Chapter 612 Marriage Proposal
It's hot in summer, and the doors and windows are open.

Kangxi also vaguely heard the movement at the door, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

He thought about it, then looked at Liang Jiugong, and said: "Brother Jiu and Ma Qi have a good relationship?"

Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "Perhaps it's because they are all attached to the Chief of the House of Internal Affairs. Master Jiu is modest, and I heard that he is also very polite to the other two chiefs."

Kangxi shook his head and said, "Don't brag, that's no kind of modesty, it's just self-knowledge..."

There is also lazy.

The errands that can be assigned will definitely not be taken.

The errands that have been assigned will never be mixed.

"Let's pass it on..."

Kangxi said.

This is Brother Ten who is also there, and he happens to have something to share; if Brother Nine is alone, he really doesn't want to see him.

He is too impatient when things happen, and he is not stable at all.

A few days ago, when Qi Xi's title came out, Brother Jiu immediately returned to Ning with Fujin.

Dong E's family hadn't had a drink to celebrate yet, so he went over to bother him.


Empty hands!
Kangxi even regretted asking a few more questions.

I can't afford to lose this man.

You are not usually stingy, why can't you be more polite?
Liang Jiugong responded, and went out to pass the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother to come in.

"Khan Ama, my son has a rare item 'Sincerely'..."

Brother Jiu personally held the small box, came in and invited Ann, and immediately presented it.

Kangxi looked at the brand-new box and said, "What is it made inside?"

Brother Jiu didn't answer, but stepped forward, opened the box, revealing the tooth cards inside, and said: "Isn't it true that I watched the emperor's grandmother touch the cards before, so my son thought of a different way and got the tooth cards ..."

He "robbed" Shu Shu's credit again.

The less trouble, the better.

Let Khan Ama believe that his Fujin is a well-behaved prince Fujin.

He is the one who is obviously going to be criticized.

Kangxi thought of "dizzy eyes", feeling quite strange in his heart, frowned and said: "I don't do my job all day long, just worry about eating, drinking and playing!"

Brother Nine pursed his lips and glanced at Brother Ten.

Look, it's the rhetoric I guessed.

Brother Ten hurriedly gave him a look, telling him to be more honest.

Brother Jiu lowered his head, and honestly admitted his mistake: "Isn't it summer? The emperor's grandmother is also idle, and our empress. This thing is just right for the female relatives to pass the time."


Kangxi still looked at him disliked, and said: "I still don't read much, don't think about the important issues of people's livelihood, just blindly stubborn..."

Brother Jiu was holding his breath in his heart and really wanted to talk back.

Why are you so stubborn? !

Sitting in the yamen all day, has the Ministry of Internal Affairs' errands been delayed? !

Seeing his unconvinced look, Kangxi said: "I'm not right? You were fooling around all day when you were studying, let alone other things, how much do you remember from "Zhou Li"?"

Brother Jiu blinked and said, "Why do you think of asking this? My son learned it when he was in his teens. It's been ten years since he was younger. Who remembers that?"

Kangxi frowned and said, "I don't even remember the basic scriptures. After studying for more than ten years, have you learned it all in the stomach of a dog?"

Brother Nine was furious and slandered endlessly.

Can't you just say a few words?

Picking faults all day long, except for his precious prince and eldest son, no one else is pleasing to the eye!
By the way, there is also the third child, which looks good too!

Not only is the heart and eyes biased, but the eyes are not very good!

"I think, you should go back to the study and study for a few more years, and re-read the knowledge you have fooled before?"

Kangxi said unhurriedly.

Brother Nine's expression changed drastically, and he quickly prayed: "Khan Ama, don't say goodbye, my son is seventeen, and he will be eighteen now, and he went back to study with the younger brothers, what's the matter?"

Kangxi glanced at him, and said: "Then what about this book? It's impolite not to read, you just fooled too much back then, and now the rules are loose..."

Nine elder brothers showed grievances, and said: "My son is reading books now, but it's not these scriptures. Not to mention the side, even the son of the prince's mansion has cleaned up a yard specially, and plans to collect books..."

"Can't you just read the classics?" Kangxi asked.

There was a threat of going back to the study, Brother Jiu didn't hold back, nodded and said: "Yes, it's very capable. Later, my son will ask Lao Shisan to borrow a copy of "Zhou Li", and read it carefully from beginning to end... "

Seeing Kangxi's expression of disbelief, he hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, son of Amakao, is healed, isn't it just memorization, didn't I never memorize it when I was young?"

Kangxi is still noncommittal.

Brother Jiu said helplessly: "Ama Khan, your son is already married, so don't take it back to the study to scare your son. If that's the case, it's too embarrassing!"

Kangxi snorted lightly, and said, "You read by yourself, how conscious are you?"

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Yes, it is appointed. My son will copy "Zhou Li" a hundred times and read it a hundred times. I will keep it firmly in my heart and dare not forget..."

"Not only "Zhou Li", but also "Yi Li" and "Book of Rites"..."

Kangxi said.

Brother Nine heard this, and his heart was blocked.

He really wanted to ask, is there something about his son that would embarrass the royal family?

One "Zhou Ritual" is not enough, "Three Rituals" are arranged?
But listening to the voice, he also knew that this was not a discussion with himself.

This is the oral order.

"Yes, my son obeys the order..."

Brother Jiu drooped his head and said in a muffled voice.

Kangxi twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I'll show you another teacher!"

Brother Jiu raised his head.

Hello teacher, in the future, if Khan Ama really thinks about taking homework exams one day, he will say that the teacher didn't talk about that, or the teacher said something else.

This year is the year of the rural examination, and next year will be the spring.

Now the concubine of the Hanlin Academy will be disbanded next year. Could it be that they are pointing at someone?
He just happens to be uninvited!
A teacher will be responsible for filling the collection of books in the Prince's Mansion.

Brother Nine's eyes sparkled, and he spoke with gratitude, saying: "Ama Khan is kind, this is because I feel sorry for my son. My son must study hard and understand all the principles!"

Seeing that he knew what was good and bad, Kangxi was slightly satisfied, nodded and said: "That's good, no one else is needed, just Ma Qi!"

Brother Nine's eyes widened, with surprise, he said, "Is it such a coincidence that you have the same name as Master Ma Qima?"

It is common for people to collide with each other, but it is not uncommon.

What's strange is that he came from the Imperial Academy. He is also a talented scholar. He has never heard of it before, so he doesn't think his background is too high.

But this is not quite right. After all, if he is the prince's teacher, Khan Ama should also be picky about his background.

For example, Brother Thirteen's prince teacher is the Tong family.

Brother Jiu is a little confused.

The ten elder brothers are clear to the bystanders, and they have already reacted now.

This is because Khan Ama couldn't understand Brother Jiu's laxity, and wanted to re-discipline him to learn the rules.

He also pointed out a character that Brother Nine needs to respect.

Ma Qi should be Ma Qi, there is no second.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine and didn't speak.

Brother Jiu said in disbelief: "Is it really Master Ma Qima?"

Kangxi nodded and said: "I see that you are familiar with each other, and it would not be bad to be a teacher and student."

Brother Nine sneered and said, "Isn't it too good to be useful? This 'killing a chicken with a bull's knife', Mr. Ma is a confidant of Khan Ama, and he has a lot of errands. How can he have time to watch his son study..."

Ma Qi's current status is also among the officials of the Eight Banners. He is the secretary of the household department, the secretary of the Lifan Academy and the head of the internal affairs office, and he will soon join the cabinet as a scholar.

Brother Jiu doesn't want this teacher.

Kangxi was a little surprised, and said: "Aren't you very familiar with Ma Qi? Why do you still despise him?"

Brother Jiu didn't want to lie, and told the truth, "It's not that I hate it... My son doesn't want to make the relationship so complicated. Mr. Ma is now Myna's father-in-law, or Myna's subordinate..."

Kangxi was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Brother Jiu to say this.

Brother Jiu said sincerely, "Why don't you just think about it again, it's just an old man who teaches his son to read, and the Eight Banners has an official position, so he can arrange one for his son, without any delay."

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu and was also speechless.

Everyone knows that Ma Qi wants to pay homage to the prime minister.

Is it not good for multiple bachelors to be teachers?

Still his confidant.

Although Kangxi was not very happy that his sons had good relations with the ministers, he also disliked him for being so ignorant like Brother Jiu.

"Okay, let's just Ma Qi, that's the prince teacher I pointed out to you, it's not up to you to be picky!"

After finishing speaking, Kangxi waved his hands and said, "Kneel down, Elder Brother Ten stay here!"

Brother Nine was troubled and wanted to talk.

Elder Brother Ten pushed him, and said in a low voice, "Brother Ninth just went to see how Sister Nine and the others are doing. There is no courtyard wall over there, and the guards have to step up their patrols..."

Brother Nine reluctantly went out.

Kangxi glanced at Elder Brother Ten, and said, "Tai Fujin from the Bahrain Department has been accepted..."

Elder Brother Ten's heart sank, and he didn't rush to speak.

Tai Fujin of the Bahrain Department, the mother-in-law of Princess Heshuo Rongxian, and his great aunt who had competed with the Empress Yuan for the throne.

What can she write?
It's really shameless. In order to marry the youngest son to a wife with a generous dowry, you have used the booklet?
Elder Brother Ten felt angry in his heart.

Kangxi went on to say: "She mentioned Niu Hulu's family affairs, and she wanted to marry Yan Zhu's daughter for her youngest son..."

Elder Brother Ten had already expected it, and was not surprised. He just said truthfully: "Ama, Niu Hulu Gege has already said that he is Brother Ninth's cousin, Brother Fusong, who invited his son Sunu to be the matchmaker..."

"Last year, Tai Fujin wrote to Uncle Yin De, mentioning the marriage. Uncle asked Niu Hulu Gege. Niu Hulu Gege thought that his younger brother was immature and didn't want to marry far away..."

"Uncle Yin De just mentioned this matter to his son, and his son helped to set up a relationship, and he fell in love with Brother Fusong..."

"Brother Ten, marriage between Manchu and Mongolia is a national policy!" Kangxi said flatly.

Elder Brother Ten raised his head and said, "Ama Khan, Gege Niuhulu is not the eldest daughter!"

If it is the daughter of the clan, she has the responsibility of the clan daughter if she is supported by the royal family.

What kind of responsibility does a noble daughter have?

Just because her existence reminds people of the scandal between Niu Hulu's family and Tong's family, should we marry her away?
Kangxi looked at Elder Brother Ten, and said with disapproval: "This is a state matter, and it is also Niu Hulu's family affair. You shouldn't meddle in this matter!"

It shouldn't have been the case for media protection before.

You should take the overall situation into consideration instead of thinking about small favors and small favors.

"Khan Ama..."

On the face of the tenth elder brother, there was a prayer: "If Uncle Yan Zhu's conduct is bad, and aunt's morality is bad, then the son must not talk too much. It is only natural that the debt owed by the parents falls on the children, but your insight is as good as yours." Ju, I also know that this is not the case. Nowadays, people who commit crimes are good, and people who have no faults are ruined. Do you want their blood to wither? Niu Hulu Gege also has the blood of Taizu; Also matches..."

(End of this chapter)

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