My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 602 Careful 9 Fujin

Chapter 602 Careful Nine Fortunes

Brother Jiu smiled brightly.

The fourth elder brother heard something was wrong, frowned and said: "Nonsense, that is an old man who has been used by my concubine for ten years. Even if you want to change the servants, you should speak as your concubine yourself. Why are you inserting your mouth indiscriminately?"

Ninth elder brother glanced at fourth elder brother unhappily, and said: "Look at what you said, it seems that my younger brother is 'a dog bites a mouse - meddling in my own business', isn't there a reason for this? The servant of Concubine Wei's supervisor The subordinates who are in charge of Zhang’s concubine’s mother all had masters before, and they were entrusted by others in the middle, so they are disobedient, so it’s not a good idea to change to a new order while the palace is being moved?”

Having said that, he looked at Eighth Brother, and said: "Brother Eight, I did some research first, most of the officials in Qixiang Palace listen to Concubine Xi, so Concubine Wei is at a loss, right? It happened that Khan Ama was talking about the repair of the Changchun Palace, and my younger brother kindly mentioned it..."

He saw that the eighth elder brother was not thankful, and the fourth elder brother seemed to have objections, so he adjusted the order carefully, and changed the special mention of this matter to unintentional.

The eighth elder brother looked embarrassed, and said: "There are those who are disobedient, but there are also old people who my mother is used to..."

Brother Nine said in a big voice: "That's nothing, isn't it just an errand? Myna, you write a list to my younger brother. There are so many errands in and out of the palace. A servant is not an official, so I can't arrange it. Turn around and tell my brother Just go down, and it won't affect the livelihood of the slaves..."

Eighth Brother: "..."

Brother Jiu looked at him seriously, as if he was really responsible.

He said: "There are not many, I asked Er Niang later, and I will trouble the ninth brother."

Brother Nine waved his hand and said: "No trouble, no trouble, it's my younger brother who didn't think well, then forget about this favor, I'll ask Shisan later!"

Eighth Brother: "..."

The fourth elder brother glared at the ninth elder brother, and said: "In the future, when things happen, don't be rash, discuss with a few adults more, always think about what happens, even if you are well-intentioned, you have to think twice, you know Everything is no small matter after passing through the imperial court!"

Brother Nine was beaming with joy and in a good mood, but he was already impatient with the cold water coming down one after another.

He drooped his face, raised his eyebrows, and said: "This is my younger brother's responsibility. If he finds a mistake, shouldn't he report it to Khan Ama? Shouldn't it be good to let Xi's mother bully Wei's mother? If that is the case, it will be prudent. It’s not uncommon for you to have a good reputation! Hmph!”

After saying that, he raised his chin, "punch, push, push" and strode away.

The fourth elder brother turned livid with anger, and complained to the eighth elder brother: "I thought I had improved, but in the end I still have the temper of a donkey, and I won't listen to persuasion!"

The eighth elder brother smiled bitterly and said: "Ninth brother, this is pointing at me, I am careless, and I don't know that Erniang is in a difficult situation..."

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and said: "My concubine lives in the inner court, you, an adult prince, can't see you once a year, where do you know this..."

Speaking of which, when he thought of Bafujin, he felt a little angry.

How to be a daughter-in-law?

The eighth elder brother got married in May last year, and moved out of the palace in late November. After half a year, he didn't find out the condition of Qixiang Palace?

Brother Jiu didn't turn his expression around until he got on his horse and was far away from Changchun Garden.


It seems to be in trouble!
Could it be that all the confidants of Concubine Wei's mother were dismissed? !
Then he thought about it.

Whatever he likes, it's his duty anyway.

I am also out of publicity, not selfishness, so why do I cover everything?
As long as Khan Ama thinks he's doing the right thing, that's fine.

He calmed down and snorted lightly.

The fourth elder brother also taught him a lesson here, and he will teach his younger brother again in the future, not the old one, but a few words of praise, otherwise it will be annoying, and he will not like to listen.

When he returned to the palace, he had already put this matter behind him, thinking about Dong E's title.

With the Lord gone, no one has mentioned the matter of the lawsuit.

The issue of the title is settled, then I can let the old ten urge them to let the Fuhan brothers go.

It happened that the father-in-law hadn't come back yet, and others couldn't talk about him.

Otherwise, it would be like being a cruel uncle who refuses to reconcile with his nephews.

When he returned to the second school, he announced the good news to Shu Shu: "The matter of the title is settled, the father-in-law will take over at the same level, and the previous title will be kept, or he will directly refer to his son to take over!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu also brought joy, and said, "That's great."

It can only be said that the current system of civilian titles is still a bit chaotic. The emperor does not interfere with candidates for the title, but how to seize the title is the emperor's decision.

Otherwise, according to the default inheritance, Peng Chun's first-class prince and his son should be the second-class prince.

If it is passed down like this, a duke can pass on to more than ten generations.

But in fact, Zengshou is only a third-class prince.

According to this replacement method, the next generation is Hou.

Unless the imperial court re-discusses the succession of the founding princes and sets a hereditary succession, they can always be the princes of the country.

The title of Shu Shu's family can still maintain the original rank if it falls on Qi Xi, but if it falls on Zhu Liang, it will not know how many ranks it will be lowered.

Brother Jiu was a little dissatisfied, and said: "If the two titles add up, wouldn't that be the third-class one?"

The basic unit of the Qing Dynasty's Minjue is "Tuosha Lahafan", commonly known as "Half Future".

Qi Xi's original Spyker was accumulated by three "Tuosha Lahafan", which is the fourth rank. Under normal circumstances, the children and grandchildren can acquire the fourth rank once, the fifth rank again, and the seventh rank three times, and then the seventh rank is the highest rank. custom made.

If the two titles are merged, three levels will be added to the second-class uncle, that is, the first-class uncle, the first-class uncle plus a Yunqiwei, to the third-class marquis.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not the right time."

If Qi Xi himself had made outstanding military exploits, he might not have received such grace.

But in fact, he is the Dutong, an internal affairs officer, and he has no outstanding military exploits, so it is just right for him to win the title according to the rules.

Elder Brother Jiu just said it, and said: "Anyway, we are at ease, so we don't need to rush to talk about it, so as not to cause trouble, Master will tell Lao Shi in the next afternoon, so that the clan's mansion can close the case early, and we don't have to wait for the father-in-law to come back." .”

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "I don't need to talk about it, I don't need to talk about this, and I don't need to work hard in the past few days."

"What about the father-in-law's reputation?" Brother Jiu hesitated.

Shu Shu said: "As long as the crime is judged according to the law, Ah Ma will be criticized by others, there is no need to hide her ears..."

Brother Jiu said: "Then Zengshou and the others, what will happen in the future? Cut off contact with father-in-law?"

It's not that he underestimated that side, but that there really wasn't anything he could get his hands on.

There will never be a situation where the older generation is full of generals.

Shu Shu said: "It won't be as close as my cousin was when he was alive, but we won't cut off contact. That's the patriarch. It's probably just an ordinary relationship..."

It's like the relationship between my home and the second room.

Brother Jiu talked about the summer vacation in the suburbs again, and said: "When the time comes, my mother will move, and we will move there too, and we will live in the new fifth house outside the West Garden..."

Shu Shu was a little surprised, and said: "Isn't that given to the elder brothers above?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "Ama Khan said the example from Hechi No. [-], when the time comes, ask Old Ten and the others if they want to move there too..."

Now it has fallen into ambush, which is different from the dry heat before, and it is sultry.

Sprinklers didn't work either.

There was ice in the room, which made it clammy, but it was hot and humid outside.

One cold and one hot, easy to catch a cold.

Shu Shu has already begun to restrain herself, not staying in the study all day.

Yifei is born on May 28 and will be full moon on June 27.

Shu Shu felt that her cleanliness mother-in-law reckoned that staying up to the full moon was the limit, and she probably wouldn't continue to sit for forty days or two months of confinement.

But Changchun Garden is full of water.

Huifangshu, where Concubine Yi lived in the first month, is between the two lakes. Even if it is not facing the lake, there are other water systems beside it.

Shu Shu said: "My lord will go to the imperial hospital tomorrow to ask if it's suitable for my mother to live near the water. If it's not appropriate, I'd rather wait until later to recuperate."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Well, I'm going to ask, I didn't think about this before."

Shu Shu then instructed Xiao Chun: "Go to Yikun Palace, bring two boxes of baked seaweed shortbread, let the empress try something new, and then ask Aunt Pei Lan how long the empress plans to confine, the imperial physician will I mentioned 42 days before..."

Xiao Chun memorized it in her heart, and went on in response.

Brother Jiu said: "If the empress stays there for 42 days, then I will move there on the tenth day of the seventh lunar month. I guess I can live there until Khan Ama's northern tour, just to survive the dog days..."

Shu Shu also brought anticipation, and said, "Fish in summer should be fatter, right?"

Ninth elder brother shook his head and said: "Not fat, it smells like earth, fourteenth elder brother was talking about it last time..."

Yikun Palace, apse.

Concubine Yi was drooping.

In this kind of hot summer weather, you will sweat when you move, and you will sweat when you don't move.

And because the weather is so humid, the hair can't be dry-cleaned, otherwise it looks muddy and looks even dirtier.

Fortunately, Shu Shu also sent a hair brush at that time.

This is combined with a coarse cloth for combing and cleaning.

Right now, Peilan is cleaning Yifei's hair with a hairbrush.

Concubine Yi looked at the loose hair in disgust, and said, "Does it all stink?"

Pei Lan hesitated for a moment, and said, "Master, why don't you put some floral dew on the brush, so that it will be fragrant?"

Concubine Yi quickly shook her head and said: "Don't, the smell is even worse if mixed, just bear with it, it will be fine until the day after tomorrow."

Pei Lan was still about to speak, when someone came in from outside and said, "Master, Miss Xiaochun from the second school is here."

Concubine Yi frowned, she didn't like to see her.

"Let's talk in the next room, don't let me into the house!"

she ordered.

After a short while, Xiao Chun was taken to the next room, and said across the Duobao Pavilion: "There is a new food in the dining room, Fujin sent the servants to bring some for the lady to taste, and then ask Aunt Pei Lan, how long did the lady sit for?" Confinement..."

Concubine Yi raised her eyebrows inside and said: "Alright, why did you think of asking this?"

Xiaochun said: "Jiuye just came back from Changchun Garden, and mentioned the matter of my mother going out of the palace to escape the summer heat. Fujin was worried that it would be easy to catch a cold by the water..."

Concubine Yi smiled and shook her head, "It's a child's family, they think carefully..."

But hearing Xiaochun mention this, she put out the idea of ​​going out of the palace immediately after the full moon to escape the summer heat.

At first, I only thought about being cool, but I forgot that the water surface was shady, I'm afraid I couldn't bear it.

This time she was confinement, but she felt that her body was not as good as before, and she was a little weak.

She said: "Understood, just tell me what I said, and invite her to come and talk the day after tomorrow."

You can stay away from the summer heat, but you must take a bath and wash your hair!

So this confinement, 30 days is enough.

Xiao Chun responded and went out.

Only then did Concubine Yi instruct Peilan: "Go to the imperial physician on duty in the next afternoon and ask the imperial physician to see what they say. If it is not appropriate, you can leave the palace after forty days..."

(End of this chapter)

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