My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 605 Thinking Too Much

Chapter 605 Thinking Too Much

Three Baylor House.

Got the news that day.

Sanbeile came to the main room, frowning tightly, and told Sanfujin about it.

Sanfujin also felt uncomfortable.

Even if she has a very normal relationship with Fu Han and Fu Hai, he is her brother and her son's uncle, and now that the army is gone, it doesn't sound good to say.

In addition, the government has not yet separated, and other brothers will inevitably be affected.

"What does the emperor think?"

Sanfujin muttered in a low voice: "Isn't this too far away?"

Even though she knows right from wrong, but everyone is biased, she still hopes things will turn around.

Especially Qi Xi personally helped Ling go north, this is still thinking about the bond of flesh and blood, who knows if he changed his mind?

Originally, I thought about waiting for him to come back, and then went to lobby for one or two, but I didn't expect to close the case at this time.

Qi Xi is not here, nor is the new father-in-law Zengshou, it was decided by the clan's family at will.

The third elder brother glanced at her.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lao Jiu was indeed more respectable than him this year.

Khan Amma is so biased, maybe there is a reason for this.

But he didn't admit it, frowned and said: "What did you say, 'hair is long, but knowledge is short', Khan Ama is protecting the government, and he is thinking of his father-in-law..."


San Fujin was a little confused, and said: "The credit for thinking like this? Why can't you see that the eldest brother is directly demoted to the second class, and the second and third brothers are directly passed away?"

If it's grace, shouldn't the eldest brother be the original replacement?
You must know that besides the first-class prince, you also have two "half futures" with you.

It could have directly referred to another son as a successor.

Or directly added to the original first-class public, the eldest brother should still inherit the first-class public.

As a result, two "half futures" were directly cut off because of "old illness".

The eldest brother also attacked.

Moreover, Ama has no posthumous title, nor has she been given scriptures.

For this reason, there are still some speculations outside, suspecting that Ama committed some serious crimes during the Ulan Butong War, and the aftermath is so simple.

The third elder brother said: "This title is connected to the previous court. At that time, he will be assigned to the imperial court. My uncle is here at this age, and he has no military merits. He directly leads the first-class official and ranks in front. What do other senior princes do?" manage?"

But San Fujin was not entangled by him, and said: "Brother is also a man in his thirties, how can he be so young? These years, there are baby princes and baby princes, and his age is very suitable for this comparison. "

The third elder brother said impatiently: "Anyway, it is the grace of Khan Ama. If Fuhan and Fuhai are not given heavy sentences, it will be a matter of dozens of boards. When the time comes to redeem, nothing will happen. It's... Then, if they are kept in Beijing, will the government be able to calm down in the future? The titles outside have been robbed once, but they can't be won; what about the family? There are a few other brothers-in-law, if you don't kill them Chicken scares monkey', follow suit, the government may not be close to defeat for a long time, think about A Ling's family, how beautiful it was before, how is it now?"

When San Fujin heard it, he felt it made sense.

After all, anyone can see that Niu Hulu's direct branch is in a normal situation now.

A Ling'a won the title, but it seems that she doesn't get the Sacred Heart very much.

Since he was injured and resigned during the Chinese New Year, he has been taking care of him for half a year, and he has not returned to work.

And because of the two deaths first, the brothers and nephews of Niu Hulu's family were probably worse than strangers, so it seemed a little deserted.

San Fujin nodded and said: "My lord is right, His Majesty's behavior cannot be said to be out of a desire to protect the government."


The third elder brother responded, feeling a little worried. It was foreseeable that in the next 20 years, the leader of Dong E's family would be Qi Xi.

Dong E's family...

He thought of the ceremony of the second wife of Dong E's family, and said: "Is the Duke's family close to Uncle Wang's family?"

San Fujin heard this, shook his head and said: "The clan aunts over there have different temperaments, and the clan brothers act frivolously. Ama doesn't like it, and his step-wife can't get along with him. It's just a matter of face, and the blood is far away..."

The third elder brother shook his head: "Father-in-law came to the throne too early, and his position is too high, he should learn from Qi Xi's tricks, he is like his cousin over there, and he has been released to the governor of Shanxi..."

That's Uncle Wang's cousin, or the emperor's father's breast brother, and he can walk around in the future...

In July, the ninth elder brother called tenth elder brother and sent a few people to tidy up the garden of Xinwu.

Shu Shu reminded: "As long as it is clean, don't move if you can."

Brother Nine was puzzled and said: "Why is that? I will stay here for more than a month later, maybe two or three months. I will come back when the Mid-Autumn Festival cools down..."

Shu Shu said: "It's not our own yard. It's been tidied up too much. It's uncomfortable for other people to live in. Just replace the wallpaper and window screens with new ones..."

Otherwise, it seems to be occupying the territory.

Shu Shu also noticed this when she was in the South Office of the West Garden.

Don't trouble others.

Brother Nine heard this, fell into deep thought, and said: "No, I have to tell Khan Ama to build another row of yards later, otherwise it will be very difficult. Let's go there this year. There are rich people living there. New house, what if we don’t get rich next year? It’s convenient to send people over while the North Garden is still under construction.”

Shu Shu stopped talking.

She also thinks that each yard is cleaner.

It is also convenient to escape the heat when the weather is hot.

Otherwise, they will not slip in the middle, neither can compete with the elder brothers above, nor compete with the younger brothers at the back.

The courtyard of the new No. [-] Institute was only cleaned up, and brother Jiu got the news.

Qi Xi has returned to Beijing.

The house of Dong E's family also came down on the same day to inherit the will of the lord.

Qi Xi replaced him at the original level.

Brother Jiu was completely at ease, and said to Shu Shu when he came back that day: "My master sent someone to the Dutong Mansion to announce the good news, and I also told my mother-in-law that I will take you back to Ning tomorrow..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu said happily, "I'm looking forward to this day, so let's go early."

No one jumped out of the cracks in the rocks.

In addition, this is indeed a great happy event for her natal family.

When the two of them went back, it was normal human relationship.


Shu Shu couldn't help but make amends, and told Xiao Chun: "Greetings to my mother for me, and said that Master Jiu will take me back to Ning, and ask my mother if there is anything I want to eat. If you want to be stubborn, we will bring it outside."

Xiao Chun went in response.

Brother Nine saw this and said: "Master is impatient, it's time to come back and discuss with you."

He now also knows that his wife is different from himself.

I am the biological child of Ama and Erniang, and I will not be displeased if I am scolded or beaten.

Shu Shu is a daughter-in-law, so she should be more careful.

Eight Fujin is a lesson from the past.

Although Ba Fujin's end is now his own fault, but Brother Jiu feels that this is his daughter-in-law; if it is a daughter, no matter how many are not, it should be taught, not just discarded like this.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I am as impatient as the master, and the empress is generous, and I don't care about it once in a while..."

Brother Jiu has already made arrangements, and talking about tomorrow, he said: "Let's set off early, go to spend half a day with father-in-law and mother-in-law, come out after lunch, and go to the Prince's Mansion to see if there is anything that we don't like and needs to be changed. "

The basic construction over there has been completed, and the rest is refinement and adjustment.

As for the few shops in the inner city and outer city, the weather is hot now, and the time is tight this time, so I'd better wait until the autumn cools down before turning around...

In Yikun Palace, the main hall.

Concubine Yi laughed when she heard Xiao Chun's words, and said: "But is there any happy event in Dutong Mansion?"

Otherwise, I will live in the garden in a few days, it will be more convenient for Guining at that time.

The little boy born by his mother-in-law is almost a hundred days old?
Or is it a formal engagement ceremony?
Xiaochun said: "Today our master replaced the second-class uncle..."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "This is indeed a great joy..."

Among the Eight Banners, who doesn't know the preciousness of a title?

The more noble you are, the more difficult it is.

After Xiao Chun left, Yi Fei and Pei Lan said with a smile: "Look, this blessed person doesn't need to be busy!"

My daughter-in-law, although she was from a wealthy family before, is not from the Xijue branch, and her status is still inferior to that of the Crown Princess and Sanfujin.

Now with her Ama becoming the noble, this background is not bad...

In other words, Lao Jiu is cheaper, but if the title comes down two years earlier, the emperor will have to weigh and weigh this marriage.

Uncle has not been out for a hundred days, and the Dutong Mansion will not entertain him.

Therefore, even though some in-laws came up to congratulate them, Qi Xi and his wife just thanked them, and mentioned that Fusong's marriage has been decided, and the post will be changed at the end of the month, and there will be a banquet at that time.

Everyone knows that too.

This is to wait until uncle's hundred days to celebrate.

As for Xizhu, he was a junior and died violently, so he didn't need the rules of a hundred days.

So when Shu Shu and Brother Nine came over the next day, there were no outsiders, just a family.

Qi Xi and his wife brought their sons and greeted them at the door.

Shu Shu got out of the carriage, originally she was smiling, but when she saw Qi Xi's appearance clearly, tears almost didn't come out.

Not to mention losing a lot of weight, her sideburns have also turned white.

Instead of being proud of becoming an uncle, his expression was a little carefree.

"Ama, what's wrong with you?"

Shu Shu supported Qi Xi's arm, her voice choked with sobs.

Qi Xi hurriedly said: "Ama is fine, since I'm a little tired after traveling all this time, I'll just rest for a few days."

Shu Shu looked at Qi Xi's dark circles, noncommittal.

Still insomnia while traveling?
Shouldn't it be better to sleep after running around and tired?

After entering the mansion, Shu Shu asked Jue Luo why.

"What happened to Mama?"

Shu Shu asked.

Jue Luo sighed and said, "I regret it, when Fu Han and Fu Hai were just messing around, they went to the government to talk about it, so it wouldn't be so troublesome..."

Shu Shu frowned and said in disapproval: "It's all over, and thinking about these things is not in vain?"

Jue Luo said in a low voice: "Your Mama said that Fu Han and Fu Hai are villains, and they are afraid of making enemies for you."

Shu Shu closed her mouth, knowing Qi Xi's entanglement.

Raising enemies, fearing that the children will suffer in the future.

What if you don't raise enemies?

Can you still think about cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots?

When things are done in this world, there will be traces outside.

Jue Luo said again: "The release of Kari to the governor also makes you restless at night. He is a greedy man who dares to stretch out his armaments. Now that he has arrived, it is a rich place like Shanxi..."

(End of this chapter)

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