Chapter 597 Grace
Brother Nine talked eloquently, and a bunch of little ones listened obediently, not even a single one retorted.

You mentioned the emperor, how can you talk back?

Besides, among these people, except for the elder brother of Yuqing Palace who was raised by his birth mother and valued his mother's family very much in his heart, the others didn't care at all.

The fourteenth elder brother also nodded and agreed: "Ninth brother, you are so right, my younger brother thinks the same way, our brother is the prince elder brother of the Aixinjueluo family, and the birth and dignity are all given by Khan Ama, not During the Han Dynasty, princes were distinguished by their mother clan!"

Brother Thirteen also nodded.

He has nothing to do with his family.

Brother Twelve remained silent, but looked at Brother Nine with admiration.

He does have contacts with his natal family, and his relatives use what they can, but the dignity and inferiority are irreversible.

Brother Jiu's mouth is open enough, but he can still speak for himself, so there is nothing to worry about.

Elder Brother Fifteen had worship in his eyes.

Brother Jiu smiled triumphantly.

It's not a bad feeling to be a big brother.

Finally it was his turn to teach!
Several people were from different gentlemen and from different rooms, and they left after greeting each other.

The ninth elder brother rubbed against the meal boxes of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, and started to eat breakfast.

The same routine dishes for both of them came from the dining room of the Qianqing Palace when they were in the palace, and it was the dining room of Changchun Garden when they arrived here.

A tiger skin elbow, a fried eggplant box, a Beijing sauce shredded pork, and a fungus rapeseed.

Not only does it look good, but it also tastes good. Compared with the warm fire dishes Jiu Age and the others had when they were in school, they are much more delicate.

Brother Jiu ate a piece of elbow skin, picked up a few chopsticks and fungus, ate a two-color small flower roll, a millet noodle bun, and drank half a bowl of millet porridge.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were restrained at first, but when they saw the ninth elder brother put down their chopsticks, they ate up the rest.

Naturally, it is impossible for the princes not to be full from the food boxes in the imperial dining room.

Each dish is an eight-inch plate, and the two pastry plates are also eight-inch plates.

This lunch box is enough for two adults.

Excluding the cat food that Brother Jiu ate, most of the rest was eaten.

When Brother Jiu saw this, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "How can you eat so much? Is this the way to keep in good health?"

Elder Brother Thirteen rubbed his stomach, feeling embarrassed, and said: "I'm so hungry, I'm afraid I won't have the strength to eat less in the afternoon."

To the northwest of Changchun Garden, which is just north of the West Garden, is the Royal Horse Farm.

Now the elder brothers are studying in the garden, and the martial arts class in the afternoon has been moved to the racecourse.

Fourteenth elder brother also said with joy: "The riding and shooting in the next afternoon will be extended by half an hour. You won't be full if you don't eat more."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "What does riding and shooting in the afternoon have anything to do with breakfast? There is still a meal at noon, and you can go so late! You can't eat like this in the future, your stomach is full, so eat less and eat more. It’s the way to keep in good health, what are you afraid of when you’re hungry? Ask the dining room Shen Zheng to add another meal.”

Elder Brother Thirteen hesitated and said, "It's not convenient, this is Khan Ama's dining room."

If it was the dining room where their elder brother lived, they would definitely be able to order anything.

The fourteenth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother anxiously and said, "Ninth elder brother, go and talk, we dare not say..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Aren't you the Fourteenth Master, are you still afraid of the servants in the dining room?"

Brother Fourteen said with a bitter face, "Who is afraid of them? It's because Ama Khan thinks we're extravagant..."

"Huh? It's extravagant to ask for two plates of pasta. Where did this lie come from? Those uncles in the imperial dining room wished that the floor tiles in their house were covered with gold, and no one said they were extravagant..."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Okay, Master, go to say hello to the dining room. It's the first afternoon, do you want to have a meal too?"

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "No, it's late for breakfast now, it's already morning, and it's even at noon..."

Brother Fourteen also said, "I don't need it in the afternoon, but I'm hungry at night, can I add it to the evening?"

Brother Nine himself was a lesson learned from the past, and said: "It shouldn't be too late, it should be in moderation, night food is not good, it hurts the stomach..."

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother both agreed honestly.

Seeing that it was time for class, Brother Jiu didn't stay long and came out of Wuyizhai.

He still returned the same way.

Halfway through the walk, there was the front lake in the garden next to him. He stopped and sent He Yuzhu: "Go to the dining room in the garden and call the manager..."

He Yuzhu went immediately.

Only then did Brother Jiu instruct Sun Jin: "Pick tender lotus leaves along the water's edge, pick seven or eight...forget it, more, twenty or thirty..."

Sun Jin looked at the lotus pond and said, "Master, just pick it next to the bank?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's easy to save on the side. If you pick it from the inside, you have to call a boat from the pier."

Sun Jin didn't talk too much.

Anyway, for such a big lotus pond, if there is a bald part on the side, it will be full in a few days.

He leaned forward and picked lotus leaves along the lake.

When the steward of the dining room in the garden followed He Yuzhu, Sun Jin had already picked almost all of them.

The lotus leaves to be picked must be tender and large, more than one and a half feet long.

The steward of the dining room looked at the bald lotus pond, and didn't dare to ask any more questions. He bowed and said, "Dong Dianbang, the steward of the servant's garden, has seen Lord Jiu..."


Brother Jiu took a few glances at the person who came over. He was wearing half-new blue uniforms. He was in his forties, with a Chinese character face, and his appearance was not bad. Nephew..."

The man was embarrassed, and said: "It's a slave, Dong Gong's daughter is the aunt of the slave..."

Brother Nine asked curiously, "Why do you remember that you were in the Accounting Department first?"

Dong Dianbang said: "The slave was indeed in the accounting department before, and he was transferred to the garden dining room on May [-]th..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "It's so."

Not to mention that the harem concubines and concubines in the imperial dining room were purged, people were also transferred from other yamen.

Brother Jiu ordered: "The days are long in summer, and it takes a lot of energy for my brothers to practice riding and shooting. In the afternoon, add a meal of pastry before Shenzheng, and a small meal before Xuzheng in the evening. Don't be too old." It’s the same, make a water card and let the brothers take turns to eat..."

Dong Dianbang bowed and agreed.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and then said: "The side of the companion reading institute, also from this example."

Dong Dianbang agreed again.

Brother Jiu is a character who doesn't like to trouble others, and really wants to say that if the division is not enough, he will be counted as himself.

But he knew he couldn't do that, it was the prince and grandson.

Humanity doesn't do that.

He said: "According to this supply, the accounts will be reconciled at the end of the month. If the daily expenses of elder brother and companions are not enough, we will adjust accordingly."

Dong Dianbang didn't dare to respond, he hurriedly said: "Jiuye, this is a rule established in the early years, it is not easy to add or subtract slaves..."

No matter how cautious you are, you should be cautious.

"According to the rules" is also a rule that you have to remind yourself again and again.

Brother Nine said bluntly: "When the time comes, you will report the account, and the master will go to the imperial court to ask for an order."

Only then did Dong Dianbang bow down and agree.

After finishing the official business, Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "What do you think about the dismissal of Dong Gong's daughter? Is there any resentment?"

Dong Dianbang was taken aback, knelt down with a "puff", and said: "The servant and his family have received the emperor's favor, my aunt has lost her virtue, and lost the royal dignity. She should have been sentenced to death, but she was lenient. The whole family can only be grateful and ashamed..."

Brother Jiu glanced at him, and said: "It's good to know this, Khan Ama is indeed magnanimous."

"Okay, get up!"

He waved his hand and turned to leave.

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin held an armful of lotus leaves and followed behind.

The guards and horses were waiting outside Xiaodongmen.

But Brother Nine thought about it, but still didn't go through Xiaodongmen.

It's too close to Qingxi Bookstore.

He left the Great East Gate.

He Yuzhu ran errands and called the guards over before they returned to the city.

How can the movement in the garden be hidden from the imperial court?

By noon, Kangxi got all kinds of news one after another.

First, there is Wuyizhai, Brother Nine's "relative theory", which is a bit straightforward, but the truth is correct.

Kangxi was quite satisfied.

He frowned a little when he knew that the lotus leaves in the front pond had been harmed, making the lotus pond bald.

But eating people has soft mouths and short hands, he thought, the "respect dish" in the afternoon should have something to do with lotus leaves.

The lotus leaf is cool in nature, and has the effect of dissipating heat and dispelling heat. I don't know how to put it into the dish.

Thinking of this, Kangxi's expression eased.

When he heard that Brother Jiu had reprimanded the head of the garden dining room, Kangxi was not annoyed, and only asked Liang Jiugong, "How did Dong Dianbang recruit Brother Jiu?"

Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "I don't know about this slave either, I have never heard that Master Jiu had dealt with Mr. Dong..."

Kangxi was a little curious.

Brother Jiu is usually very close to the people around him, and this is the first time he has been like this to people.

"Tell Dong Dianbang to come..."

He was just curious, so he wanted to ask why.

When Dong Dianbang came over and explained the reason tremblingly, Kangxi's expression remained unchanged, but he was very helpless in his heart.

He acted like a big brother at the front, and he was kind to his younger brothers; when things happened, he was quite responsible, like a good manager; what was the nonsensical sentence at the back?
No wonder Dong Dianbang was so frightened that he immediately knelt down to plead guilty. People saw that they misunderstood that Brother Jiu was reprimanding him.

Kangxi saw that Dong Dianbang's forehead was sweating profusely, and he looked sincere and fearful, so he said, "Don't be afraid, the Dong family is the Dong family, and the Dong family is the Dong family. I can tell the difference. You should also make the distinction, and you will not let your father and wife down." The empress dowager's relationship between master and servant..."

Dong Dianbang immediately knelt down, kowtowed and said: "The slaves and their families are wrapped in clothes and lowly. It is all thanks to the emperor's grace that they are today. Only loyalty can repay the master, but there are two hearts, so that the slaves' children and grandchildren will wither and die in a short break!"

Kangxi stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, don't swear by cursing. If I suspect you, I will transfer you out of the garden dining room early. There is no need to mention Dong's affairs. I will do my best in the future. If there are well-educated and well-behaved women in the family, You can also report it and enter the palace to learn the rules."

Dong Dianbang's face was full of excitement, tears of gratitude, and he choked up, "Thank you master for your kindness, I must choose carefully..."

Because of Dong's dismissal, the reputation of Dong's family was also implicated. Among them, the daughter of Dong's family was the most affected.

Kangxi allowed the Dong family's daughter to enter the court again, making it difficult for others to question the Dong family's upbringing...

Falling out of [-], roll around and ask for a guaranteed monthly pass.

The fourth one drops randomly, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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