Chapter 594 Guilt
When it was time to return to the city, Shu Shu got into the carriage of the Dutong Mansion.

Although she didn't know who was instigating the rumors about Ba Fujin, she was still a little afraid of burning her own head.

She whispered to Jue Luoshi.

Jue Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "It's none of our business, don't get involved!"

Shu Shu looked at her and said, "Ernie, do you know where the evil wind comes from?"

Jue Luo shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter where the evil wind comes from, let's just watch the fun..."

It has nothing to do with Dong E's family at all. Even if the old score is to be overturned, it is the grievances between Guo Luoluo's family and Uncle Fusong's family.

"The transfer of ownership happened decades ago. Even if the head of the family, Prince Jane, came forward, he couldn't say that the deed was fake. I am a married woman who has been out of the family for 30 years. I have daydreams and worry about that. , that is not a mallet!

Jue Luo said.

Shu Shu nodded, "If you don't want to be strong", Dong E's family should have been watching from the sidelines.

What she is worried about is not the disputes in those industries.

She lowered her volume and said, "Ene, if you really want to turn over the old score, won't your aunt be involved?"

Jue Luo gave her a sideways glance, and said, "What's involved? The clan daughter who caressed Meng in her teens is a generation behind Ming Shang, and she has never dealt with her before. How can she be involved?"

Shu Shu suddenly realized.

She is concerned about chaos.

If the old county lord hadn't taken the initiative to tell her, she wouldn't have known that the old county lord was her aunt.

Even Jue Luo didn't know that he had a real aunt.

This relationship is hidden deep.

But even if it is uncovered, it's nothing.

The Mingshang gambling case happened more than [-] years ago. At that time, the old county lord had been fond of Meng for many years and was not in the capital.

Even if someone really found out the clues, they would not have thought that the righteous master was thousands of miles away, retaliating against the grievances of the previous life.

Shu Shuli calmed down, and said in a low voice: "Just now I felt guilty, I was afraid that the emperor would check..."

Jue Luo said with disgust: "It's not a child anymore, calm down in the future, don't mention this matter again, it will rot in your stomach, and it will be a disaster if you speak out."


Shu Shu felt the same way.

Anyway, the old county lord is the one who didn't suffer, so there is really no need to mention the past.

"If the other party's purpose is not about Ming Shang's involvement in gambling, then the purpose of arranging this statement is for the last two, Ming Deng's property infringement case and Mo Erhui's fall from a horse..."

Speaking of this, Shu Shu felt that she had lost her way.

This matter should have something to do with Mrs. Guo Luoluo or her natal family.

"If it's really the General's Mansion who messed up, what do you mean? Uncle, the rightful owner, is not in his early years, so they are thinking about the property?"

Shu Shu felt absurd.

Jue Luo thought for a while, and said: "If we really want to sort out the property of Ming Deng and his wife, then they can ask Mrs. Guo Luoluo to spit out the property transferred from her natal family in the next step. It's still poor..."

That branch of title is almost exhausted, but the mansion is still the mansion of Wujin in the past, and the servants who are in charge are also those servants, and they cannot make ends meet.

Shu Shu was speechless, and said: "Just now, my daughter was thinking that someone would stir up the wind and rain behind, and she was also worried that our family would be engulfed in it, and it would become a catastrophe. She really thought too much."

Jue Luo said: "With the current momentum, the direct branch of Guo Luoluo's family is doomed to fail. My aunt lost her only son, and I guess she is half crazy. Now let's stay away from it and avoid it..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "I can't make any friends at all."

She asked Mrs. Uncle again: "Is Ah Mou okay now?"

Jue Luo didn't speak immediately.

Shu Shu was a little worried, and said, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Jue Luo's face was hard to say, and said: "The life is comfortable, I asked someone to catch a pug dog who has just been full moon, and taught the puppy to bow all day long!"

Shu Shu heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Isn't this very good, with a little thing as a companion, Ah Mou can relieve boredom."

Jue Luo looked at her and said, "That's for you. Didn't Zhang Luo want to raise a dog before?"

As a result, I got sick and didn't mention it.

Shu Shu laughed twice.

That's not thinking of rabies, I'm scared.

"Why do you prepare this for me? If I want to raise one, I can ask someone to pick one from the cat and dog room. Why are you robbing Bo Amou?" She asked puzzled.

Jue Luo said: "I know you're cowardly. I want to teach you a cute puppy. Later, you move out. If you don't have children, you can take the puppy to raise..."

Shu Shu: "..."

Why is it weird that this puppy is the child's backup?

The mother and daughter were talking, and they arrived outside Di'anmen.

The carriage stopped.

Jue Luo urged, "Okay, get out of the car..."

Shu Shu hugged Jue Luo's arm, and said stickily: "This year Shengjia will also be on a tour of the north, and it will be easier to come and go in and out of the palace, and my daughter will be able to go home for a whole day..."

Jue Luo said: "Then it's the end of July, the beginning of July, right?"

This year is a leap year, leap July.

Shu Shu nodded, with melancholy, said: "Yeah, it's still a month and a half, and Xiao Qi's 'hundred years old' will have passed by then."

I want to move out more and more.

If she lives outside the palace, she can go back to her mother's house as long as there is anything to do in the Dutong Mansion, which can be regarded as a famous teacher.

Otherwise, this palace gate is forbidden.

Obviously it's only a few miles away, but it's not easy to go home once.

Brother Nine outside also got out of the carriage and came to visit his mother-in-law.

Jue Luoshi didn't care too much, got out of the carriage, and then greeted Brother Jiu.

Zhu Liang and Fu Song are also nearby.

Brother Jiu thought of his father-in-law who sent Ling to Liaoyang with Zengshou, and felt helpless.

Thirteen hundred miles, when I went there, I was still Fuling, and the speed couldn't be faster.

It will take a month and a half to go back and forth.

"Mother-in-law, when is father-in-law coming back?"

As Brother Jiu said, he couldn't help asking: "Why do you think of going out of Beijing at this time, shouldn't the lawsuit be settled?"

Today's funeral, brothers Fu Han and Fu Hai are also among the filial sons.

But neither of them helped the spirit go north, and seeing the coffin go away, they were directly taken away by the servants of the clan mansion.

Letting them out temporarily is to give grace to Dong E's family.

Jue Luo said: "Brother, don't worry, the master personally asked for leave before the emperor. As for the previous small lawsuit, it all depends on the holy order."

Brother Jiu was a little anxious.

What he cares about is not the lawsuit, but the earl's inheritance.

"What about the matter of being a lord?"

Brother Jiu asked directly.

Peng Chun passed away more than a month later than the uncle, but the succession of the duke over there has come to a conclusion.

The uncle here has passed away for almost two months, and there is no follow-up.

Originally thought that after Peng Chun's funeral, it should be finalized, but his father-in-law left.

Jue Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "It all depends on the Holy Judgment."

Brother Nine: "..."

Watching Fu Song and Zhu Liang's brothers ride away following Jue Luo's carriage, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu got into the carriage.

"What's the matter with father-in-law and mother-in-law? Is there anything more important than the inheritance of the title right now?"

Brother Jiu couldn't understand it.

Shu Shu said: "What are you worried about? The worst outcome is Zhu Liang's attack..."

In that case, although the title is lowered, it will also avoid any disputes among the younger generation in the future.

Brother Jiu thought about it, but he still said: "Father-in-law is really true, even if he is thinking about the old love, there is no need to work so hard to help the spirit from thousands of miles away. Those brothers in the public house are not kind people, and there is still a long way to go in the future." some."

Shu Shu sighed, and said: "Grandfather left early, uncle was still sick, and cousin took good care of this place in the early years."

Uncle can't even stand up by himself, let alone help his brother.

Peng Chun is the real big brother.

Brother Nine stopped talking.

When they returned to the second institute, both of them were tired.

It is tiring to go out.

After grooming and taking a nap, the two of them got up.

Only then did Shu Shu remember the rumors about the eight Fujins, and mentioned it to Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine grinned when he heard this, and said: "The arrangement of these words is unreasonable. Ming Shang was involved in the gambling case and was ordered by Khan Ama. If she harbors resentment and wants to 'revenge her father', then she should be Khan Ama." Ma go?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help thinking.

What she was thinking about before was the inside story of the "gambling case". She was afraid that the arrangements made by the old county lord back then would be found out. She never thought of this sentence at all.

"I thought I was wrong, and I went for Fujin?!"

Shushu said.

What would Kangxi think when this sentence spread to the imperial court?
Will Kangxi suspect that in Bafujin's heart, he regards himself as "killing his father and enemy"?
As long as there is a trace in his heart, he will not be happy to see Ba ​​Fujin in the future.

Brother Jiu nodded, and said: "Isn't this obvious? It's the way of Guo Luoluo's family. From now on, I'm afraid the eight Fujin will be in name only!"

Even if it is "quiet rest", it is divided into a moment and a lifetime.

Now the emperor is annoyed, but three or five years later, time has changed, and the eighth Fujin has a son and a half daughter, will he still be imprisoned for the rest of his life?

With this extra rumor, there is no way out.

The prince Fujin, who was feared and detested by the emperor, might not have easy access to the court in the future.

It was rare to see Shu Shu still confused, Brother Jiu asked curiously: "You are so smart, you didn't think of this, then what are you thinking?"

Shu Shu said: "The case of Ming Shang's son-in-law has been going on for nearly 20 years, and I thought that the other party might have shot a feint in order to find out the last two things."

Brother Nine stroked his chin and said, "Your guess is not wrong. Guo Luoluo's family is not a small family. If you want to find out the property of Ming Deng and his wife, you really have to go from top to bottom!"

For the royal family, it is a matter of one sentence.

Shu Shu also struggled, and said: "I can't guess who it is. Mrs. Guo Luoluo must be most concerned about Mo Erhui's death, but if it was her, there is no need to insist on 'infringement'." case'……"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Who said there was only one person? The rumors and rumors are not the same from beginning to end. Someone in the middle is adding fuel and jealousy!"

Speaking of this, he said: "Tomorrow morning, I will go to see you in the garden. This important matter that involves the royal family's reputation has to be judged by Khan Ama. After that, you can also inquire about how the Dong E family's lawsuit will be settled..."

Zhenglan Banner, Guo Luoluo House.

Minden pointed at his wife and shook his head, speechless.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo straightened her waist, but there was no regret on her face.

Ming Deng looked at her half-gray hair, and sighed: "Mo Erhui is also my son, there is really no conspiracy, and no one is playing tricks. I checked everything carefully, and it was just an accident..."

Mrs. Guo Luoluo turned her head, looked at him, and said with madness in her eyes: "Impossible! Mo Erhui is such a good child, kind, kind, and tolerant. If there are gods and Buddhas in this world, gods and Buddhas will bless him. Why did he die suddenly for no reason? It was a conspiracy, someone made a mess, someone killed him!"

At the end, she screamed: "It must have been murdered!"

Ming Deng's temples thumped, and he said helplessly, "If you suspect, there must be someone to suspect, right? Alright, what did others make him do?"

Mrs. Guo Luoluo bit her lip.

It's not that there are no suspects, but there are too many suspects.

She just wanted to alarm the royal family and let the royal family intervene.

An offshoot of Guo Luoluo's family, or her nephew from her natal family, the family of the nephew who was involved in the industry, and the niece...

The first update is at 12:2 noon on December 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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