Chapter 615 Choice
Brother Jiu couldn't bear it when he saw it.

At such an old age, it is the most difficult time to show face, and it is not good for anyone to be picked and rejected like this.

He hurriedly comforted him and said, "It's nothing, if it's yellow, it'll be yellow, and I'll hire you a better one later..."

Fu Song smiled wryly and said, "It's embarrassing for brother-in-law and Lord Shi, and for Ama and Ernie, the invitation post has been sent out..."

He didn't like to cause trouble for others since he was a child, but it still seemed to make everyone suffer.

Perhaps, he shouldn't have been lucky in the first place.

Brother Jiu said: "What's the matter, just change someone!"

His mind was racing fast.

It wasn't just the Niu Hulu family who were directly exempted from the election.

The Hesheli family and the Tong family are also descendants, and Gege, the direct branch of the two families, is also exempt from the election.

There is also the Juercha family of Dahai, known as the "Manchurian sage", women are also directly exempted from the election.

The tenth elder brother saw that he wanted to mess up the mandarin ducks, so he hurriedly said: "Ninth elder brother, things will be smooth when things are slow, don't be too hasty."

Otherwise, the resurgence of waves will also affect Fusong's reputation.

Fu Song also came to his senses, and said: "Jiuye, I didn't mean that. A man should start a career first and then start a family. Don't worry..."

Seeing this, Yin De hurriedly said: "Brother Fusong, there is a misunderstanding, and it was not my niece's intention..."

Fu Song looked at Yin De firmly, and said: "I respect you as a senior, is it not kind? I only visited the mansion in person at the beginning of the month, and the date of changing posts at the end of the month was also negotiated with your mansion a few days ago. My lord is the first to explain clearly, why have you come to this step?"

Yin De blushed and said, "I was looking forward to consummation, but I really don't want to go this far."

Fu Song lowered his eyes and said: "Qi Dafei, we have also learned a lesson, so I troubled my lord to send back the earrings at the beginning of the month, and this can be regarded as an end."

Yin De still wanted to say more, but Elder Brother Shi had already ordered Wang Pingan: "See off the guests!"

"Master Yin, please!"

Wang Pingan said bluntly.

The previous title was not this, it was "Uncle".

Yin De blushed and walked out.

Ninth elder brother was not happy, looked at tenth elder brother and said: "What are you doing to stop me? At this time, we should change people directly. The date of engagement will not change. That would be a 'slap' slap in the face and a loud slap in the face!"

Really, now that you have the face to be picky about people, how could you not be picky when you were forced to match someone by the Tong family and the government when you were going to be a filial piety at the beginning of the year?
Elder Brother Ten said: "The only ones we can choose now are the offshoots of the Hesheli family and the Tong family. What's the difference between that and the Niu Hulu family? They are all messy, with a whole family behind them!"

Brother Jiu said angrily: "Then they are so cheap? At that time, it will be embarrassing for the Dutong Mansion, but they will become a sensible family who understands the general situation and cares about the overall situation, and 'sends the girl to caress'..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "It may not be as good as it should be. Didn't my younger brother mention the daughter of Ah Ling Ah..."

Hearing this person, Brother Nine recalled how he begged to punish Ah Ling's family before the Chinese New Year, that is, not to allow Ah Ling's daughter to marry the clan, and also to get married early, so as not to stir up trouble again.

Aling'ah's daughter was fourteen last year and fifteen this year, so it seems time to go out.

Brother Jiu looked at Fu Song and said: "Your marriage is a big deal, and your face is still there, what do you think?"

Fu Song said: "Don't worry, wait until the next year's draft to find a suitable family."

He is sixteen this year, and he will not be until the next year.

Those who can be exempted are all relatives of the state, and they are also very selective.

There's no need to waste the favor between sister and elder brother Jiu, forcing such a marriage.

After the draft in 40, the object of pro-friendship is not limited to those who are exempt from selection.

After all, there are only a few noble families in the Eight Banners, and most of them are ordinary families, so there is no need to choose a noble family.

Seeing him so sensible, Elder Brother Shi felt even more uncomfortable.

She's just an orphan girl from a common branch, her reputation is still flawed, and a 16-year-old fourth-rank official still doesn't like her.

This honorable everyone is really high-spirited.

It also involves the faces of the two princes, brother Jiu and him, but there is no scruple.

Perhaps in their eyes, apart from the emperor and the prince, other princes and elder brothers don't need to care too much.

After all, the flags are going to be lowered, and they can't control the honorable heads of the three flags.

But if you are so contemptuous of the prince, can you really respect the imperial power?
No wonder the imperial father wants to weaken and suppress them, they are too close to the imperial power and have no sense of awe...

Brother Nine is still not willing to do so.

He said to Elder Brother Ten: "I'll go back to Dutong Mansion with Fu Song, talk to father-in-law and mother-in-law, and see what they think."

Elder Brother Ten said, "How about I go too?"

Brother Nine waved his hand and said, "You just wait and see. When Shen Zheng arrives, let's gather outside Xizhimen..."

Dutong Mansion is relatively close to Xizhimen, where there is an official road leading directly to Changchun Garden.

Ten elder brothers agreed.

Brother Jiu and Fu Song went directly to the Dutong Mansion.

Qi Xi and his wife were not happy when they heard this.

But in front of Fusong, it was hard to say anything.

Jue Luo said: "Tomorrow I will go to Beizi's mansion to discuss with Mrs. Beizi. If there is a nod there, the wine at the end of the month will be arranged, and Xiaosan's marriage will be a formality!"

Although the two families had a tacit understanding before, they hadn't officially celebrated yet.

Originally, I wanted to wait until the juniors became adults.

Qi Xi also said: "I'll submit the booklet and transfer the previous title directly to the junior..."

As soon as it was settled, the mistress made a decent marriage, not in vain, and saved Sunu from worrying about letting her son-in-law seek the title of earl.

Brother Jiu saw that both his father-in-law and mother-in-law were determined, and he felt happy, and said: "Then the son-in-law will act as a matchmaker when the time comes?"

Qi Xi didn't hesitate, nodded and said: "Then please trouble brother."

The big media that the two companies planned to hire before was Peng Chun.

But Peng Chun is dead, and there is indeed a lack of a serious matchmaker.

Fu Song said in shame: "It's not good, let Ama and Ernie bother."

Qi Xi looked at him and said: "What are you talking about heresy? Even if there is no engagement, the mansion is planning to serve wine. Now that the mistress has changed, it's not to compete with Niu Hulu's family, but to settle this matter." Be vague in the past, so as not to become news and be grinded by others!"

At that time, when someone else asks about it, they will be perfunctory if they hear something wrong.

Major issues to minor ones out.

Even if there is a suspicion in the heart of Niu Hulu's family, there is no need to show it at this time.

Otherwise, it will be ups and downs again.

Of course Niu Hulu's big princess will be talked about, and Fusong's background will also be picked up and talked about.

Jue Luo said: "It's a good thing to repeat now. If you are engaged or married, and you are reluctant, then you will have a headache."

Seeing this, Brother Jiu also persuaded: "Yeah, good things take a long time, look at me, it wasn't your sister who made the first decision, but it's a blessing in disguise. Isn't it better now..."

The room fell silent.

Everyone looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine's voice changed from loud to soft, and he also felt that what he said was inappropriate, so he took a careful look at Luo Shi and Qi Xi.

Jue Luo looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "Why do I remember that there is another sentence behind..."

Brother Nine nodded honestly, and said: "There is such a saying, 'If you have a good horse, you know it's not a disaster'..."

Qi Xi watched Brother Jiu also grind his teeth.

What kind of metaphor is this?
When things don't go your way in the future, don't you also have to say "you know it's not a disaster"?
Brother Jiu also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, wishing he could slap himself twice, he laughed and said, "What my son-in-law means is a good match, just wait and see, just like my son-in-law and Fujin, isn't that just right? Conjugal love, this missed is not a good relationship!"

Jue Luo's expression softened a little, thinking of his daughter's temperament, he said: "What elder brother said is right, what you miss is not right, you can tell Fujin and persuade her not to think too much, Fu Song is still old Little, there is no delay in waiting another two years."

Qi Xi also said: "Tell Fujin that this is a good thing, don't be annoyed."

Ninth elder brother agreed honestly.

He didn't dare to comfort him any more, for fear of saying something inappropriate again.

Because he made an appointment with Elder Brother Ten to go back to the garden together, Elder Brother Nine politely declined Qi Xi and his wife's offer to leave a meal, and came out from Dutong Mansion.

Fusong delivered it himself.

Not only sent out of the capital, but also sent out of the city.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "Don't bear it anymore, if you feel uncomfortable, you will feel uncomfortable."

Fu Song shook his head and said, "Brother-in-law, I don't feel bad, I just want to take the Manchurian imperial examination..."

Brother Nine heard this, hesitantly said: "There is no precedent..."

The Eight Banners Imperial Examinations have existed for a long time.

The imperial examinations for the children of the clan have also been held since 36.

However, there is really no precedent for the children of the exiled clan to participate in the Eight Banners imperial examinations.

Fu Song glanced at Brother Jiu and said, "Aren't you going to stop me?"

Brother Nine said: "I know that among the children of the clan, those who should wear the first, second, and third ranks, Ding You who has not completed his service, has been dismissed, and has been punished with shackles and sticks are not allowed to take the exam. The children of the Eight Banners are also similar According to the rules, you, the master of ceremonies, are only at the fourth rank, and you are not in the way..."

Now the Eight Banners are sinicized and talented people are respected.

If Fu Song passed the test, that would be his luck.

You can still directly serve as the chief of ceremonies of the fourth rank. After passing the qualifications, you are not limited to the military officers of the Eight Banners, but you can also be transferred to the civil servants of the Eight Banners.

Fujin himself is a book lover, and the third and fourth students below are also famous in the official school of Zhenghongqi because of their good studies.

Even if Fu Song and Zhu Liang in the middle are not as good as Xiao San and Xiao Si, they should not be too far behind.

Fu Song laughed, his whole body relaxed, and said: "Then I'll try, I can't just rely on my sister and brother-in-law to help..."

Brother Nine "loves the house and the black", he thinks more, and said: "There is no need to fanfare, just prepare yourself, and you will be happy if you pass the exam. If you don't pass the exam, it will be practice, and you will take the exam next time..."

Otherwise, if the marriage fails and the imperial examination fails again, the blow will be a bit big.

Fu Song nodded and said, "Well, I don't show off!"

He didn't want to be a pitiful creature in the eyes of others, and he didn't want to embarrass Ama and Ernein themselves.

When the two came out, Elder Brother Ten had already arrived.

After a few words with Fu Song, Elder Brother Ten went to the garden with Elder Brother Ninth...

(End of this chapter)

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