My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 596 Relatives

Chapter 596 Relatives
Brother Nine feels that he is still a bit small and strong in his bones.

Maybe not many, but definitely there.

The contrast is too obvious.

I'm just "heard about things", but Seventh Brother's investigation is almost the same.

Even related dossiers are sorted out.

The difference is too big.

His face was hot and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Kangxi nodded, and told the seventh elder brother, "Just check here, and leave the rest to Zhao Chang."

Brother Seven agreed, bowed and retreated.

Brother Nine looked at Brother Seven's back and felt that something was wrong.

That's it?

Apart from talking about business, there is no gossip?

Not even the slightest bit of heat.

When father and son meet each other, the monarch and his ministers answer right.

Is Seventh Brother stupid?

The veteran put himself in the position of a courtier, Khan Ama is used to it, and will not treat him as a son in the future...

Ninth elder brother was envious of seventh elder brother's ability before, but now he can't help worrying.

Hey, look for a chance later, I have to remind you.

Kangxi was flipping through the file in his hand, seeing Brother Jiu hadn't moved for a while, looked up at him, and saw that the corners of his eyes and mouth were drooping.

"Are you ashamed? You are an errand elder brother, not a three-year-old boy. If you don't figure out the big and small things, you have to report to the imperial court. Can't you act more thoughtfully?"

Brother Nine looked at Kangxi, with resentment on his face, and said, "Ama Khan, that's not bad for my son, isn't my son self-aware? Seventh brother is Baylor, and there are more than 100 guards and guards in the mansion. People, as well as the coated population, is it inconvenient to order them around? What about my son, you can’t send the eunuchs around you to run around all over the city, can you?”


He had long been thinking about finding an opportunity to discuss the population allocation of the Prince's Mansion with Khan Amati.

If the title is put on hold, it will be put on hold first, and the property will be allocated, so whether the population can be allocated.

Otherwise, when the time comes to move out, there will be no one to serve, and life will not be as convenient as in the palace.

Seeing his calculating face, Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you really want someone?"

Brother Nine immediately nodded his head like pounding garlic, and said, "I want it!"

Kangxi glanced at him, with a little deep meaning, and said: "Well, I have made a note, kneel down!"

Satisfied, Brother Nine walked out obediently, walked to the door, remembered about the lotus leaf, turned around and said: "Ama Khan, my son will send someone to bring you some dishes..."

The corner of Kangxi's mouth turned slightly, he nodded and said: "It's rare, then I'll try it later."

"Just wait!"

Brother Nine smiled openly.

Liang Jiugong gave Brother Jiu a sympathetic look.

The wild horse is about to be reined, and it doesn't even know it.

You must know that in the prince's mansion, in addition to the regular staff, there is San Qilang, who assists the chief history and the master of ceremonies in handling the affairs of the mansion, and takes the position of the Eight Banners.

Or to be more ruthless, directly pointing at a prince teacher.

Liang Jiugong lowered his head, wanting to watch the fun.

This is also the emperor's benevolent heart.

Brother Nine has short rules, he just wants an old man to press the board...

Brother Jiu left Qingxi Bookstore, but he didn't leave the garden immediately, but walked south.

It's rare to come here, he plans to go to the prince's study to see the younger brothers.

The key is to stay away from Qingxi Bookstore so that people can pick some tender lotus leaves.

To avoid being too close to Qingxi Bookstore, the people in front of the imperial court will make a fuss when they see it, and then report to the imperial front.

The last time he crossed the Changchun Garden like this was in the first lunar month, when everything was withered, but now it is completely different.

Because the entire Changchun Garden is built around the water, and more than [-]% of them are large and small connected pools, which are very cool.

Various flowers are also planted by the water, which is the time when the flowers are clustered together.

Brother Jiu looked greedy.

Yuanzi, he wants it too!
Because he was greedy for the scenery, he was not tired of walking, so he walked to the southernmost end of the garden without knowing it, then turned west and went directly to the southwest corner, and then he arrived at the place where the elder brothers had their classes, Wuyizhai.

It used to be the place where the prince studied, and it was also the place where several other older princes studied. Later, it became the place where the prince lived in the garden.

It was not until the prince became an adult that he moved to the West Garden.

In recent years, it has continued to be the place where brothers study.

Brother Nine wandered over and saw that there was a pier on the lake next to it, and there was a dock next to it.

Perhaps it was because the boat had to stop, the water here was very clean and there were no lotus flowers.

It's breakfast time, and Mr. is not here.

The ninth elder brother stood here, and someone saw it.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother trotted over.

"Ninth Brother..."

The thirteenth elder brother's eyes are shining.

Are you still looking for your own?
The fourteenth elder brother was on the sidelines and said courteously: "Why is the ninth brother here, so early? Have you eaten yet?"

Brother Jiu rubbed his stomach and said, "I drank a bowl of noodle tea before I came out. Have you arrived with your meal box? Did you move your chopsticks?"

If you don't move your chopsticks, you can eat two bites; if you move, forget it, it's dirty.

Brother Fourteen smiled and said, "No, we just happen to eat together."

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother surrounded the ninth elder brother and entered Wuyi Zhai.

Ninth elder brother glanced at fourteenth elder brother, and said: "No, you are smiling so warmly, is this something you are asking for?"


Elder Fourteen hurriedly said: "Let Brother Nine figure it out, even if Brother Nine is not here today, my younger brother is thinking of sending someone to ask you."

Brother Jiu pondered for a while and said, "You want to ask about Wu Ya's family?"

After this year, the people in the imperial dining room cleaned it up once.

Not only the Wuya family, but also the children of other families related to the harem, such as Concubine Wei's natal family and Concubine Zhang's natal family.

Fourteenth elder brother nodded and said: "That's it. The younger brother didn't know about it, so he realized that the imperial dining room has changed a lot of people. Okay, why?"

Wu Ya's family has worked in the imperial dining room for several lifetimes.

Brother Jiu didn't hide it either, and said: "It's from years ago, when someone entered the palace and stole the golden utensils for sacrifices in the first month, Khan Ama later asked Zhao Chang to investigate the coat-coated people who were serving in the palace. If it’s time to change someone, that’s to find out what’s wrong, and if you don’t ask for a crime, it should be to preserve the dignity of the concubine, so don’t ask around!”

As for what crime?

Then there is no need to guess.

The imperial dining room is the place where Shuo rats are kept.

Brother Fourteen pouted, a little unhappy and annoyed.

This fire was not aimed at Brother Jiu, but at Wu Ya's house.

"It's shameful, it's all relying on the power of the empress!"

Brother Fourteen hates it.

Even bringing him and the fourth brother are ashamed.

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "It's fine if you get the benefits. Besides, you should have spit out more than half of your birthday with your fourth brother, your concubine's mother, and your filial piety at the end of the year. It should be fine. If it really looks ugly, Khan Ama won't let it go." They got away with it."

Regarding this moth investigation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although Brother Jiu is not the person in charge, he knows the general idea.

Several hands have been prepared inside and outside.

On the surface, it is to check the account books, and to the warehouse; in private, it goes to the Eight Banners Division of the Ministry of Households to check the industry.

Those who are afraid of losing their property names will also check the properties under the names of relatives and friends.

If there is no problem with the property, just inquire about the cost of food and drink.

Anyway, with all kinds of methods, most of the moths didn't escape.

There are really fish that slip through the net, that is, small fish and shrimps, and those who are greedy are also three melons and two dates, so there is no special pursuit.

Fourteenth elder brother is the most face-saving time at this age.

Since he felt that his family was ashamed, he became annoyed, and said angrily: "I hope that Han Ama will deal with it, don't look at me and fourth brother's face, so that they don't have a long memory, and they commit other crimes later. It should be blamed on me and fourth brother..."

Brother Jiu persuaded: "Don't be serious, there is still the concubine's face in it. For us princes, Khan Ama is watching over clothes, food, education and study, and his parents are relatives. If If you are obedient, just pay attention; if you are disobedient, get out of here and be done, don't take it seriously..."

The twelfth elder brother, the fifteenth elder brother, and the eldest elder brother of Yuqing Palace knew that the ninth elder brother was coming, so they came to pay their respects and listened to everything.

The three reacted differently.

Brother Twelve frowned slightly.

The truth is this truth, but Jiu Ge shouldn't say it, it's suspected of being unfilial.

Besides, the emperor's father respects his outer family, and the princes don't say "follow the example", and it is not good to openly disagree.

The elder brother of Yuqing Palace also pursed his lips, disapproving of elder brother Jiu's point of view.

Why is Confucian etiquette, Ding's mother needs 36 months, and Ding's father only has 27 months, a difference of nine months?

That's because human beings are born to be conceived in the mother's body, and they are the flesh and blood of the mother.

Isn't it right to be filial to your birth mother and benefit your natal family?
Elder Brother Fifteen felt a little entangled and asked directly: "Brother Ninth, how can you say that? Isn't that Er Niang's... relative?"

Brother Nine stretched out his hand to pick Brother Fifteen up, weighed him, and said, "Why is he still short and thick? It's been half a year, and he hasn't grown tall or fleshy!"

Don't follow Mr. Wang, right?

Wang Guiren's stature is somewhat insufficient.

Brother Jiu started to worry.

Elder Brother Fifteen hurriedly said in a milky voice, "It's grown by half an inch!"

Brother Jiu thought about his own childhood, shook his head and said: "That also grows slowly, so I will ask the imperial doctor to see what supplements to take, don't delay!"

Brother Fifteen's face became even more bitter.

I don't want to see the imperial doctor, and I don't want to take medicine.

He changed the subject and said, "Ninth Brother, you haven't said anything yet, can you really ignore your relatives?"

Brother Jiu patted his little head and said: "Of course, whether it's nurturing grace or giving birth to grace, it has nothing to do with us. If we want to find someone to repay, we must go directly to the concubine and the nobles... "

"Because the concubine and the nobleman entered the palace, which one didn't get any benefits, so what about this?"

"It doesn't count on us after all the calculations!"

"In terms of superiority and inferiority, we are respected and masters; they are humble and slaves!"

"In terms of etiquette, there are so many decent uncles in the three kingdoms' mansions, and it's not our turn to act as elders in front of us..."

"In terms of love, we are all brought up and disciplined by Han Ama, what are we doing to others? They will have a hundred hearts when they give a copper coin, and they can't wait to exchange for a gold ingot to go back..."

"If you have that kind of filial piety, you should be filial to Ama Khan. If the upright Ama and Erniang are not filial, but respect the relatives in the outer three roads, isn't that a disease?"

(End of this chapter)

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