Chapter 599 Get out of here

West garden, poolside east office.

This is the residence of the twelfth elder brother. He is not the only one present, but the thirteenth elder brother, the fourteenth elder brother, and the fifteenth elder brother are also there.

Because this "rich chicken" was given to the four princes, it was sent to Dongsuo.

No matter how negligent he is on weekdays, he is the first, and this is the time for the brothers to come.

A muddy egg, not surprising in appearance.

But the elder princes, who heard that it was Brother Jiu "Your Sincerely", they all have the bottom line.

I have eaten the delicacies of the two schools, and I know it is good; this is "sincerely", so I can't go wrong.

Brother Fourteen smiled and said, "Brother Ninth must have sent several copies, he is thinking about us..."

He does have self-knowledge, he knows that if there are only two or three copies, it will not be their brother's turn, and the queen mother and prince will be appointed first.

Brother Thirteen nodded and said: "Brother Ninth has always been friendly..."

Brother Twelve didn't speak, but his expression was much more relaxed, he was no longer the usual wood-plastic clay sculpture.

The youngest brother fifteen swallowed his saliva, and said with anticipation: "Sister-in-law Jiu must have figured it out, it will be very delicious."

When the mud shell outside is knocked, the lotus leaves are also opened, and the fragrance is lingering.

The four of them shared the chicken.

The [-]th elder brother and the [-]th elder brother each have a chicken leg, and the [-]th elder brother and the [-]th elder brother each have a chicken wing with breast meat.

The young chicken used is about two catties, and the fur and internal organs have been removed. After cooking, it is only about one catty.

Unfinished business...

The Forbidden City, two.

The couple are strolling in the yard.

In the afternoon, when I asked the dining room to make "Fugui Chicken", Shu Shu asked what ingredients were in the dining room today. She knew that there were fresh lamb chops and a pork knuckle, so Xiaotang also tried it. .

Then for dinner, a "rich chicken", a stewed lamb chop, and a stewed pork knuckle, except for the ones that were distributed to Nanny Qi and Eunuch Cui, the couple ate up the rest.

Brother Jiu is a chicken wing, a chicken leg, a lamb chop, and two pieces of elbow meat.

Because the lamb chops were marinated with chili, they were very tasty, so Shu Shu ate most of the leftover ribs.

Due to the bitter summer, she has been eating a light diet for the past half month, and her appetite has also decreased.

If I eat too much at once, I can't bear it.

The couple made it through.

Brother Jiu took her out for a walk to digest food.

As for the name "Fugui Chicken", it wasn't Shu Shu who thought of the Qianlong allusion and "brought it" directly, but Brother Jiu figured it out.

"Beggar's chicken" is indecent. When the couple were thinking of a new name, Brother Jiu thought of "Fu Shou Xi".

I think the name of that dish is good, and it sounds like a good fortune.

This "beggar's chicken" can refer to that name.

Shu Shu didn't think of the right one, but brother Jiu had already blurted out "rich chicken".

According to him, what is lacking should be filled.

The beggars figured out the food, then make up for wealth, called "rich chicken".

"Our recipe is ordinary, we are just eating new tricks, if we can find a better recipe, then we will call it 'Shenxian Chicken'..."

Brother Jiu is not greedy for food, but he still remembers his own restaurant: "When the time comes, I will serve this dish in the restaurant..."

Shu Shu laughed and said, "Isn't the name too big?"

Brother Jiu said: "It's not right now. Everyone has heard the overbearing name, and their expectations are too high. The food is only slightly better than ordinary roast chicken, so naturally they will not be satisfied; if there is a good recipe, it will make people linger and make people linger. It’s more domineering, and the stomach is also stuffed with delicacies, making it look like ‘Fu Shou Xi’, which can’t be eaten, so it can be called ‘Shenxian Chicken’.”

This time, the belly of the "Fugui Chicken" is also stuffed with watery shiitake mushrooms and magnolia slices.

Shu Shu was at the side, and sincerely boasted: "My master is really amazing."

Self-taught to understand the importance of product names, but also know how to fill the expectations of consumers.

Brother Jiu said proudly, "What's the point? It's fine if you sell ordinary chickens, and you won't lose money if you eat them in your stomach, but if you want to sell one chicken for the price of ten chickens, you'll have to How delicate and how come..."

Speaking of this, he said again: "The ice powder recipe, ice bean curd, and mung bean jelly are also asked to be copied, and sent back to send over, that is now suitable outside."

Shu Shu nodded.

It was only when he was about to go to bed that Brother Jiu remembered the matter of Wu Ya's family, talked to Shu Shu, and said, "What on earth is Khan Ama thinking? The natal families of the concubines in the harem are almost cleared away, and the remaining They are all insignificant errands, what is this for?”

Shu Shu didn't answer.

What else can I guard against?
Beware that the family with the prince's nephew will hook up with the prince and play tricks in the dining room.

Maybe Kangxi hasn't thought of this level yet, but he has already started to be afraid.

"This is a good thing. In the future, there will be fewer people in the House of Internal Affairs..."

Shushu said.

Sending a daughter into the palace before, as long as she is favored and becomes a concubine, it will benefit the family. Who doesn't want to give it a go?

What now?
If the daughter is favored in the palace, the whole family will give up the rich vacancies of world officials and retreat to casual jobs, and there will be trade-offs.

Maybe there are people who gamble on wealth and honor, but there should be a lot less of them.

One bird in hand is worse than a thousand birds in the forest.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said in a low voice: "It's really not necessarily true. Once the emperor and the courtiers, what if the next generation of emperors will be fooled? Since ancient times, there has been no shortage of people who 'hope for a girl to become a phoenix'..."

It's just gossip, and it has nothing to do with them.

As a result, the next day, he was slapped in the face.

The next day, Brother Jiu arrived at the House of Internal Affairs as usual, but was blocked by Gui Dan.

It's no longer the arrogant and domineering appearance before, it's thinner, and the spirit is drooping.

Brother Jiu glanced at him, he didn't look like his parents died, why did he die.

"Master Jiu, you have to help me..."

Gui Dan said with a bitter face, pitifully.


Brother Jiu rolled his eyes, and said impatiently: "Help me! I owe you what I owe you, and I still owe you. If you open your mouth, you have to help. Get out of here..."

Gui Dan hurriedly said: "There is really no way to do this. The fourth and fifth uncles and their families have been in Beijing for less than half a month, and the family has been talking about it for several times."

Brother Jiu still didn't take it seriously, and said: "Then what's the matter with Guan Ye, the brains of people are turned into pig brains, and it is also your own housework."

Gui Dan didn't expect Brother Jiu to be so unfeeling, without even asking why, he said embarrassingly: "Master Jiu, these are not outsiders, they are all the mother's close relatives..."

Brother Nine looked at him coolly, and said: "What's the matter? Those who have been domineering under the banner of the empress for so many years have gotten good jobs. This time, they will return to their original form. I can't stand it anymore?"

Gui Dan said in surprise, "You know?"

Brother Nine sneered and said, "I'm not blind or deaf, why don't you know?"

In fact, I really don't know.

Even if he had to do something about the personnel list, he didn't care, and would just treat it as normal. He didn't expect that it was the emperor's father who was weakening the power of the concubine and relatives.

However, with Brother Fourteen's questioning yesterday, he knew it in his heart.

The fourth and fifth uncles of Guo Luoluo's family, with the help of Concubine Yi, are not of high rank, but they all have errands. If the whole family came to Beijing, what else would they do besides losing their errands in Shengjing? Explanation.

Sanguanbao was not foolish, he knew that with Guo Guiren's death, there was a rift between Erniang's line and the second and third, which was difficult to resolve.

The fourth and fifth sons were concubines, and they were also scumbags before, so they were sent to the capital.

There is already a master of ceremonies in Wu Ge's house.

Is this eyeing his prince's mansion?
Gui Dan murmured: "Aunt Four and Aunt Five want to enter the palace to greet the mother, but the mother has never summoned anyone, and even I have not entered the palace in the past six months. Nao, say that I have selfish intentions in my forehead."

Brother Nine heard the excitement, and said: "Then why didn't you kick them out?"

Gui Dan glanced at Brother Jiu and said, "That is the house that the emperor bestowed on Mafa, not Ahma's private house."

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows, and said: "I forgot, you haven't separated yet, your ama is really a filial son..."

Gui Dan said awkwardly: "Mafa doesn't separate families, and I, Ama, can't do anything about it."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "Isn't this the division of distance and closeness? You have to bear the burden if you make a choice. Don't try to get the best of both worlds. It's still like dough. What happened in Shengjing last year, you can't do it." Remember clearly, wearing filial piety to welcome the Lord..."

Gui Dan felt aggrieved, and said: "If you don't talk to them, they won't talk to them, so why don't you even talk to your slaves?"

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "Isn't this your kindness, you treat me as an enemy? How dare you talk to me, let you get close with me, and let you stab me twice?"

Gui Dan hurriedly said: "Is the slave the one who has no conscience? Not to mention that the affairs of the Jin family have nothing to do with the master, even if it is the relationship between the master, it will not affect our relationship!"

Brother Jiu knew that Gui Dan was a man who was afraid of power and did not fear virtue, and had a previous record of "following the power of a tiger". If you mess around outside, I will let you peel off the shrimp skin and go back to your hometown in Shengjing!"

Gui Dan said with a bitter face: "I don't dare, the fifth master has already taught me a lesson."

Brother Jiu thought of his eldest aunt, and he was still disgusted, and said: "Ernie, you are dedicated to helping your mother's family. If you always rely on fifth brother and master for something, then help yourself. Aren't you unengaged? Take her precious niece It’s fine if I hire you!”

Since she is a girl who wants to be raised by climbing high branches, her appearance should not be bad.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be willing to spend money, and I would first send it to the second institute for selection, and then send it to Zhaoxiang's institute.

Gui Dan gritted her teeth and said, "Jiuye, you really love my slave..."

The Jin family entered the Xinzheku criminal register. From now on, the men can only serve the dirtiest and most tiring labor, and the female family members have to make up for the messy and heavy women's jobs.

Ordinary Baoyi family would not be happy to be married to such a family, not to mention that Guo Luoluo's family is an upstart who has raised the flag to Manchuria. nephew.

Brother Nine sneered and said: "In the future, you will talk about the Jin family's affairs again, and you can answer like this. How good it is, it will directly fulfill her filial piety."

Gui Dan hurriedly shook his head and said: "I dare not say it, if the slave Er Nie takes it seriously, then the slave will fall into the pit."

Nine Brothers smiled, and said with a straight face: "Anyway, it's up to you how lively you want to be. Don't let Fifth Brother worry about it, and don't bother Fifth Sister-in-law! Fifth Brother and Fifth Sister-in-law have good tempers, and they will think about relatives' dignity Yes, I don't care about that. If your family is not living well, and you, Ama, can't control your wife and brothers, then you'll be an ass master of ceremonies. When the time comes, I will recommend a new person to Fifth Brother. ..."

I missed the previous chapter in the early morning, everyone, don't fall behind, today is still a hardworking Xiaojiu. ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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