Chapter 589 Afraid

Concubine Hui sighed, got up and stepped forward, helping Concubine Zhang up: "I've said it before, it doesn't have to be like this."

With tears in her eyes, Zhang Pin was full of gratitude, and said: "If there is no empress to make decisions for me, I really dare not think..."

Concubine Hui shook her head and said: "It's nothing, if you go to Yikun Palace, Concubine Yi won't do it either."

Zhang Pin was ashamed and said: "It's because I can't stand up by myself. I have caused you trouble and made the emperor unhappy."

Concubine Hui looked at her, brought warmth, and said: "After suffering this loss, it's good to remember this lesson in the future. Living in this palace, you don't have to tear yourself apart with anyone, but you don't have to be too careful, just follow the rules. , close the door and go through your own life, be more comfortable..."

Zhang Bin listened.

The previous concubine Duan never interacted with concubines from other palaces, she thought it was because of the various concubines of Duan concubines.

Thinking about the four concubines in the palace, I haven't heard of any personal relationship on weekdays, which means "well water does not violate river water".

Concubine Hui saw that she was well-behaved, so she added a few more words: "In the future, when you enter Chuxiu Palace, you will be the head of the first palace, and there will be a concubine under you. If you promise, you must also learn to manage people. You can't bully, and you can't be bullied." It's too indulgent."

There are more and more young concubines in the palace, but the palace is fixed, and no one can monopolize a palace.

She didn't mention the concubine Wang Shu of Changchun Palace.

Duan concubine insulted Zhang concubine, not once or twice, Wang Shu concubine is a stone, and she has witnessed it many times.

Everyone has their own positions, maybe she is soft-spoken and can't get involved in the disputes between the concubines, but Zhang concubine is not happy to see her again.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Zhang took the initiative to mention it, saying: "Madam, the Chuxiu Palace is empty now, can you let Concubine Wang Shu follow me there?"

Concubine Hui looked at her without nodding or shaking her head.

Zhang Pin's face turned pale, and said: "In May, I was confused and wanted to kill myself, but Gui Zhi stopped me, and Gui Zhi hurt my hand because of it. It was the concubine Wang Shu who helped cover it up, so I hid it from the past."

It is a serious crime for a concubine to commit suicide.

Wang Shufei's move is no less than a life-saving grace.

Concubine Hui looked slightly relaxed, and said: "It's not a big deal, but you can't just open your mouth and take someone away. When you go to Yikun Palace to pay your respects to Concubine Yi, just say hello to Concubine Yi."

Zhang Concubine said: "Thank you, Madam, I know that Madam Wei Concubine is also gentle, and it will not be the past when Concubine Wang Shu stays in Changchun Palace, but she is also pitiful. Ordering the maidservant, she would tremble when she heard Duan Concubine's voice, she was so frightened..."

Concubine Hui didn't say much.

With the lessons learned from the concubine Duan, no leading concubine would dare to insult the younger concubine, but such a six palace without a master is also a hidden danger.

It has only been three or four years now, and there is already chaos, and I think the emperor will make a decision...

Changchun Garden, Qingxi Bookstore.

Zhao Chang has already returned to his command, and the court lady Dong has arranged for eunuchs and guards to be sent to the Nanyuan Palace.

Kangxi looked at Zhao Chang, and ordered: "I want to check this time in the palace, and see if there are such tyrannical people in other places..."

In fact, last year because of Nanny Liu of the second institute, I checked the elder brother's office once; before the year before, I checked the elder brother's office again, and also checked the princess's office.

Zhao Chang hesitated for a moment, then said: "Your Majesty, what about Ningshou Palace and Yuqing Palace?"

Although these two places are also in the palace, they usually make exceptions.

Just like checking the princess's place before, even in the Ningshou Palace, only the princess's place was checked, and no other places in the Ningshou Palace were checked.

Kangxi pondered, and said: "Tongcha!"

This is his Forbidden City, and he is not allowed to become a place where evil people and practices are hidden.

Zhao Chang respectfully agreed.

Kangxi said: "You have gone to Yikun Palace, how does Concubine Yi look like?"

Hearing this, Zhao Chang immediately remembered the crisp laughter that filled the room.

He said truthfully: "When the slave left, Jiufu Jin was there to serve, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were as close as a mother and daughter, and the empress also smiled happily."

Kangxi nodded slightly after hearing this.

Compared with Lao Jiu, Lao Jiu's daughter-in-law is indeed reliable.

Also a direct branch of Dong E's family, Qi Xi is better at raising children than Peng Chun.

Now that the duke's inheritance is decided, that second-class uncle...

Kangxi pondered for a while, put the matter aside, and asked, "Where is Concubine Hui?"

Zhao Chang thought about it, and said, "Master Hui is a little quiet, and didn't say anything else..."

Kangxi waved his hand and sent Zhao Chang away.

He looked down at the desk, on which was a sketch of the Six Palaces of East and West.

At present, the Chengqian Palace in the East Sixth Palace is empty, and the Yongshou Palace and Chuxiu Palace in the West Sixth Palace are empty.

If Chuxiu Palace is given to Zhang Concubine, only Chengqian Palace and Yongshou Palace will remain.

Earlier, he originally planned to promote Concubine Tong to noble concubine and move to Qian Palace, leaving Jingren Palace idle.

Jingren Palace is the place where his biological mother, Empress Xiaokangzhang, lived with his third successor, Empress Xiaoyi, which is of great significance.

Now because of Tong Guowei's questioning of the crime, this noble concubine does not want to be named, but she still wants to move Concubine Tong out of Jingren Palace, so it will be difficult to live in Chengqian Palace.

His eyes fell on Yongshou Palace, and he drew a circle with a pen.

Leave this to Concubine Tong, and others can't say anything.

But in this way, there will be no more empty rooms in the palace.

In the future, if there is a concubine, the two lords should still be in the same palace.

In the palace of the four concubines, this should not be the case.

Kangxi's eyes still fell on Changchun Palace.

Changchun Palace is spacious and its location is better than Xianfu Palace.

Concubine Wei has always shown others with gentleness and modesty, and if a concubine is promoted, she can enter the back hall of Changchun Palace...

To say that before it was only a shock in the palace, after two days, when it spread outside, it was shocking outside.

Who would have thought that the concubine could still be dismissed?
The last time there was such turmoil in the harem was when Emperor Shizu descended to concubine.

This harem has been peaceful for many years.

Dong's natal family is now a brother and has no rank.

On the contrary, her uncle's branch has a title, and now her nephew Dong Dianbang is in charge of the family. He is now the head of the sixth rank of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also the head of the clan.

Kangxi was magnanimous, he didn't blame the Dong family, he mentioned that the Dong family stayed in the palace for years, it was because he went astray, not that the Dong family lost their teaching, so they don't have to panic.

The resumes of the front-end concubine and daughter-in-law Dong Shi were also found out.

It turned out that Kangxi was picked into the palace by the Empress Dowager in the second year!
Like the late Concubine Hui Borjigit and Concubine Rong Ma, she is waiting for the new year in the palace!
In the fourth year of Kangxi, before the wedding, together with Concubine Rong, she served the imperial court and was one of the first two imperial concubines in the harem.

It's been too long since the past year, and the concubine Duan has no sense of presence in the harem.

In addition to the seventh concubine who was registered together in the 16th year of Kangxi, many people thought that her qualifications were similar to other concubines.

Unexpectedly, the seniority is not the oldest, but the oldest.

Shouldn't an old concubine who is old and decrepit should take good care of her?

Why did you still beat the palace people to death?

Someone inquired curiously, and somehow found out about Zhang Bin.

The world has a lot of compassion for the weak.

More often, what I think is not "a poor person must have something to hate", but "a hateful person must have something to be pitied".

I just have some bad things to say about Zhang Bin.

One is a favorite concubine with an older brother in her hand, and the other is an old concubine who is old and not favored.

All kinds of nonsense were made up, and secretly guessed whether it was Zhang concubine who was arrogant and bullying Duan concubine, which made Duan concubine so suffocated that she only dared to attack the people around her.

After all, what she killed was not someone else, but a "daughter of the family", an old slave who accompanied her into the palace and served her for decades.

I have heard of "the love between master and servant", but this "master and servant cannibalism" is really rare.

Shu Shu was in the second institute, and she also heard Zhou Song tell about Dong's details.

She calculated in her heart that she entered the palace 37 years ago.

Mrs. Dong is now 47 or [-] years old, that is when Xu Ling was in her teens.

It turns out that the raising of children and daughters-in-law in this palace did not start with Sifujin!

No wonder Kangxi didn't vent his anger on the Dong family, indeed he couldn't vent his anger.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

She heard it and threw it aside.

In the Palace of Yanxi Palace, however, there were people who cared about it, causing chaos.

There are many rumors outside, and today it has also reached the ears of Brother Thirteen.

But no one dared to say anything to his face, he only knew that the concubine Duan had killed people, and his biological mother had avoided staying in Yanxi Palace to recuperate.

He panicked right then.

It's not a day or two for Mrs. Zhang to report illness. She reported illness in the first month.

Before he sent the nanny beside him to say hello, the answer there was "whooping cough", not a serious illness.

In the past few months, he has been following him, and he also wrote a letter to Concubine Zhang, and the reply he got was that the weather has become warmer and his cough has stopped, so he doesn't have to worry.

Hearing this now, he was furious.

Concubine Duan is so cruel, what about my mother-in-law?
I have lived with her for ten years, have you ever been bullied?

He was worried, so he went directly to the imperial court to ask for an order.

Otherwise, he will not be allowed to ask for leave in the study, and he will not be able to enter the inner court.

Kangxi didn't stop him, and nodded to let him come back to visit his mother.

So, after the thirteenth elder brother hurried back to the palace, he went directly to the Yanxi Palace and met Zhang Concubine.

Zhang Pin had hesitated for the past two days, knowing that the matter in the Changchun Palace was a big deal, the elder brother was afraid that he would ask for details, so he didn't want to tell his son the truth.

But she was also a little worried.

"Liver depression" is okay, "breast addiction" is okay, maybe...

Looking at the handsome young man, although Zhang Bin felt it was difficult to speak, she still lowered her eyes and slowly told the truth about the accident.

Brother Thirteen was dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that his previous worries came true, that Concubine Duan really bullied Er Niang, and bullied her for so long.

"Concubine Hui is fair and lenient, Er Niang has caused her trouble this time, brother must keep it in mind..."

Dong's family is not an ordinary Baoyi family. They have the second-class title of Adahaha Fan and the position of Assistant Leader.

Dong's own brothers and nephews are not outstanding, and the nephews of his uncle's branch are all official officials now, and they are all high-ranking officials.

Even if the current level is not high, it is also a matter of age and qualifications. When the qualifications come up, the level will not be low.

If the Dong family holds grudges, not only will they grudge Zhang Concubine, the "culprit", but Concubine Hui, who brought this matter to the imperial court, will also be grudged.

"As for the tenth elder brother, after the imperial concubine passed away, he did show his displeasure towards my mother and son. I'm afraid Mrs. Dong also provoked it. You can find a time to explain it clearly to the tenth elder brother, so as not to cause suspicion... "

Brother Thirteen's tears rolled down his face.

He almost lost his mother!
How can a child not be attached to his mother?

It's just because the palace has been separated for many years, and the number of times that mother and child can meet each other in a year can be counted on the fingers, so it looks unfamiliar.

Now listening to the situation of the biological mother, the thirteenth elder brother regretted it.

As long as he asked Mother Guo a few more questions before, he would know some clues.

Zhang Bin said this to her son not to make him feel guilty, but because he was afraid that something might happen to his illness.

She stroked her son's head lovingly, and said: "Don't cry, Er Niang will thank you, this time you are the one who saved Er Niang."

The thirteenth elder brother raised his head, a little confused.

Zhang Pin said: "Emiang was on the tip of her horns at the time, and she only felt that she was being bullied, so it's better to just lose her purity, so that one day she won't be able to hold back and really kill Duan Concubine, but it will cause your brothers and sisters to become 'sons of sinners', it's you Sending ice and waking up Erniang, even if Erniang loses her holy family and still has a son, Erniang doesn't want to die..."


The thirteenth elder brother showed shock on his face, and said: "Emiang didn't coax her son, is it really because of Bing?"

Zhang Pin nodded and said affirmatively, "It's because of Bing that I see hope. Not only do I have a son, but my son has also grown up and is able to protect me..."

The thirteenth elder brother's face was terrified, and his body was trembling.

He was terrified.

What would have happened if Brother Nine hadn't gone to ask him to pick up ice on the first day of June?

I can't even think about it...

There is a new chapter in the early morning, please don't miss it, and dads, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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