Chapter 611 Favor
Outside the carriage, Brother Nine and Brother Ten were also talking about their "filial piety".

"As soon as this thing is presented, Khan Ama will definitely teach people, saying things like not doing a proper job, not learning, not having skills..."

Brother Jiu said: "But if you really don't give it to him, I guess you have to remember something in your heart, thinking that the master is not filial..."

Elder Brother Ten felt itchy in his heart, and said, "Brother Ninth, when will the second batch be ready, and my younger brother will also want a pair..."

Brother Jiu glared at him, and said, "What do you want? Can't you be punished if you want to follow?"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Ninth, you don't need to play cards, this card can be played by two people, it's for fun at home!"

Brother Nine was very firm and said: "The two of you can't play with what, just play cards and play 'Dai Hu', don't touch this!"

Even if he asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make the second batch, he didn't plan to distribute it to the brothers.

The first batch was in a hurry, and it was still a trial, and the craftsmen were also hand-made, so they only made four pairs.

The second batch totaled twenty copies.

Ten of them are gold-inlaid ivory dice, and the matching ones are white jade-inlaid ruby ​​dice.

Ten pairs are ebony ox-bone dice, matched with gold dice inlaid with precious stones.

Because of the precision, the construction period is relatively long.

For the twenty copies, he planned to "seriously" half of them, and half as a return gift from the Prince of Inner Mongolia.

The Mongols are real and love to salute.

I sent a lot of gifts to Brother Jiu.

It was originally a business relationship, and brother Jiu helped the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make money safely.

There are too many rituals, and I feel burning hands, thinking that "reciprocity is reciprocal".

The teeth and dominoes are just right.

Things are rare and expensive, and they look decent.

In addition, there are ups and downs.

It will also be convenient to promote in various ministries of Mongolia in the future.

Elder Brother Ten said helplessly, "Brother Ninth, are you too careful?"

It is true that the Eight Banners prohibit gambling, but it is common to play a small game of cards when living at home, and no one cares about it.

Brother Nine said: "Then you can't do it either. You're used to playing at home. Others know, will you be dragged into the game later? What if the elders of the clan speak up? It's better not to do it from the beginning."

Brother Ten stopped talking.

It might not be possible.

If they move out of the palace, it will be different from when they lived in the palace, and they will have to leave for all kinds of entertainment in the future.

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's because everyone is too leisurely, there is nothing serious to do all day..."

So I like to go to teahouses to listen to gossip, I like to raise cages and birds to raise pets, and I like to organize games and play cards.

Brother Nine said: "It's a scene of peace, but Khan Ama thinks long-term and is afraid that the Eight Banners will be abolished, so he will be stricter with the clan."

Elder Brother Shi also knows this truth, but in fact he is not without regrets.

Today's days in the clan mansion are like this for three or five days, and it's also like this for three or five months.

You can see the end at a glance.

Think about the next three to five years, or even three to 50 years.

is boring enough.

He still has an errand, if he is a son of the clan who doesn't have an errand, he doesn't have to worry about food and drink, and he is so idle every day, he just thinks about how to dawdle.

Brother Jiu also thought of these people and felt that he was at a loss.

"It's no wonder that Ama Khan doesn't like them, and I don't like seeing them. I have a noble salary, but I enjoy it all day long. Ama Khan doesn't dare to relax..."

Speaking of this, he had a smirk on his face, looked at Elder Brother Ten and said, "Can't we think of a way to use these people?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "Ama Khan attaches great importance to the clan, those who are really capable will not be buried, and those who have good grades in the examination will be reused, unless it is those who do not even have the qualifications for the examination..."

The descendants of the lower clan, as well as the descendants of Jueluo, and the blood of the Aixinjueluo family who were expelled like the Fusong family.

Brother Jiu said angrily: "Then let them enjoy their leisure for nothing, we are not so comfortable when we are princes."

How can we add more clan vacancies?

Brother Nine felt that he was far-sighted and started to plan.

Now he has not been knighted, and he has no elder brother under his knees. If he can think of a way to increase the number of clan vacancies at this time, it will appear impartial.

There is no rush, there is still plenty of time, so you can think about it slowly.

Just like the lack of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, thinking of a new job, isn't it there?

That is to say, the Mongolian side is different, the clan must avoid suspicion, otherwise it is not impossible to directly add a few border trade clans to the Lifan Academy...

Walking slowly all the way, but within an hour, I arrived outside Changchun Garden.

Concubine Yi's carriage stopped directly outside the gate of Changchun Garden's Grand Palace, and she wanted to change into a chariot to enter the garden.

Shu Shu and the others stopped when they arrived at the Grand Palace Gate.

The shoulder chariot has long been waiting.

Peilan brought the palace servants over yesterday to make a statement, and now she is waiting at the door.

Shu Shu and Shi Fujin got out of the carriage first, and helped Concubine Yi get out of the carriage to change chariots.

Watching Yifei's chariot enter the garden, everyone got into the carriage, got into the horse, and then went to Xinwusuo.

The New Fifth Institute is located in the southwest corner of the West Garden, separated from the West Garden by a wall.

Surrounded by water.

A row of five and three entered the courtyard, which looked similar to the layout of the elder brother's house in the palace.

It's just that there is an east-west corridor in front of the elder brother's house in the palace. To enter and leave the elder brother's house, one must pass through the east-west door of the corridor.

The access control here is not that structured.

Each courtyard, although the middle wall is connected, has independent front and rear doors, making it easier to enter and exit.

The front door is not far from the official road, that is, more than ten feet away, separated by trees and rivers, it will not be disturbed, and it is within the inspection range of the police, and the soldiers and civilians are not allowed to approach.

The direction of the back door is the imperial rice field, and then in the Huyuan River, it is the southwest gate of the West Garden, and continuing north, it is the Great North Gate of the West Garden next to the Empress Dowager's Palace.

Shu Shu and the other sisters-in-law paid their respects to the Queen Mother. It is more convenient to go directly to the Great North Gate instead of the West Garden.

There are four yards that brother Jiu cleaned up.

The second yard from the west.

The fifth house is where the ten princes and his wife live.

The couples of the third and fifth elder brothers, the couple of the second and fourth elder brothers, and the first elder brother, are arranged in this way.

As soon as their carriage arrived, the second and third institutes got the news.

Both the four Fujin and the five Fujin came out.

When the sisters-in-law met, they were all very warm.

Only Wu Fujin said in a sly voice: "I don't know if I will arrive today, otherwise, I should go outside the garden to meet my mother."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "I'm afraid that my sister-in-law will find out, go and wait, so my mother won't let someone tell me."

Si Fujin comforted Wu Fujin and said: "The concubine is here now, please pay more attention in the future."

Because Shu Shu and Shi Fujin still had to tidy up the yard, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law had a few gossips, and they made an appointment to greet the Queen Mother together in the afternoon, and then they left.

The yard has already been tidied up.

This time Elder Brother kept Nanny Qi and Peanut, and everyone else followed.

At Nanny Qi's place, she had some symptoms of rheumatism. She likes heat and doesn't like yin, so she didn't come over.

Peanut is reticent, but his identity is on display here, the grand lady, it is enough to follow and manage people.

In less than half an hour, the luggage and arrangements were packed, and the master and servant settled down.

Shu Shu walked around in the yard.

Very satisfied.

Although the elder brother's house before was also a third-institution, but it is more like a second-institution on weekdays.

Among the nine rooms in the back, only two rooms were used for walnuts and the others, and the other seven rooms were allocated to the two princesses.

Shu Shu basically doesn't go to the backyard, which means "well water doesn't violate river water".

It's different now.

For the next five rooms, Shu Shu directly asked someone to clean them up. One side is the card room and the other side is the tea room.

With the north window open, it is the draft, and it is very comfortable to stay in the room.

Today's Haidian is different from that of later generations.

It is a veritable Haidian.

The waterways are vertical and horizontal.

In addition to the luxuriant vegetation, the temperature is much worse than that in the palace.

As long as you are not under the sun, you can feel a little cool.

It's not like in the palace, it's like a big steamer, it's so hot that people can't avoid it.

But relatively, there are many mosquitoes.

Xiaochun brought longan and was checking the screen window and curtain of the main room.

I also looked at the screen door outside.

As long as you go in and out, it is inevitable that some mosquitoes will follow.

Xiao Chun said: "Fu Jin, put another layer of screen window, or turn on the light at night, Xiao Bite can get in..."

A "small bite" is a tiny bug, and a bite is a small pimple.

But in that case, the wind will also be blocked, and it will be less cool during the day.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said, "Let's just leave the window screens like this, put an extra layer of mosquito nets at night..."

But because of the mosquito, she got more toilet water on her body.

She also thought the smell was too strong, so she snatched Brother Jiu's lemon essential oil and used it, so it didn't smell so irritating...

Outside Qingxi Bookstore.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten are waiting outside.

Starting today, the two brothers lived in Haidian, so they had to go to the Imperial Palace to pay their respects first.

Seeing that it was about to start, the officials who turned over the signs all saw the same thing.

The last one to come out was Mazzie.

Seeing him, Brother Nine warmed up and said, "Master Ma, are you back from a business trip in Shanxi?"

"Master Nine, Lord Ten..."

Ma Qi stopped, met the two people respectfully, and said: "The slave arrived in Beijing yesterday, and came here today to deal with errands..."

He went to Shanxi at the end of May, and it has been one and a half months now.

As for the mutual criticism between the governor of Shanxi and the chief envoy of Shanxi, neither of them fell well.

The governor of Shanxi was demoted by three levels, and the chief envoy of Shanxi was downgraded by one level.

Because the newly appointed governor of Shanxi was none other than Gali, his family brother in Fujin, Brother Jiu asked someone to ask a few more questions before, knowing the details, so he didn't ask in detail now.

Brother Jiu was thinking about that Fucha Gege, who would be the side Fujin of Babeile Mansion from then on.

In the case of Bafu Jin's "retreat", Fucha Gege was the one who came out to socialize on behalf of the female family members of the Babeile Mansion, and he didn't know his temperament.

He said enthusiastically, "When will Mrs. Ma hold a wedding, remember to send a post to the master, we are colleagues, and I should also add makeup to Da Ge..."

Ma Qi listened, very sour.

What does it mean?
He is not very old, but he is quite good at acting like a senior.

People who don't know heard it, and thought it was Uncle Shi who added makeup to his niece...

He didn't show any expression on his face, he just said: "All according to the arrangement of the Babeile Mansion..."

Brother Jiu blinked.

Last time I was in a hurry to go back to Sibeile Mansion, I forgot to mention Si Age.

If he took care of Yaqibu's family, Shushu, before Fucha Gege got started, would he be considered a help to Ma Qi?
It's a pity, this human relationship is not good to put it in the open...

(End of this chapter)

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