My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 614 twists and turns

Chapter 614 Twists and turns

Seeing that Shu Shu didn't speak, brother Jiu felt uncomfortable.

He stared at Shu Shu, and muttered, "You're not kidding me, are you?"

Originally, he didn't study as much as his wife, but now he has a prince teacher, as if he is ignorant.

Shu Shu hurriedly shook her head, sincerely said: "No, no, I just think this kind of grace is a bit big. Compared with the thirteenth brother, the standard of the prince's teacher is too high!"

"Ah?" Brother Nine was a little surprised by her reaction, and said, "Don't you find it troublesome? That's also myna's father-in-law, or myna's assistant..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "That's still the Emperor's confidant, the Lord is polite."

As for the "Baye Party"...

That one is more like an "undercover agent", doing things like "the enemy is in the headquarters"...

When the Manchu civil and military officials recommended the prince directly, Ma Qi was the core force in connecting the civil and military ministers to jointly recommend the eighth elder brother.

It was this recommendation that made Kangxi see the popularity of the "Eight Worthy Kings". if.

After that, the situation changed, and the "Ba Ye Party" could not be said to have disappeared, but it also died down.

Manchuria was born again, the banner owner did not come from a concubine, and the successors of various honorable families were also mainly from the direct line.

Like Fa Hai, because he was a maidservant who gave birth to a son, not one or two were regarded as slaves by his father and brother.

Eighth Prince's background was stamped, and most of the previous aura of "Eight Wise Kings" dissipated.

The eighth elder brother was suppressed by fear, and began to turn behind the scenes to support the fourteenth elder brother.

Brother Nine snorted softly and said: "Khan Ama is really, if you pick on the fault of the master, just say it directly, and push someone out, Ma Qi has so many errands on him, how to watch the master's study, it's just multiple names ..."

Speaking of this, he thought of Elder Ten's words, and said helplessly: "Old Ten said, Khan Ama should still plan to let the Lord fly the Zhenglan Flag. The flag is messed up, and it's not at all uneasy..."

Since the establishment of the Eight Banners, the Zhenglan Banner has never stopped.

Because the princes were lined up next to each other to fly the flag, Shu Shu had thought about this earlier.

She had already calmed down, and said: "If you don't confer a title, you won't be divided into subordinates. Let's live our own lives without getting involved. When it's time to confer the title, there will be an example from the brothers above, and we will act according to them... ..."

Brother Jiu's eyes lit up, and said: "That's right, let's just watch the fun from behind!"

Especially the Prince Anjun's Mansion and the Babeile Mansion, because of the Bafujin, there is already a gap, and I don't know what to do.

Shu Shu calmed down, so Brother Jiu also calmed down.

After hesitating for a moment, he told about the letter from Bahrain Tai Fujin.

Shu Shu couldn't help frowning.

Concern is chaos.

What she thought was whether it was Niu Hulu Gege who repented, or the Yin De couple who repented and disliked Fu Song's identity, so they were so tactful.

Otherwise, it would be a bit abrupt for Bahrain Tai Fujin to directly ask for the marriage.

An honorable daughter who has been kissed, the princess mother-in-law above, and the princess daughter-in-law below, can still secure her position as a family member, would she be so short-sighted?

Marrying a niece recklessly just for a dowry?
That is not "increasing relatives" with her natal family, but enmity.

She pursed her lips and said: "Then please trouble the people around Tenth Brother to go over and ask. If Balin Tai Fujin really made his own claim, then don't bother; if they have repeated themselves, they don't have to go around in circles like this."

Brother Jiu didn't think of this possibility at all, and frowned and said, "No way, we're going to change the post, and there are still people who regret it halfway? Fusong's appearance and character are all here."

Shu Shu smiled wryly and did not speak.

Fu Song is not bad, but this background is also a drag.

Now with their support, they have supplemented the fourth grade.

After getting through the qualifications, it is not impossible to think about the third rank and the second rank in the future.

But without a title, when it comes to Fusong's offspring, he still has to start from scratch.

Earlier, Niu Hulu's family had no better choice and would not be picky.

But it's not uncommon to hesitate when you come to the front and want to see the future prospects.

Brother Jiu felt uncomfortable, and said: "If that's the case, it's too hateful, as if we forced a marriage, what is this called!"

Saying so, he sent He Yuzhu: "Please come and talk, Elder Brother Ten."

After a while, Elder Brother Shi followed He Yuzhu over.

Hearing Shu Shu's guess, Elder Brother Ten was also dumbfounded.

Before, he felt resentful and resentful. He only thought that it was because of Bahrain Tai Fujin's greed. The emperor deliberately used this matter to drive a wedge between himself and Niu Hulu's family. He never thought that there was another possibility.

It was because they made a mistake in their matchmaking before, and Huang Ama made up for them.

He stood up abruptly, and said, "I'll go over and ask what's going on..."

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Be safe and don't be impatient, be safe and don't be impatient, what did Da Lala do in the past, it attracted attention! It's too late today, let's go back to Beijing tomorrow morning, we should go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the clan Go to the clan mansion, and then send someone to tell Yin De to come over, listen to what he has to say, and don't wrong him..."

Elder Brother Ten glanced at the clock, it was indeed getting late.

I was in a hurry to go back to the city today.

He frowned and said, "If there are repetitions, just say it directly..."

Especially in the past, Dong E's family had three funerals one after another, and they found an excuse to stop the marriage. Everyone knew it well and would not say anything.

Now that Dong E's house is going to serve wine, and it's time to exchange posts, this is too much.

Shu Shu said: "Maybe it's my villainous heart..."

She already regretted it in her heart.

Corrupting Niu Hulu Gege's identity before was the best marriage Fu Song could find.

At the beginning, I was also worried that Niu Hulu was arrogant because of his "daughter of the phoenix nest", and he had already made it clear about Fusong's shortcomings when he sent the message directly.

If there is no opinion there, proceed to the next step.

But people's thinking is also subject to change.

In particular, Niu Hulu's family has been married to the royal family for generations, and Da Gege's aunts and cousins ​​are also married into the clan.

Because of this matter, Shu Shu was worried, and did not play a game the next day.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten returned to the city early in the morning.

Brother Ten directly sent Wang Pingan to call Yin De.

"Is there anything to do with Niu Hulu's family that Tai Fujin of Baling County offered a marriage proposal?"

Brother Ten asked directly.

Yin De was ashamed all over his face, and said, "I'm causing trouble for elder brother."

Elder Brother Shi turned cold-faced, and said, "Then how does Niu Hulu's family plan to end up, 'take care of the overall situation' and send off Fu Meng?"

Yin De hurriedly shook his head and said: "The marriage between the two families has been decided, how can it be changed, the servant will go to the garden to ask the emperor to explain this matter!"

Elder Brother Shi frowned and said, "If the marriage is not going to be repeated, then what is Taifujin involved in? Is Linga doing it?"

He thought of this possibility.

When Niu Hulu Gege married in the capital, the most damaged thing was Aling'a's reputation.

Everyone will think of her dead parents, and A Ling'a's murder of her brother and sister-in-law.

Yin De hesitated for a moment, seeing Elder Brother Shi's face getting colder and colder, he said embarrassingly: "It was Chint who was bewitched by Mrs. Fu Guogong and misunderstood the servant, thinking that the servant used this marriage in exchange for a long history, so he gave it to Mrs. Fujin sent a letter..."

This Zhengtai is Da Gege's younger brother and Yin De's adopted son.

Among Yin De's sisters, there are two Mrs. Fu Guogong, but one of them is widowed and rarely shows up in front of people. The more active Mrs. Fu Guogong is Ling'a's same mother and sister. I was also picky about ten Fujins.

Elder Brother Shi still said unhappily: "Children in their teens don't know the truth? If the sisters and adoptive parents around you don't believe it, just believe in an aunt?"

Yin De was ashamed and said: "In the past six months, Fu Guogong's wife has come here often, and she treats Da Gege and Chint as well, but the slave is negligent. I didn't expect her to have other intentions."

Elder Brother Ten looked at Yin De and said, "Then why didn't you know me before?"

Yin De sighed and said: "After the servant found out about this, he immediately sent someone to send a letter to Bahrain. It was a fluke in his heart, and he didn't want to reveal this matter, so as to cause another twists and turns in this marriage."

Brother Ten glanced at him.

The most important thing should be to protect Chint, lest he and brother Jiu take their anger on a child.

Protecting my nephew and adoptive son in this way is also a kind heart.

It's just that they are divided into distant and close relatives.

Elder Brother Ten knew that he was living an extravagant wish again.

He said: "Chintai thinks this way, then in the future, Da Gege and Fu Song will have to be messed up, or this marriage will be forgotten!"

Yin De was stunned, and said, "Brother..."

Brother Ten said: "Since there are hidden dangers, it's better to cut the mess quickly..."

After finishing speaking, he instructed Wang Ping'an and Wang Changshou: "One of you invites Master Jiu, and the other invites Elder Brother Fusong..."

The two went in response.

Yin De was so anxious that sweat came out of his forehead.

"Brother, no, this marriage has come to this point. This is not only a matter between the two children, but also a matter between Niu Hulu's family and Dong E's family..."

To conclude a marriage is to have two surnames.

Elder Brother Ten said coldly: "I was reckless in the first place, I shouldn't have meddled in Niu Hulu's family affairs..."

The Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs is close to the clan mansion.

In less than a quarter of an hour, brother Jiu arrived.

Hearing that Elder Brother Shi mentioned the secret of Bahrain Tai Fujin's letter, he also felt that the marriage could be let go.

Niu Hulu Da Gege was born with his compatriots in Chintai. He lost his father and mother, and his sister and brother depended on each other.

Such a soft-hearted brother-in-law who doesn't know what to rely on, and Niu Hulu's ghosts and monsters behind him, will not stop in the future.

Originally, he wanted to marry a daughter of a famous family, so he didn't expect the help of the Yue family, and he couldn't delay like this.

It's just that he cared about Fusong's thoughts, and said to Elder Brother Shi: "Look at what Fusong has to say."

Elder Brother Ten nodded, and said shamefully to Elder Ninth, "It's because I didn't think too much before."

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "How can you be so reckless, I was originally thinking of 'picking up leaks' with your Sister-in-law Nine..."

As a result, it is not so easy to take advantage of the cheapness.

The two brothers love each other here, so naturally there will be no rift over other things.

Yin De was beside him, feeling ashamed, but had no choice but to bite the bullet and defend his niece: "Jiu Ye, Da Gege never has the heart to climb the dragon and the phoenix, and he is sincerely waiting to be married..."

Brother Nine snorted softly and stopped talking.

Da Gege is fifteen or six years old, not five or six.

Gege in Manchuria is in charge of the house, not a delicate lady who doesn't leave the house and doesn't enter the house.

Can't restrain his teenage brother?

Either it's a flawed personality, really cowardly, and can't lift it up;

Either way, it's not a good match.

Fu Song is on duty at the Prince's Mansion on weekdays, so it's easy to find someone.

He was afraid that something would delay him, so he came in a hurry.

After he understood the cause and effect, his face turned pale, and he glanced at Brother Jiu, unable to speak...

(End of this chapter)

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