My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 595 Comparison 1

Chapter 595 Compare

Early the next morning, Brother Nine did not go to the House of Internal Affairs, but was going to Changchun Garden.

Shu Shu didn't say anything.

If you teach everywhere, not to mention whether Brother Jiu is annoying or not, even Kangxi will feel puzzled when he sees him who is thoughtful all at once.

It's good as it is now, even if there are occasional deficiencies in his actions, Kangxi will come to teach him.

When Kangxi puts more thought into Brother Nine, he will get used to it as a natural preference.

Just like ordinary people, parents prefer the most naughty and mischievous children, so they worry too much.

According to later generations, what is called "sunk cost".

The relationship between family members also applies to this theory.

Brother Jiu did not take the carriage, but rode a horse.

Fortunately, he came out early, the gate of the palace opened, and he came out, which was quite cool.

After entering Changchun Garden and outside Qingxi Bookstore, he saw many officials waiting in the duty room.

It's not the Shangshu, Grand Scholars, etc. that I usually meet, most of them look unfamiliar and young.

This youth is relative.

Compared with the ministers and ministers, they are young, and they are all middle-aged officials in their 40s and [-]s.

Seeing Brother Nine coming over, everyone else quieted down and bowed to salute.

This one is the only adult prince who has not entered the court, but he is famous outside.

Brother Jiu saw a familiar person among them, and it was Wailang, a member of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

In the beginning, when he went to the criminal department to look at the case files every day, he had two conversations.

Brother Jiu asked familiarly: "Today, the Criminal Department is on shift? Why is Mr. Chen coming to see you?"

The Ministry of Punishment has something to do, shouldn't the Minister and the Minister come over?

That Yuanwailang bowed and said: "It's not about the ministry, it's the emperor who appointed me as the deputy examiner of the Guangxi provincial examination."

This year is the year of the rural examination.

According to the rules, the chief and deputy chief examiners of each province are assigned from the capital.

The official examiner is selected from the Hanlin officials, and the deputy examiner is selected from the six Lang officials.

Brother Jiu heard this, and said with sympathy: "The errand is a good one. It's the land of poor mountains and bad waters. It's thousands of miles away, and the road is hard..."

He also knows something about the previous dynasty, and the selection of examiners once every three years is a fat job.

This errand, from the very beginning, can pay a lot of money in the household department, a total of 2000 taels, as a throwaway fee on the road, but in fact, most of the expenses along the way are borne by the province.

The 2000 taels fell into the hands of the chief and deputy examiners.

When we got to the place, there were all kinds of Chengyi.

But I went to Guangxi, the farthest and the poorest, so the fat and vacancies will be discounted.

That Yuanwailang hurriedly said: "It's not hard work, it's all due to the emperor's grace."

Brother Jiu didn't say anything else, and just said: "Then wait for your lord to come back, and then I will welcome you, and I will trouble you in the Ministry of Criminal Justice first."

The Yuanwailang said: "It's all the duty of the minister, you are too polite."

Brother Jiu didn't say anything else.

If it's an ordinary foreigner, he can also ask a few words to bring some earthen instruments or something.

But if you fail the exam, there are more rules, so don't get involved.

From the time the errands were ordered, the movements of these people were under the watchful eyes of the guards and guards.

After a while, the examiners who were waiting to meet all went to see him one by one.

There are eight people in total, who are the chief and deputy examiners of the provincial examinations in Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian.

The selection of examiners for the rural examination is like this, from far to near.

The chief and deputy examiners of Shuntian Mansion were only selected when the township examination was approaching.

There was no one else in the duty room.

Brother Jiu was standing at the window, looking at the lotus pond not far away.

Now the lotus has just begun to bloom, most of them are still buds, but they look good.

The lotus leaves look green and tender.

When I went to Baiwang Mountain in the first month to roast beggar chicken, Fujin said that the chicken wrapped in lotus leaves is better, because the chicken will have the fragrance of lotus leaves.

You can pick a few pieces back in a while.

It's just that the beggar chicken needs to be wrapped in mud.

You can't go digging in the imperial garden, can you?
Brother Nine hesitated.

Should we dig the soil in the garden here, or go out to the curb and dig the soil.

Brother Seven who came in next to him had been sitting for a long time.

Seeing that the ninth elder brother was still distracted, the seventh elder brother didn't say a word, his eyelids drooped, and he didn't know what to think.

Brother Nine turned his head and saw that there was a sudden change of life in the room. He was startled and said angrily, "Brother Seven, why did you come in so quietly without making any movement?"

Brother Seven raised his eyelids and said, "I greeted you, but you couldn't even hear me, what are you thinking?"

Brother Nine smiled immediately, pointed to the lotus in the distance and said: "Lotus leaves, use this to wrap chicken, glutinous rice, or rice cakes. They are all delicious, with the fragrance of lotus leaves..."

I must like Fujin to eat it, and I can send some to Yikun Palace at that time, so that the empress can change her taste.

The seventh elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, he looked like such a skinny chick, still thinking about eating, and eating it was a waste.

He didn't speak, but he didn't hide the pickiness on his face.

Brother Jiu straightened his chest and said, "My brother is still young, and he will grow taller and stronger in the future! As the old saying goes, '23, run away; 29, grow up overnight'..."

The two brothers were talking when Liang Jiugong arrived.

"Jiuye, the emperor is free, so I'm calling..."

Brother Nine responded, and walked out, stopped after two steps and said, "Brother Seven, did you come here because of the rumors outside?"

Brother Seven nodded.

Brother Jiu said: "Then let's go together, my brother is also here for this."

Liang Jiugong: "..."

Brother Seven: "..."

Both of them were speechless.

This is Qingxi Bookstore, this is Yuqian.

He was bold enough to call the shots.

Brother Seven waved his hand and said, "No need, I'll wait for Ama Khan to summon me."

Ninth elder brother wants to say more, seventh elder brother has already frowned.

Brother Nine was scared and went out honestly.

He murmured to Liang Jiugong in a low voice: "What do you think is going on, Wenda? Seventh brother is always like this, why don't you be polite, didn't you give it away, why are you still holding your breath, seeing outsiders like this..."

Liang Jiugong smiled just right, but he resisted in his heart, he really didn't want to hear it.

I really want to tell him that that is normal for Seventh Brother.

It is abnormal to "see outside" like Brother Jiu.

In the room, Kangxi was looking down at the list on several cases.

Above are the names of eight people, and their respective identities and resumes.

Ever since Peng Chun asked to retire due to his old illness in the first month, the Mongolian capital of the Zhenghong Banner has been vacant.

It has not been made up.

Two days ago, he asked the Ministry of Officials to prepare candidates for backup, and he reported a few.

They are all under the red flag, with honorable titles in the world, and noble clans.

Kangxi didn't look at the descendants of Prince Lilie, but his eyes fell on the other clan of Zhenghongqi, the two candidates among the descendants of Guanglue Baylor.

Then, he circled his name.

The fifth grandson of Guanglue Baylor, Fu Guogong Puqi.

Born in the 11th year of Kangxi, he is now young and mature, about the same age as the prince.

If it is taught well, it can be left to the prince to order in the future.

The distant branch clan is one generation lower than the prince, so it is more convenient to use.

"Khan Amaan..."

Brother Nine came in, his voice was clear and clear, and there was a bit of intimacy in his respect.

Kangxi put down his pen and said: "You are fine too, what's the matter, come here early in the morning?"

It arrived before Chen Chu, looked at the time, and came out when it was time to open the palace gate.

Brother Nine was originally smiling, but he immediately restrained himself when he heard this, and said seriously: "Ama, there are sneaky rumors outside, it seems to be aimed at the royal family..."

Although he is narrow-minded, when he mentioned to Shu Shu yesterday, he also gloated over the bad luck of Fujin.

But when he came, he thought about it all the way, and felt that he had to say a few more words when he came to report, and he couldn't follow the wishes of the people behind the scenes.

"This is 'Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Peigong', and he wanted to 'borrow a knife to kill', my son thought, it is not good to set this precedent, otherwise, if he wants to harm people in the future, he will be able to plot like this... "

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "The key is that the person who manipulates the rumors has no respect for the royal family at all. It's the same with taking the royal family's decency as a knife, and it's the same with trying to count the eight blessings..."

Kangxi listened, his face couldn't see any joy or anger, but he was surprised by Brother Jiu's attitude in his heart, and said: "Don't you dislike Eight Fortunes?"

In the first private letter with Jiufujin, I complained not once or twice.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I'm not very happy, but there are still close and distant relatives. She is still the prince Fujin, the son's sister-in-law, and represents the decency of the royal family. How can outsiders make calculations?"

Kangxi did not speak, but was slightly moved.

Even the ninth elder brother knows this truth, but the eighth elder brother can't see it through.

Royal decency cannot be insulted!

"You heard that the wind is the rain, and you didn't check who spread the rumors?"

Kangxi frowned, dissatisfied.

Brother Jiu said in amazement: "Wait for my son to investigate, it will be the year of the monkey! How can someone order my son, Xiao Fusong counts as one, and watches over the construction period of the prince's mansion; Gao Bin counts as half, just running errands, passing a message, It’s not suitable to put it outside!”

Kangxi thought about the people around Brother Nine, and they were indeed poor.

He remembered that he planned to let some stable people go there.

Not only do you have to let an old nanny go, but those who are in charge outside should also be more mature.

Now the chief eunuch Cui Nanshan of the second institute is relatively mediocre, and he is not considered a brilliant figure, otherwise he would not have allowed Mammy Liu to do whatever she wanted in the second institute.

Brother Nine thought of Brother Seven, and hurriedly said, "Ama Khan, Brother Seven is also waiting outside, and he came here for this."

After hearing this, Kangxi nodded to Liang Jiugong.

Liang Jiugong went out and passed the news to Seventh Brother to come in.

Brother Seven walked in slowly, and after greeting him, he began to report one by one.

"The rumors first appeared on the fifth day of this month, in the teahouse on Di'anmen Street. At the beginning of the afternoon, two people deliberately mentioned in the hall the story of the Eight Fortunes 'revenging their father' and Mo Erhui's falling from a horse..."

"That afternoon, there were similar situations in the teahouses on Xisi Street, Dongsi Street, and Gulou Street..."

"After interrogation, there were two people who spread rumors using 'it is said', 'heard of', and 'relatives said'. One was white-faced and beardless, in his 50s, suspected of being an eunuch; the other was in his twenties, with a strong body..."

"On the seventh day of this month, the rumors added Ming Deng's property infringement, and the spreader seems to be coming and going in and out of the border of Xianglan Banner..."

"On the ninth day of this month, the rumors added that Ming Shang was involved in the gambling case, and the spreader went in and out... the border of the Blue Banner..."

Kangxi was noncommittal when he heard it, but Brother Nine looked at Brother Seven dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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