My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 607 It's all mine

Chapter 607 Is All Mine
Mrs. Uncle put down Ruyi, wiped her hands, and said: "I just feel that the house is empty, alone, and Zhu Liang is grown up, and the younger ones are next to each other, and it's only been two years since we got married... ..."

Shu Shu sullenly said, "Are you going to choose Zhu Liang as your heir?"

Mrs. Uncle was taken aback, then shook her head: "Choose an heir, don't bother..."

Uncle didn't choose when he was alive, and there is no need for him after his death.

Shu Shu said with red eyes: "Then what are you fussing about? Is it Ama who will nod, or I, Ernie, who will nod? This is the uncle's private property. It doesn't mean that the mansion will return there with the title of nobility. There is no such reason ..."

The two families separated as early as Qi Xi got married.

In addition, if you are not from the younger generation's lineage, why should you give up the house?

"But this house is also empty..."

Mrs. Uncle smiled lightly.

Shu Shu grabbed Mrs. Uncle's hand, and said: "It will be fine in two years. I gave birth to a naughty princess, so I will send it back, and Ah Mou will take it for me."

Mrs. Uncle was still hesitating, Shu Shu took the domineering way and said, "I am also Amu's daughter, and Amu's things are mine, so don't give them away!"

Mrs. Uncle said helplessly: "Didn't you say you want to be a pleasing aunt? What are you doing with your natal family's affairs?"

Shu Shu put his arms around Mrs. Uncle's arm and said: "Anyway, I don't care, I don't want other hostesses in this house, as long as Ah Mou comes to Guining in the future, he can have a good meal, don't have to think about hugging this brother and daughter-in-law, For that brother and daughter-in-law, look at the faces of others..."

Mrs. Uncle sighed: "I also want to leave here..."

Shu Shu immediately said: "Then wait a few more days and come live with me when you turn back, but don't let this house go out, just leave it to me! When Amu gets old, so will Ama and Er Niang , I moved here, and I can accompany you nearby..."

Mrs. Uncle had a headache and said: "I have never been supervised in my life, but when I get old, someone will supervise..."

Shu Shu snorted softly: "So the old kid, no one is watching, how can you rest assured?"

"Now that Zhuliang and the others have more titles, they have made a further progress in their future. If you want anything else, you will be greedy!"

"Where is he now? He was a good boy before. That's because he hasn't learned snobbery, and he has nothing to fight for. He hasn't married yet. It's common for people who marry a wife and forget their mother..."

"The title of knighthood is already a piece of fat, which is tempting, so don't add fuel to the fire..."

"People are greedy. If you give up half of the yard today, someone will be eyeing your dowry tomorrow. Life will not be clean in the future..."

"In the future, I will give birth to a little Gege who is as rare as me. Amu's private property will be given to my daughter as a dowry, and will not be given to others..."

Mrs. Uncle's forehead was "buzzed" by the nagging, but she still heard the most important sentence, she couldn't help looking at Shu Shu's stomach, and said, "Is this ready?"


Shu Shu affirmed.

In order for Amu not to be lonely in his later years, he can also prepare for pregnancy.

It's just that Concubine Yi was in confinement, which made Shu Shu fearful.

So she decided to pick a time to come.

It is best to conceive in late October or winter months, and give birth in August or September next year, just to avoid the hottest time and the time when it is not so cold.

Shu Shu said: "It should be around the Mid-Autumn Festival next year. When the happy pulse is diagnosed, Ah Mou will move over to take care of me..."

Mrs. Uncle didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Can you still pinch it? Don't worry, the fate of this child is not in a hurry, you are still young..."

Mrs. Uncle is still worried about Brother Nine's health, and she is also worried that Shu Shu will follow Jue Luo and her children will be late.

She is also irritable, and she is afraid that she will not be pregnant for half a year or a year, and she will feel uncomfortable.

Shu Shu said: "Of course it can be forgotten, you just wait for the good news, you can't lose energy all day, when you are old, you won't have the energy to take care of your children."

Mrs. Uncle gave her a sideways look, and said, "Did you treat Ah Mou like an old lady?"

Shu Shu said: "Then if you don't help me, who will help me? Our mother is in the palace, my daughter-in-law from Ernie is coming in one after another, and my grandchildren are not far away. Am I not only Amu?"

Afraid that she might be in a hurry, Mrs. Uncle said sternly: "Don't take any messy medicine, your body will be ruined, and don't think about giving birth to a child and picking me up. I can't go there without a child?"

Speaking of this, she remembered Shu Shu's words just now, and said: "When the time comes, if others have gossip, just tell me what I said. I don't want an heir, as long as you are a precious big girl, others will have nothing to say."

This is actually about Kangxi and Concubine Yi.

I'm afraid they will be picky.

With more titles and more property, it's hard to be picky.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Even if you don't say so, I also plan to do so..."

Seeing Mrs. Uncle's return, Shu Shu was relieved, and the idea of ​​moving house as soon as possible became more and more urgent.

After saying a few more words, Mrs. Uncle urged her again and again, before Shu Shu took the walnuts and left.

After leaving the uncle's mansion, Shu Shu paused.

Next to the Dutong Mansion, some relatives who got the news sent their nephews and stewards to congratulate them, and it was very lively.

In contrast, the uncle's house is lifeless.

Her heart was sore, and her eye circles were also hot.

Back in the main room, in front of Jue Luo Shi, she couldn't bear it any longer, she shed tears, and said: "When my daughter moves out from the palace, I will pick up Ah Mou..."

Jue Luo sighed, and said, "That's fine, it's also worrying to be alone all the time."

Regarding Mrs. Uncle's support, Qi Xi and Jue Luo were also in a dilemma.

It is said that the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, but in fact it is really not.

Mrs. Uncle is only a few years older than them, and there were disgusting rumors before, which also made them more scruples.

The melon fields and plums are not suitable for living together.

In fact, the best way is to arrange for Zhu Liang to serve in the past.

Without the name of an heir, he can perform the duties of an heir.

But Zhu Liang was dull, seeing that he was growing up again, and the next thing was to get married and have children.

Letting him pass would be like seizing a child.

But it's not appropriate to arrange the small past.

In the future, I can't tell the title clearly, for fear of complaining in my heart.

The couple are also worried about this.

The most embarrassing thing is that it is difficult for them to speak first, but it is also difficult for them not to speak. There is no way to have both.

Shu Shu wiped away her tears, and talked about Mrs. Uncle's move to tidy up the dowry house before, and said: "A Mou wanted to give the house to Zhu Liang to marry him, but I didn't let it go, and Ama wouldn't let it go, there's no such reason... "

"It's Amu's house, and we can't let other people turn their backs on others. Even if the children of Dong E's family want to inherit it in the future, they have to wait until Amu's hundred years later..."

Seeing her vigor, Jue Luo couldn't help it, he slapped her hard twice and said: "Why do you let me in, you are the only one who understands, you and I, Ama, are so confused, or greedy for money of?"

Shu Shu frowned and said, "Aren't you afraid that the next few little ones will worry about it? Ordinary small families have three melons and two dates, and brothers turn against each other, and father and son become enemies..."

Now there are no adults, and each one of them seems to be quite obedient to their parents.

What about later?

With a wife and children, it is a small family, and selfishness is inevitable.

Don't say anything else, let's just talk about Su Nu Beizi, if he is given a chance to help his son-in-law snatch an earl, he will be very happy.

Anyway, Su Nu Beizi's enthusiasm for Dong E's lawsuit this time also reminded Shu Shu.

There will be more in-laws in the future, so we should keep an eye on them, in case someone does bad things with good intentions.

Jue Luoshi snorted softly: "You can think of all this, you and I can't think of it? We have already agreed that in the future, except for Zhu Liang, other people will separate and live alone when they get married, and they will not mix in the same pot!"

Shu Shu was taken aback.

Because the Eight Banners have to be enlisted in the military register to eat imperial rations, it is common for children and grandchildren to divide into households, but it is an ordinary banner family, and most honorable families have to wait until their parents have a hundred years before dividing.

For example, in the public house, Peng Chun's sons, except for the youngest one, are all adults and married, but they have not yet separated.

Separating the family in advance is a good way to reduce friction and allow them to adapt to each other's gap as soon as possible, so as to avoid more grievances and extravagant thoughts.

Shu Shu also began to feel sorry for her parents, and sighed: "It's not easy for you and Ama, I want to keep everyone safe..."

Jueluo shook his head and said: "In this world, only children owe their parents, and no parents owe their children. If you make such a big deal, it means that you have exhausted your parents' efforts. If you are willing to come over and be filial in the future, we will not bother you; if you are not filial , get away, don't provoke each other..."

"Be more open-minded, it's you, Ama, who will accompany me for the rest of my life, not you sons and daughters..."

Shu Shu looked at Jue Luo Shi with admiration.

She knew that she was not just talking about it, she was really so open-minded.

She snorted and said, "Why didn't you pass on your heart to your daughter? Anyway, my daughter is the most narrow-minded and likes to count petty accounts. Even if you raise a puppy, you have to wag your tail. You can't raise it for nothing, or you owe me... "

Jue Luo pointed to her forehead, and said with disgust: "This is just random..."

After lunch, Shu Shu and Brother Nine left.

They also want to go to Beicheng to see the Prince's Mansion.

Not only did the two leave, they also called Fu Song, Zhu Liang and Xiao Wu together, and they went to the north of the city together.

Checked in early.

When they got to the place, elder brother Jiu helped Shu Shu down.

After seeing the gate of the Prince's Mansion clearly, the couple looked at each other and smiled.

The gate on this side has studs vertically and horizontally, just like the one in Babeile Mansion next door.

The regulation of the Middle Road of the Prince's Mansion is completely built according to the regulation of the Baylor Mansion.

Fu Song has been staring at this side for the past half a year, and the craftsmen and managers here are also respectful when they see him, and they all call him "Master Fu".

Zhu Liang and Xiao Wu watched from the sidelines, feeling novel.

Fu Song has already told everyone about the situation of the Prince's Mansion, saying: "Before, it was mainly building houses. The garden in front of the East Road has not been built yet, and the construction of the last two houses started later than the other houses, and it is estimated that the handover is also later... The ones on the West Road The house is no better than the middle road, the requirements are careful, the repairs are relatively quick, and only the painted paintings are left..."

After listening to Fu Song's introduction, everyone entered the gate of the Prince's Mansion and walked in along the middle road.

There are five halls in total, five in each.

There are also wing rooms on both sides.

Brother Jiu murmured to Shu Shu: "Although the mansion is all the same, but the master looks different now, I feel that our side is more pleasing to the eye..."

Shu Shu also brought joy.

In elder brother's house, there were three small courtyards, and there were 31 rooms in the main room, wing room, and second room.

Even if you take a walk after dinner, you can't walk a few steps.

It's different now.

There are only more than 20 rooms in the main courtyard at the back of the middle road, including main rooms, side rooms, and side rooms...

No update at noon tomorrow.

The next update will be at 12:6 on December 18th, welcome to Qidian APP.

(End of this chapter)

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