My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 593 Revenge for the Father

Chapter 593 Revenge for Father
In a blink of an eye, it was June eleventh.

The day of the funeral of Peng Chun, the first class official.

Similar to the previous process of hanging filial piety, the nine princes and the ten princes still left the palace through Shenwumen, took a carriage out of the imperial city, and headed for the Duke's Mansion at the border of Zhenghongqi.

They were at the bottom of the ranking and should have come the earliest, but because they lived in the palace, it was cumbersome to come out, so it was not as early as the prince elder brother outside.

When they came over, everyone else had arrived except for the "resting" Eighth Fujin.

To say that at the beginning of the funeral, there was some awkwardness between the government and the three princes, but now it's gone.

The eldest son of the Duke's Mansion, Zengshou, doesn't even show his brother-in-law's score, and he can't wait to cling to the third elder brother, one "third master" at a time.

Sanfujin's sisters-in-law also became more respectful, as if they were holding their aunts.

In this world, the most indispensable thing is the inconstancy of the world.

It is estimated that they have seen it during the twenty days of the funeral.

Therefore, seeing the princes Fujin approaching, they really wanted to come forward directly.

But San Fujin didn't give them a chance, and directly attracted a few sisters-in-law to sit in the side hall, and arranged two eunuchs to guard the door, so that "idlers and others" should not be disturbed.

In this way, Shu Shu was restrained.

The female relatives who came to send the funeral are not here, and the mother and daughter will not be seen for the time being.

"It's noisy, it's outrageous..."

Sanfujin's eye circles were red and swollen, and he looked tired, talking to his sister-in-law.

Treat funerals and boil people.

In the middle, Xu was crying numbly.

But the funeral is different.

Looking at San Fujin's appearance, he must have cried a lot.

Si Fujin sighed, and said: "Third sister-in-law, I would like to express my condolences, and my two nephews need you to take care of them..."


Sanfujin nodded in response, but the tears came down again, he quickly grabbed the handkerchief and covered his eyes.

She doesn't have Amma anymore!

In her heart, Ama, who stood like a mountain, just disappeared.

These days, funerals are like singing a big show, and the government is also full of disputes.

It wasn't until today that she felt a pain in her heart. The Ama who was willing to spoil her and love her was really gone.

The pain of bereavement is indescribable.

Thinking of himself, Si Fujin also lost his father when he was young, so he shed a few tears with him.

When you come to Wufu Jin, you can watch your nose with your eyes and your heart with your nose.

When Qifu Jin came here, he looked at Shu Shu on the opposite side eagerly.

To be honest, I haven't seen you for more than half a year.

I have a lot to say, but it's not the right time, so I can only hold back.

Shu Shu was also a little sad.

Peng Chunyu is also a loving relative and elder to her.

Even if Peng Chun lost the Manchurian capital and Qi Xi was promoted to the Manchurian capital, the relationship between the two parties was a bit subtle, but Peng Chun himself was very generous.

For Qi Xi's cousin, he was not stingy with teaching, so that Qi Xi successfully secured the position of the capital.


She didn't dare to think about what would happen to her in such a situation one day.

I guess I don't want to see anyone, and I don't want to go through the funeral process.

Shifujin had a stern face, and the corners of his eyes drooped.

In the six months since she was married, she was as happy as a bird, but she also missed Ehe and Abba.

But she also sneaked a glance at Qifujin who was at the top.

The sisters-in-law are still meeting for the first time.

In fact, compared with the other princes, Fujin, who has a standard Manchu appearance, tall and slender, Qi Fujin is completely different.

Also, the flag shoes worn by Qi Fujin look half a foot high, but they are solid.

If it wasn't for the funeral, Shi Fujin wanted to ask Qi Fujin about his shoes.

The time for the funeral is all selected in advance.

When the hour was approaching, Sanfujin took Sifujin to the back room to change clothes.

Seventh Fujin couldn't wait, walked up to Shu Shu and said, "Why haven't seen you for half a year, I think you seem to be thinner?"

Shu Shu stretched out her palm, flipped it over, and said, "It's been a trouble in the summer, and within a month, I've lost more than ten catties..."

Before, I accompanied Brother Jiu on the boat to raise a few catties of meat for five meals a day, and I lost some of it.

Qifujin's eyes were bright, but now was not the time to elaborate on this, so he took Shu Shu's hand and said, "Let's take a carriage..."


Shu Shu nodded.

She somewhat understood Qifujin's urgency.

Seven Fujins are easy to gain weight, and they are not tall. They made up before giving birth, and they did not eat less during confinement. Now it seems that they are about to catch up with Ten Fujin, like a dough that has risen.

The hands that hold Shu Shu are all soft and soft, a circle bigger than before.

When I came here today, no one else said anything, but I couldn't help but take a second look.

She loves beauty so much, how can she bear this?
Funeral music "woo woo" rang out, and the funeral was about to happen.

The relatives and friends who came to send the funeral also followed to the funeral shed outside.

Shu Shu also finally saw Jue Luo Shi.

The Jue Luo family is among the female relatives of the Dong E family.

Shu Shu quietly moved over.

"Ene, is Ama going to Liaoyang too?"

Shu Shu whispered.

The lineage of the Dong E family's family has no blessed land in the capital, and the ancestors of the previous generations were buried in the princess cemetery in their hometown in Liaoyang.

There are the tombs of Shushu's great-grandfather He Heli and his great-grandmother Princess Wenzhe, as well as the cemeteries of his great-grandfather and Shuotu couple, as well as several uncles and uncles.

Peng Chun's cemetery is also there.

Jue Luo nodded and said, "The older generation doesn't have any close relatives..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated for a moment, and said: "And this time, you, Ama, also want to see our family's tomb..."

Shu Shu was a little surprised, and said: "But didn't uncle just bury Fangshan before?"

Jueluo said in a low voice: "This is something that happened to my uncle after the year. The father-in-law came to the house in person. The three of their cousins ​​agreed not to move the grave now, but when Zhuliang is in charge..."

What I thought at the time was that the direct branches should be united and twisted into one rope, so as not to disintegrate the family with their withering.

"It seems that your great-grandfather also wanted to be buried in his hometown in the early years..."

Jue Luo said.

Even Peng Chun's uncles were not buried in their hometown after they left. They moved their graves twice in 27 and 32.

The agreed time is when Zhu Liang is in charge, that is a hundred years after Qi Xi and his wife.

Shu Shu was not very happy.

"What the hell is Ama thinking?"

In that case, three to 50 years later, when her parents are old and she misses Ama and Ernie, she will travel thousands of miles to Liaoyang to sacrifice?
Besides, there is a lawsuit between the two families now, how can they be close in the future?
Isn't it embarrassing that the ancestral graves are still in one place?
Even Kangxi would be more happy to watch the family split up.

Jue Luo sighed, "Before Tang Bo passed away, he was thinking about this matter. If your Ama agrees, then you agree..."

Shu Shu felt blocked, seeing Zengshou brothers who were wearing filial son's clothes in front of him was not pleasing to the eye.

Short-sighted things, as long as there is one established, it will not make the elders go so uneasy.

When Tang Bo said such words, he also intended to coerce Ama.

Otherwise, when he left, the movement on both sides would definitely fade away.

The key is that on his side, Ama was disgusted by several nephews.

But it happened to be the cousin's funeral, and the brotherhood of the older generation is real. No matter how much you don't like a few dogs, you have to pinch your nose to preserve Peng Chun's face.

Because the coffin was not in Feng'an, the capital city, nor was it buried in the outskirts of Beijing, everyone got into the carriage and followed the funeral procession to Andingmen.

In Qifujin's carriage, seeing that Shu Shu was depressed, she was not in a hurry to ask about lightness, and said, "Tell me quickly, what's going on with Bafujin? I'm expecting to give birth first, and then confinement." , the news is nowhere to be found..."

Shu Shu said in a low voice.

Eight Fujin's face was finally shown by the imperial physician.

"It was broken in several places, I don't know if it will leave a scar..."

Shushu said.

For Ba Fujin, apart from her background, she is proud of her appearance.

Now the father's family is in decline, the mother's family is also in decline, and her appearance is also damaged.

"It's not necessarily a bad thing to hear that I will 'rest' in the future."

Shushu said.

It's really that the Eight Fujins are making too much noise.

The Eight Banners are spread all over.

Qifujin's natal family visited Qifujin before and mentioned it, but it was another way of saying it.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. It was said that the eighth Fujin was 'revenging my father'. It was found out that her uncle and aunt had arranged for her Ama to gamble back then, so she asked someone to do something on her cousin's horse..."

Qi Fujin said: "I didn't really believe it after hearing it. Don't look at her being sloppy and acting arrogantly. She may not have the guts to harm others, but she speaks with a nose and eyes. If she doesn't justify her words clearly, she will have a cruel reputation. It's just smashed..."

Shu Shu listened, but felt something was wrong.

As the word spread, Ba Fujin was given the title of killing people in vain, and the royal family was also given a title.

It seems that the royal family is brutal and doesn't take human life seriously.

The eight Fujins have killed people, and there is no punishment yet.

"When did these words begin?"

Shushu said.

Seeing her solemn expression, Qifu Jin also thought about it carefully, and said: "I only had it this month, a few days ago, it seems to be the days when Concubine Duan was demoted..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Sister-in-law Qi can tell Master Qi..."

She also planned to tell Brother Jiu.

The scariest thing about this rumor is that it is half-truth and half-false, as if it is true.

If Shu Shu didn't know what was going on, she would have guessed whether the inside story was true.

After all, it seems strange that the married woman, Ba Fujin, turned her back on her family and the core of the controversy was her natal family's property.

Adding this "father's feud" seems to have a reason.

Mo Erhui followed behind.

It is enough to make people think about the drama of family disputes and fratricide.

Qifu Jin also brought solemnity.

She knew that Shu Shu would not be aimless, and said in surprise: "You suspect that it's not a mistake, it was made up on purpose by others, what is that picture? That's the prince Fujin, can you still convict her by relying on catching wind and shadow?"

Shu Shu didn't answer immediately, but fell into deep thought.

It doesn't seem right to say that this rumor is to discredit the royal family.

After all, Kangxi is now in its prime, and the dynasty is stable. Even if there are constant internal disputes in the Eight Banners, none of the clans and honorable families dare to really confront the royal family.

It's like "touching porcelain".

At that time, in order to prove Bafujin's innocence, the royal family will have to investigate Guo Luoluo's family.

The Mingshang Gambling Case...

Ming Deng, that is, the property infringement case of Uncle Eight Fujin...

The case of Mo Erhui's falling from a horse...

Only when everything is investigated can it be proved that "revenge for the father" is nonsense, and the eight Fujin did not harm anyone's life.

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, but her heartbeat accelerated.

Of course she would not doubt her Ama.

Even if Ama meddles with her, she would not dare to be so bold as to use the royal family's face as a knife.

There's nothing in awe of the royal family...

The team exited the security gate.

Watching the funeral procession leave, even if it has come to an end...

Falling out of the top [-], I burst into tears, begging for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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