Chapter 590 From Son to Mother
Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Nine held the teacup and looked at the red dates and goji berries in it. It didn't taste sweet anymore.

He looked at the thirteenth elder brother with swollen eyes, rolled his eyes, and said, "Don't you call yourself Batulu, why are you still crying, shabby or not?"

Brother Thirteen stretched out his sleeve and wiped his face.

Brother Jiu curled his lips in disgust, took a handkerchief from his purse and threw it into his arms, and said: "Use this to wipe, you will die!"

Elder Brother Thirteen grabbed the veil and cried, "Ninth Brother...My younger brother is just afraid. Thinking about it now, I still feel a tightness in my chest, as if my mother-in-law really walked away once..."

Brother Nine raised his chin and said, "Isn't it all over? Master's luck is so strong that he'll even bring you along!"

So the one that Fujin said earlier is not square, don't count!
How can it be Fang?

That is the bad luck of others, unable to resist his strong luck!

Thinking of this, he touched his chin and suddenly felt weird.

A lot has happened this year.

It's true that whoever confronts me will end badly.

The prince and elder brother are no exception!

Unfortunately, besides the third child, who else seems to be here?

starling? !
He swallowed, feeling a little confused.

It seems a little guilty.

Elder Brother Thirteen hoarsely said: "Anyway, from now on, Brother Ninth, you will be your younger brother and brother, and Sister Nine will be your sister-in-law..."

Brother Jiu gave him a sideways glance, and said: "Don't babble, the more you talk, the more shameful you are, you dare to say anything, turn around carefully and I'll kick you! If there's no such thing, I won't be your brother anymore, Jiu Jiu Isn't sister-in-law your ninth sister-in-law? It's just a coincidence, don't talk about this and that, big favors become enemies, and someday you won't be able to think about stabbing me twice, will my father be wronged?"

Brother Thirteen hurriedly said: "That won't happen, my brother is not that kind of person..."

Brother Nine waved his hand and said, "Who cares about you? Anyway, I don't recognize this hat. Don't talk nonsense. It will look like you are the root of the trouble."

Elder Brother Thirteen hurriedly shut his mouth, then hesitated for a while, and said, "Can't you talk to Ama Khan?"

Brother Jiu nodded without hesitation and said: "Well, if you don't say anything, the story will be turned as soon as it is turned. It's just a coincidence. It's your blessing, and it's also the blessing of the concubine."

Brother Thirteen looked at Brother Ninth with gratitude.

He is not a child of a few years old, and he knows the principle of a tree attracting wind.

After all, a concubine was dismissed. Who knew that the Dong family held grudges but not grudges.

Ninth Brother is oblivious to everyone and doesn't like to be in the limelight. Perhaps this is the way Ninth Brother protects himself.

Brother Nine was wiped by his tears and felt goosebumps were about to rise, so he pushed Brother Thirteen and said, "I still have to go back to the garden, don't delay, go back sooner!"

Elder Brother Thirteen nodded, stood up, and said, "The younger brother will go first."

He had scruples in his heart, and he didn't want to stay here for a long time, he was afraid that he would draw the attention of others to Brother Jiu, so he happily left the palace and went back to Changchun Garden.

Brother Nine heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

Accidentally did something good.


But as he said to Elder Thirteen just now, he doesn't want to get involved with this matter.

Otherwise, when people turn around and find out that they belong to "fang", then their reputation as a "fang person" will be confirmed.

At that time, I am afraid that people will hide from others, and others will hate it!
But when he went back to the No. [-] Institute for dinner at noon, he still showed off in front of Shu Shu.

"Do you think we are Shisan's reborn parents?"

Brother Nine proudly said: "If we hadn't meddled, Old Thirteen might have lost his mother, and he would be a poor little boy..."

Shu Shu listened, her eyes were also bright.

Are these the wings of a butterfly?
Such a change is good.

The more the better!
Brother Jiu was proud, and told Shu Shu about his scruples, saying: "I won't receive this kind of favor, so that I won't turn around and accumulate more, and others will think that I love my neighbor."

Likewise, he had no intention of pushing it on his wife.

I am afraid that Khan Ama will feel that his wife is troublesome if she finds out.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Master did the right thing. After all, it concerns the inner court. It's not good for you to be eye-catching at this time."

As for kindness?

Who is that?
That's Brother Thirteen!

It is the Thirteenth Lord of the Xia Wang who was reused by Yongzheng and devoted himself to death!
Xia is the comment given to the thirteen princes by the emperors of Kangxi and Yongzheng.

There is no need for the husband and wife to talk about this favor, it is a small way.

This favor has exploded!
However, Brother Nine was still a little uncomfortable.

He didn't tell Shu Shu, but he told He Yuzhu after dinner, "Go to the third place to see if Lao Shi has come back for dinner. If he comes back, tell him to go together in the next afternoon."

He Yuzhu went in response.

Shu Shu thought about the distance of the Clan Mansion, and said: "It's not close to go back and forth at noon, it's much farther than the House of Internal Affairs..."

Brother Jiu thought about it, and said: "Then let Lao Shi ask Han Ama for an order to ride a horse in the Forbidden City. In that case, the journey can be reduced by half..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Let's forget it. Didn't the Lord say that the Emperor is watching the cavalry and shooting of the clan and the Eight Banners? That doesn't look good, it seems that Lord Shi is lazy."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "It'll be fine when we move out, at least we can take a car when we move, and we don't need to use our legs..."

After a while, He Yuzhu came back and said, "The tenth master is back and is eating too. He said that he will wait for the master at the door at the second quarter of the first day."

Brother Nine nodded, there was still nearly an hour left, just enough time for a nap at noon.

The study room was cool and cool, and the couple had a good night's sleep.

By the second quarter of the first day of the new year, brother Jiu left the second school refreshed.

Brother Ten is already at the gate of the third school.

Shi Fujin was also there, stickyly pulling on Elder Brother Shi's sleeve, and talking to Elder Brother Ten with his head up.

Seeing Brother Jiu come out, Brother Ten said to Shi Fujin, "Go back and rest, I'm going to the clan mansion..."

Ten Fujin whispered: "I'm not sleepy, can I go to Jiusao?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "Then I'll send someone over there first to see if Sister-in-law Nine has time..."

Shi Fujin nodded hurriedly and said, "I know, I know, it's impolite to come directly to the door, I will make an appointment with Jiusao in advance."

Brother Ten said again: "Didn't you order the dining room to make butter and fruit today? You can give some to Sister-in-law Jiu to taste..."

Shi Fujin hesitated and said, "But it's the first time I've made a dining room, and it doesn't look good, it's all blurred..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's okay, maybe Nine Sister-in-law's girl can make people fry more authentic butter fruit after seeing her."

Ten Fujin smiled immediately, and said, "Then I'll take it later..."

Brother Jiu stood a few feet away, watching the two of them biting their ears, he was already impatient, and said: "Okay, when will it be sticky, under the big sun, I don't mind the sun..."

Elder Brother Ten had a good temper and said, "Here we come."

Shi Fujin smiled, glanced at Brother Jiu's umbrella, and said, "Brother Jiu, I'm not afraid of the sun! I can't get tan either!"

Brother Nine: "..."

That doesn't make sense!
But this is a brother-in-law, not a brother.

Ninth Brother looked at Tenth Brother angrily.

It's all used by the old ten, and she looked like an honest and fat girl before.

Now she is still fat, and her temper is also skinny, and she dares to say anything.

The road is not a place to talk, so Brother Nine chattered casually, saying: "Peng Chun will go to funeral in a few days, let's go together?"

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Well, let's go together, or my brother won't worry."

This is about Shifu Jin who married from afar, and is not familiar with the family members of the clan's relatives, Xungui.

With Shu Shu by his side, he doesn't have to worry. It's also convenient for him to ask Shu Shu to teach him to recognize people.

When he arrived at the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Elder Brother Shi stopped laughing, with hesitation on his face.

Seeing this, Brother Nine stopped talking in a hurry, and said, "I didn't go well just now, why do you feel unhappy? Is it because the people in the clan's mansion are disobedient, or is it someone else?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth, I want to ask about Changchun Palace..."

Brother Jiu glanced at him and asked curiously, "Why do you think of asking about something that's out of reach?"

Elder Brother Shi hesitated and said: "The palace said that Mrs. Dong was vicious and beat the palace servants to death, but it was said outside that it was Mrs. Zhang who bullied Mrs. Dong, which made Mrs. Dong depressed and mad, so she killed her by mistake..."

Brother Nine had just heard Brother Thirteen tell the inside story of the Changchun Palace's accident before lunch, and knew that he had misunderstood it first.

Dong is indeed guilty, but not the current charge.

As for the nanny next to her, disrespecting concubines is a capital offense.

This is also related to Zhang Bin's reputation, if it were someone else, brother Jiu would be vague.

But the question is Elder Brother Ten, so there is nothing to hide.

He told all the inside story of Changchun Palace's accident.

"I've only read it in the scriptures before, but I didn't expect there to be such vicious people in the inner court, who almost drove people to death. It's too bad. No wonder the scriptures say 'words are like knives'. The words she said are like that. 'Yan Dao' forced the concubine to die..."

Speaking of this, he sighed endlessly: "I met him a few times in the early years, and he looked like a quiet elder, but I didn't expect to be like this in private..."

The tenth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "Didn't the ninth elder brother also hear the speculation from outside? Are you so sure that Zhang's concubine is not at fault?"

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "What am I worrying about? Who is Zhao Chang? I have been busy for two days, and I can't find out whether it is true or not? Are you stupid to be Khan Ama, or are you stupid to be Concubine Hui?" Yes? The concubine Zhang was not punished in any way, but moved from the palace, doesn't that prove that the rumors outside are all nonsense..."

Elder Brother Ten's expression softened.

Brother Jiu felt that something was wrong, and said, "Why do you ask this? Don't you believe it? Are you stupid? We can't get along with the concubine mother, but there is still the old thirteen there, and he also messed around last year. A few months old, what kind of heart is there, compared with the old fourteen, he is simply a little boy, with his temperament, from son to mother, the character and behavior of this concubine are not far behind..."

Elder Brother Ten felt awkward hearing this and said, "Brother Ninth, do you still see people like this?"

Everyone has heard of "from father to son" and "from mother to daughter", but this is the first time I have heard of "from son to mother"...

(End of this chapter)

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