My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 608 Filial Piety

Chapter 608 Filial piety

To the north of the top of the east road are two separate yards.

It is also five rooms wide, with a total of two north houses.

In addition to the inverted seat at the front, there are more than 20 rooms in the left and right wing rooms and ear rooms.

It looks very spacious and self-contained.

There is a corner door at the back, you can go out of the house directly.

This is the garden that Shu Shu reserved for Mrs. Uncle after discussing with Brother Nine.

When she becomes pregnant, Mrs. Uncle can enter the mansion and live here.

The area to the south of the second entrance courtyard is empty.

According to the plan, this place will be a combination of a small school yard and a small garden.

Behind the West Road, there are several independent small courtyards, all of which are small courtyards with a dozen rooms.

This is where the two grids are placed.

In front of the small yard is a library, which separates the back yard from the front yard.

In front of the library is the guest courtyard and the carriage stables.

In addition to the three-span and five-entry Prince's Mansion, there are many ancillary rooms at the back. There are two rows in total. The front row is six yards with two entrances, and the back row is six courtyards with one entrance.

"Boss Cui and Nanny Qi are admitted to the hospital one by one, Fusong is admitted to the second hospital, and the others are left empty..."

Brother Nine said to Shu Shu.

Of course Shu Shu had no objection.

Director Cui, like Nanny Qi, is childless and wants to live with their husband and wife until they grow old.

When the time comes to move here, the servants in the mansion will be dispatched, and they will reach the age of honor, so it will be convenient to take care of them nearby.

Naturally, the movement on their side cannot be hidden from the neighbors.

The eighth elder brother is not in the mansion and has gone to Haidian.

Yaqibu said to Nanny Yun: "The Prince's Mansion is built similarly, so we may have come here a few years ago..."

This one is not a good stubble.

Sister Yun frowned and said, "A bald-headed prince, elder brother, is really shameless to compare Baylor's mansion with building a house, and the emperor is too indulgent!"

Yaqi said: "A child is more valuable than a mother. According to the rules of the Qing Dynasty, the tenth elder brother is directly governed by the county king. He has no scruples about the eighth and fourth elder brothers."

Nanny Yun looked in the direction of the inner house, and said: "Now Fujin can't do it, and Fujin hasn't entered the door yet, it's Haitang's chance..."

Yaqibu hurriedly said: "Don't act too hastily, don't you know Ba Ye's temper? He said before that he doesn't accept Hai Tang, so he won't back down at this time, he is the most face-saving person."

Nanny Yun frowned and said, "Then what should we do? When the side Fujin enters the door and stands on his feet, where will Haitang have a place to stand?"

Yaqibu said: "It's never too late for a good meal, what's the rush..."

Now the property under the name of Babeile Mansion is managed by their husband and wife, and Haitang is also capable, so why not be able to stand up?

But next door, he had to remind his old wife: "It's better to avoid it for the time being, don't provoke, Jiu elder brother is arrogant, Jiu Fujin is not a good stubble, and it will be disgraced if bumped into it."

Nanny Yun said displeasedly: "It's true that there are no rules at all. Our Eighth Master is at the top of the ranking. In view of Eighth Master's face, treat us with more politeness..."

Yaqibu is walking outside, but he knows that the relationship between his eighth master and the two elder brothers has taken a step further, and is no longer the intimacy before.

But the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, one has power and the other has power, so they should be friends.

Not to mention other things, even their clansmen and relatives are also in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it is not clear when they will ask for favors to burn incense...

Sibeile's mansion, Sibeile happened to be taking a bath.

Knowing that Brother Nine was in the Prince's Mansion with Fujin and his brothers-in-law, he told Su Peisheng, "Call Nine Brothers over..."

Speaking of this, I felt that my tone was a bit hard, and there were still siblings and in-laws, so I said: "Just say it's hot, let him bring someone here to have a sip of tea, cool off before returning to the palace."

Su Peisheng went in response.

Brother Jiu is not a polite person.

In addition, he also knows that "a distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor". From now on, brothers will live next to each other, and they will have to come and go.

If you don't get close to Sibeile Mansion, do you want to get close to Babeile Mansion?
He happily said: "I'm going to bother fourth brother too..."

A group of people followed Su Peisheng directly to Sibeile Mansion.

Si Fujin also got the news, went to the front yard, said hello, then took Shu Shu's hand and led them to the inner yard.

The fourth elder brother entertained the guests directly in the flower hall in front.

Because in the past few months, Fu Song has often been at the Prince's Mansion, and the fourth elder brother has also met face to face, and he is a little familiar, so he said: "I heard that you will change your post at the end of the month, should the new house be prepared? It is elsewhere, Or is it behind the Prince's Mansion?"

Fusong's betrothed was Gege from Niu Hulu's family, who was also the granddaughter of Tong's family.

Her biological mother is Empress Xiaoyi's concubine sister.

The fourth elder brother has not met that aunt a few times, but he still remembers it clearly. Every year on his birthday, that aunt will send in needles and threads, and he remembers this kindness.

Fu Song hesitated.

Because he planned to get married next year, he had really thought about this question.

He also has a sum of money in his name, which Jue Luo Shi and Shu Shu saved for him.

He wanted to buy a house near the Dutong Mansion, but there was no suitable one for a while.

Brother Jiu said: "I have inquired about the house in Xianglanqi, but it is too far away and it is inconvenient. The new house will be placed in the back street first, and the yard here will be used directly."

Brother Si nodded and said, "That's fine..."

Fu Song is too young, even if he fills in the master of ceremonies and has a fourth-rank Ding Dai, it will not be easy to fill in other vacancies.

Lack of qualifications, world titles, and titles.

There is no other option for world titles and titles, the only option is to accumulate qualifications.

In the twenties, the qualifications are almost the same, and it will be easier to fill the vacancy or seek foreign release.

The fourth elder brother looked at Zhu Liang again, his appearance was much worse than that of Fu Song, but he looked honest.

Looking at Xiao Wu at the bottom, he looks a bit like Qi Xi.

He is not very old, but he is strong and strong, with long hands and long feet, and he will not be short in stature in the future.

Several generations of ancestors of Dong E's family have accumulated merits on horseback, and now the situation where there are no successors in the direct line is also embarrassing.

I hope the younger generation can wake up...

Look at Brother Nine again...

Brother Jiu was guarding a plate of plums, leaning back in the chair, not sitting down, and had already eaten half of the plate.

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother felt sour in his mouth, and said: "Eat less, you have a scumbag stomach, and your teeth are still... If you are thirsty, drink more tea..."

Brother Jiu ate all the plums in his mouth, then glanced at the hot tea next to him in distaste, and said, "Fourth brother, why do you still drink hot tea in this summer weather? Is there no cold tea? Iced milk tea is also fine, or Sour plum soup or something..."

The fourth elder brother said: "The hotter the dog days, the more you should not be greedy for cool..."

Brother Jiu saw that there were several layers of clothes on his body, and the sleeves of the clothes were tightly buttoned, and he felt hot just looking at him.

He took a look and there was no ice in the house.

It is to take advantage of the draft through the doors and windows to get a little coolness.

He disliked it so much, he said: "If you are not rich, tell your brother, and ask someone to send you half a month later..."

There are also quite a few ice cellars outside the palace, and money is put on the account, and a truckload of ice is delivered every day, so it doesn't cost a lot of money in total.

Fourth elder brother: "..."

As if he was mean.

The fourth elder brother said: "You don't need to worry about this, I went to the garden yesterday and saw the eunuch next to you tidying up the yard, do you want to move there?"


Brother Jiu nodded and said, "My younger brother got the heat last year, so he was afraid of the heat, and he felt sick when he was hot."

Because the queen mother subsidized the two ice houses, some voices came out in the palace, saying that Jiufu Jin was squeamish.

Brother Jiu heard about it, so he changed his rhetoric to the outside world and took it on himself.

Now the outsiders know that it is he who is coquettish, not Shu Shu.

The fourth elder brother's eyes are much softer.

Such a person who is afraid of the heat has not moved there until now, and his filial piety is commendable.

Thinking of this, he was a little taken aback.

It seems that he lacks a little bit of filial piety...

The eighth elder brother next door also lacks a little bit of filial piety...

Inner courtyard, main room.

Si Fujin directly led Shu Shu to Dongci Room.

On the kang, there was a boy with three heads lying on the small table, playing with a few jigsaw puzzles.

Seeing a guest coming in, he immediately stood up obediently, looking very orderly.

"This is Aunt Jiu, please greet me..."

When Sifujin saw the eldest son, his tone became much softer.

"Aunt Nine..."

This is Honghui, the elder brother of Sibeile Mansion. He was born in Kangxi in 36 years, three years old, and he speaks very clearly.

Shu Shu met once before, when the fourth elder brother's family moved from the palace.

At that time, I was just learning to speak, and I couldn't call people yet.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and he is walking steadily.

Last year, I saw that I was wearing a lot of clothes, covering my face layer by layer, and my face was also round and small.

Now the milk fat has receded a bit, and the facial features have become clearer.

Father Xiao!

It is the miniature version of the fourth elder brother, with bigger eyes, and the ears are like the fourth elder brother, which are face-to-face ears, and the rest of the nose and mouth are the same as the fourth elder brother.

Seeing this, Shu Shu couldn't bear to hug her, so she just said: "Brother is also well..."

Honghui still had a good temper, picked up the jigsaw puzzles that had been scattered before, put them in a box, and then looked at Sifujin.

Si Fujin nodded and said: "Go to sleep for a while, Er Nie will talk to your Ninth Aunt."

Hong Hui nodded obediently.

A nurse came forward to hug Honghui to get off the kang.

Hong Hui stretched out his hand and let her hug her down, then stretched out his calves to the ground, said something to Si Fujin and Shu Shu, and then took the hand of the nanny down.

This stern look is not pleasing to adults, but it is cute for children.

"This is too obedient..."

Shu Shu sincerely praised.

Although she has never given birth to a child, she still remembers the situation of Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu when they were young.

When I was two or three years old, I loved to say "no", as if deliberately annoying people, I loved to confront adults, and I had my own judgment.

It takes five or six years old to understand the truth and complete the rules.

Honghui is only three years old.

Si Fujin said helplessly: "He is the eldest son, and our master is very strict with rules. When father and son meet on weekdays, it is this rule, that rule..."

Shu Shu couldn't say anything, so she could only praise: "Three years old, my nephew is smart..."

This is also basic social etiquette.

Praise the child in front of the parents, and make no mistakes.

As for the relationship between father and son, it's not just the Four Baylor Mansion, it's pretty much the same in every family.

Not to mention looking like an enemy, but also like a strict father.

Si Fujin pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Every child, what can you tell, I just hope that he is safe and sound..."

Shu Shu's heart skipped a beat.

It's just that she had already persuaded Si Fujin to give birth to Honghui's younger brother once before, and if she said anything else, it would be superficial.

She changed the subject and said: "The Longevity Palace and the Changchun Palace are both under construction and repairs. Our mother will move to the garden in a few days. Master Jiu and I plan to live there too. Where is Sisister-in-law? It's sweltering in the city. Otherwise, you would have brought Honghui there too..."

After hearing this, Si Fujin hesitated and said, "There's a lot going on in this family..."

The responsibility of the first wife?

Looking after concubines and concubines?

Shu Shu is hard to persuade...

(End of this chapter)

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