Chapter 598 Awake
When Dong Dianbang went down, Kangxi couldn't help complaining to Liang Jiugong: "This old nine, really, what does Dong's matter have to do with him, just ask a question..."

Hit people without slapping their faces, and curse people without revealing shortcomings.

What's the difference between that and a slap in the face?
Even if he is the elder brother of the prince and has a noble status, there is no need to offend people for no reason.

Besides, he is still the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Dong family is one of the most important families in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they are the ones he should appease.

Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "Master Jiu is probably worried about Lord Thirteen, Master Jiu came out of Wuyi Zhai earlier."

Kangxi shook his head and said, "Worrying all day long!"

We can't let it go like this.

Now is not the time to go to the study, and there will be many people in contact with in the future.

Now the one who offends is the coat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so in the future, if he moves out to live by himself, will his family members and nobles be offended?

It's inappropriate to say or act.

It was estimated that in the evening, He Yuzhu came with the dishes.

Without Brother Jiu, he couldn't go directly into the garden, so he asked the guards at Xiaodongmen to help deliver a message to Liang Jiugong.

Liang Jiugong went over and led He Yuzhu in.

He Yuzhu was holding a lunch box in his hand, the three-tiered one, with a diameter of one and a half feet.

Looks like it should be heavy.

Liang Jiugong ordered a rough envoy eunuch to pick it up, and said, "Master Jiu, how many dishes are you offering, such a big lunch box?"

He Yuzhu said: "Just one dish, but our master was thinking about it, fearing that there would not be enough, so we sent a few more."

The corners of Liang Jiugong's mouth twitched. Isn't this a special dish for the emperor, everyone has a share?
Kangxi happened to meet Buyanu, the newly appointed right servant of the Ministry of War, who is also the father-in-law of the fifth elder brother and Mafa of the fifth Fujin.

Buyanu is in his sixtieth year, with gray temples and hale and hearty. Sitting there, he still looks handsome and dignified.

Kangxi sighed and said: "It's so fast. In a flash, Aiqing has been out of Beijing for more than ten years."

It's just that time is not forgiving.

Back then, he looked very young, forty was like thirty.

Looking at it now, it is about the same age as its actual age. Thinking about it, it took a lot of hard work in the past ten years.

Buyanu was a courtier he personally picked up. He was originally an official of the Six Departments. He was sent to Shanxi as an inspector in 24 years, and then he was promoted twice a year.

Buyanu's eyes were wet, and he said: "This slave is a low-level official, and he won the trust of his master to send him out. He dare not slack off in the slightest. Now he has no faults, and he has returned to Beijing with grace. Finally, he can sleep peacefully."

Kangxi shook his head and said: "The land of Shaanxi is different from other places, the most important thing is that if there is no fault, it is meritorious..."

That is the area under the jurisdiction of General Xi'an, where the green battalion is stationed to guard against military affairs in the northwest and southwest.

The parents and officials there don't need to be open and close, but to calm the people.

If he was not satisfied with Buyanu, Kangxi would not transfer him back to Beijing.

It's just that Buyanu's temper is so mild, the servant is almost at the end.

Kangxi also liked his open-minded and easy-going temperament, and said: "Okay, let's not talk about merits and demerits, now I and Qing are also in-laws."

Buyanu laughed and said: "Wu Fujin has a meek temper and ordinary appearance. He never expected to dare to match up with the prince. The servant is full of fear at first..."

Kangxi waved his hand and said, "Five Baylors also have their shortcomings, let the two of them get rid of it slowly!"

The reunion of the monarch and his ministers after a long absence, and it can be said, Kangxi plans to stay for dinner.

At this time, Liang Jiugong came in and said: "Your Majesty, Lord Jiu sent He Yuzhu to bring you some dishes..."

Kangxi nodded and said, "Tell him to come in."

I have been curious for a while.

How does this lotus leaf enter the dish?

When He Yuzhu came in with the meal box, Kangxi took a second look at the meal box and reckoned, how many dishes did it contain?

Is it all made of lotus leaves?

He didn't figure it out.

He Yuzhu knelt down and kowtowed honestly: "The slave He Yuzhu has come to 'respect the dishes' to the emperor by the order of our master."

Curious, Kangxi stood up and walked forward, asking, "What are they?"

He Yuzhu opened the meal box and said, "It's 'rich chicken'..."

Kangxi looked down and saw several big mud balls inside.

"There's a chicken wrapped in it?"

Kangxi asked.

He Yuzhu said: "If you go back to the emperor, it is true that each serving is a whole chicken."

Kangxi took a look, there were several mud balls in the meal box.

Thinking of his son's problem of loose hands, he said: "How many chickens did Brother Jiu ask someone to make, and how did you distribute them?"

He Yuzhu replied honestly: "There are ten chickens in total, six of them are kept for your respect, one was honored to Yikun Palace, one was honored to Yanxi Palace, one was given away by the Third Institute, and the remaining one is for our master. Stay with Fujin."

Liang Jiugong was beside him, and he glanced at He Yuzhu.

Obediently, I didn't notice it on weekdays.

This kid is also a monkey spirit.

Pretend to be honest, but smart.

This order cannot be wrong.

Otherwise, it would be Master Jiu who had finished eating and sent them around, and asked someone to send the rest to the garden to respect, what would that be?

As expected, Kangxi was quite pleased, and said, "Why are you giving away these copies for the same style?"

He Yuzhu still looked honest, and said: "Our master said, Your Majesty, you have a lot of people here, and if you don't have enough people, I'm afraid you won't be able to give enough rewards..."

Kangxi snorted lightly, noncommittal.

Saying that elder brother Jiu loves to worry, he really didn't wrong him.

This is worrying about myself again.

Kangxi said to Buyanu: "Aiqing has caught up, and we happened to try this 'rich chicken' together."

Buyanu leaned forward and said, "That slave has been filthy, the ninth master is filial, the emperor is very lucky."

Kangxi shook his head and said, "Young Chaos, don't worry about it."

Before passing on the meal, Kangxi asked He Yuzhu to open a "rich chicken".

Because the food box He Yuzhu was holding was for winter and there was a layer of wool felt inside, the chicken was still warm.

The mud husk outside has gone, and the tempting fragrance immediately hits the nostrils.

When the lotus leaf bag inside was uncovered, the real face was revealed, golden, shiny, and the "color" of color and fragrance was also there.

Kangxi looked at the remaining mud balls and told Liang Jiugong, "Send three of them to the West Garden, one to the Empress Dowager's Palace, one to the Douyuan Bookstore, and one to the Four Lotus Ponds..."

This time the ninth elder brother and his wife did not come, so the tenth elder brother and his wife lived in the Hechi south residence, the twelfth elder brother continued to live in the east residence, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother lived in the middle residence together, and the fifteenth elder brother Live in the smallest Xisuo.

As a result, within a few days, the ten princes and his wife went back to live in the palace.

The fourteenth elder brother moved to Nansuo.

Kangxi was talking about four institutes, that is, to reward a few elder brothers to share the food.

There are two more, he hesitated a little, and complained to Brother Jiu in his heart.

Since we know that less is not enough, we don't know how many more to send over.

Now, among the family members here, concubine De, nobleman Wang and nobleman Guerjia can be counted.

Needless to say, Concubine De has worked hard to manage the housework here, and her status is still here, so she should be rewarded with one.

As for the rest between nobleman Wang and nobleman Guerjia, Kangxi was a little hesitant.

One has not yet become an old love, but the favor is getting deeper; the other is a new love, which is still just what you want.

"One for watching the Ningchun Hall, one for watching the Lanxi Pavilion..."

Kangxi made a distribution.

Liang Jiugong responded and went down to give orders.

He Yuzhu also picked up the meal box and retreated.

After a while, the West Garden has "rich chicken".

As the queen mother got older, she had a rest early, and the dinner had already been served, and she ate half of it.

Hearing that Brother Nine sent "Your Sincerely", she immediately said, "Open it quickly, the order can't be wrong."

After coming out for ten days, everything here is fine, but Shushu is missing, Jiugege is missing a friend, and there are less snacks and fresh food here...

Discuss source bookstore, the main hall.

The dining table was also set up, besides the prince and princess, there were Yuqing Palace elder brother and Yuqing Palace second elder brother sitting with him.

Knowing that the Crown Princess is in harm's way, the Crown Prince has given up the idea of ​​asking for a son-in-law, and has begun to pay attention to the eldest son, and also hopes that the relationship between the eldest son and the Crown Princess will be more harmonious.

Khan Amma's side will be happy to see it succeed.

At this moment, the "rich chicken" rewarded by the emperor arrived, and it was sent by Wei Zhu.

The prince asked a few words, and said, "Is this the prescription that Khan Aman got during his southern tour?"

Although he has never eaten this, he has seen related records in the travel notes of his predecessors. It seems to be the way to eat it in the south of the Yangtze River, called "simmered chicken".

Wei Zhu bowed and said, "It's the 'respectful dishes' sent by Lord Jiu. There are six servings in total. The emperor sent a servant to give you and the Crown Princess one..."

The prince nodded, signaling to the servant next to him to give the reward.

After Wei Zhu went down, the prince smiled at the princess: "This old nine, one year older, is still not serious. I heard that he came here in the morning and bald all the lotus flowers in the Changchun Garden. It turned out to be for food."

The crown princess remembered the Lantern Festival delivery in the first lunar month.

That Lantern Festival is different.

She also smiled and said: "I have collected things several times, and I will find a chance later, and we will return the gift."

The prince pondered and said: "The prince's mansion is almost finished. If it's not this year or next year, it will be moved out. At that time, the moving ceremony will be more generously prepared."

The princess nodded and said, "Well, I made a note..."

Akdun, the elder brother of Yuqing Palace, was beside him, feeling uncomfortable.

He grew up beside his biological mother, so he naturally got closer to his biological mother in his heart.

These days when he was born, Ama always let him get closer to his aunt.

He was reluctant in his heart, and he didn't dare to show it.

Seeing that Ama talked with his aunt right now, which was completely different from his mother-in-law, he felt a little awkward, and deliberately said: "Uncle Ninth is so filial, it's really as he said..."

Both the prince and the princess fell silent and looked at him.

The Crown Princess' expression remained unchanged, and she was unhappy.

It is rude to interrupt the elders when they are talking; it is even more inappropriate to directly talk about the elders' right and wrong.

The prince was also a little uncomfortable.

He regrets it a little.

In the early years, I was looking forward to having a son-in-law, but I lost discipline to the son-in-law and let them grow up beside their biological mother. This is a bit of a bad manner.

He said lightly, "What did you say?"

Akton said: "Uncle Nine said today that my parents are relatives, and those who are obedient will agree, and those who are disobedient will get out of the way..."

How can this be so?

Without a loving mother, who can jump out of the cracks in the rocks?

"It was also said that when it was not the Han Dynasty, the mother clan was not used to distinguish the prince..."

This sentence is even more wrong, "the child is more valuable than the mother", and the clear distinction between the son and the concubine is the ethical order.

He also said the "Three Theories" of Brother Nine again.

On respect and inferiority, on etiquette, on affection.

"Uncle Jiu said that we should respect Mafa, not relatives in the outer three roads..."

Brother Jiu said what he said in Wuyizhai, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, Akdon didn't add embellishments, but just learned it truthfully.

The prince listened, his expression was still dull, but his face was pale, and sweat was dripping from his forehead...

The next update will be at 12:3 noon on December 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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