My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 604 Security

Chapter 604 Preservation
When Xiaochun came back, he said: "Your Majesty has had breakfast and is idle."

Shu Shu went to Yikun Palace together with Wu Fujin.

In the east room of Yikun Palace, Concubine Yi was looking at her old son.

The vernix has been taken off, and now it is white and tender.

The eyes are black and bright, and the small fists are tightly clenched.

Concubine Yi watched intently, looking at the familiar Nei Shuang, her eyes turned red unknowingly.

It wasn't until there was movement outside that she lowered her head, wiped her eyes, and smiled brightly again.

It was Shu Shu and Wu Fujin who arrived.

"Wake up, come and see, the little Mai Tai child has become clean!"

Concubine Yi called the two of them over, and said like offering a treasure: "Look at these eyes, double eyelids, finally I have someone to follow me!"

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin stepped forward, and saw a snow-white fat baby.

So cute.

Chubby long open.

Looking at the tightly clenched little fist, Shu Shu felt itchy, wanted to touch it, but resisted it.

Wu Fujin couldn't move his eyes, he felt that he had never seen such a beautiful child.

Seeing this, Concubine Yi smiled and said: "If you are rare, hug..."

Wu Fujin quickly waved his hands, while Shu Shu took several steps back in fright.

Concubine Yi couldn't help laughing, and said: "What are you afraid of?"

Embarrassed, Wu Fujin said, "My daughter-in-law is clumsy."

Shu Shu also said: "Children have soft bones, wait until they are half a year old before hugging them."

Concubine Yi didn't force them, she just smiled and said: "Look at me, is there any change?"

Both Shu Shu and Wu Fujin looked at Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi is sitting very well this confinement, she is no longer the haggard look she had just given birth, her whole body is rosy and white, she looks younger than before she was pregnant.

When she was with Zhang Bin before, she looked like a sister, but now she looks younger than Zhang Bin.

Wu Fujin praised: "Your Majesty's complexion is so good, her hair looks thinner."

Shu Shu nodded beside her, but quietly glanced at Concubine Yi's chest.

Not only the face, but also the body is getting fuller.

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "It was a real loss when the baby was born, and it will be made up later!"

Many of these are thanks to the younger daughter-in-law, who gave them dry cleaning powder.

Otherwise, I will go crazy.

There are also two face-applying prescriptions, one is honey egg white, and the other is cucumber juice.

The two interspersed, the skin became more and more hydrated, and the fine lines at the corners of the eyes disappeared.

In front of Wu Fujin, Concubine Yi didn't say any of this, she just asked Wu Fujin: "Is the old five thinner, but he can't be too fat to affect the children."

It turned out that during the days of her puerperium, the imperial physician would come to Yikun Palace to ask for a pulse every day, and Concubine Yi couldn't help asking a few more questions.

She was originally worried about Brother Nine, worried that he was too thin and would affect his children.

As a result, the imperial doctor said, don't be afraid of being thin or fat, and being too fat is more likely to affect fertility.

Concubine Yi wrote it down, and reminded Wu Fujin: "It's still necessary to reduce, or the emperor will not like it."

Not only the queen mother, but even she was looking forward to Wu Fujin's early birth to a son.

It's just that she is a caring mother-in-law, and in front of the youngest daughter-in-law, enough is enough.

Wu Fujin nodded and said: "My daughter-in-law knows, when I get back, I will tell Wu Ye what my mother said."

Concubine Yi looked at Shu Shu again and said: "It's very hot in the palace, don't stay in the second house, go to the garden, you don't have to come with me."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "No hurry, the yard over there hasn't been cleaned up yet!"

After hearing this, Concubine Yi asked curiously, "Why do you need to clean up again?"

Shu Shu mentioned the matter of the new fifth institute.

"The yard built in spring is not yet inhabited, but it will take a few days to tidy up..."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi stopped urging her and said: "Come here whenever it is convenient for you."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement, then looked at Wu Fujin and said: "Sister-in-law Wu, why don't you tell Brother Wu that you can live there, and it will be convenient for you to greet Grandmother and Empress at that time."

In that case, the empress dowager will be happy, and she can have more companions.

Wu Fujin was no longer the shrinking look of last year, and said with a smile: "Then I'll go back and discuss with Wu Ye and see what Wu Ye has to say."

Seeing the younger sister-in-law and sister-in-law as close as sisters, Concubine Yi was also happy.

Although brothers are brothers, and sisters-in-law are sisters-in-law, if the sisters-in-law are unhappy, the brotherhood will last forever, and it will also be affected...

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin sat in Yikun Palace for more than half an hour, seeing that Concubine Yi was getting tired, they left.

Exiting Guangsheng's right door, Shu Shu said: "Master Jiu is not here at noon today, sister-in-law Wu will accompany me, and younger siblings are also here, we will leave after dinner."

It was Shu Shu who asked Nine Brothers not to come back at noon, but to send him a meal box directly, so as to save Wu Fujin from being inconvenient.

As for Shifu Jin, Xiaochun was also sent to talk about it yesterday.

Wu Fujin said with a smile: "Then I won't be polite, I'm still thinking about the jelly from last time."

Shu Shu said: "The regular one, there are other delicious ones."

After a while, the two arrived at the second institute, and Shi Fujin also came.

Because of getting along during the southern tour, everyone has been very close to each other for a long time.

Lunch is mainly a variety of snacks.

In addition to mung bean jelly, there is sweet-scented osmanthus honey bean curd, ice powder topped with diced watermelon and apricot, and a yogurt with cherry sauce.

Eat half a bowl of each, how can you eat anything else?

Shu Shu also improved the bag rice, which contained lettuce, cucumber sticks and so on, and each of them ate a few more bites.

When the dining table was removed, Wu Fujin rubbed his belly and said, "It's too strange that Uncle Jiu didn't get fat on such a meticulous diet."

Hearing her talk about being fat and thin, Shu Shu said: "During the northern tour last year, didn't Seventh Sister-in-law also feel depressed about being fat and thin? I told her about eating meat, Fifth Sister-in-law, do you still remember?"

Wu Fujin nodded and said: "You say that you don't let her eat sweets and pastries, but only meat, she will lose weight..."

It seems to be working.

However, due to various changes, Wu Fujin and his wife were stranded in one paddock to recuperate from their injuries, and then Qi Fujin and his wife were stranded in another place to raise their babies, and the matter of losing weight was left alone.

"It works. First quit sugar and pasta, and then replace rice and white noodles with sorghum and buckwheat. If you don't like vegetables, eat less. The rest is eggs, meat, and milk. If you do this, ten catties a month will not be a problem... ..."

Shushu said.

Wu Fujin has always been convinced of her, and said seriously: "As long as it's meat?"

Shu Shu said: "Chicken and beef are the best, and fish is also fine. For pork, you can choose tenderloin, which is also made by the dining room, and don't use those complicated deep-fried ones. Do whatever you can to save trouble. Sauce beef, roast chicken, steamed pork, etc. Fish, fried tenderloin, etc., or there are too many seasonings, and there will be sugar and oil in it..."

Ten Fujin was beside him, drinking iced milk tea, he didn't interrupt, but he wrote everything down.

After the sister-in-law talked for a while, Wu Fujin got up to leave.

Together with Shi Fujin, Shu Shu personally sent her out of elder brother's house, and watched Wu Fujin's master and servant go to Shenwumen.

At this time, Brother Jiu is in the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Apart from himself, it was Elder Brother Ten who came to "announce the good news".

"This morning, the Fuhan brothers' lawsuit of false accusation against their relatives was adjudicated, and the two brothers Liu Ning Ancient Pagoda defended the border..."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu was surprised and said, "Why is it sentenced at this time?"

My father-in-law hasn't come back yet.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said, "Ama Khan treated Lord Qi well. The case should be closed early to prevent Lord Qi from being slandered. Zhu Liang was sent to respond to the lawsuit on his behalf."

Brother Jiu said: "Then can these two people be pardoned? If they are guarding the border, don't they have to be included in the military register and put on armor directly?"

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Put on the armor directly and serve as the garrison in the Heilongjiang general's jurisdiction. Unless there is a special purpose, otherwise I may not be able to return to Beijing in the future, and I will be included in the local Eight Banners..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "Poor, it's a bit miserable..."

He thought of these two kinsmen, who were also princes in the lineage of Prince Li Lie, and said: "Didn't you say that there are still people from the kinsmen? Didn't you say anything this time?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "I guess it's time to show up. The government hasn't separated yet, so we should wait here and help the Fuhan brothers get their share..."

Brother Nine showed no sympathy at all, and sneered, "It's just looking for trouble. If you stay honest, even if you don't have a title, wouldn't Zengshou still take all the benefits? You have to hand over the hereditary leader to Fuhan, that is It is the fourth rank, and I will fill up the vacancies of other banners in the future, the qualifications are enough, and the grade is enough..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Being greedy, I just had a daydream. I really thought that if I had the courage, I could win the title by tricks..."

Brother Nine shook his head, glanced at Brother Ten, and said, "It's all about Ah Ling's fault, he made a bad start, and the atmosphere of Eight Banners is broken..."

What the noble sons think about is not fighting for credit on the battlefield, but thinking about evil spirits and heretics.

Elder Brother Shi knew it well, the emperor might not know that A Ling A was a villain, but in order to weaken the power of the aristocratic family, he had to use it.

He said: "Sir Qi's family's title should be finalized, right?"

The tenth elder brother was no one else, and the ninth elder brother talked about the inheritance of the Yue family's title.

Elder Brother Ten was also happy on his behalf, saying: "Brother Ninth is finally relieved this time."

Brother Jiu now also knows the difference between having military merit and not having military merit, and said with regret: "It's only two years away, and the two of us didn't catch up with Zhungeer. Get a big general king..."

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "My younger brother is afraid of death, so he doesn't try to fight those vain things. Now younger brother is content."

Even if there is a war, Khan Ama will not use him.

He has nothing wrong with it.

There is a big elder brother fighting with the prince, that is a lesson from the past under his nose.

Whether it is to be the whetstone of the prince, or to balance the power of the prince, it is not a good role.

He doesn't want to get involved.

Hearing that Brother Nine and his wife are going to move to Haidian in mid-July, Brother Ten said, "Then move together, we will still live next to each other."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Well, then we can go to the city together..."

The brothers went in and out together with a companion, just like when they were studying in the study.


Zhu Liang came back from the clan mansion.

Jue Luo and Mrs. Uncle are both there, as well as Fu Song who hastily returned after receiving the news, and Xiao Wu who is studying in the mansion.

Xiao Wu started studying ethnology at Peng Chun's mansion last year, and studied with Peng Chun's eldest grandson, as well as several nephews and brothers in the side branches.

Since Fuhan brothers Zhang Luo went to court, Xiao Wu stopped going there, and now he has invited Mr. Zhang to study at home in the mansion.

"Why is the case closed now?"

Mrs. Uncle was worried, and said: "Couldn't it be that Brother Jiu just mixed in with him?"

In that case, Shu Shu would not be implicated, and the emperor would be unhappy.

Zhu Liang shook his head and said: "Don't do Jiuye's business, the emperor summoned Su Nu Beizi yesterday and urged him to close the case, there is no need to delay."

Madam Bo breathed a sigh of relief.

The sister-in-law looked at each other and knew that the next step was the title.

Jue Luo told Fu Song and the others: "It's all right, what to do, don't be stiff when you meet people over there, you have to put on a good face."

Fu Song and others responded.

Mrs. Uncle smiled and said: "Second Uncle Jane is in the Emperor's heart, and the Emperor has the intention of protecting it. This title should directly fall on Second Uncle."

Jue Luo smiled wryly: "Sister-in-law, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I don't know whether to be happy or worried..."

Although they are all her sons, they look good now, but they will grow up in the future, and they will know the difference between having a noble and not having a noble.

Mrs. Uncle frowned, and said: "If there are really ignorant people who want to worry about the title, they should just split up and go out..."

Zhu Liang is the eldest son and elder brother, a well-deserved heir.

If the younger one wants to fight for the title, it is disrespectful and disrespectful, there is really no need to be an eyesore...

The next update will be at 12:5 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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