My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 601 The Kind Brother Nine

Chapter 601 The Kind Ninth Brother
Kangxi said unhappily: "Then I have to thank you for worrying about me so much!"

Brother Jiu knew that he had said the wrong thing again, so he resisted not replying and acted cutely.

Kangxi snorted lightly, and said, "Why didn't you say it? You can't say it just now, so you almost pointed at my nose and said that I am a 'lord of lust'?"

Brother Nine honestly admitted his mistake, and said: "The son is stupid, he knows this and it is easy to be criticized, then Han Ama, you must know this, do you still use your son to worry about it?"

Kangxi's expression softened a little, he didn't want to talk to him about the harem position, and said: "It's not that the palace is hot, the queen mother mentioned it twice, I'm afraid it will be hard for you, won't you move to the garden in July?"

Brother Jiu heard this, and said with a bitter face: "My son has married, and it is not convenient to live in Hechi No. [-]..."

There are a few places that are too close together.

They are all small two-story buildings, but they are just walls made of shrubs.

Unless you are in the house and can't come out, you really can't see up and down.

Not suitable for female relatives.

Kangxi also thought of the ten princes and his wife who moved back to the palace.

It's because of the convenience of the ten princes on errands, and there should be more inconveniences.

Kangxi thought of the several yards he had built in Chunri, and said, "It's not empty over there, so you can live there directly!"

Brother Nine heard this, and said, "But...but..."

He felt a little embarrassed, and asked, "Ama Khan, isn't that allocated to several brothers? It's not good for us to take it?"

Kangxi saw that he still knew how to measure, and he was courteous to his elder brother. He was a little bit upset just now, and said: "I don't intend to reward people in the yard over there, just like the example of the Hechi four!"

Brother Jiu understood when he heard it.

That is who catches up with who lives.

The elder brother has not yet remarried and has no female relatives.

Seven Fujin's children are young, so they probably wouldn't live outside the city.

In that case, two yards would be left empty.

It happened that they were together, and the elder brother and his wife were together.

He didn't hold back any more, smiled openly and said: "Then when the mother is confinement, the son will bring Fujin here..."

Kangxi remembered the news from outside, pondered, and said, "Opuku and Tabku, how do you plan to arrange it?"

Brother Jiu's face was a little confused, and then he felt a little familiar.

Who is this with whom?
He blinked, only to meet the person.

It turned out that he was talking about his two uncles.

He said: "Is this still arranged by my son? Not to mention that they lost their jobs first, there must be some dereliction of duty; even if there is no dereliction of duty, it is not appropriate to continue to occupy the vacancy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, isn't it raising the flag?"

If you want to find an errand, you should go to Qi Que.

It's a pity that there are many nobles and nobles in the upper three banners, and many of them have become senior officials of certain families. If Guo Luoluo's family wants to intervene, they may not be able to do so.

Brother Nine had a gloating look on his face.

Saiondema may not be a blessing.

It is honorable for Guo Luoluo's family to raise the flag, but if the children don't live up to their expectations, they will only lose everyone and become an ordinary family, and instead lose the management of several generations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "Why don't you worry about it this time?"

Brother Nine frowned and said, "My son is still young. Only the uncle takes care of the nephew. I never heard of any uncle who wants the nephew to take care of him?"

Kangxi: "..."

Although it is uncomfortable, it also makes sense.

He happened to think of Tong Guowei these days, and his anger subsided a lot compared to the New Year.

Hearing Brother Jiu's nonsense, his tolerance for Tong's family went away a little bit.

Yes, how difficult it was for him at that time.

When he ascended the throne at a young age, the government and the opposition were unstable.

By promoting your family, you are also helping yourself.

Although Uncle Tong Guogang has a bad temper, he is indeed a strong general of the Eight Banners.

Tong Guowei also brought his family's children here to lay out the scene, making the Tong family unique in Shangsanqi.

But is the Tong family his help?

What the Tong family wants is the prince of the Tong family!

He, the emperor, has just struggled to gain a firm foothold on the throne, and the Tong family can't wait to intervene in his harem...

Kangxi felt bored, looked at Brother Nine and said, "This time you really understand, you are not afraid of others saying that you 'married a wife and forgot your mother', you only promote your brother-in-law, and you don't drag your own uncle?"

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "Son, how dare you recruit them? Turning around, it's easy to ask God to send God away, and it's hard to fill your desires..."

Speaking of this, he thought of his uncle Daobao.

As the master of ceremonies, he didn't save his brother and sister-in-law much trouble, but added trouble.

He took a flattery and said, "Khan Ama, at that time, the imperial grandmother proposed to let her son's uncle be the master of ceremonies for the fifth brother. This relative is not the same as relatives, Guo Luoluo's family is not divided, and there are a bunch of brothers and nephews behind the son's uncle, I am afraid that the family will be a burden, and I can't devote myself to work..."

Kangxi frowned when he heard this, and said in disapproval: "Whether it is appropriate or not, there is no rule for you to interfere in the Wubeile Mansion. If he is not appropriate, Fifth Prince should open his mouth to replace him."

Ninth elder brother muttered: "My son is kind, fifth brother has a good temper, and fifth sister-in-law is tender..."

"You don't have to be thick-skinned. Brothers, even if they are close, you have to know how to measure it!"

Kangxi was teaching, and he was really worried.

Such a rampage, turned around and offended all brothers.

What's the use of being kind?

If the scale is exceeded, it is a bad thing to do.

Brother Nine listened with his hands down, and said droopingly: "My son knows, they all have their own small families. In detail, they are two families. It is indeed inappropriate for a son to interfere in the personnel affairs of Fifth Brother's house..."

Kangxi also knew that he had good intentions just now, and sighed: "This is not how things are done. Even if you don't like Daobao, don't show your deeds outside. You still have to show respect in front of people, or you will be criticized by others."

Brother Nine struggled, and said: "My son doesn't want to deal with their family, so why not avoid it?"

Kangxi frowned, and said: "In that case, someone will guess that you are not close to your mother-in-law, so you will alienate your mother's family..."

Brother Jiu didn't think so, and said: "Let them go. Whether the son is close to the mother or not is not for others to see."

The son took the trouble to teach.

Kangxi didn't plan to teach by himself, he waved his hands and said: "Okay, kneel down, I'm still busy."

Brother Jiu didn't leave immediately, with flattery on his face, he said: "Ama Khan, my son still thinks of something, can I ask about it?"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "Say?"

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "It's almost the end of the month. My son's father-in-law reckons it's time to return from Liaoyang, so my son wants to ask about the title of the Dong E family..."

Kangxi did not tease him, and said: "Xin Dali has no heirs, and the second-class uncle left behind is the meritorious title of his ancestors, and Qi Xi will succeed the second-class uncle; Jue, you can keep it, or you can refer to a son to replace it."

Ninth elder brother immediately smiled and said: "Thank you Khan Ama, the son can rest assured!"

Kangxi snorted softly: "Is that so happy?"

Brother Nine nodded and said with a smile: "Isn't this to save third brother from being proud? You don't know, when my son just married Fujin last year, third brother showed off what he said. My pulse, the Fujin my son married is a side branch among the side branches, and the words inside and outside make the son look up to him. Do you have such a theory? The son and him are brothers of the same father. This kind of brotherhood is no more than any other relationship. Closer? If this brother doesn't want to be a brother-in-law, why do you go around in circles?"

Kangxi's expression faded, and he said, "You understand!"

Ninth elder brother said boldly: "My son is so smart, he followed Khan Ama..."

Kangxi looked at Brother Ninth's complacent look, and didn't want to admit it, so he waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, don't let me kick you out for a third time!"

Brother Jiu picked up the corner of his mouth and said: "The son is gone, don't think about him, he will move here in a few days."

When Brother Nine went out, the room was silent.

Kangxi regretted it a little.

Too teething.

When you move here, you won't be in the garden all the time, will you?
Before, I thought about choosing two seasoned nobles from the Eight Banners to be Sanqilang for Brother Nine.

But that's an assistant officer, and he can't restrain Brother Nine.

Directly teach the prince!

Kangxi made a decision and felt refreshed.

In the future, if Brother Nine is inappropriate again, let the prince teacher teach him!
If Brother Nine dares not to listen to the instructions, he should quit his errands and go back to his study to study!
Brother Nine was delighted when he left Qingxi Bookstore.

He wished he could be a bird of good news and go to Dutong Mansion right away to tell his mother-in-law the good news.

But he is not a child anymore, so he knows he has to be steady at this time.

Although Khan Ama speaks well, there is no need to speak up.

It's better to wait for the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Officials to finalize the decree of attacking the nobility.

Go back and tell Fujin first, and the two are secretly having fun.

His steps are brisk.

As soon as he left Xiaodongmen, he met the fourth elder brother and the eighth elder brother head-on.

Looking at the appearance of the two, they should have just come here.

Both guards were waiting on the road ahead.

The two came over with only their personal eunuchs behind them.

The fourth elder brother looked serious, listening to the eighth elder brother.

The two walked side by side, but they didn't see brother Jiu.

Ninth Brother stood up and greeted with a smile: "Fourth Brother, Starling..."

The fourth elder brother looked at him angrily. He had already heard about him rolling lotus leaves. With luck, he wanted to reprimand him.

This is the imperial garden, not my own vegetable field, so I act without measure.

But there were guards and guards nearby, so he restrained himself and said, "Are you looking for Khan Ama to report official duties?"

Wouldn't it be to eat and spoil the garden again?
Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, isn't this the mother of the concubine Zhang who wants to move the palace, and also leads the servants to serve in Chuxiu Palace..."

He is the last person who likes to bury his head in doing good things.

If you help others, you must let them know.

He paused for a moment, looked at the eighth elder brother, and said: "After a while, the eighth elder brother must send a thank you gift to the younger brother!"

The eighth elder brother was taken aback, tasted the word "thank you", smiled, and said: "It should be, I have to trouble the ninth brother to worry about the repair of the Changchun Palace!"

The news that Concubine Wei is going to move the Changchun Palace this autumn has already been rumored when the Chuxiu Palace was being renovated, and the eighth elder brother also knew about it.

Brother Jiu waved his hands and said: "That's a matter of duty, what my brother is talking about is the servant under the name of Concubine Wei's mother."

As he said that, he told about the dismissal of the subordinates of Changchun Palace and Qixiang Palace.

Eighth Prince's smile could hardly hold back.

Half of the servants under the name of his mother, who listened to Xi concubine on the surface, were actually held by Er Niang long ago.

Not only the half of the servants under her name are like this, but the other half of the servants also mostly listen to her.

They all cleared...

The next update will be at 12:4 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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