule she set for herself before fifth elder brother pointed out the marriage.

Over the past few years, I have kept it.

She just broke the conversation and talked about the maintenance of her appearance with great interest. Which woman doesn't want to be young forever...

When Shu Shu left Yikun Palace, it was almost the beginning of the year.

When she exited the Yikun Gate, turned left and exited the Guangsheng Right Gate, she saw Brother Jiu waiting in the corridor.

Although it was approaching evening, the weather was getting stuffy and hot.

Brother Nine was sweating profusely even under the umbrella.

Seeing Shu Shu coming out, Brother Jiu took the umbrella handle from He Yuzhu's hand, walked over, held the umbrella to cover her head, and complained: "Didn't you say that Shen Chu came over? Why did you stay for so long?"

It's been an hour.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Your Majesty is in good spirits, so I will accompany you for one more conversation."

If it weren't for the tight security of the inner court and the early closing, Concubine Yi would really be reluctant to let her go.

The corridor is not a place to talk, Shu Shu didn't mention Changchun Palace, he said mahjong, and said: "When I went, the empress was arranging flower cards. I touched that card on the Empress Dowager's boat before. It’s easy not to see clearly, it’s a waste of eyes, can we change it?”

Brother Nine certainly knows what flower cards are. When he was a child, he followed Brother Ten and played cards like an adult, but at that time he couldn't recognize all the cards and could only compare the size.

"What to change? Is it more suitable for empress after the change?"

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu nodded, then shook her head again, and said: "It's not that you are stubborn during the confinement period. Your Majesty is not suitable for sitting for a long time now, and you should mainly rest in bed."

Brother Nine lost a little bit of interest, and said: "Then it's optional..."

Shu Shu said: "It's more suitable for empress dowagers and concubines. Even if your eyes are blurred, you can still tell the difference by touching the cards..."

The couple wentssip and go back to the second school.

After entering the study and finishing grooming, Shu Shu waved his hand and sent people down, talking about the dismissal of Concubine Duan and the removal of the two concubines from the palace.

Brother Nine was stunned when he heard that, and he didn't care about the move of the palace later, he just said in surprise: "He beat someone to death? How dare she?"

The dead are the most taboo in this palace, and it is said that it will damage the feng shui of Miyagi.

Back then, the imperial concubine and elder brother Eleven were seriously ill, and they all moved to Jingshan...

Shu Shu: "..."

What kind of brain is this?
To believe it without doubting it? !

She thought about it, but didn't explain.

Duan concubine is not a concubine, but a formal concubine. Even if she wants to be dismissed, she must learn from her name.

If Kangxi can make such a decree, he will also be convicted of the crime, so Brother Jiu will believe it.

"No wonder Ama Khan was so angry in the first afternoon. Aunt Zhang also ran to the Palace of Yanxi Palace and dared not come back. She must have been frightened..."

Brother Nine thought he had seen the whole picture.

Seeing that Shu Shu was silent, he thought she was frightened, Brother Jiu hurriedly took her hand, and said: "Don't be afraid, it's not that the two of us died, so you don't go to the Changchun Palace, if you are afraid, go to the empress again." Bring a few more people over there!"

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "Don't be afraid, I always go to the inner court during the day, and I don't go there at night, the sky is bright and bright, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "It's also..."

The couple had planned well before, after Sheng Jia was not in the palace, they would be quiet for a few days, and then Brother Jiu could return to the Dutong Mansion with a comfortable car.

Now that something like this happened, Shu Shu decided to be an obedient Prince Fujin.

Brother Nine, as soon as he puts on the appearance of being a filial son, don't run away to the old man's house.

So, Shu Shu said: "The matter of Gui Ning is slow, let's talk about it after a while."

If it doesn't work, wait until the Shengjia tours north.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "It's getting hotter and hotter, and the government has also set a date for the funeral. When the time comes, I will bring you there, and no one will be able to make a difference."

Peng Chun's funeral is a major event for the Dong'e clan.

Qi Xi's branch is a close cousin, and both husband and wife must be there.

Shu Shu thought about it, nodded and said, "Is it '[-]'?"

With Peng Chun's status, the Duke of Chaopin, he is still the patriarch, and there are no elders above him, so it should be full of "July [-]", but who is calling the current scorching heat, even if he uses ice every day, it can't last for so long.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Yes, so the funeral date is set on June [-]th!"

Today is the third day of June, and there is less than ten days left.

"Then... what about the title and world position of the cousin?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Nine said: "Because Peng Chun retired due to illness, he sold the income from the second envoy to Tuo Sha La Ha Fan, and increased his life to attack the third class..."

The so-called "Tuosha Lahafan" is what people in the Eight Banners often say about "half the future".

Right now, the Duke ranks as the ninth rank, and this is the eighth rank.

Every time you get promoted, you have to use this accumulation.

Rewards and punishments, sometimes this is also used.

Just like Uncle Shushu's second-class uncle, if he sold two Tusala Hafans, he would not be an uncle.

What Shu Shu was concerned about was the inheritance of the title from her natal family, and she said with anticipation, "Will the lawsuit of Dong E's family be settled after my uncle's funeral?"

The case is not complicated.

Or the two brothers Fu Han and Fu Hai are wishful thinking and greedy.

Fu Hai not only came forward to make the first complaint, but also bribed the gangsters in the market, trying to fabricate Qi Xi's gossip about "harming his brother and murdering his wife".

It's just that no one is a fool.

Qi Xi is not the son of an ordinary noble, he is the emperor's confidant, and there is also a son-in-law of the emperor, who is a powerful figure.

And it has nothing to do with it. Who would risk offending Dong E's family and the prince Fujin to spread nonsense?

So the big show didn't go on at all.

That teahouse happened to belong to Beizi Sunu's family, and the shopkeeper knew that Dong E's family was the master's in-laws for several lifetimes, and seeing that they were going to be married, he sent a few hooligans to the infantry to control the yamen.

The reason why Qi Xi refused to accept the intermediary's mediation, and turned the big thing into a small one, was also disgusted by this matter.

These two little bastards probably thought that as long as the relationship between men and women was involved, they would not be able to tell the truth clearly.

It would be even better if Mrs. Uncle committed suicide in shame and indignation like the fourth wife of Niu Hulu's family.

The intention is too vicious.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Yes, the sentence has not yet been sentenced, but Huang Ama is tolerant, taking care of Peng Chun's face..."

Speaking of this, he said: "It's good for us to be obedient these days, don't provoke Khan Ama, maybe Khan Ama will look back on our face and let my father-in-law take over..."

Qi Xi and Uncle are brothers of the same generation, and heir to his grandfather's military rank, so it may not be impossible to succeed him at the same level.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Okay, then let's live in peace these days, and the mahjong thing is also slowing down, don't be too eye-catching at this time..."

She thought about it carefully, whether she was the prince Fujin this year, no matter if it was true or false, at least on the surface it seemed to be in place...

The majestic lord of the palace was the first concubine to serve the imperial court, so she was dismissed as soon as she said she was dismissed.

The palace looked calm, but in fact, everywhere was quite shaken.

Who would have thought that the emperor, who had always been tolerant in the harem, would deal with his concubines so sharply?
In Yanxi Palace, the second room of the main hall.

Before Zhao Chang returned to the garden to return to his command, he also came to the Palace of Yanxi Palace.

Just like going to Yikun Palace, he also sent a message, which was almost the same as that of Concubine Yi.

This is why it is said that Concubine Hui and Concubine Yi do not have the name of imperial concubine, but they have the reality of imperial concubine.

The emperor did trust these two the most.

When dealing with the affairs of the harem, someone will also ask someone to talk to the two of them.

Concubine Hui and Concubine Yi reacted similarly, even though they knew that Concubine Duan was not wronged by her fate, she was still a little heartbroken.

He was directly charged with the crime of "bullying the palace servants and beating to death", and there was no room for turning over.

She asked the palace maid to invite Concubine Zhang to come over, told the news about Concubine Duan, and then told the emperor that she was allowed to move to Chuxiu Palace.

The Chuxiu Palace has been renovated before, and it can be moved in after a simple sweep. It's just that moving the palace is not a trivial matter. It is necessary to send someone to Qintianjian to choose a good date, so there is no need to worry about moving.

Concubine Zhang covered her mouth with a handkerchief, her eyes immediately became wet, she tried her best not to lose her composure.

The person who was struggling earlier and felt that he had no way to resist left the palace just like that.

With the lessons learned from Concubine Jing and Concubine An, Concubine Zhang also roughly guessed Concubine Duan's whereabouts.

Nanyuan paddock, a secluded garden in the palace.

When she was holding scissors in her pocket and wanted to give Concubine Duan a pair of scissors, she remembered the place in her mind.

She stood up and knelt down to Concubine Hui...

Of the seven changes owed before, one was added by the leader on the 1st day, which has been delayed until now, and it is still up today. Thank you again, the leader.

The next update will be at 11:30 noon on November 12th. Welcome to Qidian APP.

(End of this chapter)

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