Chapter 616 Raising Meals
On the way, Brother Nine told Brother Ten about the response from the Dutong Mansion, and the two brothers became quiet.

Not very interested.

Brother Jiu thought about the Dutong Mansion. Even though his father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't mean to blame him at all, he still felt ashamed.

I wanted to help, even the wedding room was prepared, but it turned out to be more messy.

Elder Brother Ten is not feeling well either.

In the past, he was sincerely close to Yin De's room, but now he finds out that he is self-indulgent.

Arriving outside the new No. [-] Institute, Brother Jiu hesitated, and said, "These two marriages are over, do you want to talk to Han Ama?"

Before doing it again, he definitely didn't hesitate to file a complaint.

But now I'm at a loss.

The identity of his "beloved son" is not good enough.

No one can stand being picked on all the time.

He was a little apprehensive.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No need for now, Master Qi will only take a few days to submit the book, and if Khan Ama has any questions, he will send someone to Brother Nine."

Brother Nine nodded hurriedly and said: "Mm, um, Master Chuan, Master, go there again..."

The two brothers said goodbye and went back to the yard.

Shu Shu was annoyed and anxious yesterday, but now she has calmed down.

Fusong isn't that fragile, so it's not a bad thing if you think about it for the better.

In a person's life, no one can tell the ups and downs.

Before there was the Tong family and Niu Hulu's mansion, Niu Hulu was in danger of a random marriage, so naturally he didn't care about picking and choosing.

But who let Tong Guowei's family be assigned.

A Ling'a was also silent, as if not daring to make trouble.

The crisis is gone, and the marriage is naturally not willing to let it go.

If she suppressed her heart, forced her to marry, and looked down on Fu Song in her bones, Shu Shu didn't dare to imagine what would happen.

But she also regretted it.

I thought very well before, and both of them have shortcomings, and they just cherish each other when they get together.

But in fact, by mistake, she has never really met that big princess.

If you see a real person and see something wrong, you won't make your family busy for nothing.

When Brother Jiu came back, he also thought that Shu Shu would be depressed and anxious.

After all, both father-in-law and mother-in-law are worried, and he also knows that his wife treats Fusong just as well as his younger brother.

Shu Shu is sewing a sachet.

The bottom of light gold Ning yarn is used, and a safety button is dropped underneath.

The sachet is in the shape of an ingot, and the drawstring is a diamond knot woven with golden silk thread.

Summer clothes are mostly light-colored, and this sachet will not look dry if it is changed to light gold.

Brother Jiu sat next to her, and his heart calmed down a lot, watching without blinking.

Shu Shu raised her head, looked him in the eye, and said, "Let me guess?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said Yin De's words again.

Shu Shu sneered and said, "That's the Bahrain department, not the watermelon field in Daxing. It's a thousand miles small. How long will it take for this letter to go back and forth? It will take a month soon, and it won't take longer if it's slow..."

The results of it?
He already had the intention of repeating it, but he didn't reveal it at all.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Their family is not authentic, we should stay far away from now on..."

Yin De's house is just south of the Prince's Mansion, separated by a street, more than a mile in front and back.

And because Yin De is now hanging on the history of the ten prince's prince's mansion, so the nine elder brothers and Shu Shu listed their family as the family to visit.

"Grandpa lost!"

Brother Nine suddenly remembered this, and said: "This Yin De was recommended by the master. At that time, the master wanted to help the old eleven, but he didn't even think about begging for favors with Yin De. He really took advantage of him! No, next time See you, I have to make it clear, this thank you gift is one share!"

Shu Shu said: "How about Fu Song?"

Brother Jiu said: "Fu Song can't say it's a 'blessing in misfortune'. He looks very self-motivated, so he told the master that he plans to take the Eight Banners imperial examination!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu expressed concern, and said, "But to participate in the Eight Banners imperial examination, you need the protection of the patriarch..."

In terms of blood, Fusong is a descendant of Shuerhaqi, and the head of this branch is Prince Jane Yabu.

However, his great-grandfather's branch is no longer a member of Prince Jian's family in terms of etiquette except for his clan affiliation.

They are in a family of their own.

It will be troublesome to report the name of this subject.

It's not like ordinary bannermen, as long as the assistant collar is protected.

Brother Jiu said: "Master, go back to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites and ask carefully what the regulations are. Since entering the customs, people like Fu Song's family have a lot of yellow belts and some red belts. We can't let these people beg for food. , What is it, allowing them to become officials through the imperial examination is also a way out."

Shu Shu said: "When it comes to homework, Fusong is better than Xiaosan and Xiaosi..."

In addition, the Eight Banners are based on riding and archery, and those who win the exam must also try riding and shooting.

Fusong's riding and shooting is also not to be chosen.

It's just too short of time.

It's already mid-July now, more than a month away from Qiu Wei.

"It's because I didn't think much about it before. If I had thought about the Eight Banners imperial examinations earlier, it would be better to hire a gentleman last year and prepare for a year, rather than rushing like this."

Shu Shu felt a little regretful.

Brother Jiu said: "Fu Song is only sixteen, don't worry, it's not too late, this subject should be accumulated experience, as for sir..."

He thought of one person, and said, "Master Fa Hai came from the Eight Banners Imperial Examination. Master Huihui took Fu Song to visit and see if he can teach him his experience."

Fahai was born in the Eight Banners imperial examinations, and was a Jinshi in the 33rd year of Kangxi.

Now walking in the study room, he is also one of the teachers of Brother Thirteen and Brother Fourteen.

After hearing this, Shu Shu thought of Ma Qi, and said: "Master, put aside the matter of Fu Song first, shouldn't you go to visit the teacher? The emperor said that it's wrong for us to be silent like this. We can't wait for Mr. Ma Come to the door..."

Brother Jiu felt a toothache, frowned and said, "Then why did you visit? You can't mention two pieces of bacon, right?"

Shu Shu said: "There is no precedent, then from the ancient ceremony, wait until the 'three festivals and two birthdays' to give others..."

The ancient rituals are the six rituals, namely celery, lotus seeds, red beans, red dates, longan, and bacon.

Brother Nine heard this, grinned and said, "Ma Qi is going to give you a shock!"

Shu Shu felt that Kangxi was a little unkind.

Employing people can spare no effort.

Ma Qi has a lot of real flaws on his body, and he throws Brother Jiu over to learn the etiquette.

She said: "With the status of teacher and student, you are still an elder, so I should be more respectful."

Ma Qi was about the same age as Kangxi, and his family was an official.

He, Ama, is very famous, and he is Mi Sihan, a famous minister in the early Kangxi Dynasty.

During the San Francisco Rebellion, Mi Sihan made great contributions to raising food and grass for the Minister of the Household Department.

It's a pity that there is no holiday, and he died of illness in middle age.

The Ma Qi family fell silent, and the glory of the family reappeared when their brothers became officials one after another and Jane was in the Sacred Heart.

Brother Jiu curled his lips, still feeling at a loss, and said: "Where are you going to reason, if a gentleman falls out of thin air, we have to give gifts five times a year. If we give gifts to others, we can still count on reciprocating gifts, so we won't lose much. Given birth status, can we still expect their family to return gifts?"

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, Mr. Ma Qi knows how to measure, one size is equal to one size, and we won't let us suffer too much."

Brother Nine said: "Really?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "I will reciprocate the courtesy, don't worry..."

The tumbler of the three dynasties is just kidding.

Brother Jiu is not happy with multiple teachers, and Ma Qi may not be happy with multiple students.

This teacher-student relationship is probably just a matter of saving face.

Only then did Brother Jiu feel more at ease, and said: "That's fine, we can't lose everything."

Everything is ready.

It's just that there is no bacon at this time.

Shu Shu ordered the dining room to bake a few strips of dried meat, first salted, then dried, and then smoked with fruit wood.

Halfway through, the fragrance will come out.

Eldest elder brother just came out of the garden, hadn't had dinner yet, smelled the smell, stood at the gate of the four institutes, and told the eunuch unceremoniously, "go over and ask elder brother nine if he is back. Tell him, I don't have a partner here, let him bring a dinner over..."

My brother, there is nothing heretical about a meal.

Because of the three meals here at the Fourth Institute, it's not time for dinner yet.

After hearing the message from the elder brother's servant, the ninth elder brother didn't say anything, nodded and said: "Understood, I will send it to your master in a while."

After the eunuch left, Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Look, the widower is so pitiful, he can't even eat hot food..."

Shu Shu: "..."

Brother Jiu has always been enthusiastic, and the chain of events caused by Bing a few days ago has caused trouble for Concubine Hui.

He also wanted to pay back one or two.

If there is something that can help big brother, he is also very happy.

He told He Yuzhu: "Pretend more, master go and eat with elder brother, so that he won't be strangely deserted."

When He Yuzhu went down, Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "I asked you before, and the elder brother doesn't always stay here. It's only one day in three days. The dining room at the head is not complete, which is probably the reason. Don't you just tell my elder brother, if he is resting here, he will directly ask someone to come here to pick up the meal?"

"It's nothing to do with a little effort, but will it make it difficult for the fourth sister-in-law and the fifth sister-in-law?"

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment and asked.

After all, they live next to each other, and those two are sisters-in-law.

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "It's okay, who doesn't know that our food is good, even if someone talks about it, they will only talk about the big brother's greediness, and we are just kind-hearted brothers and sisters-in-law."

After that, he got up and walked out.

When he walked to the door, he remembered and said, "Don't be fooled if you eat alone, let a few girls accompany you..."

Shu Shu stood up, picked up the sachet she had just sewn, grabbed a handful of dried mint from the box and put it inside, sprinkled a few drops of mint dew on it, and then tied it up. Said: "There's a lot of water here, lush vegetation, and a lot of mosquitoes. If I wear this, I won't be bitten..."

Brother Jiu looked down, satisfied, and took He Yuzhu out of the four institutes.

Before I got to the first place, I saw the fourth elder brother come back, and the ninth elder brother stood beside him, and said honestly: "Fourth elder brother, you just came back..."

The fourth elder brother turned over and got off the horse, nodded, and his eyes fell on the food box in He Yuzhu's hand.

Brother Nine followed his gaze and explained: "It was given to Big Brother, and Big Brother didn't start a business..."

Speaking of this, he said: "I plan to eat with my eldest brother, so as not to be deserted. Since you have just come back, fourth brother, you don't even have a meal, why don't you come together..."

The next update will be at 12:9 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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