Chapter 617 Don't Forget Your Members

The fourth elder brother was a little helpless.

This is actually against the rules.

I'm not happy to directly mention people to eat like this.

It is also not a good idea to "take customers with customers".

The host didn't even know that there was a seat in it, so the people around him just opened up.

But seeing Brother Nine's enthusiasm and being all brothers from his own family, Brother Four nodded and said, "I'll go back to freshen up first, and come over later."

Ninth elder brother nodded with a smile, then looked at Su Peisheng behind fourth elder brother and said, "Take a quick errand, go to the third and fifth institutes, and call fifth and tenth elder brothers..."

Su Peisheng didn't move, but looked at the fourth elder brother.

After the fourth elder brother nodded, he bowed in response and went to the third institute.

When the ninth elder brother saw it, he was not annoyed. Instead, he boasted to the fourth elder brother: "The fourth elder brother is a good slave. He only listens to the fourth elder brother and understands the rules."

The fourth elder brother glanced at him, this is not nonsense, if his valet listens to everyone, what will it be.

"Okay, let's go in!"

The fourth elder brother urged.

"Yeah, yum!" Nine princes responded, and went to knock on the door.

When someone opened the door, he pushed the door open and walked in, raising his voice, "Brother, brother, brother is here!"

Then came the elder brother's voice: "It's already dinner time, why are you here?"

Brother Nine said: "Isn't this going to accompany you for dinner, so that you don't have a lonely day..."

The elder brother's voice was full of joy, but he didn't hide his disgust: "It's fine when the meal is served, and people can go back!"

"Look at what you said, is it more important to eat, or to eat with your brothers?" Brother Nine said poorly.

The fourth elder brother heard the excitement, entered the second school, and went directly to the main room.

Sifujin is also waiting for him to eat here.

He ordered: "Pack two lunch boxes, and I will go to the head office in a while."

Si Fujin immediately ordered people to go down to prepare.

She remembered the melons and fruits sent by elder brother two days ago, and said: "If the dining room in the first place is not open, sir, should you tell the king of Zhijun and let the food be delivered here?"

There are no female relatives next door, and the elder brother is not here every day, and there are not many people from the county palace.

The fourth elder brother didn't nod or shake his head, he said, "I'll ask you later."

Fu Tian loves to sweat, and the clothes he wears all day will turn rancid.

He wiped it, changed into clean clothes, and brought the food box to the office.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Fifth are already here.

The meal boxes of the four institutes have been put out, four dishes of two meat and two vegetables, all of which are ruler plates, and two plates of pastry, which are quite large.

The elder brother was dissatisfied, and said to the ninth elder brother: "Isn't it bacon? Where's the meat?"

Brother Jiu glanced at him, and only then did he realize that he smelled it, but he was not stingy, and told He Yuzhu: "Tell the dining room, two plates of steamed bacon, and send them over in a while."

The elder brother said bluntly: "I will also cook two bowls of fried noodles..."

Brother Jiu was listening, and said with disdain: "It's hot weather, you don't dislike dryness if you order hot noodle soup..."

As he said that, he ordered He Yuzhu: "A few servings of sesame paste noodles, some servings of mung bean jelly, and the iced bean curd, don't put toppings, take some salty and sweet sauces, and eat by yourself..."

He Yuzhu went down.

Big Brother swallowed.

The fourth elder brother took a few glances at the skinny ninth elder brother, but he didn't see any growth, and his mouth became more and more picky.

The fifth elder brother couldn't wait any longer, and said, "It sounds good."

He has never eaten, and wants to taste everything.

He has a good appetite and enjoys eating meat, but in summer, he also likes to eat refreshing food.

Ten princes have eaten it all, and introduced it to everyone: "It is suitable for eating in summer, and it is also appetizing..."

Four upper houses.

He Yuzhu came back before Shu Shu asked someone to prepare a meal.

Hearing that the elder brothers were all at the head office, Shu Shu called Xiaotang, and ordered: "Don't just steam the meat, but also make some quick dishes, such as shredded cucumber with egg skin, with shredded pork cap; sweet and sour One poached egg..."

Three didn't sound good, so she said, "The rest are tiger dishes..."

Even if there are no greasy dishes, but the weather is hot, Shu Shu said again: "Send another jar of sweet-scented osmanthus wine."

Xiaotang forgot and went to the dining room to prepare.

The other Fujin didn't bother to watch either.

Knowing that the elder brothers are having dinner together in the first place, and the dining room in the first place is not complete, they also sent someone to bring food over.

After the brothers chatted a few words, food boxes came over one after another.

The food boxes from the five institutes were the first to arrive.

Two plates of beef jerky, both freshly fried, one sprinkled with sesame seeds and the other sprinkled with chili powder.

It looks oily and full of meaty aroma.

There are two plates of Mongolian fruit, one is thick, the thickness of a little finger; the other is thin, it looks like a willow leaf.

This is all ready-made, directly loaded on the plate, so the speed is fast.

Then there is the food box of the second institute.

A portion of yellow rice with perilla leaves, a portion of steamed corn bread with millet, a portion of sliced ​​meat, and a portion of mustard and cabbage pie.

Then there are three.

One serving of sauced bones, one serving of fried fungus with yam, one serving of meat buns, and one serving of assorted buns.

Because of steamed meat, the food box was the last to be delivered.

Except for the four dishes, it was the staple food ordered by Big Brother and Ninth Brother.

Hot noodle soup, cold sesame paste noodle, mung bean jelly, ice bean curd.

There is also a jar of wine.

The round table was opened and a table was set up.

The elder brother was satisfied, and was about to greet his brothers to take their seats when he heard movement at the door.

"Oh? The banquet is about to start, I just happened to come!"

It was Kangxi's voice.

Kangxi came, followed by Liang Jiugong, Wei Zhu and Yishi guards.

"Khan Ama..."

Everyone got up and went to meet him.

Kangxi's eyes turned from the faces of several elder brothers one by one, and said with a smile: "It's so complete, what kind of day can't be today?"

Several watermelons were brought up as tribute from Daxing County, among which the melon king weighed 21 catties.

It looks rare.

Kangxi just wanted to give the empress dowager a province, so he sent it to the empress dowager's palace in person.

Shengjia walked through the Great North Gate, which happened to pass by the New Fifth Institute.

It turned out that it was very lively outside the head office here, and the eunuchs carried their lunch boxes in and out.

He just walked over to have a look.

The elder brother laughed and said: "It was my son who smelled the bacon from Lao Jiu's house and got hungry, so he sent someone to ask Lao Jiu for a lunch box, and later thought that the brothers would move here, and invited them all before the party. "

After finishing speaking, he said: "Several younger brothers and sisters are sympathetic, and they all sent people to deliver food. If you catch up, Khan Ama, you will also try the craftsmanship of the dining room where elder brother..."

Kangxi was also interested, so he nodded and was given the upper seat.

The fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother sat in turn on Kangxi's left.

The eldest elder brother is the master, so he sat on the right hand, followed by ninth elder brother and tenth elder brother.

Kangxi looked at the table carefully and felt awkward.

Because the tableware is different, it looks very messy.

But he smiled after seeing it for a few times, pointed to the two plates of beef jerky, and said to the elder brother: "This is a gift from the old ten family..."

The eldest elder brother nodded and said: "Ama Khan's eyes are as bright as a torch, it was indeed sent by the ten younger siblings."

It's not just that the food is different, but the utensils are also different. The plates used are all painted with gold and look shiny.

Kangxi looked at the others again. There were a few plates with clear meat and vegetables, and the utensils were well-regulated. They used the green land Fu Lu Shou Xi plate made in-house, which should be prepared by the old five family.

Looking at the side, there are several plain white utensils, all of which are one-piece eight-inch plates, and the food on them is simple, which should be prepared by the fourth family.

Looking at the remaining ten or so plates, they are also made of white porcelain, but they are in different shapes, matching the dishes inside, and they should be prepared by Lao Jiu's family.

Hearing the elder brother mention the bacon, he looked at the steamed bacon twice more, looked at the ninth elder brother with a half-smile and said: "It's rare, but I'm so polite!"

Ninth elder brother dissatisfied: "Look at what you said, it seems that the son is really rude. Doesn't the son know the rules that have been passed down from ancient times to the present?"

Except for the tenth elder brother, the others didn't know the reason, so they looked at the ninth elder brother out of curiosity.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said: "By the way, I haven't told a few brothers yet, Khan Ama Grace pointed out a 'Prince Teacher' to my younger brother. Today's bacon jerky is for preparing for the apprenticeship ceremony. Isn’t it considered to be celebrating today? Hehe, brothers, remember to make up for it later..."

The eldest brother happily said: "Back! But it's agreed, and I will send more food boxes in the future!"

Brother Nine smiled and said: "I don't need to ask you, my brother is considerate. I have already told my brother Fujin that the dining room here is not complete. When I sleep here, I will send someone to pick up the meal directly."

The eldest elder brother nodded and said: "The elder brother thanked the ninth younger brother for his sympathy, and I will give you a big share of the money!"

Ninth elder brother smiled openly and looked at fourth elder brother.

Fourth elder brother frowned, really couldn't understand ninth elder brother's money-greedy appearance, especially in front of the imperial court.


He swallowed the reprimand, and nodded reluctantly under the gaze of Brother Nine.

The fifth elder brother showed confusion on his face, and said: "It's a good thing that you have a teacher, but it has nothing to do with the money?"

Brother Nine stretched out his hands and said: "Why is it irrelevant? Not to mention one more Ama, it will be half a year younger than Ama, and also add a teacher's wife, first it is the ceremony of apprenticeship, and then the 'three festivals and two lives' can't be missed. I'm so worried! The brothers caught up and helped to get together, which also relieved the famine..."

The fifth elder brother was immediately persuaded, nodded and said: "It's a worrying person, and you don't have any benefits, then I will take a big part too!"

"Hmm, um!" Brother Nine hurriedly responded.

At this moment, he felt that something was wrong with him, and when he looked down, Old Ten was poking him under the table.

He looked at Elder Brother Ten, and Elder Brother Ten hurriedly gave him a look.

The brothers have long had a tacit understanding.

Brother Nine closed his mouth and looked up cautiously.

Kangxi's face was as heavy as water, he was looking at him coldly, and said coldly, "Little Banla Ama?"

Brother Jiu's eyes rolled wildly, he was busy making gestures, and said: "I can't reach Xiaobanla, it's even smaller, it's just a metaphor, isn't this the Han people who pay attention to the heaven, earth, monarch, relatives and teachers? Sons also have to learn to 'respect teachers and respect the way' ..."

Kangxi still drooped his face, and said: "Everything you learn is fooling around. If you don't understand it, if you know the 'world, monarch, parent, teacher', you should understand that 'jun' comes first. Although you are teachers and students, there is a difference in dignity and inferiority. Jun, don't lose your identity!"

Brother Jiu got up and listened, and said honestly: "My son knows, he will respect himself and love himself, and will not mess up his dignity."

Only then did Kangxi calm down a little, and said, "What are you preparing for the apprenticeship ceremony?"

Brother Jiu said: "Refer to the ancient rituals, the prepared 'six rituals', celery, lotus seeds, red beans, red dates, longan, bacon, etc., because there is no bacon, son Fujin asked the dining room to bake some dried meat strips..."

The table grew quieter.

The elder brother never liked to argue with his younger brothers, and now he is about to grind his teeth.

Even if the bacon took more trouble, it was just trouble.

It is also meat, not gold or silver.

Plus a few other items, does it add up to two taels of silver?

Is it worth being poor when he cries once? !
(End of this chapter)

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