Chapter 603 Resembling a New Life
After noon, when Pei Lan went to the imperial physician to be on duty, he ran into Brother Nine.

Both found a doctor on duty.

The doctor said it together.

Concubine Yi is at this age, it's better to be careful.

"A full moon lasts for a period of time, and a hundred days lasts for a degree."

Postpartum confinement is actually divided into big moon and small moon. The full moon that the world is used to doing can only be regarded as "small confinement", and there is also a "big confinement" that lasts for [-] days.

Therefore, even if it is the full moon, it must be carefully maintained, and it will be considered to be recuperated after a hundred days.

If you want to move, you can take the number of "six or seven", and then you need to wrap your head and prevent wind.

The diet should also follow the doctor's advice and be supplemented appropriately.

Brother Nine and Pei Lan listened carefully.

After leaving the room, the two went together to the right door of Guangsheng.

Brother Jiu instructed: "Tell the empress, you can endure the heat, and when you move to the garden, you can't just think about cooling down, you still have to cover it."

Perrin respectfully agreed.

After returning to Yikun Palace, Pei Lan said what the imperial physician had said, and also talked about the encounter with Brother Jiu, boasting: "Master Jiu is filial, go and ask these in person..."

Concubine Yi's mouth curled up, her heart was ironed, but she also understood who was really filial.

She doesn't know what kind of temperament her son is?
Where is he so careful?

As the old saying goes, "Ten years to see a wife, ten years to see a daughter-in-law".

It doesn't take her ten years here to see that she is blessed.

"According to the doctor, don't worry, then move after 42 days..."

Yifei said happily.

Here at the second institute, elder brother Jiu also told Shu Shu what the imperial physician said.

Shu Shu calculated the time in her mind, she will be moving in the middle of the month, so don't worry.

But the mother-in-law only confines for 30 days, so she still needs to send someone to tell Wu Fujin.

Concubine Yi doesn't let her daughter-in-law pay her respects, Shu Shu is fine here, she will send someone there on the [-]rd or [-]th; Wu Fujin is outside the palace, so I'm in a hurry to come.

As for Xiao Shiba's "full moon", because Concubine Yi couldn't do what she said before, she won't hold a full moon ceremony.

Then there would be no female relatives entering the palace to congratulate her, but the two daughter-in-laws, Wu Fujin and Shu Shu, were not guests, but they should pay her respects.

Shu Shu then ordered Zhou Song to go there, and said, "Ask my sister-in-law, whether you will enter the palace the day after tomorrow... If you enter the palace, you can go to the second office first, and then we will go together to greet the empress."

Zhou Song responded, and called a young eunuch to follow him, and went out of the palace to Wubeile Mansion.

In the evening, Zhou Song came back.

"Wu Fujin said, enter the palace the morning after tomorrow, come directly to join Fujin, and then go to Yikun Palace."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, let's go down and have a rest."

It's already summer, and it's already considered very hot, but Wu Fujin didn't go to Haidian with Fifth Elder Brother.

Shu Shu then asked Brother Jiu, "If fifth sister-in-law can't move because of housework, wouldn't third sister-in-law and fourth sister-in-law be the same?"

Brother Nine said: "Who knows, love to go or not, maybe there is no errand right now, and there is no need to keep running to the Imperial Palace..."

Speaking of this, he remembered the appearance of the seventh elder brother's answer in front of the imperial court last time, and couldn't help complaining to Shushu: "Why do you say he is stubborn, benefits are the most important thing, Khan Ama has so many sons , if he doesn't come forward, who can think of him?"

But Shu Shu didn't sound quite right.

During the funeral that morning, she only heard Qi Fujin mention the gossip about Ba Fujin's "revenge for his father", and asked Qi Fujin to tell Seventh Brother.

Seventh elder brother found so many in half a day's work?
Only the manpower of Baylor Mansion may not be enough.

There is also the pattern of the monarch and his ministers answering each other, which is not developed once or twice.

The seventh elder brother is also Guan Luan Yiwei?

I really haven't heard anyone mention it.

Luan Yiwei is also the guard of the emperor, who is in charge of the guard of honor when the emperor travels, and is also served by the sons of Xungui.

However, this is a continuation of the establishment of the Jinyiwei of the previous dynasty, and it should also have the function of detecting news inside and outside the capital.

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu. He didn't expect Luan Yiwei to go up at all, and he muttered: "How can I remind him? He is an elder brother. Is it inappropriate to say something directly? I'm afraid he won't be able to face it." ..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It's really inappropriate. Master Qi has strong self-esteem, and the dragon has nine sons, each of which is different. Maybe this way of getting along is the way Qi Beile is used to. Don't do bad things with good intentions!"

Brother Nine said awkwardly: "I seem to have done something bad today with good intentions..."

He just talked about adjusting the two concubines to take care of the subordinates.

As Shu Shu listened, she could think of Concubine Wei's helplessness.

It has been ten years, and all the staff have been adjusted.

These people seem to be of low status, but they can work in and out of the palace, and they are connected with relatives inside the coat. If they are used well, they are eyes and ears.

Among them, there is both kindness and prestige, hard work, and money.

As a result, we have to start from scratch again!
She gloated in her heart, but she said with worry on her face: "Master, will Concubine Wei and Babeile blame you?"

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "Master is doing business for business, and it's not because of selfishness, let them go..."

If you really want to talk about complaining, shouldn't he blame Eighth Brother?
How many times have you remembered the words of revenge?
Speaking of this, he thought of Yaqibu from Babeile Mansion.

I was stared at before, and the evidence was sorted out almost.

He has private property and is still raising two illegitimate children in the outer house.

Originally, these things should be handed to Fujin if they find a chance.

But right now, the eight Fujin are "resting", and have lost the right to be the housekeeper of the Baylor Mansion.

It's useless to have these things.

"Khan Ama just taught me a lesson to let me know how to measure. No matter how close the brothers are, it's not good to meddle in other people's housework. I don't want to be disrespectful and directly intervene in the housework of Babeile Mansion, but I don't want to indulge Yaqibu ,How to do it?"

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "Help me figure it out, how to end this matter, it can't be anticlimactic, let's let it go!"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Master is kind, if such a slave who betrays the master is kept, Babeile will also suffer in the future, but the master is a younger brother, the elder and younger are orderly, and there is no distinction between seniority and inferiority, so he intervenes in the affairs of Wubeile That's okay, it would be inappropriate to ask about the Babeile mansion, otherwise, I will hand it over to Sibeile and let him decide..."

That one is the master who can't rub the sand in his eyes, he is the most serious.

Brother Jiu frowned, and learned from Shu Shu what he was trained in the morning, and said: "Look at how annoying this is, I didn't do his business, but he trained endlessly, and his words were not pleasant, that is, Grandpa is generous, don't care about him, if you are a narrow-minded person, you have already held grudges!"

Shu Shu was a bystander, and said: "I think Si Beile is reprimanding him, but it is for the master to explain the reason clearly, and it is also for Ba Beile to see."

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, during the conversation, it was made clear that this was an official business, not a personal grudge, which proved that Brother Jiu still had good intentions.

Brother Nine didn't appreciate it and said: "Anyway, I've had this problem since I was a child. My mouth is too smelly. If I don't teach others, I can't speak. If I open my mouth and shut up, I won't be able to find fault. It's hard for my sister-in-law. I'll be annoyed to death all day long..."

Shu Shu smiled and listened, not talking too much.

The fourth elder brother is a well-known temperamental emperor, and now the ninth elder brother is also at an age of natural nature, so just let nature take its course.

The next day was June 26, the day when Concubine Zhang moved to the palace.

Concubine Zhang officially entered the main hall of Chuxiu Palace and became the lord of the first palace. This concubine is worthy of the name.

Here, Shu Shu has prepared a Suzhou embroidered table screen as a housewarming gift, and asked Nanny Qi to bring walnuts for a walk.

It is a picture of good fortune and longevity, with gorgeous peonies on the bottom, peach branches full of fruits on the top, and two leisurely white cranes in the middle.

When Zhang Pin saw it, she was very happy and asked someone to put it in the next room.

All the palaces sent people to send He Yi.

It didn't quiet down until noon.

There are no outsiders here, so Concubine Zhang also smiled.

Seeing this, Mother Guo couldn't help worrying, and said, "Master..."

Concubine Zhang stroked her chest, shook her head and said, "I'm fine, it just feels like a dream..."

As she spoke, she looked in the direction of Changchun Palace.

It will be repaired in a few days and then replaced with a new owner.

Concubine Duan...the traces of Dong Gong's daughter are also removed.

Just like the earlier concubines An and Concubine Jing.

This is the court...

Zhang Pin looked at Nanny Guo and said, "After a few days, please come out of the palace and invite the statue of Buddha. From now on, let's pray for Elder Brother and Princess..."

She somewhat understood why all the concubines and empresses made offerings to Buddhist altars.

Maybe this is the way to pass the time better.

Serving people with Israel will not last long.

There is always a crop of lively young concubines entering the palace.

She escaped from birth, so she should be more open-minded, and get used to the days when grace is fading.

Guo Nanny nodded and said: "Well, I'm going to invite you, and when the time comes, bless the Thirteenth Lord to marry a good Fujin who is as filial and courteous as Jiufujin, and also bless the two Ge Ge to have a good marriage."

The haze of master and servant dissipated, looking forward to a new life...

Another day is June 27, the eighteenth elder brother "full moon".

Concubine Yi is confinement.

At the beginning of the morning, Concubine Yi woke up.

From Maochu to Chenchu, for an entire hour, Concubine Yi changed the water three times and took a bath three times.

After rubbing every finger, I feel alive.

Then she moved back to the front main hall.

Even the eighteenth elder brother moved to the east side hall in the front yard.

When she was lying on the kang in the second room, Yifei took a deep breath, tears almost didn't come out.

There is no agarwood scent, no lemon scent, but no sour smell either.

It's refreshing, and it's comfortable to breathe.

Thinking of the apse where she had lived for a whole month, she had disgust on her face, and told Pei Lan, "The curtains have been changed, so I don't need them, and the other cushions have been cleaned, the walls have been re-pasted, and the window screens have been replaced with new ones. Don't close the windows for two days, let the smell go well!"

Perrin complied, and went down to give orders.

Yifei looked at the two plates of fresh fruits on the table.

A plate is packed with white apricots, which are as big as a child's fist, plump and moist.

A plate of plums, about the size of an apricot, is yellow-green.

Concubine Yi was salivating, couldn't help it, and touched one with her hands.

Pei Lan ordered people to come back, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it's better to steam it..."

Concubine Yi frowned and put down the fruit, waved her hands and said: "Take it away, take it away, out of sight, out of mind!"

Pei Lan immediately took it down, ordered someone to send it to the dining room, and steamed a small bowl of each dish.

At this moment, Wu Fujin has entered the palace and is talking at the second institute.

According to the habit, Shu Shu still sent Xiaochun to Yikun Palace first...

(End of this chapter)

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