Chapter 591 I want to change clothes (the third one asks for a monthly pass)
Brother Jiu was very proud, and said plausibly: "This is a new way of judging people discovered by the master, you just listen to me, you are right, don't talk about others, just talk about Guo Luoluo, I can see it from her. The arrogance of the master of Anjun Palace..."

"How do you see it?" Elder Brother Ten asked curiously.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Prince An's brothers all respected Confucianism. They were rare cultural people in the clan, and they were gentle and polite to others on weekdays.

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "But the mother and son of Fan'an County are in awe of the royal family, so they will teach such a child? Guo Luoluo's family is a child without a mother, and they will raise them, not halfway to live in sojourn."

Elder Brother Ten: "..."

It actually makes sense.

He thought of his concubine Duan's slightly meaningful words after his mother's death, and knew that he had made a mistake.

She didn't have good intentions at all, but malice.

At that time, I was suffering from the loss of my mother, but I was so stupid that I believed most of it.

"Is Mrs. Dong sick?"

Elder brother said.

He didn't understand whether Dong's instigation and malice were aimed at himself, or at Concubine Zhang.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Isn't it a disease? I can't see other people's good 'pink eye disease', and there is also the 'snobbish disease' of bullying the weak and fearing the hard, praising the high and trampling the low..."

Speaking of this, he shook his head and said: "Stop, stop, don't mention her anymore, or see Concubine Rong next time, I will feel uncomfortable!"

Elder Brother Shi couldn't understand: "This is out of bounds, why did it involve Concubine Rong?"

Ninth elder brother stretched out his fingers, and said to tenth elder brother, "Look at how much Concubine Rong has similarities with Mrs. Dong, both of them entered the palace just after growing their hair, and they were married before Khan Ama's wedding. Later, one gave birth to the first son of the emperor, and the other gave birth to the second daughter of the emperor; a concubine and a concubine, both of whom were the lords of the first palace, and they seemed to be quiet and gentle people..."

As a result, one has gone bad now, what about the other?

Although during the southern tour, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother were followed by Suzhou, but they also heard about the lawsuit between Concubine Rong and San Fujin.

"There is one more..."

Brother Jiu stretched out his thumbs and said, "The virtue of the third child, who should follow? You are petty, vain, and stupid. You can't follow Han Ama, right? If you don't follow your father, the rest Just follow your mother!"

Elder Brother Ten blinked.

He felt as though he had been persuaded again.

Ninth brother didn't work for nothing this year, this eloquence is the result of experience.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while and said, "Then just keep it at a respectful distance from now on."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "That's for sure, I don't mind taking care of the third child!"

Speaking of brothers, Brother Nine just remembered the business, and said seriously: "Brother Ten, do you think Mynah is lucky? The child is precious', and I brought my biological mother to be a concubine, and I can make up for my shortcomings..."

"The lowering of the flag has already been decided, and the owner of the flag over there is the in-laws..."

"If you are talented and learn errands, you will catch up with the imperial conquest, and you will be able to follow the flag. With military merits, you will be knighted directly with your brothers..."

It's not lucky what is it?
You must know that when the prince was named last year, the elder brother was 27 years old, the third elder brother was 22 years old, the fourth elder brother was 21 years old, the fifth elder brother was 20 years old, the seventh elder brother was 19 years old, and the eighth elder brother was [-] years old.

Except for the seventh elder brother, the elder brothers in front are all the sons of concubines.

And the seventh elder brother has a prince, concubine and stepmother, who will provide for the elderly there in the future, this status is different.

So the eighth elder brother and they were awarded Baylor together, which can also be said to be very lucky.

Elder Brother Ten nodded and said, "Eighth Elder Brother, in the past few years, it really went smoothly..."

Ninth elder brother was a little sluggish, and said: "But since last year, his luck has been bad. On the contrary, it is here, the life is going smoothly..."

Speaking of this, he couldn't figure it out, and said: "You said that this trade-off, what do you mean, can't we live a happy life together?"

Even though he didn't get along very well this year, he could still see the cold and insincere side of Eighth Prince, but he could understand a thing or two in his resentment.

Thinking about the meeting at the gate of Changchun Garden that day, he couldn't help but sigh: "Tell me, why is my starling's life like this? Could it be that you really belonged to me?"

Elder Brother Ten stopped laughing, mocked more, and said, "Clothes that don't fit? Last year's size, and there is no caring person in the house? Brother Ninth, do you believe it?"

Brother Nine wondered: "Why don't you believe this, he can still pretend this?"

Poor thing, what do you ask for?
Elder Brother Ten asked back: "Brother Ninth thinks Guo Luoluo is a virtuous person like Sister-in-law Nine? Every day is meticulous in daily life, what to eat and what to wear are arranged properly?"

Brother Jiu came to his senses and felt bored: "You are stupid. Earlier, it was his nanny who was doing internal affairs, but now he is still the same nanny. No one has changed. It doesn't make sense that he served Zhou Quan before, but now It can be different!"

Elder Brother Ten said: "That's right, that's why Ninth Brother you just said that Fang is not Fang, it's irrelevant, if someone really Fang him, it's Guo Luoluo's!"

No one knows who is virtuous when he hits a young brother.

The tenth elder brother was afraid that the ninth elder brother really believed this, so he pretended to be contemplative, and said nonsense for a while: "If you really say that you are from Fang, is it true that the starling Fang Fang us?"

"When I was young, Brother Nine and I were lively and active, but not to the point where everyone hated it. Khan Ama didn't think much of it, and never reprimanded me, but when I moved to the palace, I went in and out with my starling. The popularity between the two of us is getting worse and worse, and our reputation is getting worse, Khan Ama has been training for a long time..."

"Last year, the eighth brother got married and was dragged away by Guo Luoluo's family. It will be different if we have less contact with us. Ninth brother, your life is getting better, and the younger brother's side is also smooth..."

Brother Nine was silent.

He never thought about it!

Just now he was thinking of people from different places, and thought it was absurd; but he still remembers clearly the days when he followed Eighth Brother's ass.

It was recorded at that time.

Maybe it's not square.

It's because he likes to follow the eighth elder brother, so the tenth elder brother also runs after him.

Then when people are in front of people, they are "red face" and "white face". The arrogance and willfulness of him and the tenth brother set off the humility and courtesy of the eighth brother.

He sighed and said: "Can't we be brothers like us? Brothers are brothers, but I am me and you are you. I don't want you to listen to me. I have to separate out a master and do what you want to do." ?”

Elder Brother Ten pointed to the location of Yuqing Palace, and said: "That one is still stable, the eldest brother didn't even think about wooing someone from his brothers, and the eighth brother didn't think about it either, I guess it was because he was thinking about his elders and younger ones." Take care of us, that's all in the past, it's fine to be polite in the future, and it's not when you were young, you have to listen to others..."

Ninth brother figured it out, so he didn't get entangled. He put it behind his head, and with arrogance, he counted his "records" this year with tenth brother.

Not to mention meeting Buddha and killing Buddha, it's almost the same.

Whoever opposes him will be unlucky.

On the contrary, whoever gets close to him will have good luck.

Elder Brother Shi listened carefully, but what flashed into his mind was the appearance of Shu Shu.

This isn't Brother Nine's fate, it's Sister-in-law Nine's fate!
Wouldn't it be some meritorious reincarnation? !
It seems that I have always been very respectful to my sister-in-law!
Elder Brother Shi felt that perhaps he should also read Taoist books to see what was going on.

It's a bit mysterious.

Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief after showing off, and said: "It's fine if it's not from the master, otherwise, the master really can't bear it, the starling is the first to favor the prince, and it's only a year's work, just like the old man It's almost three, and I don't really get seen by Khan Ama..."

I lost my errand in Dongyue last year, and I haven't made it up yet.

During the southern tour, he was sent on foreign missions, but it was hard work.

On the contrary, it was Brother Nine himself who got in front of the imperial court.

Not being a thief seems to be a guilty conscience, as if he has stolen someone's favor.

But it shouldn't be, they are all the sons of the emperor's father, who said that the care and love of old Ama must fall on the heads of the brothers above?

They are all sons, fathers, and not step sons...

How did Shu Shu know that she fooled Brother Jiu and let Brother Jiu fall into the trap.

Then when the ninth elder brother used this to fool the tenth elder brother, instead of fooling the tenth elder brother, he reminded the tenth elder brother.

Here, she is entertaining Shi Fujin who is a guest.

Ten Fujin brought butter fruit.

It is a kind of Mongolian pastry.

Noodles fried with butter and noodles.

It doesn't look very good, the color is a bit dark, but the taste is good.

Shu Shu hadn't eaten fried food for a long time, so she ate several pieces with iced milk tea.

In front of Shi Fujin, there is a serving of bean curd, sweetened with sweet cream, chopped cherries, red beans and raisins.

She ate a bowl, reluctantly, looked at Shu Shu eagerly, and said, "This is so delicious? Is there any more?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "It's too much, just enough..."

After finishing speaking, she told Xiao Chun, "Put another bowl for Shi Fujin..."

Ten Fujin hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No prosperity, no prosperity..."

As she said that, she felt embarrassed, smiled, and said, "Sister-in-law Nine, can you leave it to Master Shi? I begged for Master Shi!"

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "No, this is for you to eat, there are still plenty of dining rooms, Master Shi can eat as much as he wants, you don't have to save it."

Shi Fujin smiled brightly, and said, "Thank you sister-in-law Jiu, then I'll have another bowl!"

She has such a good appetite, Shu Shu is greedy after seeing it, and said to Xiao Chun, "Make me a half bowl too, no honey red beans and raisins."

Xiao Chun responded with a cry.

After a while, two bowls of sweet bean curd were served.

Ten Fujin was satisfied after eating the second bowl.

When the two of them had a good conversation, she cut to the chase and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, I don't want to wear a flag dress, I want to change into Mongolian clothes, okay?"

Shu Shu froze for a moment, really didn't know how to answer.

In her opinion, to be a human being is to learn to adapt.

Those who marry from afar like Shifu Jin need to know the principle of "do as the Romans do" in order to blend in well and not be so obtrusive.

People rely on clothes.

Different clothes will give people different impressions.

But in fact, the current palace family members are really not all in flag dress.

Except for Jifu, which is regulated, ordinary clothes are divided into different categories on weekdays.

Flag costumes, Hanfu, and Mongolian robes.

But it's all integrated.

Banner-Han fusion, Manchu fusion like this.

The usual clothes worn by the Empress Dowager, the Concubine and the Concubine Xianfu are full-Mongolian gowns, which are similar to the flag outfits, except that they have belts.

Shu Shu said, "Did you ask Master Shi? Or the Concubine?"

Shi Fujin shook his head honestly and said: "I haven't asked yet, I'm afraid that the concubine will say about me, and I'm also afraid that Master Shi will be in trouble, so I want to ask sister-in-law Jiu first, if it's not in the way..."

I didn't sleep much last night, and my mind was a little fuzzy, so I finished coding.

It's a new month, and I'm begging for a guaranteed monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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