My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 613 The Emperor's Heart

Chapter 613 The Emperor's Heart
Brother Ten spoke dryly.

Kangxi still didn't nod or shake his head.

Seeing this, Elder Brother Ten regretted it in his heart.

If I had listened to brother Jiu's advice earlier and went to the imperial court more, wouldn't I be a little more decent than now?

The marriage between these two families is the line between him and Brother Jiu. If there is a change, Brother Jiu will not be tough in the Yue family in the future.

He clenched his fists, and really couldn't understand why Khan Ama took a Mongolian Tai Fujin's book in his heart.

Will it always be thinking about old love?

My great aunt was also sent to the palace to wait for her new year.

This childhood sweetheart...

Could it be that he was beaten with a stick?

That's why she married Sister Rongxian?

He lowered his head, put aside the blood, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

If Khan Ama has made up his mind, he can just make an order, and keep him for whatever...

Khan Ama did not make a decision.

Then he is still like this...

Elder Brother Ten thought of the confrontation between the emperor's father and Brother Ninth just now, and felt a little cold.

His head was lowered lower and lower.

There is also a dry sound in the throat.

He wanted to keep silent, but he still heard his own voice, saying: "Since Taifu Jin wants to get married with Niu Hulu's family, and the Duke's family is in a boudoir, their identities are more suitable..."

"Oh? Ling'a's eldest daughter, this year is also the year of Jiji..."

Kangxi said casually.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "That's right, that's Gege, the direct branch of Chengjue's family. I think Tai Fujin can only be grateful for Khan Amalongen."

"Okay, I understand, you step back!"

Kangxi's voice was very calm.

Elder Brother Ten raised his head, his expression of concern was still the same as before, and he became a little bit worried.

After leaving Qingxi Bookstore, Elder Brother Shi bit his lip.

What a compassionate heart!
Before he moved out of the palace, a thorn would be stabbed between him and the head of Niu Hulu's family.

Although there is no such arrangement, Elder Brother Ten and Ah Ling are not in the same way.

But watching pro-Ama dig a hole for herself, the smell makes one's scalp tingle.

Biting hard, his mouth was fishy and salty.

When he walked out of Xiaodongmen, he felt desolate in his heart, feeling that the whole world was foggy.

"Hey! What are you thinking? Your eyes are straight..."

The familiar voice shattered the mist in front of Elder Brother Ten, and the world became clear again.

The blue sky is like washing, and the fields are green.

Brother Jiu, who was waving his palm in front of him, was so lively.

"Why are you still looking straight?"

Brother Nine was talking, and found the scar on Brother Ten's lips, and couldn't help being stunned.

He stopped laughing and said seriously: "Ama Khan scolded you? Okay, why did you get so angry?"

This is the downside of growing up small.

Brother Ten knows Brother Nine like the back of his hand.

Brother Nine is also very clear about Brother Ten's little emotions and habits.

Elder Brother Shi smiled wryly and said, "Ama Khan didn't teach me, it was Tai Fujin from the Bahrain Department who went to Zhezi to propose marriage, and asked for the youngest son to marry Yan Zhu's daughter..."

Brother Jiu's face drooped, and he turned around and was about to walk towards Xiaodongmen.

The day when Fu Song officially changed posts was at the end of the month, so of course he knew who Yan Zhu's daughter was.

Elder Brother Shi hurriedly stopped him, and said, "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, don't worry, my younger brother has just told Han Ama about Niu Hulu Gege's engagement..."

Brother Nine was so angry that he said: "What's the matter with that Tai Fujin? He still wants to marry him by force? He's not the daughter of the clan, so what's the point of offering a booklet to Khan Ama?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's shameless, that's why my younger brother is so angry, and this is my own niece, so calculating!"

Brother Nine was still worried, and said: "I'd better ask Han Ama to intercede, lest Han Ama 'take care of the overall situation' and really follow the wishes of that Tai Fujin..."

Elder Brother Ten sneered in his heart.

It is estimated that in the heart of the emperor, the small Bahrain department is not important, but it is more important to suppress him, the son of a noble concubine, and to drive a wedge between him and Niu Hulu's mansion.

"Ninth brother doesn't need to go. My younger brother recommended Ah Ling's family Da Gege. That's also a 'kissing and kissing'. His status is higher than that of Shu Zhi Da Gege, isn't it just right?"

Elder Brother Ten has regained his composure.

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said: "How could this be, you are too confused, Ah Ling is a villain, why did you offend him?"

If it gets out, it will be tantamount to tearing face off with Niu Hulu's government.

Elder Brother Shi felt warm in his heart, and said: "If you offend, you will offend. I'm not afraid of him. He has a bad title, and he's already guilty. Even if I'm friendly, he's on guard. It's not that bad now."

Brother Nine still shook his head and said: "It's too reckless. If you come out directly, it will be no problem for the master to recommend you in the past. The left and right masters have enmity with him."

The tenth elder brother proudly said: "I am the prince elder brother, how dare he plot a big treason?"

Brother Jiu glared at him, and said: "You should also go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to read the case file for three months, and you will know the evil of people in this world..."

In addition, Elder Brother Ten and Ah Ling'er have this nephew relationship.

It's also disgusting.

He thought for a while, and said: "Since you have offended me, then try to suppress Ah Ling..."

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "Brother Ninth, don't meddle, I see that Khan Ama wants to use A Ling..."

Otherwise, there would be no rush to dig a hole between him and A Ling'a.

After all, there are so many members of Niu Hulu's family, only Ye Bilong is the closest to the royal family.

Shangsanqi is the power of the emperor's father, he will not cut off his arms, let alone the name of Shangsanqi.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Then watch him get up?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Even if Ama Khan uses him, he is just using him. We all know that he is a villain. Can Ama Khan be deceived?"

Brother Jiu thinks about it too.

He began to worry about himself, and struggled: "Master thinks that these days are very good, why does Khan Ama think that it's a one-time job? You really have to be kind, what kind of Hanlin bachelor, Guozijian sacrificial wine, which one can't be called the prince's teacher, Why did you order Mazi?"

He didn't want to have too much entanglement with the Babeile Mansion.

After all, we have been in love since we were young, and now we are alienated, so we should stay away to avoid embarrassment for each other.

Elder Brother Ten whispered, "Zhenglan Qi."

Brother Nine was silent.

The two brothers went to the new fifth institute.

"Ama Khan regret it?" Brother Jiu also lowered his volume.

Regret pointing out the leader of the Ma Qi family to the eighth elder brother? !
Give Ma Qi the status of a prince's teacher, so that he can't help each other?
But can this student compare with his son-in-law?

Are the distances different?

Brother Nine was nervous and almost jumped up, saying: "Ma Qi still has a prostitute daughter, Khan Ama doesn't want to point it out to the master, does he? That's absolutely not possible!"

Elder Brother Ten took a few glances at Brother Ninth's face.

The face is not big, I really dare to think.

After Brother Jiu finished speaking, he also knew that he had thought too much.

He is different from Eighth Prince.

His own Fujin has made no mistakes, and his father-in-law is also very popular, so it's not like that.

Besides, Ma Qi's daughter-in-law, the prince Fujin, has done it, and it's not grace, but bullying.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "So is Khan Ama, what are you doing in this circle? Wouldn't it be easier to just call the leader of Ma Qi's family back to Shangsanqi?"

Brother Ten said: "If the imperial decree can be changed from day to day, then no one will be afraid."

Brother Jiu thought about it for the same reason, but he was still unhappy, and said: "I have thought about it for a long time, maybe it will be Zhenglanqi, but I still hope that there will be a turnaround, and I don't like to mess with them."

The clan of the Zhenglan Banner, the main banner is King An, the small banner is Lord Xin, and the new little lord is the eighth elder brother.

Go by yourself, even if you are behind these three people, you are still a small lord.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Ninth Brother, don't worry too much. Maybe Khan Amma will change his mind after two years. As long as there is no official knighthood, everything is uncertain."

Brother Nine thought about it, and it was also the same reason, and said in a low voice: "Khan Ama acted decisively in the early years, and there are times when he repeats it."

Elder Brother Ten didn't speak.

He felt that the emperor's father was still the same as before, tightly grasping the power in his hands, and fearing all those who were close to the power.

In the early years, the assistant ministers of Dou Si were like this.

The same is true for supporting foreign relatives and weakening the clan in the middle.

Later, he doted on the wrapped concubines and began to promote the wrapped officials, as did the nobles who balanced the three banners.

Now, targeting the sons...

"A few days ago, your sister-in-law asked about the fish. The food here is not delicious. I will ask someone to go to Jinhai to catch a few nets. The water over there is cooler and the earthy smell should be less..."

Brother Jiu has already talked about something else.

Brother Ten glanced at him.

They are not sneaky, and this time it will show up.

As the son of a noble concubine, as long as he doesn't hook up with Niu Hulu's family, he will sit back and relax.

Ninth brother has a wild temper, and the emperor's father can't guard against him no matter how hard he is.

The two brothers just mess around.

The resentment in Elder Brother Ten's heart gradually calmed down, and he said, "It's been too hot these two days, if it's cloudy in two days, let's go to the racecourse for a race..."

Brother Jiu wants to shake his head.

He didn't want to go on a cloudy day.

But thinking of Shu Shu, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go for a walk then."

I can still have an errand to do, instead of going to the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I can also handle official duties in the valet on the side of the garden, and Shu Shu can't stay bored in the fourth office all the time.

When they arrived at the gate of the fourth school, the two brothers said goodbye and went back to the yard.

Shu Shu has already dressed neatly and packed the food box, and plans to go with her sisters-in-law to pay her respects to the Queen Mother.

Brother Nine said: "Do you have a tooth card?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Take, sacrifice the Queen Mother, we can also follow the formation tomorrow!"

Brother Jiu reminded: "Don't play too much, otherwise, you will feel uncomfortable about winning or losing later, and it's not good to pass it to Khan Ama..."

Shu Shu didn't speak, but looked at Brother Jiu.

"Because of the tooth card, Master was trained?"

Shu Shu felt a little regretful.

It seems that the loss outweighs the gain.

It's just a pastime, and it would be a shame if Brother Nine's previous favorability was cleared for this.

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "No training, just put it down after saying a few words..."

Because Shu Shu made an appointment with his sister-in-law, and he was about to go out, Brother Jiu didn't elaborate.

After an hour, when Shu Shu came back, brother Jiu mentioned one more thing about the prince's teacher.

Shu Shu didn't say "five thunders hit the top", it's almost the same.

Ma Qi, a staunch member of the "Baye Party".

What kind of evil fate is this?
This is yesterday's update.

The next update will be at 12:8 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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